# -*- python -*- ''' xpybar – xmobar replacement written in python Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Mattias Andrée (m@maandreese) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' # This is a template configuration of a panel that can display almost # all information and control, but suited for a height constrained screen # It is recommended to have python-posix_ipc and # installed import os import sys import pwd import time import threading import subprocess from util import * from plugins.alsa import ALSA from plugins.clock import Clock from plugins.cpu import CPU from plugins.cpuinfo import CPUInfo from plugins.cpuonline import CPUOnline from plugins.dentrystate import DentryState from plugins.df import Discs from plugins.discstats import DiscStats from plugins.files import Files from plugins.inodestate import InodeState from plugins.ipaddress import IPAddress from plugins.leapsec import LeapSeconds from plugins.loadavg import AverageLoad from plugins.locks import Locks from plugins.mem import Memory from plugins.moc import MOC from plugins.network import Network from plugins.pacman import Pacman from plugins.ping import Ping from plugins.random import Random from plugins.snmp import SNMP from plugins.snmp6 import SNMP6 from plugins.softirqs import SoftIRQs from plugins.swaps import Swaps from plugins.tzclock import TZClock from plugins.uname import Uname from plugins.uptime import Uptime from plugins.users import Users from plugins.vmstat import VMStat from plugins.weather import Weather from plugins.xdisplay import XDisplay from plugins.xkb import XKB #from plugins.application import Application #from plugins.hdparm import HDParm #from plugins.image import Image #from plugins.irc import II #from plugins.kmsg import KMsg #from plugins.lunar import Lunar #from plugins.menu import Menu #from plugins.ropty import ROPTY #from plugins.solar import Solar import Xlib.X, Xlib.XK, Xlib.protocol.event OUTPUT, HEIGHT_PER_LINE, YPOS, TOP = 0, 12, 0, True clock = Clock(sync_to = 0.5) TERMINAL = 'terminator' LEFT_BUTTON = 1 MIDDLE_BUTTON = 2 RIGHT_BUTTON = 3 SCROLL_UP = 4 SCROLL_DOWN = 5 SCROLL_LEFT = 6 SCROLL_RIGHT = 7 FORWARD_BUTTON = 8 # X1 BACKWARD_BUTTON = 9 # X2 limited = lambda v : min(max(int(v + 0.5), 0), 100) def t_(f): try: f() except: time.sleep(1) t = lambda f : (lambda : t_(f)) def pdeath(signal, *command): try: path = os.environ['PATH'].split(':') for p in path: p += '/pdeath' if os.access(p, os.X_OK, effective_ids = True): return (p, signal, *command) except: pass return command HOME = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir SEPARATOR = ' │ ' def invalidate(): try: bar.invalidate() except: pass class Entry: def __init__(self, wrap = None, left = True, line = 0, prev = None): self.left = left self.line = line self.prev = prev self.width = 0 self.offset = 0 self.last_text = None self.short_layout = None self.wrapped = self.function if wrap is None else wrap(self.function) def invalidate(self): wrapper = self.wrapped if isinstance(wrapper, Clocked): wrapper = wrapper.sometimes if isinstance(wrapper, Sometimes): wrapper.counter = 0 invalidate() def action(self, col, button, x, y): pass def click(self, row, lcol, rcol, button, x, y): if row == self.line: col = (lcol if self.left else rcol) - self.offset if 0 <= col < self.width: if self.left: x -= self.offset * bar.font_width else: col = self.width - 1 - col x = bar.width - x x -= self.offset * bar.font_width x = self.width * bar.font_width - x y -= self.line * HEIGHT_PER_LINE try: self.action(col, button, x, y) except Exception as err: print(str(err), file = sys.stderr, flush = True) return True return False def function(self): return SEPARATOR def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: text = self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs) if text is not self.last_text: self.width = Bar.coloured_length(text) self.last_text = text return text except Exception as err: print(err) def update_position(self): if self.prev is not None: self.prev.update_position() self.offset = self.prev.offset + self.prev.width class Group: def __init__(self, functions): global HEIGHT self.pattern = '' self.posupdate = [] left = None right = None lineno = 0 atleft = True newline = False lastright = None new_functions = [] separator = None for entry in functions: if entry is None: newline = not atleft lineno += 1 if newline else 0 atleft = not atleft continue entry.left = atleft entry.line = lineno if newline: self.pattern += '\n' newline = False if left is not None: self.posupdate.append(left) if right is not None: self.posupdate.append(right) left = None right = None lastright = None if entry.left: if left is not None: separator = Entry(left = True) new_functions.append(separator) self.pattern += '%s' separator.prev = left left = separator entry.prev = left left = entry elif right is None: if left is not None: self.pattern += '\0 ' right = entry lastright = entry else: separator = Entry(left = False) new_functions.append(separator) self.pattern += '%s' lastright.prev = separator separator.prev = entry lastright = entry new_functions.append(entry) self.pattern += '%s' if left is not None: self.posupdate.append(left) if right is not None: self.posupdate.append(right) height = (lineno + 1) * HEIGHT_PER_LINE if HEIGHT < height: HEIGHT = height self.functions = new_functions class MyXMonad(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, mod = Xlib.XK.XK_Super_L, ppWsSep = '', ppSep = ' ', **kwargs): self.text = '' self.text_short = '' self.ws_sep_len = len(ppWsSep) self.sep_len = len(ppSep) self.mod = mod self.show_full = False self.short_layout = None Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) xasync(lambda : forever(t(self.refresh)), name = 'xmonad') def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == MIDDLE_BUTTON: self.show_full = not self.show_full self.invalidate() return text = self.text full = self.show_full UTF8_STRING = display.intern_atom('UTF8_STRING') _XMONAD_LOG = display.intern_atom('_XMONAD_LOG') _NET_DESKTOP_NAMES = display.intern_atom('_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES') xmonad_log = display.screen().root.get_full_property(_XMONAD_LOG, UTF8_STRING).value.decode('utf-8', 'replace') xmonad_log = xmonad_log.split(' : ') net_desktop_names = display.screen().root.get_full_property(_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES, UTF8_STRING).value.decode('utf-8', 'replace') net_desktop_names = net_desktop_names[:-1].split('\0') ws = 0 ws_hit = False while ws < len(net_desktop_names): if ws > 0: col -= self.ws_sep_len if col < 0: break width = len(net_desktop_names[ws] if full else str(ws + 1)) + 2 if col < width: ws_hit = True break ws += 1 col -= width if ws < len(net_desktop_names): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.switch_workspace(ws + 1) elif button in (SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN): xmonad_log = xmonad_log[0].split(' ') active = [net_desktop_names.index(w[1:-1]) for w in xmonad_log if w[:1] == '<'] ws = [net_desktop_names.index(w[1:-1]) for w in xmonad_log if w[:1] == '['][0] ws += -1 if button == SCROLL_UP else +1 ws %= len(net_desktop_names) while ws in active: ws += -1 if button == SCROLL_UP else +1 ws %= len(net_desktop_names) self.switch_workspace(ws + 1) elif button == LEFT_BUTTON: col -= self.sep_len layout = xmonad_log[1] if not self.show_full and self.short_layout is not None: layout = self.short_layout if col < len(layout) + 2: display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyPress, display.keysym_to_keycode(self.mod)) display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyPress, display.keysym_to_keycode(Xlib.XK.XK_space)) display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyRelease, display.keysym_to_keycode(Xlib.XK.XK_space)) display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyRelease, display.keysym_to_keycode(self.mod)) display.flush() def refresh(self): try: text = input() except: sys.exit(0) buf, esc = '', None for c in text: if esc is not None: esc += c if esc == '^': buf += '^' esc = None elif esc[-1] == ')': if esc.startswith('bg(') or esc.startswith('fg('): c = 4 if esc.startswith('bg(') else 3 esc = esc[3 : -1] if esc == '': buf += '\033[%i9m' % c else: r, g, b = esc[1 : 3], esc[3 : 5], esc[5 : 7] r, g, b = int(r, 16), int(g, 16), int(b, 16) r, g, b = str(r), str(g), str(b) buf += '\033[%i8;2;%sm' % (c, ';'.join([r, g, b])) esc = None elif c == '^': esc = '' else: buf += c self.text = buf short = '' space, esc, layout, lbuf = False, False, 0, '' ws = 1 for c in buf: if esc: short += c esc = not (c == '~' or 'a' <= c.lower() <= 'z') elif c == '\033': esc = True if layout == 2: layout = 3 end = '' while lbuf.startswith(' '): short += ' ' lbuf = lbuf[1:] while lbuf.endswith(' '): end += ' ' lbuf = lbuf[:-1] self.short_layout = self.shorten_layout(lbuf) short += self.short_layout + end short += c elif ws <= 9: if c in ' <>[]': space = not space if not space: short += '%i' % ws ws += 1 if ws == 10: layout = 1 short += c elif not space: short += c elif layout == 1: if c == ' ': short += c else: layout = 2 lbuf += c elif layout == 2: lbuf += c else: short += c self.text_short = short self.invalidate() def shorten_layout(self, text): text = text.split(' ') incl = [] for word in text: if word not in ('ImageButtonDeco', 'Maximize', 'Minimize'): incl.append(word) return ' '.join(incl).replace('Mirror ', '\\') def switch_workspace(self, ws): display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyPress, display.keysym_to_keycode(self.mod)) display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyPress, display.keysym_to_keycode(Xlib.XK.XK_0 + ws)) display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyRelease, display.keysym_to_keycode(Xlib.XK.XK_0 + ws)) display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyRelease, display.keysym_to_keycode(self.mod)) display.flush() def function(self): return self.text if self.show_full else self.text_short class MyScroll(Entry): def function(self): return '↓↑' def action(self, col, button, x, y): global groups, groupi, group if button in (LEFT_BUTTON, RIGHT_BUTTON, SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN): groupi = (groupi + (+1 if button in (LEFT_BUTTON, SCROLL_DOWN) else -1)) % len(groups) group = groups[groupi] self.invalidate() class MyClock(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, format = '%Y-%m-%d %T', long_format = '%Y-(%m)%b-%d %T, %a w%V, %Z', tzs = None, **kwargs): self.default_format = format self.long_format = long_format self.clock = clock self.set_format(self.clock, self.default_format) self.tzs = [] if tzs is None else tzs self.tzi = 0 mqueue_map['timefmt'] = self.mqueue mqueue_map['tz'] = self.mqueue Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def mqueue(self, args): if args[0] == 'timefmt': args = args[1:] if len(args) == 0: self.action(0, RIGHT_BUTTON, 0, 0) else: self.set_format(self.clock, ' '.join(args)) self.invalidate() if args[0] == 'tz': args = args[1:] if len(args) == 0: self.action(0, LEFT_BUTTON, 0, 0) else: old_clock = self.clock tz = '/'.join(args) try: tzclock = TZClock(timezone = tz, format = self.clock.u_format) except: try: tzclock = TZClock(timezone = tz.upper(), format = self.clock.u_format) except: print('%s: unknown typezone: %s' % (sys.argv[0], tz), file = sys.stderr, flush = True) return tzclock.u_format = tzclock.format self.clock = tzclock if old_clock is not clock: del old_clock self.invalidate() def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: if self.clock is clock: clock.utc = not clock.utc self.set_format(clock, self.clock.u_format) else: self.set_format(clock, self.clock.u_format) self.clock = clock self.invalidate() elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: if self.clock.u_format == self.default_format: self.set_format(self.clock, self.long_format) else: self.set_format(self.clock, self.default_format) self.invalidate() elif button in (SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN): i = self.tzi + (+1 if button == SCROLL_UP else -1) if not (0 <= i <= len(self.tzs)): return self.tzi = i old_clock = self.clock if i > 0: tzclock = TZClock(timezone = self.tzs[i - 1], format = self.clock.u_format) tzclock.u_format = tzclock.format self.clock = tzclock else: self.clock = clock if old_clock is not clock: del old_clock self.invalidate() def set_format(self, clck, format): clck.u_format = format if not (clck is clock and clck.utc): clck.format = format else: fmt, esc = '', False for c in format: if esc: fmt += c if c == '%' or 'a' <= c.lower() <= 'z': esc = False if c == 'Z': while fmt[-1] != '%': fmt = fmt[:-1] fmt = fmt[:-1] + 'UTC' elif c == '%': esc = True fmt += c else: