# -*- shell-script -*- # lc = left of colour sequence (default = "\033[") # rc = right of colour sequence (default = "m") # en = end color (replaced lc+no+rc; default = NULL) # cl = clear to end of line (default = "\033[K") # rs = reset to ordinary colors (default = "0") # no = normal (global default) # di = directory # fi = regular file # ex = executable regular file # pi = named pipe (FIFO) # bd = block device # cd = character device # ln = symbolic link # or = orphaned symbolic link (points to a file that no longer exists) # mi = missing file (a missing file that an orphan symbolic link points to) # so = socket # do = door # su = setuid # sg = setgid # st = sticky # ow = other-writable # tw = ow (other-writable) + st (sticky) # ca = ??? # mh = ??? export LS_COLORS=\ "di=1;34:"\ "fi=0:"\ "ex=1;32:"\ "pi=42;30:"\ "bd=46;37:"\ "cd=46;30:"\ "ln=1;36:"\ "or=1;31:"\ "mi=1;31:"\ "so=41;37:"\ "do=41;30:"\ "su=1;45;7:"\ "sg=1;35:"\ "st=31:"\ "ow=32:"\ "tw=33:"\ "$(printf "*.%s=34:" tar tgz arj taz lzh lzma tlz txz zip z Z dz gz lz xz bz2 bz tbz tbz2 tz deb rpm jar war ear sar rar \ ace zoo cpio 7z rz zst dmg)"\ "$(printf "*.%s=35:" jpg jpeg gif bmp pbm pgm ppm tga zbm xpm tif tiff png svg svgz mng pcx mov mpg mpeg m2v mkc webm ogm \ mp4 m4v mp4v vob nuv wmv asf rm rmvb flv avi fli flv gl dl xcf xwd yuv cgm emf axv anx ogv ogx pam \ ff webm webp)"\ "$(printf "*.%s=36:" aac au flc flac m4a mid midi mka mp3 mpc ogg ra wav axa oga spx xsdf opus)"