# -*- python -*-
xpybar – xmobar replacement written in python
Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Mattias Andrée (m@maandreese)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from util import *
class Pacman:
Retrieve package information using Arch Linux's pacman
Unique variables for installed:
@variable required:list<str> Packages that require this package
@variable optrequired:list<str> Packages that this package is optional for
@variable install_date:str The date and time the package was installed
@variable installed_explicitly:bool Whether the package was installed explicitly
@variable install_script:bool Whether the package contains and install script
Unique variables for not installed:
@variable repository:str The repository the package is located in
@variable download_size:float The download size of the package in kilobytes
Common variables:
@variable name:str The name of the package
@variable version:str The version of the package
@variable description:str The description of the package
@variable architecture:str The microprocessor architecture of the package
@variable url:str The home URL of the project
@variable licenses:list<str> The licenses used by the package
@variable groups:list<str> Package groups the package is a member of
@variable provides:list<str> Packages the package provides
@variable depends:list<str> Packages the package depends on
@variable optdepends:list<(str, str?, bool)> Optional packages for this package, stored as a tuple of:
The name of the package, the reason for using it,
and whether or not it is installed.
@variable conflicts:list<str> Packages the package conflicts with
@variable replaces:list<str> Packages the package replaces
@variable installed_size:float The installed size of the package in kilobytes
@variable packager:str? The packager of the package, `None` if unknown
@variable build_date:str The date and time the package was built
@variable validated_by:list<str> Methods used to validate the package's integrity
def __init__(self, package, installed):
@param package:str The name of the package, can be %repo/%name
@param installed:bool Whether it is information about the installed version that should be fetched
verb = '-Qi' if installed else '-Si' # -Sii and -Qii, while a bit different, would get us more info.
info = spawn_read('env', 'LOCALE=C', 'pacman', verb, package).split('\n')
if len(info) == 1:
raise Exception('Package `%s\' is not installed' % package)
last_field = None
fields = {}
for line in info:
continued = line.startswith(' ')
line = list(filter(lambda cell : not cell == '', line.split(' ')))
colon = -1
if not continued:
for i in range(len(line)):
if line[i] == ':':
colon = i
field = last_field
if colon >= 0:
last_field = field = ' '.join(line[:colon])
line = line[colon + 1:]
if field not in fields:
fields[field] = []
word = lambda x : fields[x][0][0]
text = lambda x : ' '.join(fields[x][0])
plur = lambda x : list(filter(lambda w : not w == 'None', fields[x][0]))
if installed:
self.required = plur('Required By')
self.optrequired = plur('Optional For')
self.install_date = text('Install Date')
self.installed_explicitly = text('Install Reason') == 'Explicitly installed'
self.install_script = text('Install Script') == 'Yes'
if not installed:
self.repository = word('Name')
self.download_size = float(word('Download Size'))
self.name = word('Name')
self.version = word('Version')
self.description = text('Description')
self.architecture = word('Architecture')
self.url = text('URL')
self.licenses = plur('Licences')
self.groups = plur('Groups')
self.provides = plur('Provides')
self.depends = plur('Depends On')
self.optdepends = []
optdepends_ = [' '.join(x) for x in fields['Optional Deps']]
for deps in optdepends_:
inst = deps.endswith(' [installed]')
if installed:
deps = deps[:-len(' [installed]')]
if ': ' in deps:
deps = deps.split(': ')
name = deps[0]
deps = ': '.join(deps[1:])
self.optdepends.append((name, deps, inst))
self.optdepends.append((deps, None, inst))
self.conflicts = plur('Conflicts With')
self.replaces = plur('Replaces')
self.installed_size = float(word('Installed Size'))
self.packager = text('Packager')
if self.packager == 'Unknown Packager':
self.packager = None
self.build_date = text('Build Date')
self.validated_by = list(filter(lambda x : not x == 'Sum', plur('Validated By')))