fmt += c clck.format = fmt def function(self): clck = self.clock colour = '0' if clck is not clock or clck.utc: colour += ';7' return '\033[%sm%s\033[00m' % (colour, clck.read()) class MyComputer(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, locks = None, **kwargs): self.have_linux_libre, self.have_pacman = True, None self.linux_installed, self.linux_latest = None, None self.last_uname_read = '' self.last_users_read = '' self.xdisplay = None self.you = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name self.display = 0 self.show_detailed = False self.keys = [] if locks is None: locks = ['num', 'cap'] self.num_lock = 'num' in locks or 'number' in locks or 'numerical' in locks or 'numpad' in locks self.cap_lock = 'cap' in locks or 'caps' in locks self.scr_lock = 'scr' in locks or 'scroll' in locks or 'scrl' in locks if self.num_lock: self.keys.append(Xlib.XK.XK_Num_Lock) if self.cap_lock: self.keys.append(Xlib.XK.XK_Caps_Lock) if self.scr_lock: self.keys.append(Xlib.XK.XK_Scroll_Lock) Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: if self.display == 3: col -= 5 if col % 4 == 3: return col //= 4 key = self.keys[col] display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyPress, display.keysym_to_keycode(key)) display.xtest_fake_input(Xlib.X.KeyRelease, display.keysym_to_keycode(key)) display.flush() elif button == MIDDLE_BUTTON: self.show_detailed = not self.show_detailed self.invalidate() elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: if self.display == 0: xasync(lambda : subprocess.Popen(['mate-system-monitor']).wait()) else: self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_UP: self.display = min(self.display + 1, 2) ## TODO the keyboard support is not too good self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_DOWN: self.display = max(self.display - 1, 0) self.invalidate() def function_uname(self): uname = Uname() nodename = uname.nodename kernel_release = uname.kernel_release operating_system = uname.operating_system lts = '-lts' if kernel_release.lower().endswith('-lts') else '' if self.have_pacman is None: self.have_pacman = True try: self.linux_installed = Pacman('linux-libre' + lts, True) except: self.have_linux_libre = False try: self.linux_installed = Pacman('linux' + lts, True) except: self.have_pacman = False if self.have_pacman: try: self.linux_latest = Pacman(('linux-libre' if self.have_linux_libre else 'linux') + lts, False) except: self.have_pacman = None elif self.have_pacman: try: self.linux_installed = Pacman(('linux-libre' if self.have_linux_libre else 'linux') + lts, True) self.linux_latest = Pacman(('linux-libre' if self.have_linux_libre else 'linux') + lts, False) except: self.have_pacman = None if (self.have_pacman is not None) and self.have_pacman: linux_running = kernel_release.split('-') linux_running, kernel_release = linux_running[:2], linux_running[2:] linux_running = '-'.join(linux_running) kernel_release = '-' + '-'.join(kernel_release) self.linux_installed = self.linux_installed.version self.linux_latest = self.linux_latest.version if self.linux_installed == self.linux_latest: if linux_running == self.linux_installed: linux_running = '\033[32m%s\033[39m' % linux_running else: if linux_running == self.linux_installed: linux_running = '\033[33m%s\033[39m' % linux_running else: linux_running = '\033[31m%s\033[39m' % linux_running kernel_release = linux_running + kernel_release rc = '%s %s %s' rc %= (nodename, kernel_release, operating_system) self.last_uname_read = rc return rc def function_users(self): ## TODO use inotify users = Users('devfs').users def colour_user(user): if user == 'root': return '\033[31m%s\033[39m' elif not user == self.you: return '\033[33m%s\033[39m' else: return '%s' users = ['%s{%i}' % (colour_user(u) % u, len(users[u])) for u in users.keys()] users = 'Usr: %s' % (' '.join(users)) self.last_users_read = users return users def function_xdisplay(self): if self.xdisplay is None: x = XDisplay() if x.connection is None: self.xdisplay = 'No DISPLAY environment variable set' self.xdisplay_detailed = self.xdisplay else: self.xdisplay = 'X: %s' % x.connection self.xdisplay_detailed = 'Host: %s' % ('(localhost)' if x.host is None else x.host) self.xdisplay_detailed += SEPARATOR self.xdisplay_detailed += 'Display: %s' % (x.display) if x.screen is not None: self.xdisplay_detailed += SEPARATOR self.xdisplay_detailed += 'Screen: %s' % (x.screen) if x.vt is not None: self.xdisplay += '%sVt: %i' % (SEPARATOR, x.vt) self.xdisplay_detailed += '%sVt: %i' % (SEPARATOR, x.vt) return self.xdisplay_detailed if self.show_detailed else self.xdisplay def function_xkb(self): ## add update listener xkb = XKB().get_locks() kbd = 'Kbd:' if self.num_lock: kbd += ' \033[3%imnum\033[0m' % (1 if (xkb & XKB.NUM) == 0 else 2) if self.cap_lock: kbd += ' \033[3%imcap\033[0m' % (1 if (xkb & XKB.CAPS) == 0 else 2) if self.scr_lock: kbd += ' \033[3%imscr\033[0m' % (1 if (xkb & XKB.SCROLL) == 0 else 2) return kbd def function(self): if self.display == 0: return self.function_uname() elif self.display == 1: return self.function_users() elif self.display == 2: return self.function_xdisplay() elif self.display == 3: return self.function_xkb() class MyWeather(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, stations = None, fahrenheit = False, wind = 'm/s', from_wind = False, visibility = 'km', **kwargs): self.semaphore = threading.Semaphore() self.stations = [MyWeather.get_metar_station()] if stations is None else [s.upper() for s in stations] self.reports = [None] * len(self.stations) self.up_to_date = [False] * len(self.stations) self.in_deg_f = fahrenheit self.wind_unit = wind self.from_wind = from_wind self.visibility_unit = visibility self.show_temp = True self.show_wind_speed = False self.show_wind_gusts = False self.show_wind_dir = False self.show_wind_chill = False self.show_humidity = False self.show_dew = False self.show_pressure = False self.show_visibility = False self.show_sky = False self.show_station = False self.station = 0 self.updated = False self.segments = [] self.refresh = Sometimes(lambda : xasync(self.refresh_, name = 'weather'), 20 * 60 * 4) self.refresh() Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == MIDDLE_BUTTON: self.show_temp = True self.show_wind_speed = True self.show_wind_gusts = True self.show_wind_dir = True self.show_wind_chill = True