# -*- python -*- # A xpybar configuration example testing the features of plugins.lunar import time import threading from plugins.lunar import Lunar from plugins.clock import Clock OUTPUT, HEIGHT, YPOS, TOP = 0, 12, 24, True clock = Clock(sync_to = Clock.SECONDS) start_ = start def start(): start_() async(lambda : clock.continuous_sync(lambda : bar.invalidate())) def redraw(): lunar_ = Lunar() fraction = lunar_.fraction waxing = lunar_.waxing terminator = lunar_.terminator illumination = lunar_.illumination * 100 if terminator == 0: terminator = '0°' elif terminator > 0: terminator = '%.0f°E' % terminator else: terminator = '%.0f°W' % -terminator phase = 'new moon' if fraction < 0.25: phase = 'waxing crescent' elif fraction == 0.25: phase = 'first quarter' elif fraction < 0.50: phase = 'waxing gibbous' elif fraction == 0.50: phase = 'full moon' elif fraction < 0.75: phase = 'waning gibbous' elif fraction == 0.75: phase = 'last quarter' else: phase = 'waning crescent' colour = '34' if waxing else '31' text = 'Lunar: \033[%sm%.0f\033[m%% %s %0.4f %s' text %= (colour, illumination, terminator, fraction, phase) bar.clear() bar.draw_coloured_text(0, 10, 0, 2, text)