#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Mattias Andrée (maandree@kth.se)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This module is responsible for access to the monitors.
class Tristate:
Ternary values
@constant NO:int
@constant MAYBE:int
@constant YES:int
NO = 0
YES = 2
class Lifespan:
The lifespan of a gamma adjustment, for cooperative gamma
@constant UNTIL_DEATH:int Remove adjustment when connection to server closes or
when explicitly removed
@constant UNTIL_REMOVAL:int Only remove adjustment once it is requested explicitly
@constant REMOVE:int Request that the adjustment be removed now
:int Remove adjustment when connection to server closes or when explicitly removed
:int Only remove adjustment once it is requested explicitly
:int Request that the adjustment be removed now
class EDID:
Parsed EDID data
@variable manufacturer_id:str? The manufacturer's ID
@variable manufacturer_product_code:int? Manufacturer specific product code
@variable serial_number:int? Serial number
@variable manufacture_week:int? Week of manifacture
@variable manufacture_year:int? Year of manifacture
@variable model_year:int? Year of model
@variable edid_version:(major:int, minor:int)? EDID version
@variable digital_input:bool? Whether the monitor takes digital input
@variable vesa_dfp_1x_tmds_crgb_compatible:bool? Whether the monitor is VESA DFP 1.x TMDS CRGB, 1 pixel
per clock, up to 8 bits per color, MSB aligned compatible
@variable relative_white_level:float? Voltage level for white relative to blank
@variable relative_sync_level:float? Voltage level for separate relative to blank
@variable blank_to_black:bool? Whether blank to black setup is expected
@variable separate_sync_supported:bool? Whether separate synchronisation is supported
@variable composite_sync_supported:bool? Whether composite synchronisation is supported
@variable sync_on_green_supported:bool? Whether synchronisation on green is supported
@variable vsync_pulse_serrated:bool? Whether vertical synchronisation pulse is serrated
@variable width_mm:int? The width of the monitor's viewport in millimetres
@variable height_mm:int? The heiht of the monitor's viewport in millimetres
@variable display_gamma:float? The monitor's gamma
@variable dpms_standby_supported:bool? Whether DPMS standby is supported
@variable dpms_suspend_supported:bool? Whether DPMS suspend is supported
@variable dpms_active_off_supported:bool? Whether DPMS active-off is supported
@variable digital_rgb_444_supported:bool? Whether digital RGB 4:4:4 input is supported
@variable digital_ycrcb_444_supported:bool? Whether digital YCrCb 4:4:4 input is supported
@variable digital_ycrcb_422_supported:bool? Whether digital YCrCb 4:2:2 input is supported
@variable analogue_grey_mono_display:bool? Whether the display is greyscale or monochrome and
takes analogue input
@variable analogue_rgb_display:bool? Whether the display is coloured and uses an RGB
colour space and takes analogue input
@variable analogue_non_rgb_display:bool? Whether the display is coloured and uses a non-RGB
colour model and takes analogue input
@variable srgb:bool? Whether the monitor uses sRGB
@variable preferred_timing_mode:bool? For EDID 1.2-: Whether the preferred timing mode is
specified in descriptor block 1.
For EDID 1.3+: Whether the preferred timing mode
(specified in descriptor block 1) includes native
pixel format and refresh rate.
