# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
from libgamma_error import create_error
The identifier for the dummy adjustment method.
This method can be configured and is useful for
testing your program's ability to handle errors.
The identifier for the adjustment method with
uses the RandR protocol under the X display server
The identifier for the adjustment method with
uses the VidMode protocol under the X display server.
This is an older alternative to RandR that can
work on some drivers that are not supported by RandR,
however it can only control the primary CRTC per
screen (partition).
The identifier for the Direct Rendering Manager
adjustment method that is available in Linux
(built in to the Linux kernel with a userland
library for access) and is a part of the
Direct Rendering Infrastructure. This adjustment
method all work when you are in non-graphical
mode; however a display server cannnot be
started while this is running, but it can be
started while a display server is running.
The identifier for the Graphics Device Interface
adjustment method that is available in Windows.
This method is not well tested; it can be compiled
to be available under X.org using a translation layer.
The identifier for the CoreGraphics adjustment
method that is available in Mac OS X that can
adjust gamma ramps under the Quartz display server.
This method is not well tested; it can be compiled
to be available under X.org using a translation layer.
The index of the last gamma method, neither it
nor any index before it may actually be supported
as it could have been disabled at compile-time
The number adjustment methods provided by this library.
Note however that this includes adjstment methods that
have been removed at compile-time.
class MethodCapabilities:
Capabilities of adjustment methods
---- Integer variables ----
@variable crtc_information OR of the CRTC information fields in `CRTCInformation`
that may (but can fail) be read successfully
---- Boolean variables ----
@variable default_site_known Whether the default site is known, if true the site is integrated
to the system or can be determined using environment variables
@variable multiple_sites Whether the adjustment method supports multiple sites rather
than just the default site
@variable multiple_partitions Whether the adjustment method supports multiple partitions
per site
@variable multiple_crtcs Whether the adjustment method supports multiple CRTC:s
per partition per site
@variable partitions_are_graphics_cards Whether the partition to graphics card is a bijection
@variable site_restore Whether the adjustment method supports `site_restore`
@variable partition_restore Whether the adjustment method supports `partition_restore`
@variable crtc_restore Whether the adjustment method supports `crtc_restore`
@variable identical_gamma_sizes Whether the `red_gamma_size`, `green_gamma_size` and
`blue_gamma_size` fields in `CRTCInformation` will always
have the same values as each other for the adjustment method
@variable fixed_gamma_size Whether the `red_gamma_size`, `green_gamma_size` and
`blue_gamma_size` fields in `CRTCInformation` will always be
filled with the same value for the adjustment method
@variable fixed_gamma_depth Whether the `gamma_depth` field in `CRTCInformation` will
always be filled with the same value for the adjustment method
@variable real Whether the adjustment method will actually perform adjustments
@variable fake Whether the adjustment method is implement using a translation
def __init__(self, crtc_information : int = 0, booleans : int = 0):
@param crtc_information The value for `CRTCInformation`
@param booleans The value for each boolean variable
self.crtc_information = crtc_information
self.default_site_known = (booleans & (1 << 0)) != 0
self.multiple_sites = (booleans & (1 << 1)) != 0
self.multiple_partitions = (booleans & (1 << 2)) != 0
self.multiple_crtcs = (booleans & (1 << 3)) != 0
self.partitions_are_graphics_cards = (booleans & (1 << 4)) != 0
self.site_restore = (booleans & (1 << 5)) != 0
self.partition_restore = (booleans & (1 << 6)) != 0
self.crtc_restore = (booleans & (1 << 7)) != 0
self.identical_gamma_sizes = (booleans & (1 << 8)) != 0
self.fixed_gamma_size = (booleans & (1 << 9)) != 0
self.fixed_gamma_depth = (booleans & (1 << 10)) != 0
self.real = (booleans & (1 << 11)) != 0
self.fake = (booleans & (1 << 12)) != 0
class CRTCInformation:
Cathode ray tube controller information data structure
@variable edid:bytes The Extended Display Identification Data associated with
the attached monitor. This is raw byte array that is usually
128 bytes long.
@variable edid_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable width_mm:int The phyical width, in millimetres, of the viewport of the
attached monitor, as reported by the adjustment method. This
value may be incorrect, which is a known issue with the X
server where it is the result of the X server attempting
the estimate the size on its own.
Zero means that its is not applicable, which is the case
for projectors.
@variable width_mm_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable height_mm:int The phyical height, in millimetres, of the viewport of the
attached monitor, as reported by the adjustment method. This
value may be incorrect, which is a known issue with the X
server where it is the result of the X server attempting
the estimate the size on its own.
