# -*- python -*-
xpybar – xmobar replacement written in python
Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Mattias Andrée (m@maandreese)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class CPU:
Retrieve processor statistics
@variable cpu:list<int> Accumulative processors statistics
@variable cpus:list<list<int>> Individual processors statistics
@variable intr:list<int> Counts of individual interrupts serviced since boot time
@variable intr_total:int Sum of `intr`
@variable ctxt:int The number of context switches that the system underwent.
@variable btime:int Boot time, in seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
@variable processes:int Number of forks and clones (and similar) created since boot
@variable procs_running:int? Number of processes in runnable state (linux>=2.5.45)
@variable procs_blocked:int? Number of processes blocked waiting for I/O to complete (linux>=2.5.45)
@variable softirq:list<int>? Counts of individual software IRQ since boot time
@variable softirq_total:int? Sum of `softirq`
@variable fields:dict<str, list<int>> Table with all information
# These constants are index in the CPU statistcs, use for example `CPU_instance.cpu[CPU.user]`
user = 0
:int Time spent in user mode, in USER_HZ (normally 1/100ths of a second, it is a time not a frequency)
nice = 1
:int Time spent in user mode with low priority, in USER_HZ
system = 2
:int Time spent in system mode, in USER_HZ
idle = 3
:int Time spent in the idle task, in USER_HZ
iowait = 4
:int Time waiting for I/O to complete, in USER_HZ (linux>=2.5.41)
irq = 5
:int Time servicing interrupts, in USER_HZ (linux>=2.6.0-test4)
softirq = 6
:int Time servicing softirqs, in USER_HZ (linux>=2.6.0-test4)
steal = 7
:int Stolen time, which is the time spent in other operating systems
when running in a virtualized environment, in USER_HZ (linux>=2.6.11)
guest = 8
:int Time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems
under the control of the Linux kernel, in USER_HZ (linux>=2.6.24)
guest_nice = 9
:int Time spent running a niced guest, in USER_HZ (linux>=2.6.33).
def __init__(self):
stat = None
with open('/proc/stat', 'rb') as file:
stat = file.read()
stat = stat.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
stat = filter(lambda x : not x == '', stat.split('\n'))
fields = {}
for line in stat:
line = list(filter(lambda x : not x == '', line.split(' ')))
fields[line[0]] = [int(x) for x in line[1:]]
self.cpu = fields['cpu']
i = 0
self.cpus = []
while ('cpu%i' % i) in fields:
self.cpus.append(fields['cpu%i' % i])
i += 1
self.ctxt = fields['ctxt'][0]
self.btime = fields['btime'][0]
self.processes = fields['processes'][0]
self.procs_running = fields['procs_running'][0] if 'procs_running' in fields else None
self.procs_blocked = fields['procs_blocked'][0] if 'procs_blocked' in fields else None
self.intr = fields['intr'][1:]
self.intr_total = fields['intr'][0]
self.softirq = fields['softirq'][1:] if 'softirq' in fields else None
self.softirq_total = fields['softirq'][0] if 'softirq' in fields else None
self.fields = fields