self.show_humidity = True self.show_dew = True self.show_pressure = True self.show_visibility = True self.show_sky = True self.show_station = True self.invalidate() elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: self.refresh.counter = 0 self.refresh() elif button in (LEFT_BUTTON, SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN): index = None for i, seg in enumerate(self.segments): if seg is None: continue (x, width) = seg if 0 <= col - x < width: index = i break if index is None: return if index == 0: # station if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_station = False elif button == SCROLL_UP: station = self.station if station + 1 < len(self.stations): self.station = station + 1 else: station = self.station if station > 0: self.station = station - 1 elif index == 1: # temperature if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_temp = False else: self.in_deg_f = button == SCROLL_UP elif index == 2: # wind speed/gusts if button == LEFT_BUTTON: if self.towards is None or col < self.towards: self.show_wind_speed = False else: self.show_wind_gusts = False else: if self.wind_unit == 'm/s': self.wind_unit = 'mph' if button == SCROLL_UP else 'm/s' elif self.wind_unit == 'mph': self.wind_unit = 'kn' if button == SCROLL_UP else 'm/s' elif self.wind_unit in ('kn', 'kt', 'knot', 'knots'): self.wind_unit = 'km/h' if button == SCROLL_UP else 'mph' elif self.wind_unit in ('km/h', 'kmph'): self.wind_unit = 'ft/s' if button == SCROLL_UP else 'kn' elif self.wind_unit in ('ft/s', 'ftps'): self.wind_unit = 'b' if button == SCROLL_UP else 'km/h' else: self.wind_unit = 'b' if button == SCROLL_UP else 'ft/s' elif index == 3: # wind direction if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_wind_dir = False else: self.from_wind = button == SCROLL_UP elif index == 4: # wind chill if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_wind_chill = False else: self.in_deg_f = button == SCROLL_UP elif index == 5: # relative humidity if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_humidity = False else: return elif index == 6: # dew point if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_dew = False else: self.in_deg_f = button == SCROLL_UP elif index == 7: # pressure if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_pressure = False else: return elif index == 8: # visibility if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_visibility = False elif button == SCROLL_UP: unit = self.visibility_unit if unit in {'km' : 'm', 'm' : 'mi'}: self.visibility_unit = {'km' : 'm', 'm' : 'mi'}[unit] else: unit = self.visibility_unit if unit in {'mi' : 'm', 'mile' : 'm', 'm' : 'km'}: self.visibility_unit = {'mi' : 'm', 'mile' : 'm', 'm' : 'km'}[unit] elif index == 9: # sky conditions if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_sky = False else: return self.invalidate() def refresh_(self): if self.semaphore.acquire(blocking = False): for index, station in enumerate(self.stations): try: self.reports[index] = Weather(station) self.up_to_date[index] = True except: self.up_to_date[index] = False self.semaphore.release() self.invalidate() def invalidate(self): self.updated = False Entry.invalidate(self) def get_weather(self, index): station = self.stations[index] report = self.reports[index] up_to_date = self.up_to_date[index] station = station[0] + station[1:].lower() if report is None: if self.show_station: return '%s: ?' % station else: return '?' text = [] if self.show_temp and report.temp is not None: value = report.temp colour = '34' if value < -10: colour = '39;44' if value >= 18: colour = '39' if value >= 25: colour = '33' if value >= 30: colour = '31' if self.in_deg_f: value = value * 9 / 5 + 32 value = '\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%s' % (colour, value, '°F' if self.in_deg_f else '°C') text.append(value) else: text.append(None) if self.show_wind_speed and report.wind_speed is not None: knot = report.wind_speed kmph = knot * 1.852 # km/h mps = kmph / 3.6 # m/s mph = knot * 1.151 # mph ftps = mps * 3.281 # ft/s beaufort = (mps / 0.8365) ** (2 / 3) # B if self.wind_unit in ('kn', 'kt', 'knot', 'knots'): value, unit = knot, 'kn' elif self.wind_unit in ('km/h', 'kmph'): value, unit = kmph, 'km/h' elif self.wind_unit == 'mph': value, unit = mph, 'mph' elif self.wind_unit in ('ft/s', 'ftps'): value, unit = ftps, 'ft/s' elif self.wind_unit.lower() in ('beaufort', 'beaufort scale', 'bf', 'bt', 'b'): value, unit = beaufort, 'B' else: value, unit = mps, 'm/s' beaufort = int(beaufort + 0.5) colour = '32' if beaufort >= 1: colour = '39' if beaufort >= 3: colour = '32' if beaufort >= 7: colour = '33' if beaufort >= 10: colour = '31' if beaufort >= 12: colour = '39;41' wind = '\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m' % (colour, value) if self.show_wind_gusts and report.wind_gusts is not None: knot = report.wind_gusts kmph = knot * 1.852 # km/h mps = kmph / 3.6 # m/s mph = knot * 1.151 # mph ftps = mps * 3.281 # ft/s beaufort = (mps / 0.8365) ** (2 / 3) # B if self.wind_unit in ('kn', 'kt', 'knot', 'knots'): value = knot elif self.wind_unit in ('km/h', 'kmph'): value = kmph elif self.wind_unit == 'mph': value = mph elif self.wind_unit in ('ft/s', 'ftps'): value = ftps elif self.wind_unit.lower() in ('beaufort', 'beaufort scale', 'bf', 'bt', 'b'): value = beaufort else: value = mps beaufort = int(beaufort + 0.5) colour = '32' if beaufort >= 1: colour = '39' if beaufort >= 3: colour = '32' if beaufort >= 7: colour = '33' if beaufort >= 10: colour = '31' if beaufort >= 12: colour = '39;41' wind += '→\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m' % (colour, value) wind += unit text.append(wind) else: text.append(None) def wind_dir(direction): if not self.from_wind: direction += 180 direction %= 360 if direction < 0: direction += 360 if (direction < 90): if direction == 0: return 'N' if direction <= 45: return 'N%.0f°E' % direction return 'E%.0f°N' % (90 - direction) elif (90 <= direction < 180): if direction == 0: return 'E' direction -= 90 if direction <= 45: return 'E%.0f°S' % direction return 'S%.0f°E' % (90 - direction) elif (180 <= direction < 270): if direction == 0: return 'S' direction -= 180 if direction <= 45: return 'S%.0f°W' % direction return 'W%.0f°S' % (90 - direction) else: if direction == 0: return 'W' direction -= 270 if direction <= 45: return 'W%.0f°N' % direction