* slibc — Yet another C library
* Copyright © 2015, 2016 Mattias Andrée (m@maandree.se)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <slibc-human.h>
#include <slibc/internals.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
* Get prefix-value.
* @param str Pointer to the string, will be updated to point to the end of the unit.
* @param mode How to parse ambiguous units.
* @return The multiple for the value, 0 on error.
* @throws EINVAL The prefix is unrecognised.
* @throws ERANGE The prefix is too large.
static size_t prefix(char** restrict str, enum machinesize_mode mode)
#define P(A, B) case A: case B: power++
char* p = *str;
size_t power = 0;
size_t base = 0;
size_t rc = 1;
switch (*p++)
P('Y', 'y');
P('Z', 'z');
P('E', 'e');
P('P', 'p');
P('T', 't');
P('G', 'g');
P('M', 'm');
P('k', 'K');
case 'B': case 'b':
return errno = EINVAL, (size_t)0;
if (power == 0)
goto done;
if ((*p == 'i') || (*p == 'I'))
base = 1024, p++;
if ((*p == 'B') || (*p == 'b'))
if ((!base) && (mode == (MACHINESIZE_SI | MACHINESIZE_IEC)))
base = 1000;
if (!base)
base = (mode == MACHINESIZE_SI) ? 1000 : 1024;
while (power--)
OVERFLOW(umull, rc, base, &rc, ERANGE, (size_t)0);
return *str = p, rc;
#undef P
* Parses a human representation of storage size or file offset.
* If no unit is used, bytes are assumed. If you rather it be
* (for example) kilobytes, you can multiply it if
* `strpbrk(str, "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM") == NULL`.
* @etymology Convert to (machine)-representation: `(size)_t`.
* @param size Output parameter for the value, must not be `NULL`.
* @param str The value to parse, must not `NULL`.
* @param mode How to parse ambiguous strings, 0 for default.
* @param space Characters to ignore (thousand-group delimiters).
* Supports UTF-8. `NULL` for default. Default value
* is " '".
* @param point Decimal pointer chracters. Supports UTF-8. `NULL`
* for default. Default value is ",.".
* @return Zero on success, -1 on error.
* @throws EINVAL If `mode` is invalid.
* @throws EINVAL If `str` is not parseable.
* @throws ERANGE If the value is too range to fit in a `size_t`.
* @since Always.
int machinesize(size_t* restrict size, const char* restrict str, enum machinesize_mode mode,
const char* restrict space, const char* restrict point)
size_t r = 0;
size_t word;
long double dword;
size_t u;
const char* p;
const char* q;
int started = 0;
int pluses = 0;
int have_unitless = 0;
size_t words = 0;
if (space == NULL) space = " '";
if (point == NULL) point = ".,";
if (mode == 0) mode = MACHINESIZE_SI | MACHINESIZE_IEC;
if (mode > 3) goto invalid;
for (p = str; *p;)
if (strchr(" \t+", *p))
if ((pluses += (*p++ == '+')) > 1)
goto invalid;
else if ((q = machinefloat(&dword, p, space, point)))
p = q, words++, pluses = 0, started = 1;
while (strchr(" \t-", *p))
if (isalpha(*p) == 0) u = 1, have_unitless = 1;
else u = prefix(&p, mode);
if (u == 0) return -1;
dword *= (long double)u;
if (dword > (long double)SIZE_MAX)
return errno = ERANGE, -1;
word = (size_t)dword;
OVERFLOW(uaddl, word, r, &r, ERANGE, -1);
return -1;
if ((!started) || (have_unitless && (words > 1)))
goto invalid;
return *size = r, 0;
return errno = EINVAL, -1;