Zero means that its is not applicable, which is the case
for projectors.
@variable height_mm_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable width_mm_edid:int The phyical width, in millimetres, of the viewport of the
attached monitor, as reported by it the monitor's Extended
Display Information Data. This value can only contain whole
centimetres, which means that the result is always zero
modulus ten. However, this could change with revisions of
the EDID structure.
Zero means that its is not applicable, which is the case
for projectors.
@variable width_mm_edid_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable height_mm_edid:int The phyical height, in millimetres, of the viewport of the
attached monitor, as reported by it the monitor's Extended
Display Information Data. This value can only contain whole
centimetres, which means that the result is always zero
modulus ten. However, this could change with revisions of
the EDID structure.
Zero means that its is not applicable, which is the case
for projectors.
@variable height_mm_edid_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable red_gamma_size:int The size of the encoding axis of the red gamma ramp
@variable green_gamma_size:int The size of the encoding axis of the green gamma ramp
@variable blue_gamma_size:int The size of the encoding axis of the blue gamma ramp
@variable gamma_size_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable gamma_depth:int The bit-depth of the value axes of gamma ramps,
-1 for single precision floating point, and -2 for
double precision floating point
@variable gamma_depth_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable gamma_support:int Non-zero gamma ramp adjustments are supported
@variable gamma_support_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable subpixel_order:int The layout of the subpixels.
You cannot count on this value — especially for CRT:s —
but it is provided anyway as a means of distinguishing monitors.
@variable subpixel_order_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable active:bool Whether there is a monitors connected to the CRTC
@variable active_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable connector_name:str The name of the connector as designated by the display
server or as give by this library in case the display
server lacks this feature
@variable connector_name_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable connector_type:int The type of the connector that is associated with the CRTC
@variable connector_type_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
@variable gamma_red:float The gamma characteristics of the monitor as reported
in its Extended Display Information Data. The value
holds the value for the red channel. If you do not have
and more accurate measurement of the gamma for the
monitor this could be used to give a rought gamma
correction; simply divide the value with 2.2 and use
the result for the red channel in the gamma correction.
@variable gamma_green:float The gamma characteristics of the monitor as reported
in its Extended Display Information Data. The value
holds the value for the green channel. If you do not have
and more accurate measurement of the gamma for the
monitor this could be used to give a rought gamma
correction; simply divide the value with 2.2 and use
the result for the green channel in the gamma correction.
@variable gamma_blue:float The gamma characteristics of the monitor as reported
in its Extended Display Information Data. The value
holds the value for the blue channel. If you do not have
and more accurate measurement of the gamma for the
monitor this could be used to give a rought gamma
correction; simply divide the value with 2.2 and use
the result for the blue channel in the gamma correction.
@variable gamma_error:int Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
of an error identifier provided by this library
def __init__(self, data):
@param data:list The value of each variable
self.edid = data[0]
self.edid_error = data[1]
self.width_mm = data[2]
self.width_mm_error = data[3]
self.height_mm = data[4]
self.height_mm_error = data[5]
self.width_mm_edid = data[6]
self.width_mm_edid_error = data[7]
self.height_mm_edid = data[8]
self.height_mm_edid_error = data[9]
self.red_gamma_size = data[10]
self.green_gamma_size = data[11]
self.blue_gamma_size = data[12]
self.gamma_size_error = data[13]
self.gamma_depth = data[14]
self.gamma_depth_error = data[15]
self.gamma_support = data[16]
self.gamma_support_error = data[17]
self.subpixel_order = data[18]
self.subpixel_order_error = data[19]
self.active = data[20]
self.active_error = data[21]
self.connector_name = data[22]
self.connector_name_error = data[23]
self.connector_type = data[24]
self.connector_type_error = data[25]
self.gamma_red = data[26]
self.gamma_green = data[27]
self.gamma_blue = data[28]
self.gamma_error = data[29]
The adjustment method does not know the connector's type
(This could be considered an error)
Video Graphics Array (VGA)
Digital Visual Interface, unknown type
Digital Visual Interface, integrated (DVI-I)
Digital Visual Interface, digital only (DVI-D)
Digital Visual Interface, analogue only (DVI-A)
Composite video
Separate Video (S-video)
Low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS)
Component video, usually separate cables for each channel
9 pin DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) connector
High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), unknown type
High-Definition Multimedia Interface, type A (HDMI-A)
High-Definition Multimedia Interface, type B (HDMI-B)
Television, unknown connector
Embedded DisplayPort (eDP)
A virtual connector
Display Serial Interface (DSI)
LFP connector
(If you know what this is add it to Wikipedia)
The number of `LIBGAMMA_CONNECTOR_*` values defined