@variable gtf_supported:bool? Whether Generalized Timing Formula is supported with
default parameter values
@variable red_chroma:(x:float, y:float)? The CIE xyY x and y values of the red primary colour
@variable green_chroma:(x:float, y:float)? The CIE xyY x and y values of the green primary colour
@variable blue_chroma:(x:float, y:float)? The CIE xyY x and y values of the blue primary colour
@variable white_chroma:(x:float, y:float)? The CIE xyY x and y values of the white point
def __init__(self, edid):
@edid edid:str The EDID in upper case hexadecimal representation
self.manufacturer_id = None
self.manufacturer_product_code = None
self.serial_number = None
self.manufacture_week = None
self.manufacture_year = None
self.model_year = None
self.edid_version = None
self.digital_input = None
self.vesa_dfp_1x_tmds_crgb_compatible = None
self.relative_white_level = None
self.relative_sync_level = None
self.blank_to_black = None
self.separate_sync_supported = None
self.composite_sync_supported = None
self.sync_on_green_supported = None
self.vsync_pulse_serrated = None
self.width_mm = None
self.height_mm = None
self.display_gamma = None
self.dpms_standby_supported = None
self.dpms_suspend_supported = None
self.dpms_active_off_supported = None
self.digital_rgb_444_supported = None
self.digital_ycrcb_444_supported = None
self.digital_ycrcb_422_supported = None
self.analogue_grey_mono_display = None
self.analogue_rgb_display = None
self.analogue_non_rgb_display = None
self.srgb = None
self.preferred_timing_mode = None
self.gtf_supported = None
self.red_chroma = None
self.green_chroma = None
self.blue_chroma = None
self.white_chroma = None
if edid[:len('00FFFFFFFFFFFF00')] == '00FFFFFFFFFFFF00' or len(edid) % 2 == 1:
edid = [int(edid[i * 2 : i * 2 + 2], 16) for i in range(len(edid) // 2)]
if sum(edid) % 256 != 0 or len(edid[:128]) < 128:
self.manufacturer_id = [(edid[8] >> 2) & 0x0F, (edid[9] >> 4) | (edid[8] & 1) << 4, edid[9] & 0x0F]
self.manufacturer_id = ''.join(chr(ord('@') + c) for c in self.manufacturer_id)
self.manufacturer_product_code = edid[10] | (edid[11] << 8)
self.serial_number = edid[12] | (edid[13] << 8) | (edid[14] << 16) | (edid[15] << 24)
self.manufacture_week = edid[16] # inconsistent between manufacturers
self.manufacture_year = 1990 + edid[17]
if self.manufacture_week == 255:
self.model_year = self.manufacture_year
self.manufacture_week = None
self.manufacture_year = None
self.edid_version = (edid[18], edid[19])
self.digital_input = (edid[20] & 0x80) == 0x80
if self.digital_input:
self.vesa_dfp_1x_tmds_crgb_compatible = (edid[20] & 1) == 1
self.relative_white_level = (0.7, 0.714, 1, 0.7)[(edid >> 5) & 3]
self.relative_sync_level = (-0.3, -0.286, -0.4, 0)[(edid >> 5) & 3]
self.blank_to_black = (edid[20] & 16) == 16
self.separate_sync_supported = (edid[20] & 8) == 8
self.composite_sync_supported = (edid[20] & 4) == 4
self.sync_on_green_supported = (edid[20] & 2) == 2
self.vsync_pulse_serrated = (edid[20] & 1) == 1
self.width_mm = edid[21] * 10
self.height_mm = edid[22] * 10
if edid[21] == 0 or edid[22] == 0:
self.width_mm = self.height_mm = 0
self.display_gamma = edid[23] / 100 + 1 if edid[23] else None
self.dpms_standby_supported = (edid[24] & 128) == 128
self.dpms_suspend_supported = (edid[24] & 64) == 64
self.dpms_active_off_supported = (edid[24] & 32) == 32
if self.digital_input:
self.digital_rgb_444_supported = True
self.digital_ycrcb_444_supported = (edid[24] & 8) == 8
self.digital_ycrcb_422_supported = (edid[24] & 16) == 16
self.analogue_grey_mono_display = False
self.analogue_rgb_display = False
self.analogue_non_rgb_display = False
self.digital_rgb_444_supported = False
self.digital_ycrcb_444_supported = False
self.digital_ycrcb_422_supported = False
self.analogue_grey_mono_display = ((edid[24] >> 3) & 3) == 0
self.analogue_rgb_display = ((edid[24] >> 3) & 3) == 1
self.analogue_non_rgb_display = ((edid[24] >> 3) & 3) == 2
self.srgb = (edid[24] & 4) == 4
self.preferred_timing_mode = (edid[24] & 2) == 2
self.gtf_supported = (edid[24] & 1) == 1
rx = (edid[27] << 2) | ((edid[25] >> 6) & 3)
ry = (edid[28] << 2) | ((edid[25] >> 4) & 3)
gx = (edid[29] << 2) | ((edid[25] >> 2) & 3)
gy = (edid[30] << 2) | ((edid[25] >> 0) & 3)
bx = (edid[31] << 2) | ((edid[26] >> 6) & 3)
by = (edid[32] << 2) | ((edid[26] >> 4) & 3)
wx = (edid[33] << 2) | ((edid[26] >> 2) & 3)
wy = (edid[34] << 2) | ((edid[26] >> 0) & 3)
self.red_chroma = (rx / 1024, ry / 1024)
self.green_chroma = (gx / 1024, gy / 1024)
self.blue_chroma = (bx / 1024, by / 1024)
self.white_chroma = (wx / 1024, wy / 1024)
# There are also mode lines and maybe extensions, but yeah...
class MultiCRTC:
A group of CRTC:s organised for efficient gamma ramp adjustments
def __init__(self, crtcs, interpolation = None):
@param crtc:iter<CTRC> The CRTC:s
@param interpolation:(r:list<float>, g:list<float>, b:list<float>)→
(r:list<float>, g:list<float>, b:list<float>)?
