path: root/src
diff options
authorMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2014-01-24 19:57:36 +0100
committerMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2014-01-24 19:57:36 +0100
commit9bb0581cbe1a8d05a5e420d7eaeff84aac762a1d (patch)
treea5955490d25b6559211364b4348ff66a18a23ae3 /src
parenttypo (diff)
fix m bugs + code dedup
Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/src/datastructures/linkedlists/template b/src/datastructures/linkedlists/template
index 48f642a..53a7c4a 100644
--- a/src/datastructures/linkedlists/template
+++ b/src/datastructures/linkedlists/template
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
EDGE=EDGE ; (( with_sentinel )) && EDGE=edge
null=null ; (( array )) && null=EDGE
Node=Node ; (( array )) && Node=int
- mirror=0
+ mirror=0 with_next=1 with_previous=${with_prev}
if (( with_sentinel )) || (( (1 - with_head) * (1 - with_tail) )); then
@@ -27,23 +27,37 @@
function xor
- {
- echo "this.next_previous[${1}]"
+ { echo "this.next_previous[${1}]"
+ }
+ function next_previous
+ { xor "$@"
function next
- {
- (( array )) && echo "this.next[${1}]"
- (( array )) || echo "${1}.next"
+ { (( array )) && echo "this.next[${1}]" || echo "${1}.next"
+ }
+ function set-head-next
+ { (( with_xor )) && echo "$(xor "${1}") = (${2} ^ ${null})" || echo "$(next "${1}") = ${2}"
+ }
+ function get-head-next
+ { (( with_xor )) && echo "($(xor "${1}") ^ ${null})" || echo "$(next "${1}")"
+ }
+ function set-next
+ { (( with_xor )) && echo "$(xor "${1}") ^= (${2} ^ ${3})" || echo "$(next "${1}") = ${2}"
function previous
- {
- (( array )) && echo "this.previous[${1}]"
- (( array )) || echo "${1}.previous"
+ { (( array )) && echo "this.previous[${1}]" || echo "${1}.previous"
+ }
+ function get-tail-previous
+ { (( with_xor )) && echo "($(xor "${1}") ^ ${null})" || echo "$(previous "${1}")"
+ }
+ function set-previous
+ { (( with_xor )) && echo "$(xor "${1}") ^= (${2} ^ ${3})" || echo "$(previous "${1}") = ${2}"
function free
- {
- (( array )) && echo "unuse(${1})"
- (( array )) || echo "${1}"
+ { (( array )) && echo "unuse(${1})" || echo "${1}"
+ }
+ function singularity
+ { (( with_xor )) && echo "${mirror}" || echo "${1}"
@@ -231,13 +245,9 @@ public class £{name}<T>
£>new node null
this.edge = node;
-£>if (( with_xor )); then
- £(xor this.edge) = £{mirror};
- £(next this.edge) = this.edge;
-£>(( with_prev )) &&
- £(previous this.edge) = this.edge;
+£>for var in $refs; do
+ £($var this.edge) = £(singularity this.edge);
@@ -389,12 +399,10 @@ public class £{name}<T>
public £{Node} create(T value)
£>new node value
-£>(( with_prev )) && (( 1 - with_xor)) &&
- £(previous node) = node;
-£>(( with_xor )) &&
- return £(xor node) = £{mirror};
-£>(( with_xor )) ||
- return £(next node) = node;
+£>for var in $refs; do
+ £($var node) = £(singularity node);
+ return node;
@@ -407,31 +415,26 @@ public class £{name}<T>
* @return The node that has been created and inserted
public £{Node} insertBeginning(T value)
-£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
+£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
return insertAfter(value, this.edge);
- }
- {
£>new node value
+ £(set-head-next node this.head);
£>if (( with_xor )); then
- £(xor node) = £{null} ^ this.head;
- £(xor this.head) ^= £{null} ^ node;
- £(next node) = this.head;
-£>if (( with_prev )); then
+ £(set-previous this.head "${null}" node);
+£>elif (( with_prev )); then
if (£(next node) != £{null})
£(previous "$(next node)") = node;
£>if (( with_tail )); then
if (this.head == £{null})
this.tail = node;
this.head = node;
return node;
- }
+ }
* Remove the node at the beginning of the list
@@ -439,38 +442,68 @@ public class £{name}<T>
* @return The node that has been removed
public £{Node} removeBeginning()
-£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
+£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
return removeAfter(this.edge);
- }
- {
£{Node} node = this.head;
if (node != £{null})
-£>if (( with_xor )); then
- this.head = £(xor node) ^ £{null};
- if (this.head != £{null})
- £(xor this.head) ^= £{null} ^ node;
- }
- this.head = £(next node);
+ this.head = £(get-head-next node);
£>if (( with_prev )); then
- if (this.head != £{null})
- £(previous this.head) = £{null};
+ if (this.head != £{null})
+ £(set-previous this.head "${null}" node);
£>if (( with_tail )); then
- if (this.tail == node)
- this.tail = £{null};
+ if (this.tail == node)
+ this.tail = £{null};
+ }
return £(free node);
- }
+ }
£>if (( 1 - with_xor )); then
+£>function insertDirection
+£>new node value
+ £(${2} node) = £(next ${1});
+ £(${2} ${1}) = node;
+£>if (( with_${3} )); then
+ £(${3} node) = £{1};
+£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
