#DESCRIPTION: A nicer default shell prompt line #DESCRIPTION: Use full block cursor Do not use full block cursor #USAGE block-on block-off #DESCRIPTION: Print username Do not print username Set colour of username #USAGE: username-on username-off username-colour #DESCRIPTION: Print hostname Do not print hostname Set colour of hostname #USAGE: hostname-on hostname-off hostname-colour #DESCRIPTION: Print IP address in place hostname #USAGE: hostname-ip #DESCRIPTION: Print terminal name Do not print terminal name Set colour of terminal name #USAGE: pts-on pts-off pts-colour #DESCRIPTION: Print git branch Do not print git branch Set colour of git branch #USAGE: git-on git-off git-colour #DESCRIPTION: Print directory Do not print directory Set colour of directory #USAGE: dir-on dir-off dir-colour #DESCRIPTION: Print directory tip Print absolute directory Print custom directory #USAGE: dir-short dir-full dir-text #DESCRIPTION: Print current time Do not print current time Set colour of current time #USAGE: clock-on clock-off clock-colour #DESCRIPTION: Print battery status Do not print battery status Set colour of battery status #USAGE: battery-on battery-off battery-colour #DESCRIPTION: Print featherweight status Do not print featherweight status Set the used colour #USAGE featherweight-on featherweight-off featherweight-colour #DESCRIPTION: Set title on terminal Do not set title on terminal #USAGE title-on title-off #DESCRIPTION: Use two lines Use a single line #USAGE dual-on dual-off #DESCRIPTION: Set colour of error code #USAGE error-colour #DESCRIPTION: Set colour of dollar/hash sign #USAGE dollar-colour prompt_addons=() __prompt_block="" if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then __prompt_block="\033[?8c" fi block-on () { __prompt_block="\033[?8c" update-prompt } block-off () { __prompt_block="" update-prompt } __prompt_username="\u" username-on () { __prompt_username="\u" update-prompt } username-off () { __prompt_username="" update-prompt } __prompt_username_colour="94" if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then __prompt_username_colour="91" if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then __prompt_username_colour="31;01" fi elif [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then __prompt_username_colour="34;01" fi username-colour () { __prompt_username_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_hostname="1" hostname-on () { __prompt_hostname="1" update-prompt } hostname-ip () { __prompt_hostname="$( (ifconfig | sed -n 's/^[\t ]*inet[\t ][\t ]*\([^\t ]*\).*$/\1/p' | sed '/^127\.0\.0\.1$/d' ; echo | sed 1q )" update-prompt } hostname-off () { __prompt_hostname="0" update-prompt } __prompt_hostname_colour="34" hostname-colour () { __prompt_hostname_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_pts="0" if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then __prompt_pts="1" fi pts-on () { __prompt_pts="1" update-prompt } pts-off () { __prompt_pts="0" update-prompt } __prompt_pts_colour="36" pts-colour () { __prompt_pts_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_git="1" git-on () { __prompt_git="1" update-prompt } git-off () { __prompt_git="0" update-prompt } __prompt_git_colour="32" git-colour () { __prompt_git_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_func_git () { if __prompt_func_git_branch="$(LANG=C git branch --format='%(if)%(HEAD)%(then)%(refname:short)%(end)' 2>/dev/null)"; then if __prompt_func_git_branch="$(printf '%s\n' "${__prompt_func_git_branch}" | grep -v '^$')"; then if [ -z "${__prompt_func_git_branch}" ]; then printf '%s' '(orphan)' else printf '%s' "${__prompt_func_git_branch}" | sed 's/^(HEAD detached at .