Function used to interpolate gamma ramps to new dimentions,
`None` for the default interpolator, which is intentionally
self.interpolation = interpolation
self.layers = []
for crtc in crtcs:
def add(self, crtc):
Add a CRTC
@param crtc:CRTC The CRTC to add
found = None
for layer in self.layers:
ref = layer[0][0][0]
if crtc.red_gamma_size == ref.red_gamma_size:
if crtc.green_gamma_size == ref.green_gamma_size:
if crtc.blue_gamma_size == ref.blue_gamma_size:
found = layer
if not found:
found = []
subfound = None
for sublayer in found:
ref = sublayer[0][0]
if crtc.gamma_depth == ref.gamma_depth:
subfound = sublayer
if not subfound:
subfound = []
subsubfound = None
for subsublayer in subfound:
ref = subsublayer[0]
if crtc.backend == ref.backend:
subsubfound = subsublayer
if not subsubfound:
subsubfound = []
def make_ramps(self, depth = -2):
Create a gamma-ramp trio where each ramp is as large as the
largest ramp, of the samp colour, of the CRTCs in the group
@param depth:int The gamma depth, 8 for unsigned 8-bit integers,
16 for unsigned 16-bit integers, 32 for unsigned
32-bit integers, 64 for unsigned 64-bit integers,
-1 for single-precision floating-point values, and
-2 for double-precision floating-point values
@return :Ramps A new gamma-ramp trio suited for the group
size = [1, 1, 1]
for layer in self.layers:
crtc = layer[0][0][0]
size[0] = max(size[0], crtc.red_gamma_size)
size[1] = max(size[1], crtc.green_gamma_size)
size[2] = max(size[2], crtc.blue_gamma_size)
return Ramps(None, depth = depth, size = size)
def set_gamma(self, ramps, priority = None, rule = None, lifespan = 1):
Set the gamma ramps on all CRTC:s in the group
@param ramps:Ramps The gamma ramps
@param priority:int? The priority of the adjustment, `None` for the default.
Must be `None` (default) if cooperative gamma is not supported.
@param rule:str? The rule of the adjustment, `None` for the default.
The rule is the last part of the adjustment's identifier,
if this is unique within the program, it should be universally
unique unless another program is intentionally make it not so.
Must be `None` (default) if cooperative gamma is not supported.
@param lifespan:int The lifespan of the algorithm: `Lifespan.UNTIL_DEATH`,
`Lifespan.UNTIL_REMOVAL` (default), or `Lifespan.REMOVE`
if lifespan == Lifespan.REMOVE:
for layer in self.layers:
for sublayer in layer:
for subsublayer in sublayer:
for crtc in subsublayer:
crtc.set_gamma(None, priority, rule, lifespan)
for layer in self.layers:
ref = layer[0][0][0]
refsize = (ref.red_gamma_size, ref.green_gamma_size, ref.blue_gamma_size)
if refsize == (len(ramps.red), len(ramps.green), len(ramps.blue)):
ramps_size = ramps
ramps_size = Ramps.copy(ramps, refcrtc.depth, refsize)
for sublayer in layer:
ref = sublayer[0][0]
refdepth = ref.gamma_depth
if refdepth == ramps_size.depth:
ramps_depth = ramps_size
ramps_depth = Ramps.copy(ramps, refdepth, refsize)
for subsublayer in sublayer:
ramps_backend = ramps_depth
for crtc in subsublayer:
ramps_backend = crtc.set_gamma(ramps_backend, priority, rule, lifespan)
class CRTC:
@function restore:(self)?→void Restore the CLUT:s to the (configured) system
defaults, `None` if not supported
@variable edid:str? The EDID in upper case hexadecimal representation
@variable red_gamma_size:int? The number of stops in the red gamma ramp
@variable green_gamma_size:int? The number of stops in the green gamma ramp
@variable blue_gamma_size:int? The number of stops in the blue gamma ramp
@variable gamma_depth:int? The gamma depth, 8 for unsigned 8-bit integers,
16 for unsigned 16-bit integers, 32 for unsigned
32-bit integers, 64 for unsigned 64-bit integers,
-1 for single-precision floating-point values, and
-2 for double-precision floating-point values
@variable gamma_support:int? 0 (`Tristate.NO`) if gamma adjustments are not supported,
1 (`Tristate.MAYBE`) if gamma adjustments support is unknown,
and 2 (`Tristate.YES`) if gamma adjustments are supported,
@variable subpixel_order:str? The subpixel order:
"RGB" for red at left, green in centre, and blue at right;
"BGR" for red at right, green in centre, and blue at left;
"vRGB" for red at top, green in middle, and blue at bottom;
"vBGR" for red at bottom, green in middle, and blue at top;
and "None" for no subpixel order (e.g. on most old to
semi-old CRT:s)
@variable active:bool? Whether the monitor is active
@variable connector_name:str? The connector name
@variable connector_type:str? The connector type
@variable ramps Gamma ramps, you should not use it directly (INTERNAL)
@variable cooperative:bool Whether cooperative gamma is supported
@variable default_rule:str The default cooperative gamma rule (part of the class (filter identifier))
@variable default_priority:int The default cooperative gamma priority (filter order)
You will also find the following variables in `.edid_data`, however, here they are as
specified by the display server rather than as specified in the EDID. This means that
they can be been corrected by the user or the display server. On the other hand, they
can also be incorrect. For exampel, under X.org `.width_mm` and `.height_mm` are
calculated from assumed properties and can be completely, and horribly, wrong.
