path: root/xpybar/config/mynetwork.py
blob: ca4e18bdf3d75b387923f97344f9d57b5713eed3 (plain) (tree)








# -*- python -*-
from plugins.network import Network
from plugins.ping    import Ping

from common import *

class MyNetwork(Entry):
    def __init__(self, *args, limits = None, ignore = None, pings = None, renamemap = None, **kwargs):
        self.limits = { 'rx_bytes' : None # Download speed in bytes (not bits)
                      , 'tx_bytes' : None # Upload speed in bytes (not bits)
                      , 'rx_total' : None # Download cap in bytes
                      , 'tx_total' : None # Upload cap in bytes
        if limits is not None:
            self.limits = limits
        if pings is None:
            pings = ['gateway']
        elif isinstance(pings, str) or isinstance(pings, Ping):
            pings = [pings]
        pings = [(Ping(targets = Ping.get_nics(p)) if isinstance(p, str) else p).monitors for p in pings]
        self.pings = {}
        for ping in pings:
            for nic in ping.keys():
                if nic not in self.pings:
                    self.pings[nic] = ping[nic]
                    self.pings[nic] += ping[nic]
        self.ignore = ['lo'] if ignore is None else list(ignore)
        self.renamemap = renamemap
        self.net_time = time.monotonic()
        self.net_last = {}
        self.show_all = True
        self.show_name = True
        self.show_value = 0
        self.labels = ['bytes', 'total', 'packets', 'errs',
                       'drop', 'fifo', 'frame', 'colls',
                       'carrier', 'compressed', 'multicast']
        self.in_bytes = False # in bits if showing total
        Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def networkOK(self, name):
        if name.startswith("docker"):
            return False
        if name.startswith("zcctun"):
            return False
        if name.startswith("veth"):
            return False
        return True;
    def action(self, col, button, x, y):
        if button == LEFT_BUTTON:
            self.show_all = not self.show_all
        elif button == MIDDLE_BUTTON:
            self.show_name = not self.show_name
        elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON:
            self.in_bytes = not self.in_bytes
        elif button == SCROLL_UP:
            n = self.show_value + 1
            if n >= len(self.labels):
            self.show_value = n
        elif button == SCROLL_DOWN:
            n = self.show_value - 1
            if self.show_value < 0:
            self.show_value = n
    def colourise(self, value, percent):
        colour = '39'
        if percent > 25:  colour = '32'
        if percent > 50:  colour = '33'
        if percent > 90:  colour = '31'
        return '\033[%sm%3.0f\033[0m' % (colour, value)
    def KBps(self, network, device, direction, net_tdiff):
        direction += '_bytes'
        value = network[device][direction]
        limit = None
        if direction in self.limits:
            limit = self.limits[direction]
        if limit is None:
            limit = 12500000 # 100 mbps
        if device in self.net_last:
            value -= self.net_last[device][direction]
            value = 0
        percent = value * 100 / (limit * net_tdiff)
        value /= 1024 * net_tdiff
        return self.colourise(value, percent)
    def kbps(self, network, device, direction, net_tdiff):
        direction += '_bytes'
        value = network[device][direction]
        limit = None
        if direction in self.limits:
            limit = self.limits[direction]
        if limit is None:
            limit = 12500000 # 100 mbps
        if device in self.net_last:
            value -= self.net_last[device][direction]
            value = 0
        percent = value * 100 / (limit * net_tdiff)
        value /= 128 * net_tdiff
        return self.colourise(value, percent)
    def total(self, network, device, direction, bits):
        direction += '_bytes'
        value = network[device][direction]
        limit = self.limits[direction] if direction in self.limits else None
        if limit is not None:
            percent = value * 100 / limit
            colour = '32'
            if percent >=  25:  colour = '39'
            if percent >=  50:  colour = '33'
            if percent >=  75:  colour = '31'
            if percent >=  95:  colour = '7;33'
            if percent >= 100:  colour = '7;31'
            colour = '39'
        if bits:
            value *= 8
        unit = 0
        if bits:
            units = ['', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e']
            units = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']
        while (unit + 1 < len(units)) and (value >= 1024):
            value /= 1024
            unit += 1
        return '\033[%sm%.1f\033[0m%s' % (colour, value, units[unit])
    def ping(self, monitor):
            latency = monitor.get_latency(True)[1]
            droptime = monitor.dropped_time(True)
            if droptime:
                return ' \033[31m%4is\033[00m' % droptime
            elif latency is None:
                return ' \033[31mdrop?\033[00m'
            colour = '31'
            if   latency <  5:  colour = '32'
            elif latency < 10:  colour = '39'
            elif latency < 20:  colour = '33'
            return ' \033[%sm%5.2f\033[00m' % (colour, latency)
    def function(self):
        net_now = time.monotonic()
        net_tdiff, self.net_time = net_now - self.net_time, net_now
        network = Network(*self.ignore).devices
        network = {self.renamemap.get(dev, dev): stat for dev, stat in network.items() if self.networkOK(dev)}
        label = self.labels[self.show_value]
        show_total = label == 'total'
        show_bytes = label == 'bytes'
        xlabel = 'bytes' if show_total else label
        suffix = ''
        if show_total and self.in_bytes:
            f = lambda dev, dir : self.total(network, dev, dir, True) + 'b'
        elif show_total:
            f = lambda dev, dir : self.total(network, dev, dir, False) + 'B'
        elif show_bytes and self.in_bytes:
            f = lambda dev, dir : self.KBps(network, dev, dir, net_tdiff) + 'KB/s'
        elif show_bytes:
            f = lambda dev, dir : self.kbps(network, dev, dir, net_tdiff) + 'kbps'
            f = lambda dev, dir : '%i' % network[dev][dir + '_' + label]
            suffix = ' ' + label
        def create(lbl, dev):
            ret = ''
            if lbl is not None:
                ret += lbl + ': '
            have_down = ('rx_' + xlabel) in network[dev]
            have_up   = ('tx_' + xlabel) in network[dev]
            if have_down:
                ret += f(dev, 'rx') + '↓'
                if have_up:
                    ret += ' '
            if have_up:
                ret += f(dev, 'tx') + '↑'
            ret += suffix
            if show_bytes or show_total:
                if dev == '*':
                    for dev in self.pings.keys():
                        for ping in self.pings[dev]:
                            ret += self.ping(ping)
                elif dev in self.pings:
                    for ping in self.pings[dev]:
                        ret += self.ping(ping)
            return ret
        if self.show_all:
            if self.show_name:
                net = [create(dev, dev) for dev in network if dev]
                net = [create(None, dev) for dev in network if dev]
            net = (SEPARATOR if self.show_name else ' ').join(net)
            devsum = {}
            for dev in network.keys():
                table = network[dev]
                for key in table.keys():
                    if key not in devsum:
                        devsum[key] = 0
                    devsum[key] += table[key]
            network['*'] = devsum
            if self.show_name:
                net = create('Net', '*')
                net = create(None, '*')
        self.net_last = network
        return net