% $Id: fitch.sty,v 1.6 2003/06/28 16:53:00 johanw Exp $
% Macros for Fitch-style formal proofs
% Johan W. Kl�wer, June 10, 2001
% Line height in proofs
% Horizontal indent between proof levels
% Indent to comment
% Line number width
% Altered from mdwtab.sty: shorter vline, for start of subproof
% Ordinary vertical line
% Vertical line, shorter: Use at start of (sub)proof
% Hypothesis
% Hypothesis, with longer vert line: for >1 hypothesis
% Modal subproof: takes argument = operator
\newcommand{\fn}{\fitchmodal{\Box}}% Box subproof
\newcommand{\fp}{\fitchmodal{\Diamond}}% Diamond subproof
% Modal subproof with hypothesis in first line (as in Fitch)
% Rule: formula introduction marker. \fr with line, \fs without line
% Box around argument, like new variable in ql
\newcommand{\fw}[1]{\fbox{\footnotesize $#1$}}
%To avoid starting from 1, \setboolean{resetfitchcounter}{false}
%To avoid increasing numbers, \setboolean{increasefitchcounter}{false}
%\formatfitchcounter can be altered if need be, though only once per proof
%Typeset the counter
%A line with a special number -- a tag, e.g. \ftag{\vdots}{}
\begin{tabular}{!{\makebox[\fitchnumwd][r]{\fitchcounter }\hspace{\fitchindent}}Ml@{\hspace{\fitchcomind}}l}}%
% The following is useful for giving a numbered formula, then the proof.
%To write comment field for two consecutive lines, with brace
\,\\ \,
\right\}$\quad #1}