@variable manufacturer_id:str? The manufacturer's ID
@variable manufacturer_product_code:int? Manufacturer specific product code
@variable serial_number:int? Serial number
@variable manufacture_week:int? Week of manifacture
@variable manufacture_year:int? Year of manifacture
@variable model_year:int? Year of model
@variable edid_version:(major:int, minor:int)? EDID version
@variable digital_input:bool? Whether the monitor takes digital input
@variable vesa_dfp_1x_tmds_crgb_compatible:bool? Whether the monitor is VESA DFP 1.x TMDS CRGB, 1 pixel
per clock, up to 8 bits per color, MSB aligned compatible
@variable relative_white_level:float? Voltage level for white relative to blank
@variable relative_sync_level:float? Voltage level for separate relative to blank
@variable blank_to_black:bool? Whether blank to black setup is expected
@variable separate_sync_supported:bool? Whether separate synchronisation is supported
@variable composite_sync_supported:bool? Whether composite synchronisation is supported
@variable sync_on_green_supported:bool? Whether synchronisation on green is supported
@variable vsync_pulse_serrated:bool? Whether vertical synchronisation pulse is serrated
@variable width_mm:int? The width of the monitor's viewport in millimetres
@variable height_mm:int? The heiht of the monitor's viewport in millimetres
@variable display_gamma:float? The monitor's gamma
@variable dpms_standby_supported:bool? Whether DPMS standby is supported
@variable dpms_suspend_supported:bool? Whether DPMS suspend is supported
@variable dpms_active_off_supported:bool? Whether DPMS active-off is supported
@variable digital_rgb_444_supported:bool? Whether digital RGB 4:4:4 input is supported
@variable digital_ycrcb_444_supported:bool? Whether digital YCrCb 4:4:4 input is supported
@variable digital_ycrcb_422_supported:bool? Whether digital YCrCb 4:2:2 input is supported
@variable analogue_grey_mono_display:bool? Whether the display is greyscale or monochrome and
takes analogue input
@variable analogue_rgb_display:bool? Whether the display is coloured and uses an RGB
colour space and takes analogue input
@variable analogue_non_rgb_display:bool? Whether the display is coloured and uses a non-RGB
colour model and takes analogue input
@variable srgb:bool? Whether the monitor uses sRGB
@variable preferred_timing_mode:bool? For EDID 1.2-: Whether the preferred timing mode is
specified in descriptor block 1.
For EDID 1.3+: Whether the preferred timing mode
(specified in descriptor block 1) includes native
pixel format and refresh rate.
@variable gtf_supported:bool? Whether Generalized Timing Formula is supported with
default parameter values
@variable red_chroma:(x:float, y:float)? The CIE xyY x and y values of the red primary colour
@variable green_chroma:(x:float, y:float)? The CIE xyY x and y values of the green primary colour
@variable blue_chroma:(x:float, y:float)? The CIE xyY x and y values of the blue primary colour
@variable white_chroma:(x:float, y:float)? The CIE xyY x and y values of the white point
def __init__(self):
self.__edid_data = ...
