# -*- python -*- ''' xpybar – xmobar replacement written in python Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Mattias Andrée (maandree@kth.se) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import os from util import * from plugins.linereader import LineReader class Ping: ''' Network connectivity monitor using ICMP echos @variable monitors:dict> Map from network interface to list of network monitors connected against the server specified by the corresponding element in `targets` of `__init__` ''' DEFAULT_GATEWAY = ... ''' Selects the default gateway's IP address ''' UNITS = { 'ns' : 0.000001, 'us' : 0.001, 'µs' : 0.001, 'ms' : 1.0, 's' : 1000.0 } def __init__(self, targets = None, interval = 5, arguments = None, buffer_size = 8): ''' Constructor @param targets:dict> Map from network interfaces to servers to ping @param interval:float The pinging interval, in seconds @param arguments:itr? Extra arguments for the `ping` command ''' if targets is None: targets = Ping.get_nics() gateways = Ping.get_default_gateways() args = ['ping', '-i', str(interval)] + (arguments if arguments is not None else []) def get(nic, target): if target == Ping.DEFAULT_GATEWAY: target = None if nic not in gateways else gateways[nic] if target is None: return None command = args + ['-I', nic, target] return Ping.create_monitor(command, buffer_size, interval) self.monitors = dict((nic, [get(nic, t) for t in targets[nic]]) for nic in targets.keys()) @staticmethod def get_nics(server = ...): ''' List all network interfaces with a default gateway and map them to `server` @return :dict Dictionary of network interfaces mapped to `server` ''' data = spawn_read('ip', 'route').split('\n') def get(fields): device = fields[fields.index('dev') + 1] return (device, [server]) return dict(get(line.split(' ')) for line in data if line.startswith('default via ')) @staticmethod def get_default_gateways(): ''' All network interfaces with a default gateway mapped to their default gateways @return :dict Map from network interfaces to their default gateways ''' data = spawn_read('ip', 'route').split('\n') def get(fields): gateway = fields[2] device = fields[fields.index('dev') + 1] return (device, gateway) return dict(get(line.split(' ')) for line in data if line.startswith('default via ')) @staticmethod def create_monitor(command, buffer_size, interval): import time class PingMonitor: def __init__(self): self.latency_buffer = [None] * buffer_size self.semaphore = threading.Semaphore() self.last_read = time.monotonic() self.last_icmp_seq = 0 def start(self): with LineReader(spawn(*command)) as reader: reader.next() while True: line = reader.next() self.semaphore.acquire() try: line = line.replace('=', ' ').split(' ') icmp_seq = int(line[line.index('icmp_seq') + 1]) ping_time = float(line[line.index('time') + 1]) ping_time *= Ping.UNITS[line[line.index('time') + 2]] dropped_pkgs = icmp_seq - self.last_icmp_seq - 1 dropped_pkgs = [None] * dropped_pkgs self.last_icmp_seq = icmp_seq self.latency_buffer[:] = ([ping_time] + dropped_pkgs + self.latency_buffer)[:buffer_size] self.last_read = time.monotonic() except: pass finally: self.semaphore.release() def get_latency(self, acquired = False): ''' Get the average responses-time @return :list For index `n` (limited to `buffer_size` inclusively): the average response time for the latest `n - d` received pongs, where `d` is not number of dropped packages of the latest `n` sent pings. If the average response time cannot be calculated (if all packages have been dropped), the value will be `None`. Note that the value at index 0 will always be `None`, because index 0 means no packages. ''' if not acquired: self.semaphore.acquire() try: rc = [None] cursum = 0 samples = 0 for i in range(buffer_size): if self.latency_buffer[i] is not None: cursum += self.latency_buffer[i] samples += 1 rc.append(None if samples == 0 else cursum / samples) return rc finally: if not acquired: self.semaphore.release() def dropped(self, acquired = False): ''' Estimate how many echos have been dropped since the last pong @return :int The estimated number of dropped packages ''' if not acquired: self.semaphore.acquire() try: return (time.monotonic() - self.last_read) // interval finally: if not acquired: self.semaphore.release() def dropped_time(self, acquired = False): ''' Estimate for how long packages have been dropping @return :float The estimated time packages have been dropping, in seconds ''' if not acquired: self.semaphore.acquire() try: time_diff = time.monotonic() - self.last_read return 0 if time_diff < interval else time_diff finally: if not acquired: self.semaphore.release() monitor = PingMonitor() xasync(monitor.start) return monitor