#!/usr/bin/env python3 copyright = ''' xpybar – xmobar replacement written in python Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Mattias Andrée (m@maandreese) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import os, sys, pwd import Xlib.threaded # IMPORTANT (threading do not work otherwise, see XInitThreads) import Xlib.display, Xlib.Xatom, Xlib.ext.randr, Xlib.X from argparser import * from x import * from util import * PROGRAM_NAME = 'xpybar' PROGRAM_VERSION = '1.20' global OUTPUT, HEIGHT, YPOS, TOP, FONT, BACKGROUND, FOREGROUND global display, outputs, redraw, Bar, start, stop global conf_opts, config_file, parser OUTPUT, HEIGHT, YPOS, TOP = 0, 12, 0, True FONT = '-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' BACKGROUND, FOREGROUND = (0, 0, 0), (192, 192, 192) PLUGIN_PATH = None if PLUGIN_PATH is not None: sys.path.insert(0, PLUGIN_PATH) def redraw(): ''' Invoked when redraw is needed, feel free to replace this completely ''' global bar bar.clear() def start(): ''' Invoked when it is time to create panels and map them, feel free to replace this completely ''' global bar bar = Bar(OUTPUT, HEIGHT, YPOS, TOP, FONT, BACKGROUND, FOREGROUND) bar.map() def stop(): ''' Invoked when it is time to unmap the panels, feel free to replace this completely ''' global bar bar.unmap() def unhandled_event(e): ''' Invoked when an unrecognised even is polled, feel free to replace this completely @param e The event ''' pass class Bar: ''' Docked panel @variable window The X window @variable gc The window's graphics context @variable cmap The window's colour map @variable width:int The output's pixel width @variable height:int The output's pixel height @variable left:int The output's left position @variable ypos:int The position of the panel in relation to either the top or bottom edge of the output @variable panel_height:int The panel's height @variable at_top:bool Whether the panel is to be docked to the top of the output, otherwise to the bottom @variable background The default background @variable foreground The default foreground @variable font The default font @variable font_metrics The default font's metrics @variable font_height:int The height of the default font @variable font_width:int The width of an 'X' with the default font @variable palette A 16-array of standard colours @variable cmap_cache Custom colour map cache ''' def __init__(self, output, height, ypos, top, font, background, foreground): ''' Constructor @param output:int The index of the output within the screen as printed by xrandr, except primary is first @param height:int The height of the panel @param ypos:int The position of the panel in relation the either the top or bottom edge of the output @param top:bool Whether the panel is to be docked to the top of the output, otherwise to the bottom @param font:str The default font @param background:(red:int, green:int, blue:int) The default background @param foreground:(red:int, green:int, blue:int) The default foreground ''' ## Panel position pos = outputs[output][:3] + [ypos, height, top] self.width, self.height, self.left, self.ypos, self.panel_height, self.at_top = pos ## Create window and create/fetch resources self.window = create_panel(*pos) self.gc = self.window.create_gc() self.cmap = self.window.get_attributes().colormap ## Graphics variables self.cmap_cache = {} self.background = self.create_colour(*background) self.foreground = self.create_colour(*foreground) (self.font, self.font_metrics, self.font_height) = self.create_font(font) self.font_width = self.text_width('X') self.palette = [0x000000, 0xCD656C, 0x32A679, 0xCCAD47, 0x2495BE, 0xA46EB0, 0x00A09F, 0xD8D8D8] self.palette += [0x555555, 0xEB5E6A, 0x0EC287, 0xF2CA38, 0x00ACE0, 0xC473D1, 0x00C3C7, 0xEEEEEE] self.palette = [((p >> 16) & 255, (p >> 8) & 255, p & 255) for p in self.palette] self.palette = [self.create_colour(*p) for p in self.palette] def map(self): ''' Map the window ''' self.window.map() display.flush() def unmap(self): ''' Unmap the window ''' self.window.unmap() def