+ if (£(${2} node) != £{null})
+ £(${3} "$(${2} node)") = node;
+£>if (( with_${4} )); then
+ if (this.£{4} == £{1})
+ this.£{4} = node;
+ return node;
+£>function removeDirection
+ £{Node} node = £(${2} ${1});
+£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
+ if (node != £{null})
+ {
+ £(${2} ${1}) = £(${2} node);
+£>if (( with_${3} )); then
+£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
+ if (£(${2} node) != £{null})
+ £(${3} "$(${2} node)") = £{1};
+£>if (( with_${4} )); then
+ if (this.£{4} == node)
+ this.£{4} = £{1};
+ }
+ return £(free node);
* Insert a value after a specified, reference, node
@@ -480,20 +513,7 @@ public class £{name}<T>
public £{Node} insertAfter(T value, £{Node} predecessor)
-£>new node value
- £(next node) = £(next predecessor);
- £(next predecessor) = node;
-£>if (( with_prev )); then
- £(previous node) = predecessor;
-£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
- if (£(next node) != £{null})
- £(previous "$(next node)") = node;
-£>if (( with_tail )); then
- if (this.tail == predecessor)
- this.tail = node;
- return node;
+£>insertDirection predecessor next previous tail
@@ -504,22 +524,7 @@ public class £{name}<T>
public £{Node} removeAfter(£{Node} predecessor)
- £{Node} node = £(next predecessor);
-£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
- if (node != £{null})
- {
- £(next predecessor) = £(next node);
-£>if (( with_prev )); then
-£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
- if (£(next node) != £{null})
- £(previous "$(next node)") = predecessor;
-£>if (( with_tail )); then
- if (this.tail == node)
- this.tail = predecessor;
- }
- return £(free node);
+£>removeDirection predecessor next previous tail
@@ -533,18 +538,7 @@ public class £{name}<T>
public £{Node} insertBefore(T value, £{Node} successor)
-£>new node value
- £(previous node) = £(previous successor);
- £(previous successor) = node;
- £(next node) = successor;
-£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
- if (£(previous node) != £{null})
- £(next "$(previous node)") = node;
-£>if (( with_head )); then
- if (this.head == successor)
- this.head = node;
- return node;
+£>insertDirection successor previous next head
@@ -555,20 +549,7 @@ public class £{name}<T>
public £{Node} removeBefore(£{Node} successor)
- £{Node} node = £(previous successor);
-£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
- if (node != £{null})
- {
- £(previous successor) = £(previous node);
-£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
- if (£(previous node) != £{null})
- £(next "$(previous node)") = successor;
-£>if (( with_head )); then
- if (this.head == node)
- this.head = successor;
- }
- return £(free node);
+£>removeDirection successor previous next head
@@ -579,21 +560,15 @@ public class £{name}<T>
public void remove(£{Node} node)
+£>for x in "previous next head" "next previous tail"; do x=( $x )
£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
- if (£(previous node) != £{null})
- £(next "$(previous node)") = £(next node);
-£>if (( with_head )); then
+ if (£(${x[0]} node) != £{null})
+ £(${x[1]} "$(${x[0]} node)") = £(${x[1]} node);
+£>if (( with_${x[2]} )); then
- this.head = £(next node);
-£>(( with_sentinel )) ||
- if (£(next node) != £{null})
- £(previous "$(next node)") = £(previous node);
-£>if (( with_tail )); then
- else
- this.tail = £(previous node);
+ this.£{x[2]} = £(${x[1]} node);
£>(( array )) &&
@@ -610,22 +585,22 @@ public class £{name}<T>
* @return The node that has been created and inserted
public £{Node} insertEnd(T value)
-£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
+£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
return insertBefore(value, this.edge);
- }
- {
if (this.tail == £{null})
-£>(( with_head )) &&
+ {
+£>if (( with_head )); then
return insertBeginning(value);
-£>(( 1 - with_head )) && (( 1 - array )) &&
- return this.tail = new £{Node}(value);
-£>(( 1 - with_head )) && (( array )) &&
- return this.values[this.tail = getNext()] = value;
+£>new node value
+ return this.tail = node;
+ }
return insertAfter(value, this.tail);
- }
+ }
£>if (( with_prev )); then
@@ -635,25 +610,19 @@ public class £{name}<T>
* @return The node that has been removed
public £{Node} removeEnd()
-£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
+£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
return removeBefore(this.edge);
- }
- {
£{Node} node = this.tail;
if (node != £{null})
-£>if (( with_xor )); then
- this.tail = £{null} ^ £(xor node);
- £(xor this.tail) ^= £{null} ^ node;
+ this.tail = £(get-tail-previous node);
+ £(set-next this.tail "${null}" node);
- £(next "(this.tail = $(previous node))") = £{null};
return £(free node);
- }
+ }