self.edid = None
self.red_gamma_size = None
self.green_gamma_size = None
self.blue_gamma_size = None
self.gamma_depth = None
self.gamma_support = None
self.subpixel_order = None
self.active = None
self.connector_name = None
self.connector_type = None
self.ramps = None
self.cooperative = False
self.default_rule = 'standard'
self.default_priority = 1 << 59
# Everything that is in the EDID class, in
# case it is specified by the display server
# and potentially configured by the user.
self.manufacturer_id = None
self.manufacturer_product_code = None
self.serial_number = None
self.manufacture_week = None
self.manufacture_year = None
self.model_year = None
self.edid_version = None
self.digital_input = None
self.vesa_dfp_1x_tmds_crgb_compatible = None
self.relative_white_level = None
self.relative_sync_level = None
self.blank_to_black = None
self.separate_sync_supported = None
self.composite_sync_supported = None
self.sync_on_green_supported = None
self.vsync_pulse_serrated = None
self.width_mm = None
self.height_mm = None
self.display_gamma = None
self.dpms_standby_supported = None
self.dpms_suspend_supported = None
self.dpms_active_off_supported = None
self.digital_rgb_444_supported = None
self.digital_ycrcb_444_supported = None
self.digital_ycrcb_422_supported = None
self.analogue_grey_mono_display = None
self.analogue_rgb_display = None
self.analogue_non_rgb_display = None
self.srgb = None
self.preferred_timing_mode = None
self.gtf_supported = None
self.red_chroma = None
self.green_chroma = None
self.blue_chroma = None
self.white_chroma = None
def make_ramps(self, depth = None):
Create gamma ramps with the same size as the CRTC expects
@param depth:int? The gamma depth, 8 for unsigned 8-bit integers,
16 for unsigned 16-bit integers, 32 for unsigned
32-bit integers, 64 for unsigned 64-bit integers,
-1 for single-precision floating-point values,
-2 for double-precision floating-point values, and
`None` for the gamma depth the CRTC expects
@return :Ramps The created gamma ramps
return Ramps(self, depth = depth)
def edid_data(self):
Get parsed EDID information for the CRTC
@return :EDID Parsed EDID information
if self.__edid_data is ...:
self.__edid_data = None if self.edid is None else EDID(self.edid)
return self.__edid_data
class Screen:
A screen or graphics card
@function restore:(self)?→void Restore the CLUT:s to the (configured) system
defaults, `None` if not supported
def __len__(self):
Get the number of CRTC:s in the screen
@return :int The number of CRTC:s in the screen
return len(self.crtcs)
def __getitem__(self, indices):
Get CRTC:s in the screen
@param indices:int|slice The index or index range of CRTC:s to return
@return :CRTC|list<CRTC> The CRTC or CRTC:s with the specified indices
return self.crtcs[indices]
def __iter__(self):
Iterator of the screen's CRTC:s
@yield :CRTC CRTC in the screen
for value in self[:]:
yield value
class Display:
A display
@function restore:(self)?→void Restore the CLUT:s to the (configured) system
defaults, `None` if not supported
def __len__(self):
Get the number of screens in the display
@return :int The number of screens in the display
return len(self.crtcs)
def __getitem__(self, indices):
Get screens in the display
@param indices:int|slice The index or index range of screens to return
@return :CRTC|list<CRTC> The screen or screens with the specified indices
return self.crtcs[indices]
def __iter__(self):
Iterator of the display's screens
@yield :Screen Screen in the display
for value in self[:]:
yield value
class Ramps: ## TODO adjustments
Gamma ramps
@variable red:list<float> The gamma ramp of the red channel
@variable green:list<float> The gamma ramp of the green channel
@variable blue:list<float> The gamma ramp of the blue channel
@variable depth:int The gamma depth, 8 for unsigned 8-bit integers,
16 for unsigned 16-bit integers, 32 for unsigned
32-bit integers, 64 for unsigned 64-bit integers,
-1 for single-precision floating-point values, and
-2 for double-precision floating-point values
def __init__(self, crtc, depth = None, size = None):
@param crtc:CRTC? The CRTC the ramps should match, may
only be `None` if neither `depth` nor
`size` is `None`
@param depth:int? The gamma depth, 8 for unsigned 8-bit integers,
16 for unsigned 16-bit integers, 32 for unsigned
32-bit integers, 64 for unsigned 64-bit integers,
-1 for single-precision floating-point values,
-2 for double-precision floating-point values, and
`None` for the gamma depth the CRTC expects
@param size:int|(red:int, green:int, blue:int)?