text_width(self, text): ''' Get the width of a text @param text:str The text @return :int The width of the text ''' return self.font.query_text_extents(text.encode('utf8')).overall_width def draw_text(self, x, y, descent, text, *, colour = None, clear = None): ''' Draw a text @param x:int The left position of the text @param y:int The Y position of the bottom of the text @param descent:int Extra height under the text on each line @param text:str The text to draw @param colour:(foreground, background)? The colour to draw with @param clear:(y:int, height:int)? Vertical clearing area ''' special = '─│┌┐└┘├┤┬┴┼╱╲╳←↓→↑\0' buf = '' w = self.font_width - 1 h = self.font_height + descent - 1 y_ = y - self.font_height if colour is not None: (fc, bc) = colour self.gc.change(foreground = fc, background = bc) if clear is not None: (clear_y, line_height) = clear ascent = line_height - self.font_height for c in text + '\0': if c in special: if not buf == '': text_width = self.font_width * len(buf) if clear is not None: self.change_colour(self.background) self.window.fill_rectangle(self.gc, x, clear_y, text_width, ascent) self.gc.change(foreground = fc, background = bc) if len(buf.encode('utf-8')) > 255: while not buf == '': sbuf, buf = buf[:42], buf[42:] draw_text(self.window, self.gc, x, y, sbuf) x += self.font_width * len(sbuf) else: draw_text(self.window, self.gc, x, y, buf) x += text_width buf = '' if not c == '\0': segs = [] if c in '─┼┬┴': segs.append((0, 1, 2, 1)) if c in '│┼├┤': segs.append((1, 0, 1, 2)) if c in '├┌└': segs.append((1, 1, 2, 1)) if c in '┤┐┘': segs.append((0, 1, 1, 1)) if c in '┬┌┐': segs.append((1, 1, 1, 2)) if c in '┴└┘': segs.append((1, 0, 1, 1)) if c in '╱╳': segs.append((0, 2, 2, 0)) if c in '╲╳': segs.append((0, 0, 2, 2)) if c in '←': segs.append((0, 1, 1.9, 1)) segs.append((1, 0.6, 0, 1)) segs.append((1, 1.4, 0, 1)) elif c in '→': segs.append((0, 1, 1.9, 1)) segs.append((1.1, 0.6, 1.9, 1)) segs.append((1.1, 1.4, 1.9, 1)) elif c in '↑': segs.append((1, 0.4, 1, 1.8)) segs.append((0.3, 0.9, 1, 0.4)) segs.append((1.7, 0.9, 1, 0.4)) elif c in '↓': segs.append((1, 0.4, 1, 1.8)) segs.append((0.3, 1.3, 1, 1.8)) segs.append((1.7, 1.3, 1, 1.8)) segs_ = [] for seg in segs: (x1, y1, x2, y2) = [c / 2 for c in seg] x1, x2 = x1 * w, x2 * w y1, y2 = y1 * h, y2 * h segs_.append((int(x1) + x, int(y1) + y_, int(x2) + x, int(y2) + y_)) if clear is not None: self.change_colour(self.background) self.window.fill_rectangle(self.gc, x, clear_y, w + 1, line_height) self.gc.change(foreground = fc, background = bc) self.window.poly_segment(self.gc, segs_) x += w + 1 else: buf += c def draw_coloured_text(self, x, y, ascent, descent, text): ''' Draw a coloured multi-line text @param x:int The left position of the text @param y:int The Y position of the bottom of the text @param ascent:int Extra height above the text on each line @param descent:int Extra height under the text on each line @param text:str The text to draw ''' buf, bc, fc, xx, reverse = '', self.background, self.foreground, x, False line_height = ascent + self.font_height + descent esc = False for c in text + '\033[m': if esc: buf += c if ('a' <= c <= 'z') or ('A' <= c <= 'Z') or (c == '~'): if (buf[0] == '[') and (buf[-1] == 'm'): buf = buf[1 : -1].split(';') buf = [int('0' + x) for x in buf] bci, fci = 0, 0 for b in buf: if not bci == 0: if bci == 1: if not b == 2: bci = -2 bc = 0 elif bci > 1: bc = (bc << 8) + b if bci == 4: bci = -1 bc = (bc >> 16) & 255, (bc >> 8) & 255, bc & 255 bc = self.create_colour(*bc) bci += 1 elif not fci == 0: if fci == 1: if not b == 2: fci = -2 fc = 0 elif fci > 1: fc = (fc << 8) + b if fci == 4: fci = -1 fc = ((fc >> 16) & 255, (fc >> 8) & 255, fc & 255) fc = self.create_colour(*fc) fci += 1 elif b == 0: bc, fc, reverse = self.background, self.foreground, False elif b == 39: fc = self.foreground elif b == 49: bc = self.background elif 30 <= b <= 37: fc = self.palette[b - 30] elif 40 <= b <= 47: bc = self.palette[b - 40] elif 90 <= b <= 97: fc = self.palette[b - 90 + 8] elif 100 <= b <= 107: bc = self.palette[b - 100 + 8] elif b == 38: fci = 1 elif b == 48: bci = 1 elif b == 7: reverse = True elif b == 27: reverse = False buf = '' esc = False elif c in ('\033', '\n'): if not buf == '': self.change_colour(bc if not reverse else fc) h = self.font_height + ascent w = self.font_width * len(buf) colours = (fc, bc) if not reverse else (bc, fc) self.draw_text(x, y + ascent, descent, buf, colour = colours, clear = (y - h, line_height)) x += w buf = '' if c == '\n': y += line_height x = xx else: esc = True else: buf += c self.change_colour(self.foreground) def draw_coloured_splitted_text(self, x, width, y, ascent, descent, text): ''' Draw a coloured multi-line, multi-column text @param x:int The left position of the text @param width:int The width of the print area @param y:int The Y position of the bottom of the text @param ascent:int Extra height above the text on each line @param descent:int Extra height under the text on each line @param text:str The text to draw, '\0' is column delimiter inside each line ''' line_height = ascent + self.font_height + descent for line in text.split('\n'): if '\0' not in line: self.draw_coloured_text(x, y, ascent, descent, line) else: parts = line.split('\0') i, n = 0, len(parts) - 1 for part in parts: x = (width - Bar.coloured_length(part) * self.font_width) * i / n self.draw_coloured_text(int(x), y, ascent, descent, part) i += 1 y += line_height def create_colour(self, red, green, blue): ''' Create a colour instance @param red:int The red component [0, 255] @param green:int The green component [0, 255] @param blue:int The blue component [0, 255] @return The colour ''' cid = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue if cid in self.cmap_cache: return self.cmap_cache[cid] rc = self.cmap.alloc_color(red * 257, green * 257, blue * 257).pixel self.cmap_cache[cid] = rc return rc def create_font(self, font): ''' Create a font @param font:str The font @return The font, font metrics, and font height ''' font = display.open_font(font) font_metrics = font.query() font_height = font_metrics.font_ascent + font_metrics.font_descent return (font, font_metrics, font_height) def change_colour(self, colour): ''' Change the current colour @param colour The colour ''' self.gc.change(foreground = colour) def change_font(self, font): ''' Change the current font @param font The font ''' self.gc.change(font = font) def partial_clear(self, x, width, y, ascent, descent, text): ''' Fill the panel with its background colour on areas that are not about to be over painted with text and reset the colour and font @param x:int The left position of the text @param width:int The width of the print area @param y:int The Y position of the bottom of the text @param ascent:int Extra height above the text on each line @param descent:int Extra height under the text on each line @param text:str The text to draw, '\0' is column delimiter inside each line ''' line_height, areas = ascent + self.font_height + descent, [] y -= self.font_height - ascent for line in text.split('\n'): if '\0' not in line: x_ = Bar.coloured_length(line) if width > x_: areas.append((x + x_, y, width - x_, line_height)) else: areas_ = [] parts = line.split('\0') i, n = 0, len(parts) - 1 for part in parts: w = Bar.coloured_length(part) * self.font_width x_ = int((width - w) * i / n) if w >= 0: areas_.append((x_, x_ + w)) i += 1 x1 = areas_[0][1] for x2, x3 in areas_[1:]: if x2 > x1: areas.append((x + x1, y, x2 - x1, line_height)) x1 = x3 y += line_height self.change_colour(self.background) self.window.poly_fill_rectangle(self.gc, areas) self.change_colour(self.foreground) self.change_font(self.font) def clear_rectangle(self, x, y, width, height): ''' Clear a rectangle on the panel @param x:int The X-component of the coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner @param y:int The Y-component of the coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner @param width:int The width of the rectangle @param height:int The height of the