The adjustment method does not know the order of the subpixels
(This could be considered an error)
There are no subpixels in the monitor
The subpixels are ordered red, green and then blue, from left to right
The subpixels are ordered blue, green and then red, from left to right
The subpixels are ordered red, green and then blue, from the top down
The subpixels are ordered blue, green and then red, from the top down
The number of `LIBGAMMA_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_*` values defined
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the values for
`edid` and `edid_length` and report errors to `edid_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`width_mm` and report errors to `width_mm_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`height_mm` and report errors to `height_mm_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`width_mm_edid` and report errors to `width_mm_edid_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`height_mm_edid` and report errors to `height_mm_edid_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the values for
`red_gamma_size`, `green_gamma_size` and `blue_gamma_size`,
and report errors to `gamma_size_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`gamma_depth` and report errors to `gamma_depth_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`gamma_support` and report errors to `gamma_support_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`subpixel_order` and report errors to `subpixel_order_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`active` and report errors to `active_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`connector_name` and report errors to `connector_name_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the value for
`connector_type` and report errors to `connector_type_error`
For a `CRTCInformation` fill in the values for
`gamma_red`, `gamma_green` and `gamma_blue` and
report errors to `gamma_error`
The number of `LIBGAMMA_CRTC_INFO_*` values defined
Macro for both `CRTCInformation` fields that can
specify the size of the monitor's viewport as specified
in the monitor's Extended Display Information Data
Macro for all `CRTCInformation` fields that can be
filled if the adjustment method have support for
reading the monitors' Extended Display Information Data
Macro for both `CRTCInformation` fields that can
specify the size of the monitor's viewport as provided
by the adjustment method without this library having to
parse the monitor's Extended Display Information Data
Macro for the `CRTCInformation` fields that specifies
the CRTC's gamma ramp sizes and gamma ramp depth
Macro for the `CRTCInformation` fields that specifies
the CRTC's connector type and the partition unique
name of the connector
Macro for the `CRTCInformation` fields that required
there is a monitor attached to the connector, and
that status itself
class GammaRamps:
Gamma ramp structure
class Ramp:
A gamma ramp for one single channel
def __init__(self, ramp, size : int, depth : int):
@param ramp The gamma ramp
@param size The number of stops in the gamma ramp
@param depth The depth of the gamma ramp
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps8_get
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps16_get
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps32_get
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps64_get
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_rampsf_get
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_rampsd_get
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps8_set
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps16_set
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps32_set
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps64_set
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_rampsf_set
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_rampsd_set
self._size = size
self._ramp = ramp
if depth == 8: fs = (libgamma_native_gamma_ramps8_get, libgamma_native_gamma_ramps8_set)
elif depth == 16: fs = (libgamma_native_gamma_ramps16_get, libgamma_native_gamma_ramps16_set)
elif depth == 32: fs = (libgamma_native_gamma_ramps32_get, libgamma_native_gamma_ramps32_set)
elif depth == 64: fs = (libgamma_native_gamma_ramps64_get, libgamma_native_gamma_ramps64_set)
elif depth == -1: fs = (libgamma_native_gamma_rampsf_get, libgamma_native_gamma_rampsf_set)
elif depth == -2: fs = (libgamma_native_gamma_rampsd_get, libgamma_native_gamma_rampsd_set)
(self._get, self._set) = fs
def size(self) -> int:
Get the number of stops in the gamma ramp
@return The number of stops in the gamma ramp
return self._size
def size(self, value : int):
It is not possible to change this attribute, but
a setter is required for the getter to function
raise AttributeError('cannot resize ramp')
def __len__(self) -> int:
Get the number of stops in the gamma ramp
@return The number of stops in the gamma ramp
return self._size
def __getitem__(self, indices):
Read the gamma ramp
@param indices:slice The stops to read
@return :list<int|float> The values of the read stops
-- OR --
@param indices:int The index of the stop to read
@return :int|float The value of the read stop
if isinstance(indices, slice):
start = indices.start
stop = indices.stop
step = indices.step
if start is None: start = 0
elif start < 0: start += self._size
if stop is None: stop = self._size
elif stop < 0: stop += self._size
if step is None: step = 1
return [self._get(self._ramp, i) for i in range(start, stop, step)]
if indices < 0:
indices += self._size
return self._get(self._ramp, indices)
def __setitem__(self, indices, values):
Modify the gamma ramp
@param indices:slice The stops to modify
@param values:itr<int|float> The values for the selected stops
-- OR --
@param indices:int The index of the stop to modify