*)$/(detached)/' fi else printf '%s' '(orphan)' fi fi } __prompt_dir="\w" dir-on () { __prompt_dir="\w" update-prompt } dir-short () { __prompt_dir="\W" update-prompt } dir-full () { __prompt_dir='$(pwd)' update-prompt } dir-text () { __prompt_dir="$(sed -e 's:\\:\\\\:g' <<<"$*")" update-prompt } dir-off () { __prompt_dir="" update-prompt } __prompt_dir_colour="35" dir-colour () { __prompt_dir_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_clock="(\t)" clock-on () { __prompt_clock="(\t)" update-prompt } clock-off () { __prompt_clock="" update-prompt } __prompt_clock_colour="33" clock-colour () { __prompt_clock_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_dual="\[\033[00m\]\n\[\033[1K\]" dual-on () { __prompt_dual="\[\033[00m\]\n\[\033[1K\]" update-prompt } dual-off () { __prompt_dual="" update-prompt } __prompt_dollar_colour="01;34" if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then __prompt_dollar_colour="01;31" fi dollar-colour () { __prompt_dollar_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_error_colour="01;31" error-colour () { __prompt_error_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_func_error () { if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then echo -n "" else echo -n "(error: $1) " fi } __prompt_battery="" battery-on () { __prompt_battery='$(__prompt_func_battery)' update-prompt } battery-off () { __prompt_battery="" update-prompt } __prompt_battery_colour="33" battery-colour () { __prompt_battery_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_func_battery () { local __first=1 acpi --battery 2>/dev/null | while read info; do if [ $__first = 1 ]; then echo -n "(${info})" __first=0 else echo -n " (${info})" fi done } __prompt_featherweight='$(__prompt_func_featherweight)' featherweight-on () { __prompt_featherweight='$(__prompt_func_featherweight)' update-prompt } featherweight-off () { __prompt_featherweight='' update-prompt } __prompt_featherweight_colour="36" featherweight-colour () { __prompt_featherweight_colour="$*" update-prompt } __prompt_func_featherweight () { local status if [ -r ~/.var/lib/featherweight/status ]; then status="$(cat ~/.var/lib/featherweight/status)" if [ ! "${status}" = "0" ]; then echo "(fw: ${status})" fi fi } __prompt_title="" case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*|Eterm|aterm|kterm|gnome*) __prompt_title="\033]0;\u@\h: \w || $(tty)\a" ;; esac title-on () { __prompt_title="\033]0;\u@\h: \w || $(tty)\a" update-prompt } title-off () { __prompt_title="" update-prompt } __screen_title="" case "$TERM" in screen) __screen_title="\033_\u@\h: \w || $(tty)\033\\" ;; esac screen-title-on () { __screen_title="\033_\u@\h: \w || $(tty)\033\\" update-prompt } screen-title-off () { __screen_title="" update-prompt } update-prompt () { local __invisible __addon __invisible="\[${__prompt_title}${__screen_title}${__prompt_block}\033[00m\]" PS1="" if [ ! "${__prompt_username}" = "" ]; then PS1="${PS1}\[\033[${__prompt_username_colour}m\]${__prompt_username}\[\033[00m\]" fi if [ "${__prompt_hostname}" = "1" ]; then if [ ! "${PS1}" = "" ]; then PS1="${PS1}@" fi PS1="${PS1}\[\033[${__prompt_hostname_colour}m\]\h\[\033[00m\]" elif [ ! "${__prompt_hostname}" = "0" ]; then if [ ! "${PS1}" = "" ]; then PS1="${PS1}@" fi PS1="${PS1}\[\033[${__prompt_hostname_colour}m\]${__prompt_hostname}\[\033[00m\]" fi if [ "${__prompt_pts}" = "1" ]; then if [ ! "${PS1}" = "" ]; then PS1="${PS1}." fi PS1="${PS1}\[\033[${__prompt_pts_colour}m\]\l\[\033[00m\]" fi if [ "${__prompt_git}" = "1" ]; then if [ ! "${PS1}" = "" ]; then PS1="${PS1}"'$(if git branch 2>/dev/null >&2; then printf ':'; fi)' fi PS1="${PS1}\[\033[${__prompt_git_colour}m\]"'$(__prompt_func_git)'"\[\033[00m\]" fi if [ ! "${__prompt_dir}" = "" ]; then if [ ! "${PS1}" = "" ]; then PS1="${PS1}: " fi PS1="${PS1}\[\033[${__prompt_dir_colour}m\]${__prompt_dir}\[\033[00m\]" fi if [ ! "${__prompt_clock}" = "" ]; then if [ ! "${PS1}" = "" ]; then PS1="${PS1} " fi PS1="${PS1}\[\033[${__prompt_clock_colour}m\]${__prompt_clock}\[\033[00m\]" fi if [ ! "${__prompt_battery}" = "" ]; then if [ ! "${PS1}" = "" ]; then PS1="${PS1} " fi PS1="${PS1}\[\033[${__prompt_battery_colour}m\]${__prompt_battery}\[\033[00m\]" fi if [ ! "${__prompt_featherweight}" = "" ]; then if [ ! "${PS1}" = "" ]; then PS1="${PS1} " fi PS1="${PS1}\[\033[${__prompt_featherweight_colour}m\]${__prompt_featherweight}\[\033[00m\]" fi __sh="\[\033[00m\033[${__prompt_dollar_colour}m\]\\$\[\033[00m\]" __err="\[\033[${__prompt_error_colour}m\]"'$(__prompt_func_error $?)'"\[\033[00m\]" for __addon in "${prompt_addons[@]}"; do PS1="${PS1}$(${__addon})" done PS1="${__invisible}${__err}${PS1}${__prompt_dual}${__sh} " } update-prompt PS2='\[\e[01;31m\]> \[\e[00m\]' PS3='\[\e[01;31m\]> \[\e[00m\]' PS4='\[\e[01;31m\]+ \[\e[00m\]'