rectangle ''' self.change_colour(self.background) self.window.fill_rectangle(self.gc, 0, 0, self.width, self.panel_height) self.change_colour(self.foreground) self.change_font(self.font) def clear(self): ''' Fill the panel with its background colour and reset the colour and font ''' self.clear_rectangle(0, 0, self.width, self.panel_height) def invalidate(self): ''' Cause the window to be redraw on the main window ''' # Dummy event for performing update in the main thread # TODO do this better e = Xlib.protocol.event.KeyPress(detail = 1, time = Xlib.X.CurrentTime, root = display.screen().root, window = self.window, child = Xlib.X.NONE, root_x = 1, root_y = 1, event_x = 1, event_y = 1, state = 0, same_screen = 1) display.send_event(self.window, e) display.flush() @staticmethod def coloured_length(text): ''' The print length of a coloured text @param text:str The text @return :int The print length of the text ''' n = 0 esc = False for c in text: if esc: if ('a' <= c <= 'z') or ('A' <= c <= 'Z') or (c == '~'): esc = False elif c == '\033': esc = True else: n += 1 return n ## Set process title setproctitle(sys.argv[0]) ## Read command line arguments parser = ArgParser('A highly extensible minimalistic dock panel', sys.argv[0] + ' [options] [-- configuration-options]', None, None, True, ArgParser.standard_abbreviations()) parser.add_argumented(['-c', '--configurations'], 0, 'FILE', 'Select configuration file') parser.add_argumentless(['-h', '-?', '--help'], 0, 'Print this help information') parser.add_argumentless(['-C', '--copying', '--copyright'], 0, 'Print copyright information') parser.add_argumentless(['-W', '--warranty'], 0, 'Print non-warranty information') parser.add_argumentless(['-v', '--version'], 0, 'Print program name and version') parser.parse() parser.support_alternatives() if parser.opts['--help'] is not None: parser.help() sys.exit(0) elif parser.opts['--copyright'] is not None: print(copyright[1 : -1]) sys.exit(0) elif parser.opts['--warranty'] is not None: print(copyright.split('\n\n')[2]) sys.exit(0) elif parser.opts['--version'] is not None: print('%s %s' % (PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_VERSION)) sys.exit(0) a = lambda opt : opt[0] if opt is not None else None config_file = a(parser.opts['--configurations']) ## Load extension and configurations via xpybarrc if config_file is None: dirs = os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'].split(':') if 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS' in os.environ else [] files = ['$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/%rc'] * len(dirs) files = ['$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/%/%rc', '$HOME/.config/%/%rc', '$HOME/.%rc', '$~/.config/%/%rc', '$~/.%rc'] + files + ['/etc/%rc'] home = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir.replace('$', '\0') for file in files: file = file.replace('%', 'xpybar') for arg in ('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', 'HOME', '~'): if '$' + arg in file: if arg == 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS': dir, dirs = dirs[0].replace('$', '\0'), dirs[1:] file = file.replace('$' + arg, dir) elif arg == '~': file = file.replace('$' + arg, home) elif arg in os.environ: file = file.replace('$' + arg, os.environ[arg].replace('$', '\0')) else: file = None break if file is not None: file = file.replace('\0', '$') if os.path.exists(file): config_file = file break conf_opts = [config_file] + parser.files if config_file is not None: code = None with open(config_file, 'rb') as script: code = script.read() code = code.decode('utf-8', 'strict') + '\n' code = compile(code, config_file, 'exec') g, l = globals(), dict(locals()) for key in l: g[key] = l[key] exec(code, g) else: print('No configuration file found') sys.exit(1) open_x() display = get_display() outputs = get_monitors() start() while True: try: e = display.next_event() if e.type == Xlib.X.DestroyNotify: break else: unhandled_event(e) except KeyboardInterrupt: break redraw() display.flush() stop() close_x()