@param values:int|float The new value for the stop
if isinstance(indices, slice):
start = indices.start
stop = indices.stop
step = indices.step
if start is None: start = 0
elif start < 0: start += self._size
if stop is None: stop = self._size
elif stop < 0: stop += self._size
if step is None: step = 1
indices = list(range(start, stop, step))
if not len(indices) == len(values):
raise ValueError('cannot resize ramp')
for index, value in zip(indices, values):
self._set(self._ramp, index, value)
if indices < 0:
indices += self._size
self._set(self._ramp, indices, values)
def __iter__(self) -> iter:
Read the gamma ramp
@return :itr<int|float> The values of each stop
for value in self[:]:
yield value
def map(self, function):
Modify the entire ramp using a function that
maps encoding value to output value
@param function:(float)→int|float Function that takes the encoding value as a
[0, 1] floating point and returns its output
value as the format using in the gamma ramp
max_i = self._size - 1
for i in range(self._size):
self._set(self._ramp, i, function(i / max_i))
def __init__(self, red_size : int, green_size : int = ..., blue_size : int = ..., *, depth : int = 16):
@param red_size The number of stops in the gamma ramp for the red channel
@param green_size The number of stops in the gamma ramp for the green channel, `...` for `red_size`
@param blue_size The number of stops in the gamma ramp for the blue channel, `...` for `green_size`
@param depth The depth of the gamma ramps
if green_size is ...: green_size = red_size
if blue_size is ...: blue_size = green_size
self._depth = depth
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps8_create
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps16_create
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps32_create
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps64_create
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_rampsf_create
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_rampsd_create
if depth == 8: ramp_struct = libgamma_native_gamma_ramps8_create (red_size, green_size, blue_size)
elif depth == 16: ramp_struct = libgamma_native_gamma_ramps16_create(red_size, green_size, blue_size)
elif depth == 32: ramp_struct = libgamma_native_gamma_ramps32_create(red_size, green_size, blue_size)
elif depth == 64: ramp_struct = libgamma_native_gamma_ramps64_create(red_size, green_size, blue_size)
elif depth == -1: ramp_struct = libgamma_native_gamma_rampsf_create (red_size, green_size, blue_size)
elif depth == -2: ramp_struct = libgamma_native_gamma_rampsd_create (red_size, green_size, blue_size)
raise ValueError('invalid gamma ramp depth')
if isinstance(ramp_struct, int):
import libgamma_native_error as c
error = OSError()
error.errno = ramp_struct
error.strerror = c.strerror(error.errno)
raise error
(self._ramps, red, green, blue) = ramp_struct
self._red = GammaRamps.Ramp(red, red_size, depth)
self._green = GammaRamps.Ramp(green, green_size, depth)
self._blue = GammaRamps.Ramp(blue, blue_size, depth)
def __del__(self):
This function is called when the object is not longer in use
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps8_free
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps16_free
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps32_free
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_ramps64_free
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_rampsf_free
from libgamma_native_method import libgamma_native_gamma_rampsd_free
if self._ramps == 0:
if self._depth == 8: libgamma_native_gamma_ramps8_free(self._ramps)
elif self._depth == 16: libgamma_native_gamma_ramps16_free(self._ramps)
elif self._depth == 32: libgamma_native_gamma_ramps32_free(self._ramps)
elif self._depth == 64: libgamma_native_gamma_ramps64_free(self._ramps)
elif self._depth == -1: libgamma_native_gamma_rampsf_free(self._ramps)
elif self._depth == -2: libgamma_native_gamma_rampsd_free(self._ramps)
def red(self) -> Ramp:
Get the gamma ramp for the red channel
@return The gamma ramp for the red channel
return self._red
def red(self, value):
It is not possible to change this attribute, but a setter is
required for the getter to function
raise AttributeError('cannot change ramps')
def green(self) -> Ramp:
Get the gamma ramp for the green channel
@return The gamma ramp for the green channel
return self._green
def green(self, value) -> Ramp:
It is not possible to change this attribute, but a setter is
required for the getter to function
raise AttributeError('cannot change ramps')
def blue(self):
Get the gamma ramp for the blue channel
@return The gamma ramp for the blue channel
return self._blue
def blue(self, value):
It is not possible to change this attribute, but a setter is
required for the getter to function
raise AttributeError('cannot change ramps')
def size(self) -> tuple:
Get the ramps' sizes
@return :(red:int, green:int, blue:int) The size of each individual ramp
return (self._red.size, self._green.size, self._blue.size)
def size(self, value):
It is not possible to change this attribute, but a setter is
required for the getter to function
raise AttributeError('cannot resize ramps')
def depth(self) -> int:
Get the depth of ramps
@return :int The ramps' depth in bits and -1 for single precision floating
point and -2 for doublesingle precision floating point
return self._depth
def depth(self, value):
It is not possible to change this attribute, but a setter is
required for the getter to function
raise AttributeError('cannot change depth')
class Site:
Site state
On operating systems that integrate a graphical environment
there is usually just one site. However, one systems with
pluggable graphics, like Unix-like systems such as GNU/Linux
and the BSD:s, there can usually be any (feasible) number of
sites. In X.org parlance they are called displays.
