# -*- python -*- # A xpybar configuration example testing the features of plugins.uptime import time import threading from plugins.uptime import Uptime from plugins.clock import Clock OUTPUT, HEIGHT, YPOS, TOP = 0, 12, 24, True clock = Clock(sync_to = Clock.SECONDS) start_ = start def start(): start_() async(lambda : clock.continuous_sync(lambda : bar.invalidate())) def redraw(): uptime_ = Uptime() text = 'Uptime: %s (%.0fs) │ Idle time: %s (%.0fs) : %s (%.0fs) │ Average load: %.2f%% : %.2f%%' text %= ('%id %02i:%02i:%04.1f' % uptime_.uptime, uptime_.uptime_seconds, '%id %02i:%02i:%04.1f' % uptime_.average_idle, uptime_.average_idle_seconds, '%id %02i:%02i:%04.1f' % uptime_.total_idle, uptime_.total_idle_seconds, 1 - uptime_.average_idle_seconds / uptime_.uptime_seconds, Uptime.cpu_count - uptime_.total_idle_seconds / uptime_.uptime_seconds) bar.clear() bar.draw_coloured_text(0, 10, 0, 2, text)