# -*- python -*-
xpybar – xmobar replacement written in python
Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Mattias Andrée (m@maandreese)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class Image:
Images and icons
@variable width:int The width of the image
@variable height:int The height of the image
theme_preferences = ['hicolor', ..., 'ContrastHigh']
:list<str|...> List of themes in order of preference, `...` marks any that is not listed
def __init__(self, file, background = 'black', width = None, height = None, icon = True):
@param file:str The pathname of the image
@param background:str ImageMagick understandable string for the background colour
@param width:int? The width the image should have, `None` to not resize or use `height`
@param height:int? The height the image should have, `None` to not resize or use `width`
@parma icon:bool Whether to search for an icon among installed icons rather than
load the image via its pathname
import Xlib.X, sys
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
self.format = Xlib.X.ZPixmap
self.depth = 24
height = width if height is None else height
width = height if width is None else width
raster = None
if icon:
file = Image.find_icon(file, width, height, Image.theme_preferences)
if file is None:
raise Exception('No icon found')
# ImageMagick (and GraphicsMagick) forces white background when converting SVG images
# so we need to sue rsvg-convert if we encounter an SVG image.
convert = ['file', '-']
convert = Popen(convert, stdin = open(file, 'rb'), stdout = PIPE, stderr = sys.stderr)
if 'Scalable Vector Graphics' in convert.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8', 'replace'):
convert = ['rsvg-convert', '-f', 'png']
if width is not None:
convert += ['-w', str(width), '-h', str(height)]
convert = Popen(convert, stdin = open(file, 'rb'), stdout = PIPE, stderr = sys.stderr)
raster = convert.communicate()[0]
if not convert.wait() == 0:
raise Exception('Image could not be converted')
convert = ['convert', '-', '-background', background, '-alpha', 'remove', '-depth', '8', 'ppm:-']
convert = Popen(convert, stdin = PIPE if raster is not None else open(file, 'rb'),
stdout = PIPE, stderr = sys.stderr)
if raster is not None:
self.data = convert.communicate(raster)[0]
self.data = convert.communicate()[0]
if not convert.wait() == 0:
raise Exception('Image could not be converted')
if width is not None:
convert = ['gm', 'convert', '-', '-resize', '%ix%i!' % (width, height), 'ppm:-']
convert = Popen(convert, stdin = PIPE, stdout = PIPE, stderr = sys.stderr)
self.data = convert.communicate(self.data)[0]
if not convert.wait() == 0:
raise Exception('Image could not be resized')
self.data = list(self.data)
self.width, self.height, state, comment = [], [], 0, False
for i in range(len(self.data)):
b = self.data[i]
if comment:
if b == ord('\n'):
comment = False
elif b == ord('#'):
comment = True
elif b in (ord(' '), ord('\n')):
if (state & 1) == 0:
state += 1
if state == 4 * 2:
state += 1 - (state & 1)
if state == 2 * 1 + 1:
elif state == 2 * 2 + 1:
self.data, buf = [], self.data[i:]
self.width = int(bytes(self.width).decode('utf-8', 'strict'))
self.height = int(bytes(self.height).decode('utf-8', 'strict'))
i = 0
for _i in range(len(buf) // 3):
self.data.append(buf[i + 2])
self.data.append(buf[i + 1])
i += 3
self.data = bytes(self.data)
def draw(self, bar, x, y):
Draw the image on a bar
@param bar:Bar The bar to draw the image on
@param x:int The left position of the image
@param y:int The top position of the image
bar.window.put_image(bar.gc, x, y, self.width, self.height, self.format, self.depth, 0, self.data)
def find_icon(name, width, height, preferences):
Find and image for in abstract icon
@param name:str The name of the icon
@param width:int? The preferred width of the icon, `None` for as large as possible
@param height:int? The preferred height of the icon, `None` for as large as possible
@param preferences:list<str|...> List of themes in order of preference, `...` marks any that is not listed
@return :str? A pathname for the icon, `None` if none found
import os, pwd
directories = []
home = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir
directories.append('%s/.icons' % home)
if 'HOME' in os.environ:
if not os.environ['HOME'] == home:
home = os.environ['HOME']
directories.append('%s/.icons' % home)
directories += ['/usr/local/share/icons', '/usr/share/icons', '/share/icons']
directories = [d for d in directories if os.path.exists(d) and os.path.isdir(d)]
height = width if height is None else height
width = height if width is None else width
dname = name.split('/')[0] if '/' in name else None
iname = name.split('/')[-1]
preferred_size = (width + height) // 2 if width is not None else None
def order_themes(themes):
themes, pre, post, state = set(themes), [], [], 0
for theme in preferences:
if theme is ...:
state = 1
elif theme in themes:
(pre if state == 0 else post).append(theme)
return pre + ([] if state == 0 else list(themes)) + post
def order_sizes(sizes):
sizes = [t(lambda : int(s.split('x')[0]), -1) for s in sizes]
if preferred_size is not None:
high = [s for s in sizes if (s > 0) and (s >= preferred_size)]
low = [s for s in sizes if (s > 0) and (s < preferred_size)]
high = ['%ix%i' % (s, s) for s in high]
low = ['%ix%i' % (s, s) for s in reversed(low)]
return high + ['scalable'] + low
return ['scalable'] + reversed(sizes)
def t(f, default):
return f()
return default
def check(file):
return ('.'.join(file.split('.')[:-1]) if '.' in file else file) == name
def find_best(directory):
j = lambda *f : '/'.join(list(f))
for theme in order_themes(t(lambda : os.listdir(directory), [])):
for size in order_sizes(t(lambda : os.listdir(j(directory, theme)), [])):
if dname is not None:
categories = [dname]
categories = t(lambda : os.listdir(j(directory, theme, size)), [])
for cat in ['.'] + categories:
dir = j(directory, theme, size, cat)
files = t(lambda : os.listdir(dir), [])
files = [j(dir, f) for f in files if check(f)]
files = [f for f in files if os.path.isfile(f)]
if len(files) > 0:
return files[0]
return None
best = [(f, d) for f, d in zip([find_best(d) for d in directories], directories) if f is not None]
if len(best) == 0:
return None
best = [(f, t(lambda : int(f[len(d):].split('/')[2]).split('x')[0], -1)) for f, d in best]
max_size = 1 + max(s for _f, s in best)
best = [(f, max_size if s < 0 else s) for (f, s) in best]
if preferred_size is None:
preferred_size = max_size
high = [(f, s) for f, s in best if (s >= preferred_size)]
low = [(f, s) for f, s in best if (s < preferred_size)]
high = [(f, s) for f, s in high]
low = [(f, s) for f, s in reversed(low)]
best = high + low
return best[0][0]
# TODO search /usr/share/pixmaps