# -*- python -*- # A simple xpybar configuration that mixes linereading with a clock import sys import threading from util import * from plugins.clock import Clock OUTPUT, HEIGHT, YPOS, TOP = 0, 12, 0, True text = '' clock_ = Clock(format = '%Y-(%m)%b-%d %T, %a w%V, %Z', sync_to = 0.5) class Clocked: def __init__(self, *args): self.sometimes = Sometimes(*args) self.text = self.sometimes() def __call__(self, update = False): if update: self.text = self.sometimes() return self.text functions = [ lambda : text , Clocked(clock_.read, 1) ] pattern = '%s \0 %s' start_ = start def start(): start_() def read_stdin(): global text try: text = input() except: sys.exit(0) bar.invalidate() def update_per_clock(): for f in functions: if isinstance(f, Clocked): f(True) bar.invalidate() async(lambda : forever(read_stdin)) async(lambda : clock_.continuous_sync(update_per_clock)) semaphore = threading.Semaphore() def redraw(): if semaphore.acquire(blocking = False): try: values = pattern % tuple(f() for f in functions) bar.partial_clear(0, bar.width, 10, 0, 2, values) bar.draw_coloured_splitted_text(0, bar.width, 10, 0, 2, values) finally: semaphore.release()