The size of the ramps, either an integer of the size that
is applied to all three channels, three integers with
the size of each channel, or `None` for the sizes the
CRTC expects
if depth is None:
depth = crtc.depth
if size is not None and isinstance(size, int):
size = (size, size, size)
self.depth = depth
def make_ramp(depth, size):
if depth > 0:
m = 1 << (depth - 1)
return [int(x * m / (size - 1) + 0.5) for x in range(size)]
return [x / (size - 1) for x in range(size)]
self.red = make_ramp(self.depth, crtc.red_gamma_size if size is None else size[0])
self.green = make_ramp(self.depth, crtc.green_gamma_size if size is None else size[1])
self.blue = make_ramp(self.depth, crtc.blue_gamma_size if size is None else size[2])
def copy(self, depth = None, size = None, interpolation = None):
Create a copy, optionally with a new depth or size
@param depth:int? The gamma depth in the copy, 8 for unsigned 8-bit integers,
16 for unsigned 16-bit integers, 32 for unsigned
32-bit integers, 64 for unsigned 64-bit integers,
-1 for single-precision floating-point values,
-2 for double-precision floating-point values, and
`None` for the gamma depth of the original (`self`)
@param size:int|(red:int, green:int, blue:int)?
The size of the copy, either an integer of the size that
is applied to all three channels, three integers with
the size of each channel, or `None` for the sizes of
the original
@param interpolation:(red:list<float>, green:list<float>, blue:list<float>)?→
(red:list<float>, green:list<float>, blue:list<float>)
Function used for interpolation used for resizing the
ramps. `None` for the default, which is intentionally
@return :Ramps The copy
if size is None:
size = (len(self.red), len(self.green), len(self.blue))
r = Ramps(None, self.depth if depth is None else depth, size)
ramps = (self.red, self.green, self.blue)
if len(self.red) == len(r.red) and len(self.green) == len(r.green) and len(self.blue) == len(r.blue):
elif interpolation is None:
import interpolation as interpol
ramps = interpol.linearly_interpolate_ramp(*ramps)
ramps = interpolation(*ramps)
r.red[:] = ramps[0]
r.green[:] = ramps[1]
r.blue[:] = ramps[2]
old_max = 1 << (self.depth - 1) if self.depth > 0 else 1
new_max = 1 << (depth - 1) if depth > 0 else 1
if new_max != old_max:
for ramp in (r.red, r.green, r.blue):
for i in range(len(ramp)):
ramp[i] = ramp[i] * new_max / old_max
return r
class LibgammaCRTC(CRTC):
A CRTC using the libgamma backend
def __init__(self, screen, crtc):
The user should not use this, but use `get_outputs` instead
@param screen:LibgammaScreen The screen of the CRTC, using the libgamma backend
@param crtc:int The index of the CRTC
import libgamma
self.crtc = libgamma.CRTC(screen, crtc)
if screen.display.caps.crtc_restore:
self.restore = self.crtc.restore
self.restore = None
info = libgamma.information(~0)[0]
connector_types = {
libgamma.LIBGAMMA_CONNECTOR_TYPE_Component = 'Component',
libgamma.LIBGAMMA_CONNECTOR_TYPE_Composite = 'Composite',
libgamma.LIBGAMMA_CONNECTOR_TYPE_DisplayPort = 'DisplayPort',
subpixel_orders = {
self.edid = None if info.edid_error else libgamma.behex_edid_uppercase(info.edid)
self.width_mm = None if info.width_mm_error else info.width_mm
self.height_mm = None if info.height_mm_error else info.height_mm
self.red_gamma_size = None if info.gamma_size_error else info.red_gamma_size
self.green_gamma_size = None if info.gamma_size_error else info.green_gamma_size
self.blue_gamma_size = None if info.gamma_size_error else info.blue_gamma_size
self.gamma_depth = None if info.gamma_depth_error else info.gamma_depth
self.gamma_support = None if info.gamma_support_error else info.gamma_support
self.subpixel_order = None if info.subpixel_order_error else info.subpixel_order
if self.subpixel_order in subpixel_orders:
self.subpixel_order = subpixel_orders[self.subpixel_order]
self.active = None if info.active_error else info.active
self.connector_name = None if info.connector_name_error else info.connector_name
self.connector_type = None if info.connector_type_error else info.connector_type
if self.connector_type in connector_types:
self.connector_type = connector_types[self.connector_type]
if not info.gamma_size_error and not info.gamma_depth_error:
self.ramps = libgamma.GammaRamps(self.red_gamma_size, self.green_gamma_size,
self.blue_gamma_size, depth = self.gamma_depth)
def backend(self):
The backend which is used to access the CLUT:s, is either the
name of a library or the name of a display server or protocol
@return :str The backend which is used to access the CLUT:s
return 'libgamma'
def get_gamma(self, low_priority = None, high_priority = None, coalesce = True):
Get the gamma ramps on the CRTC or the table of applied adjustments
@param low_priority:int? Do not return adjustments with lower priority than
this value, `None` means that there is not lower bound.
