# Maintainer: Mattias Andrée pkgname=dooble pkgver=1.56c pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='A safe WebKit Web browser' url='http://dooble.sourceforge.net/' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') license=('custom:3-clause BSD') depends=('libpng' 'qt5-base' 'qt5-webkit' 'openssl' 'libspoton>=2015.06.17' "dooble-common=${pkgver}") makedepends=('libpng' 'qt5-base' 'qt5-webkit' 'openssl' 'qt5-tools' 'sed' 'coreutils') source=("dooble-${pkgver}.tar.gz::https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/dooble/Version%20${pkgver}/Dooble.d.tar.gz?r=") sha256sums=('03b5bb0460aa8f4f731a47b70c571942a186fb0e7c4b74f546cef356be0afe6a') # Dependency (from ldd output) tree: # libpng # qt5-base # icu # gcc-libs # libjpeg-turbo # sqlite # mesa-libgl # mesa # libdrm # libxdamage # libxxf86vm # libxrender # qt5-webkit # libxcomposite # libxfixes # libx11 # libxcb # libxdmcp & libxau # glibc # libxext # libxslt # libgcrypt # libgpg-error # libxml2 # xz # zlib # qt5-sensors & qt5-location # qt5-declarative # gstreamer0.10-base # gstreamer0.10 # glib2 # libffi # pcre # orc # openssl build() { cd "$srcdir/dooble.d/Version 1.x/" sed -i 's_-Werror__g' dooble.qt5.pro sed -i 's_-lspoton_-lspoton -lQt5PrintSupport_g' dooble.qt5.pro qmake-qt5 -o Makefile dooble.qt5.pro make distclean qmake-qt5 -o Makefile dooble.qt5.pro sed -i '/^INCPATH/s:=:= -I/usr/include/qt/QtWidgets:' Makefile sed -i '/^INCPATH/s:=:= -I/usr/include/qt/QtWebKitWidgets:' Makefile sed -i '/^INCPATH/s:=:= -I/usr/include/qt/QtPrintSupport:' Makefile sed -i '/#include/s:QtGui/\([^>]*\)QAction:\1:' Include/*.h make } package() { cd "$srcdir/dooble.d/Version 1.x/" install -Dm755 Dooble -- "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/Dooble" install -Dm755 dooble.sh -- "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}" install -Dm644 dooble.desktop -- "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop" msg "Editing files for the file system adaption" sed -i s_"/usr/local/dooble/"_"/usr/lib/${pkgname}/"_g -- "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}" sed -i s_"/usr/local/dooble"_"/usr/share/dooble"_g -- "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}" sed -i s_"\./Dooble"_"../../lib/${pkgname}/Dooble"_g -- "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}" sed -i /LD_LIBRARY_PATH/d -- "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}" sed -i s_'/usr/local/dooble/Lib\x00'_'/usr/lib\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'_g \ -- "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/Dooble" # The replacements's length must match the pattern's length sed -i s_'/usr/local/dooble/dooble.sh'_"/usr/bin/${pkgname}"_g \ -- "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop" }