@variable method:int The adjustment method of the site
@variable site:str? The site identifier
@variable partitions_available:int The number of paritions available in the site
def __init__(self, method : int, site : str = None):
@param method:int The adjustment method of the site
@param site:str? The site identifier
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_site_create
(self._state, n) = libgamma_native_site_create(method, site)
if self._state == 0:
raise create_error(n)
self.partitions_available = n
self.method = method
self.site = site
def __del__(self):
This function is called when the object is not longer in use
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_site_free
if not self._state == 0:
def restore(self):
Restore the gamma ramps all CRTC:s with the site to the system settings
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_site_restore
r = libgamma_native_site_restore(self._state)
if not r == 0:
raise create_error(r)
class Partition:
Partition state
Probably the majority of display server only one partition
per site. However, X.org can, and traditional used to have
on multi-headed environments, multiple partitions per site.
In X.org partitions are called 'screens'. It is not to be
confused with monitor. A screen is a collection of monitors,
and the mapping from monitors to screens is a surjection.
On hardware-level adjustment methods, such as Direct
Rendering Manager, a partition is a graphics card
@variable site:Site The site of the partition
@variable partition:int The index of the partition
@variable crtcs_available:int The number of CRTC:s available in the parition
def __init__(self, site : Site, partition : int):
@param site The site of the partition
@param partition The index of the partition
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_partition_create
(self._state, n) = libgamma_native_partition_create(site._state, partition)
if self._state == 0:
raise create_error(n)
self.crtcs_available = n
self.site = site
self.partition = partition
def __del__(self):
This function is called when the object is not longer in use
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_partition_free
if not self._state == 0:
def restore(self):
Restore the gamma ramps all CRTC:s with the partition to the system settings
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_partition_restore
r = libgamma_native_partition_restore(self._state)
if not r == 0:
raise create_error(r)
class CRTC:
Cathode ray tube controller state
The CRTC controls the gamma ramps for the
monitor that is plugged in to the connector
that the CRTC belongs to
@variable partition:Partition The partition of the CRTC
@variable crtc:int The index of the CRTC
def __init__(self, partition : Partition, crtc : int):
@param partition The partition the of the CRTC
@param crtc The index of the CRTC
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_create
(self._state, n) = libgamma_native_crtc_create(partition._state, crtc)
if self._state == 0:
raise create_error(n)
self.partition = partition
self.crtc = crtc
def __del__(self):
This function is called when the object is not longer in use
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_free
if not self._state == 0:
def restore(self):
Restore the gamma ramps for a CRTC to the system settings for that CRTC
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_restore
r = libgamma_native_crtc_restore(self._state)
if not r == 0:
raise create_error(r)
def information(self, fields : int) -> tuple:
Read information about a CRTC
@param field OR:ed identifiers for the information
about the CRTC that should be read
@return :(:CRTCInformation, :bool) The information about the CRTC and
whether no errors occurred
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_get_crtc_information
(data, e) = libgamma_native_get_crtc_information(self._state, fields)
return (CRTCInformation(data), e == 0)
def get_gamma(self, ramps : GammaRamps):
Get the current gamma ramps for the CRTC
@param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps8
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps16
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps32
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps64
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_rampsf
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_rampsd
if ramps.depth == 8: r = libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps8(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == 16: r = libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps16(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == 32: r = libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps32(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == 64: r = libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps64(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == -1: r = libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_rampsf(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == -2: r = libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_rampsd(self._state, ramps._ramps)
if not r == 0:
raise create_error(r)
def set_gamma(self, ramps : GammaRamps):
Set gamma ramps for the CRTC
@param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps8
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps16
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps32
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps64
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_rampsf
from libgamma_native_facade import libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_rampsd
if ramps.depth == 8: r = libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps8(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == 16: r = libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps16(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == 32: r = libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps32(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == 64: r = libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps64(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == -1: r = libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_rampsf(self._state, ramps._ramps)
elif ramps.depth == -2: r = libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_rampsd(self._state, ramps._ramps)
if not r == 0:
raise create_error(r)