Must be `None` if cooperative gamma is not supported.
@param high_priority:int? Do not return adjustments with higher priority than
this value, `None` means that there is not upper bound.
Must be `None` if cooperative gamma is not supported.
@param coalesce:bool If `False` return the adjustment table, if `True`
return the resulting ramps of all adjustments with a
priority within [`low_priority`, `high_priority`].
Must be `True` if cooperative gamma is not supported.
@return :Ramps|list<(class:str, priority:int, ramps:Ramps)>
The resulting ramps (if `coalesce` is `True`, or the
ramps if cooperative gamma is not supported) or
a list, sorted by priority, of the adjustments (if
`coalesce` is `False`), where each element is a tuple
with the adjustment's identifier, priority, and ramps.
if low_priority is not None or high_priority is not None or not coalesce:
raise Exception('Cooperative gamma is not supported')
return Ramps.copy(self.ramps)
def set_gamma(self, ramps, priority = None, rule = None, lifespan = 1):
Set the gamma ramps on the CRTC
@param ramps:Ramps The gamma ramps
@param priority:int? The priority of the adjustment, `None` for the default.
Must be `None` (default) if cooperative gamma is not supported.
@param rule:str? The rule of the adjustment, `None` for the default.
The rule is the last part of the adjustment's identifier,
if this is unique within the program, it should be universally
unique unless another program is intentionally make it not so.
Must be `None` (default) if cooperative gamma is not supported.
@param lifespan:int The lifespan of the algorithm: `Lifespan.UNTIL_DEATH`,
`Lifespan.UNTIL_REMOVAL` (default), or `Lifespan.REMOVE`
@return The ramps which the adjustments are written to, this will
either be `ramps` or `self.ramps`
import libgamma
if priority is not None or rule is not None or lifespan != 1:
raise Exception('Cooperative gamma is not supported')
if ramps is self.ramps:
return ramps
match = ramps.gamma == self.gamma_depth:
match = match and len(ramps.red) == self.red_gamma_size:
match = match and len(ramps.green) == self.green_gamma_size:
match = match and len(ramps.blue) == self.blue_gamma_size:
if not match:
ramps = Ramps.copy(ramp, self.gamma_depth,
(self.red_gamma_size, self.green_gamma_size, self.blue_gamma_size))
if isinstance(ramps, libgamma.GammaRamps):
for i in range(len(ramps.red)):
self.ramps.red[i] = ramps.red[i]
for i in range(len(ramps.green)):
self.ramps.green[i] = ramps.green[i]
for i in range(len(ramps.blue)):
self.ramps.blue[i] = ramps.blue[i]
return self.ramps
class LibgammaScreen(Screen):
A screen (or graphics card) using the libgamma backend
@variable crtcs:list<LibgammaCRTC> The CRTC:s in the screen
def __init__(self, display, screen, crtcs = None):
The user should not use this, but use `get_outputs` instead
@param display:LibgammaDisplay The display of the screen, using the libgamma backend
@param screen:int The index of the screen
@param crtcs:set<int|str>? List of CRTC:s to include, `None` for all
import libgamma
self.screen = libgamma.Partition(display, screen)
if display.caps.partition_restore:
self.restore = self.screen.restore
elif display.caps.crtc_restore:
self.restore = self.__restore_all_crtcs
self.restore = None
self.crtcs = []
if crtcs is not None:
crtcs = list(crtcs)
for i in range(self.display.crtcs_available):
crtc = LibgammaCRTC(self.screen, i)
if (crtcs is None) or (i in crtcs) or (crtc.connector_name in crtcs):
elif isinstance(crtc.edid, str) and (crtc.edid.upper() in crtcs):
del crtc
def backend(self):
The backend which is used to access the CLUT:s, is either the
name of a library or the name of a display server or protocol
@return :str The backend which is used to access the CLUT:s
return 'libgamma'
def __restore_all_crtcs(self):
Restore the CLUT:s to the (configured) system defaults, for each CRTC
for crtc for self.crtcs:
class LibgammaDisplay(Display):
A display using the libgamma backend
@variable screens:list<LibgammaScreen> The screens in the display
@variable crtcs:list<LibgammaCRTC> The CRTC:s in the display
@variable cooperative:bool Whether the adjustment method supports cooperative gamma
def __init__(self, method = None, display = None, screens = None, crtcs = None):
The user should not use this, but use `get_outputs` instead
@param method:str? The adjustment method, `None` for the best available
@param display:str? The display, `None` to read the environment, or use
the only display if the adjustment method only supports
one display (e.g. like on Windows)
@param screens:set<int>? Lists of screens to include, `None` for all
@param crtcs:set<int|str>|dict<int,set<int|str>>?
List of CRTC:s to include, `None` for all, elements can
either be indices, connector name, or EDID:s; or a
dictionary mapping for screen indices to such lists
import libgamma
self.cooperative = False
if method is None:
method = get_adjustment_methods()[0]
self.display = libgamma.Site(method, display)
self.caps = libgamma.method_capabilities(method)
if self.caps.site_restore:
self.restore = self.display.restore
elif self.caps.partition_restore or self.caps.crtc_restore:
self.restore = self.__restore_all_partitions
self.restore = None
if screens is None:
screens = range(self.display.partitions_available)
self.screens = []
self.crtcs = []
for screen in screens:
cs = crtcs
if isinstance(cs, dict):
cs = cs[screen] if screen in cs else []
screen = LibgammaScreen(self.site, screen, cs)
def backend(self):
The backend which is used to access the CLUT:s, is either the
name of a library or the name of a display server or protocol
@return :str The backend which is used to access the CLUT:s
return 'libgamma'
def lowest_priority(self):
Return the lowest filter priority accepted by the display server,
or other backend implementing cooperative gamma, that is, the
priority that guarantees that no other filter, that is not also
using this priority, is applied after a filter
@return :int? The lowest accepted filter priority (applied last),
`None` if cooperative gamma is not supported
return None
def highest_priority(self):
Return the highest filter priority accepted by the display server,
or other backend implementing cooperative gamma, that is, the
priority that guarantees that no other filter, that is not also
using this priority, is applied before a filter
@return :int? The highest accepted filter priority (applied first),
`None` if cooperative gamma is not supported
return None
def __restore_all_partitions(self):
Restore the CLUT:s to the (configured) system defaults, for each screen
for screen for self.screens:
def get_adjustment_methods(libgamma_level = 0):
Returns a list of available adjustment methods
@param libgamma_level:int Which libgamma adjustment methods to include:
-1: None
0: Methods that the environment suggests will work, excluding fake.
1: Methods that the environment suggests will work, including fake.
2: All real non-fake methods.
3: All real methods.
4: All methods.
@return :list<str> Adjustment method in order of preference
ret = []
if libgamma_level >= 0:
import libgamma
lgamma_meths = libgamma.list_methods(libgamma_level)
lgamma_map = {
libgamma.LIBGAMMA_METHOD_DUMMY = 'dummy',
libgamma.LIBGAMMA_METHOD_X_RANDR = 'randr',
libgamma.LIBGAMMA_METHOD_X_VIDMODE = 'vidmode'
libgamma.LIBGAMMA_METHOD_W32_GDI = 'w32gdi',
ret += [lgamma_map[m] if m in lgamma_map else m for m in lgamma_meths]
return ret
def get_outputs(method = None, display = None, screens = None, crtcs = None):
Get access to CRTC for editing the their gamma ramps
@param method:str? The adjustment method, `None` for the best available.
"dummy" for libgamma with dummy method,
"randr" for libgamma with X's RAndR protocol,
"vidmode" for libgamma with X's VidMode protocol,
"drm" for libgamma with Direct Rendering Manager,
"w32gdi" for libgamma with Window's GDI,
"quartz" for libgamma with Quartz's (MacOS's) Core Graphics
@param display:str? The display, `None` to read the environment, or use
the only display if the adjustment method only supports
one display (e.g. like on Windows)
@param screens:set<int>? Lists of screens to include, `None` for all
@param crtcs:set<int|str>|dict<int,set<int|str>>?
List of CRTC:s to include, `None` for all, elements can
either be indices, connector name, or EDID:s; or a
dictionary mapping for screen indices to such lists
@return :Display A display
if isinstance(method, str):
lgamma_meths = {
'dummy' = libgamma.LIBGAMMA_METHOD_DUMMY,
'randr' = libgamma.LIBGAMMA_METHOD_X_RANDR,
'vidmode' = libgamma.LIBGAMMA_METHOD_X_VIDMODE,
'w32gdi' = libgamma.LIBGAMMA_METHOD_W32_GDI,
return LibgammaDisplay(lgamma_meths[method], display, screen, crtc)
return LibgammaDisplay(method, display, screen, crtc)