return 'N%.0f°W' % (90 - direction) if not self.show_wind_dir: wind = None elif report.wind_var is not None: wind = wind_dir(report.wind_var[0]) + '-' + wind_dir(report.wind_var[1]) elif report.wind_dir is not None: wind = wind_dir(report.wind_dir) else: wind = None if wind is not None: if self.from_wind: wind += '→' else: wind = '→' + wind text.append(wind) else: text.append(None) if self.show_wind_chill and report.wind_chill is not None: value = report.wind_chill # Coloured by frostbite time, however the wind is not taken # into account so the colour is approximate colour = '39' if value <= -28: colour = '33' if value <= -37: colour = '31' if value <= -46: colour = '39;41' if self.in_deg_f: value = value * 9 / 5 + 32 value = 'w\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%s' % (colour, value, '°F' if self.in_deg_f else '°C') text.append(value) else: text.append(None) if self.show_humidity and report.humidity is not None: value = report.humidity colour = '34' if value >= 26: colour = '32' if value >= 31: colour = '39' if value >= 37: colour = '33' if value >= 52: colour = '31' if value >= 73: colour = '39;41' value = '\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%' % (colour, value) text.append(value) else: text.append(None) if self.show_dew and report.dew is not None: value = report.dew colour = '34' if value >= 10: colour = '32' if value >= 13: colour = '39' if value >= 16: colour = '33' if value >= 21: colour = '31' if value >= 26: colour = '39;41' if self.in_deg_f: value = value * 9 / 5 + 32 value = 'd\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%s' % (colour, value, '°F' if self.in_deg_f else '°C') text.append(value) else: text.append(None) if self.show_pressure and report.pressure is not None: text.append('%.0fhPa' % report.pressure) else: text.append(None) if self.show_visibility and report.visibility is not None: mile = report.visibility km = mile * 1.609344 m = mile * 1609.344 if self.visibility_unit in ('mile', 'mi'): value, unit = mile, 'mi' elif self.visibility_unit == 'm': value, unit = m, 'm' else: value, unit = km, 'km' text.append('%.0f%s' % (value, unit)) else: text.append(None) if self.show_sky and 'Sky conditions' in report.fields: value = report.fields['Sky conditions'] if not value == '': text.append(value) else: text.append(None) else: text.append(None) segments = [] x = 0 if self.show_station: w = len(station) segments.append((x, w)) x += w + 2 else: segments.append(None) x -= 1 self.towards = None for i, segment in enumerate(text): if segment is None: segments.append(None) else: if i == 1 and '→' in segment: self.towards = x + Bar.coloured_length(segment.split('→')[0]) w = Bar.coloured_length(segment) x += 1 segments.append((x, w)) x += w self.segments = segments text = [s for s in text if s is not None] if len(text) == 0: return station if not up_to_date: if len(text) <= 1: text = ' '.join(text) + '?' else: text = ' '.join(text) + ' ?' else: text = ' '.join(text) if self.show_station: text = '%s: %s' % (station, text) return text def function(self): if not self.updated: self.updated = True self.text = self.get_weather(self.station) rc = self.text self.refresh() return rc @staticmethod def get_metar_station(): try: with open(HOME + '/.config/metar', 'rb') as file: station = file.read() except: try: with open('/etc/metar', 'rb') as file: station = file.read() except: print('~/.config/metar is not set', file = sys.stderr, flush = True) station = b'ESSA' return station.decode('utf-8', 'strict').split('\n')[0].upper() class MyNews(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, status_path = None, **kwargs): if status_path is not None: self.status_path = status_path else: self.status_path = HOME + '/.var/lib/featherweight/status' self.get_news() Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) xasync(self.refresh, name = 'news') def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: xasync(lambda : subprocess.Popen([TERMINAL, '-e', 'featherweight']).wait()) elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: xasync(lambda : subprocess.Popen(['featherweight', '--update', '--system']).wait()) def get_news(self): try: with open(self.status_path, 'rb') as file: status = int(file.read().decode('utf-8', 'replace').replace('\n', '')) except: status = 0 colour = '31' if status <= 0: colour = '0' elif status <= 5: colour = '32' elif status <= 10: colour = '33' self.text = 'News: \033[%sm%i\033[0m' % (colour, status) def refresh(self): while True: try: spawn_read(*pdeath('HUP', 'inotifywait', self.status_path, '-e', 'close_write')) self.get_news() except: time.sleep(1) def function(self): return self.text class MyALSA(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, timeout = None, sleep = None, mixers = None, **kwargs): if timeout is not None: self.timeout = timeout else: self.timeout = 5 if sleep is not None: self.sleep = sleep else: self.sleep = 5 if mixers is not None: mixers = mixers else: mixers = ('Master', 'PCM') self.alsa = [] for mixer in mixers: try: self.alsa.append(ALSA(mixername = mixer)) except: pass try: import posix_ipc method = 0 except: method = 2 try: path = os.environ['PATH'].split(':') for p in path: p += '/cmdipc' if os.access(p, os.F_OK | os.X_OK, effective_ids = True): method = 1 break except: pass self.sep_width = Bar.coloured_length(SEPARATOR) self.get_volume() Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) xasync((self.refresh_posix_ipc, self.refresh_cmdipc, self.refresh_wait)[method], name = 'alsa') def action(self, col, button, x, y): mixer = 0 mixer_text = self.text.split(SEPARATOR) while mixer < len(mixer_text): ## the limit is just a precaution mixer_width = Bar.coloured_length(mixer_text[mixer]) if col >= mixer_width: col -= mixer_width if col < self.sep_width: return col -= self.sep_width else: break mixer += 1 mixer_text = mixer_text[mixer] channel = -1 mixer_text = mixer_text.split(': ') mixer_label = ': '.join(mixer_text[:-1]) + ': ' mixer_text = mixer_text[-1].split(' ') mixer_label = Bar.coloured_length(mixer_label) if col >= mixer_label: col -= mixer_label while channel < len(mixer_text): ## the limit is just a precaution channel += 1 channel_width = Bar.coloured_length(mixer_text[channel]) if col < channel_width: break col -= channel_width if col < 1: channel = -1 break col -= 1 mixer = self.alsa[mixer] if button == LEFT_BUTTON: muted = mixer.get_mute() muted = not (any(muted) if channel == -1 else muted[channel]) mixer.set_mute(muted, channel) elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: volume = mixer.get_volume() volume = limited(sum(volume) / len(volume)) mixer.set_volume(volume, -1) elif button in (SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN): volume = mixer.get_volume() adj = -5 if button == SCROLL_DOWN else 5 if channel < 0: for ch in range(len(volume)): mixer.set_volume(limited(volume[ch] + adj), ch) else: mixer.set_volume(limited(volume[channel] + adj), channel) else: return self.get_volume() self.invalidate() def get_volume(self): text_v = lambda v : '--%' if v is None else ('%2i%%' % v)[:3] read_m = lambda m : '%s: %s' % (m.mixername, ' '.join(text_v(v) for v in m.get_volume())) self.text = SEPARATOR.join(read_m(m) for m in self.alsa) def refresh_posix_ipc(self): import posix_ipc s = posix_ipc.Semaphore('/.xpybar.alsa.0', posix_ipc.O_CREAT, 0o600, 1) c = posix_ipc.Semaphore('/.xpybar.alsa.1', posix_ipc.O_CREAT, 0o600, 0) q = posix_ipc.Semaphore('/.xpybar.alsa.2', posix_ipc.O_CREAT, 0o600, 0) while True: try: s.release() ; c.release() try: q.acquire(timeout) except posix_ipc.BusyError: pass c.acquire(None) s.acquire(None) self.get_volume() except: time.sleep(self.sleep) def refresh_cmdipc(self): command = pdeath('HUP', 'cmdipc', '-PCck', '/.xpybar.alsa.0/.xpybar.alsa.1/.xpybar.alsa.2', 'wait', '-b%i' % self.timeout) while True: try: spawn_read(*command) self.get_volume() except: time.sleep(self.sleep) def refresh_wait(self): while True: try: time.sleep(self.sleep) self.get_volume() except: pass def function(self): return self.text class MyBattery(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.show_all = False self.show_battery = 0 Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_all = not self.show_all self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_UP: self.show_battery += 1 self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_DOWN: self.show_battery -= 1 if self.show_battery < 0: self.show_battery = 0 self.invalidate() def colourise_(self, text): try: value = text.replace(',', '.') value = float(value) if '.' in value else int(value) colour = '39' if value < 80: colour = '32' if value < 50: colour = '33' if value < 15: colour = '31' if value < 5: colour = '7;31' return '\033[%sm%s\033[0m' % (colour, text) except: return text def colourise(self, text): buf = [] state = None for c in reversed(text): if c == '\t': c = ' ' if state is not None: if c == ' ': if state == '': buf.append(c) continue buf.append(self.colourise_(state)) buf.append(c) state = None else: state = c + state elif c == '%': buf.append(c) state = '' else: buf.append(c) if state is not None and state != '': buf.append(self.colourise_(state)) return ''.join(reversed(buf)) def function(self): try: data = spawn_read('acpi').split('\n') except: return 'acpi missing' if self.show_battery >= len(data): self.show_battery = len(data) - 1 if len(data) == 1: return self.colourise(': '.join(data[0].split(': ')[1:])) if self.show_all: data = [self.colourise(': '.join(datum.split(': ')[1:])) for datum in data] data = SEPARATOR.join('Bat%i: %s' % (i, datum) for i, datum in enumerate(data)) return data data = data[self.show_battery] data = ': '.join(data.split(': ')[1:]) data = 'Bat%i: %s' % (self.show_battery, self.colourise(data)) return data class MyCPU(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.last_sirq_split = SoftIRQs() cpu = CPU() self.last_time = time.monotonic() self.last_cpu_stat = cpu.cpu self.last_cpu_total = sum(cpu.cpu) self.last_cpus_total = [sum(c) for c in cpu.cpus] self.last_cpus_stat = [[c[s] for c in cpu.cpus] for s in range(len(cpu.cpu))] self.last_intr = cpu.intr_total self.last_ctxt = cpu.ctxt self.last_fork = cpu.processes self.last_sirq = cpu.softirq_total self.none = self.colourise(None) self.coloured = tuple(self.colourise(i) for i in range(101)) self.show_all = False self.show_function = 0 self.functions = [ lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.idle, '', *v) , self.function_intr , self.function_ctxt , self.function_fork , self.function_proc , self.function_sirq ] for key in self.last_sirq_split.keys: make = lambda key : (lambda *v : self.function_sirq_split(key, *v)) self.functions.append(make(key)) self.functions += [ lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.user, '(user)', *v) , lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.nice, '(nice)', *v) , lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.system, '(system)', *v) , lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.iowait, '(iowait)', *v) , lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.irq, '(irq)', *v) , lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.softirq, '(softirq)', *v) , lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.steal, '(steal)', *v) , lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.guest, '(guest)', *v) , lambda *v : self.function_cpu(CPU.guest_nice, '(guest nice)', *v) , self.function_load , self.function_task , self.function_pid , self.function_online ] Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_all = not self.show_all self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_UP: n = self.show_function + 1 if n < len(self.functions): self.show_function = n self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_DOWN: n = self.show_function - 1 if n >= 0: self.show_function = n self.invalidate() def usage(self, now_stat, now_total, last_stat, last_total, idle): total = now_total - last_total stat = now_stat - last_stat return None if total == 0 else (total - stat if idle else stat) * 100 / total def colourise_(self, value): if value is None: return self.none else: return self.coloured[limited(value)] def colourise(self, value): if value is None: return '--%' elif value >= 100: return '\033[31m100\033[0m' colour = '39' if value >= 5: colour = '32' if value >= 50: colour = '33' if value >= 90: colour = '31' return '\033[%sm%2i\033[0m%%' % (colour, value) def function_cpu(self, stat, name, cpu, display, tdiff): now_cpu_stat = self.now_cpu_stat[stat] now_cpus_stat = self.now_cpus_stat[stat] last_cpus_stat = self.last_cpus_stat[stat] last_cpu_stat = self.last_cpu_stat[stat] if display: cpu = (now_cpu_stat, self.now_cpu_total, last_cpu_stat, self.last_cpu_total) cpu = self.colourise_(self.usage(*cpu, idle = stat == CPU.idle)) if self.show_all: cpus = (now_cpus_stat, self.now_cpus_total, last_cpus_stat, self.last_cpus_total) cpus = ' '.join(self.colourise_(self.usage(*c, idle = stat == CPU.idle)) for c in zip(*cpus)) cpu = 'Cpu%s: %s : %s' % (name, cpus, cpu) else: cpu = 'Cpu%s: %s' % (name, cpu) return cpu def function_intr(self, cpu, display, tdiff): now_intr = cpu.intr_total if display: cpu = 'Intr: %.0fHz' % ((now_intr - self.last_intr) / tdiff) self.last_intr = now_intr return cpu def function_ctxt(self, cpu, display, tdiff): now_ctxt = cpu.ctxt if display: cpu = 'Ctxt: %.0fHz' % ((now_ctxt - self.last_ctxt) / tdiff) self.last_ctxt = now_ctxt return cpu def function_fork(self, cpu, display, tdiff): now_fork = cpu.processes if display: cpu = 'Fork: %.0fHz' % ((now_fork - self.last_fork) / tdiff) self.last_fork = now_fork return cpu def function_sirq(self, cpu, display, tdiff): now_sirq = cpu.softirq_total if display: cpu = 'Sirq: %.0fHz' % ((now_sirq - self.last_sirq) / tdiff) self.last_sirq = now_sirq return cpu def function_proc(self, cpu, display, tdiff): if display: cpu = 'Proc: %irun %iio' % (cpu.procs_running, cpu.procs_blocked) return cpu def function_load(self, cpu, display, tdiff): if display: load = AverageLoad() cpu = 'Load: %.2f %.2f %.2f' % (load.total_avg_5_min, load.total_avg_10_min, load.total_avg_15_min) return cpu def function_task(self, cpu, display, tdiff): if display: load = AverageLoad() cpu = 'Task: %i/%i (%.0f%%)' % (load.active_tasks, load.total_tasks, load.active_tasks * 100 / load.total_tasks) return cpu def function_pid(self, cpu, display, tdiff): if display: load = AverageLoad() cpu = 'Last PID: %i' % load.last_pid return cpu def function_online(self, cpu, display, tdiff): if display: try: cpu, cpuonline, on, off = '', CPUOnline(), 0, 0 online, offline = cpuonline.online, cpuonline.offline while on < len(online) and off < len(offline): if online[on] < offline[off]: cpu += ' \033[32m%s\033[0m' % online[on] on += 1 else: cpu += ' \033[31m%s\033[0m' % offline[off] off += 1 cpu += ''.join(' \033[32m%s\033[0m' % c for c in online[on:]) cpu += ''.join(' \033[31m%s\033[0m' % c for c in offline[off:]) cpu = 'Online:%s' % cpu except Exception as e: cpu = str(e) return cpu def function_sirq_split(self, key, cpu, display, tdiff): if display: label = 'Sirq(%s)' % key.lower().replace('_', ' ').replace(' rx', '↓').replace(' tx', '↑') now = self.now_sirq_split[key] last = self.last_sirq_split[key] hz = lambda n, l : '%0.fHz' % ((n - l) / tdiff) n = len(now) snow, slast = sum(now), sum(last) anow, alast = snow / n, slast / n each = '' if self.show_all: each = '%s : ' % ' '.join(hz(n, l) for n, l in zip(now, last)) else: each = '' cpu = '%s: %s%s(%s)' % (label, each, hz(snow, slast), hz(anow, alast)) return cpu def function(self): now = time.monotonic() cpu = CPU() self.now_sirq_split = SoftIRQs() tdiff = now - self.last_time self.last_time = now display = self.show_function self.now_cpu_stat = cpu.cpu self.now_cpu_total = sum(cpu.cpu) self.now_cpus_total = [sum(c) for c in cpu.cpus] self.now_cpus_stat = [[c[s] for c in cpu.cpus] for s in range(len(cpu.cpu))] for i in range(len(self.functions)): if i == display: ret = self.functions[i](cpu, True, tdiff) else: self.functions[i](cpu, False, tdiff) self.last_cpus_stat = self.now_cpus_stat self.last_cpu_stat = self.now_cpu_stat self.last_cpus_total = self.now_cpus_total self.last_cpu_total = self.now_cpu_total self.last_sirq_split = self.now_sirq_split return ret class MyMemory(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.coloured = tuple(self.colourise(i) for i in range(101)) self.show_labels = False self.show_value = -1 self.show_default = False self.show_swaps = False self.show_swap = 0 self.labels = list(sorted(Memory().keys)) swaps = Swaps() self.prio = swaps.header_map['Priority'] self.used = swaps.header_map['Used'] self.size = swaps.header_map['Size'] self.swap = swaps.header_map['Filename'] Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: if self.show_value >= 0: self.show_default = not self.show_default self.invalidate() elif button == MIDDLE_BUTTON: self.show_labels = not self.show_labels self.invalidate() elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: self.show_swaps = not self.show_swaps self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_UP: if self.show_swaps: self.show_swap += 1 self.invalidate() else: n = self.show_value + 1 if n < len(self.labels): self.show_value = n self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_DOWN: if self.show_swaps: n = self.show_swap if n > 0: self.show_swap = n - 1 self.invalidate() else: self.show_value -= 1 if self.show_value < -1: self.show_value = -1 self.invalidate() def u(self, value): units = 'KMGTPE' unit = 0 while unit + 1 < len(units) and value >= 1024: unit += 1 value /= 1024 return '%.1f%s' % (value, units[unit]) def colourise(self, value): if value >= 100: return '\033[31m100\033[0m' colour = '39' if value > 30: colour = '32' if value > 50: colour = '33' if value > 80: colour = '31' return '\033[%sm%i\033[0m%%' % (colour, value) def function(self): if self.show_swaps: swaps = Swaps() while True: if len(swaps.swaps) == 0: return 'no swaps available' try: swap = swaps.swaps[self.show_swap] used, size = int(swap[self.used]), int(swap[self.size]) swap, prio = swap[self.swap], int(swap[self.prio]) return '%s: %s (%sB/%sB, prio %i)' % (swap, self.colourise(used * 100 / size), self.u(used), self.u(size), prio) except: self.show_swap -= 1 if self.show_swap < 0: self.show_swaps = False return self.function() else: memory = Memory() if not self.show_default and self.show_value > 0: label = self.labels[self.show_value] try: value = memory[label] unit = 0 units = ['K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'] while (unit + 1 < len(units)) and (value >= 1024): value /= 1024 unit += 1 return '%s: %.1f%sB' % (label, value, units[unit]) except: self.show_value = -1 if memory.mem_total == 0: mem = '---' shm = '---' else: mem = self.coloured[limited(memory.mem_used * 100 / memory.mem_total)] shm = self.coloured[limited(memory.shmem * 100 / memory.mem_total)] if memory.swap_total == 0: swp = 'n/a' else: swp = self.coloured[limited(memory.swap_used * 100 / memory.swap_total)] if self.show_labels: mem = 'Mem: %s%sSwp: %s%sShm: %s' % (mem, SEPARATOR, swp, SEPARATOR, shm) else: mem = 'Mem: %s %s %s' % (mem, swp, shm) return mem class MyStat(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.keys_4 = SNMP().keys self.keys_6 = SNMP6().keys self.keys_vm = VMStat().keys self.show_group = 0 self.show_value_4 = 0 self.show_value_6 = 0 self.show_value_vm = 0 Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: n = self.show_group + 1 if n < 4: self.show_group = n self.invalidate() elif button == MIDDLE_BUTTON: self.invalidate() elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: n = self.show_group if n > 0: self.show_group = n - 1 self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_UP: if self.show_group == 0: n = self.show_value_4 if n + 1 < len(self.keys_4): self.show_value_4 = n + 1 self.invalidate() elif self.show_group == 1: n = self.show_value_6 if n + 1 < len(self.keys_6): self.show_value_6 = n + 1 self.invalidate() elif self.show_group == 2: n = self.show_value_vm if n + 1 < len(self.keys_vm): self.show_value_vm = n + 1 self.invalidate() elif self.show_group == 3: pass elif button == SCROLL_DOWN: if self.show_group == 0: n = self.show_value_4 if n > 0: self.show_value_4 = n - 1 self.invalidate() elif self.show_group == 1: n = self.show_value_6 if n > 0: self.show_value_6 = n - 1 self.invalidate() elif self.show_group == 2: n = self.show_value_vm if n > 0: self.show_value_vm = n - 1 self.invalidate() elif self.show_group == 3: pass def function(self): try: if self.show_group == 0: label = self.keys_4[self.show_value_4] value = SNMP()[label] elif self.show_group == 1: label = self.keys_6[self.show_value_6] value = SNMP6()[label] elif self.show_group == 2: label = self.keys_vm[self.show_value_vm] value = VMStat()[label] label = ''.join(w[:1].upper() + w[1:] for w in label.split('_')) elif self.show_group == 3: uptime = Uptime() avg = uptime.uptime_seconds - uptime.average_idle_seconds wrk = (avg) * 100 / uptime.uptime_seconds up = '%id%i:%02i' % uptime.uptime[:3] avg = '%id%i:%02i' % Uptime.split_time(avg)[:3] return 'Uptime: %.0f%% %s / %s' % (wrk, avg, up) return '%s: %i' % (label, value) except Exception as e: return str(e) class MyNetwork(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, limits = None, ignore = None, pings = None, **kwargs): self.limits = { 'rx_bytes' : None # Download speed in bytes (not bits) , 'tx_bytes' : None # Upload speed in bytes (not bits) , 'rx_total' : None # Download cap in bytes , 'tx_total' : None # Upload cap in bytes } if limits is not None: self.limits = limits if pings is None: pings = ['gateway'] elif isinstance(pings, str) or isinstance(pings, Ping): pings = [pings] pings = [(Ping(targets = Ping.get_nics(p)) if isinstance(p, str) else p).monitors for p in pings] self.pings = {} for ping in pings: for nic in ping.keys(): if nic not in self.pings: self.pings[nic] = ping[nic] else: self.pings[nic] += ping[nic] self.ignore = ['lo'] if ignore is None else ignore self.net_time = time.monotonic() self.net_last = {} self.show_all = False self.show_name = False self.show_value = 0 self.labels = ['bytes', 'total', 'packets', 'errs', 'drop', 'fifo', 'frame', 'colls', 'carrier', 'compressed', 'multicast'] self.in_bytes = False # in bits if showing total Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_all = not self.show_all elif button == MIDDLE_BUTTON: self.show_name = not self.show_name elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: self.in_bytes = not self.in_bytes elif button == SCROLL_UP: n = self.show_value + 1 if n >= len(self.labels): return self.show_value = n elif button == SCROLL_DOWN: n = self.show_value - 1 if self.show_value < 0: return self.show_value = n else: return self.invalidate() def colourise(self, value, percent): colour = '39' if percent > 25: colour = '32' if percent > 50: colour = '33' if percent > 90: colour = '31' return '\033[%sm%3.0f\033[0m' % (colour, value) def KBps(self, network, device, direction, net_tdiff): direction += '_bytes' value = network[device][direction] limit = None if direction in self.limits: limit = self.limits[direction] if limit is None: limit = 12500000 # 100 mbps if device in self.net_last: value -= self.net_last[device][direction] else: value = 0 percent = value * 100 / (limit * net_tdiff) value /= 1024 * net_tdiff return self.colourise(value, percent) def kbps(self, network, device, direction, net_tdiff): direction += '_bytes' value = network[device][direction] limit = None if direction in self.limits: limit = self.limits[direction] if limit is None: limit = 12500000 # 100 mbps if device in self.net_last: value -= self.net_last[device][direction] else: value = 0 percent = value * 100 / (limit * net_tdiff) value /= 128 * net_tdiff return self.colourise(value, percent) def total(self, network, device, direction, bits): direction += '_bytes' value = network[device][direction] limit = self.limits[direction] if direction in self.limits else None if limit is not None: percent = value * 100 / limit colour = '32' if percent >= 25: colour = '39' if percent >= 50: colour = '33' if percent >= 75: colour = '31' if percent >= 95: colour = '7;33' if percent >= 100: colour = '7;31' else: colour = '39' if bits: value *= 8 unit = 0 if bits: units = ['', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e'] else: units = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'] while (unit + 1 < len(units)) and (value >= 1024): value /= 1024 unit += 1 return '\033[%sm%.1f\033[0m%s' % (colour, value, units[unit]) def ping(self, monitor): monitor.semaphore.acquire() try: latency = monitor.get_latency(True)[1] droptime = monitor.dropped_time(True) if droptime: return ' \033[31m%4is\033[00m' % droptime elif latency is None: return ' \033[31mdrop?\033[00m' colour = '31' if latency < 5: colour = '32' elif latency < 10: colour = '39' elif latency < 20: colour = '33' return ' \033[%sm%5.2f\033[00m' % (colour, latency) finally: monitor.semaphore.release() def function(self): net_now = time.monotonic() net_tdiff, self.net_time = net_now - self.net_time, net_now network = Network(*self.ignore).devices label = self.labels[self.show_value] show_total = label == 'total' show_bytes = label == 'bytes' xlabel = 'bytes' if show_total else label suffix = '' if show_total and self.in_bytes: f = lambda dev, dir : self.total(network, dev, dir, True) + 'b' elif show_total: f = lambda dev, dir : self.total(network, dev, dir, False) + 'B' elif show_bytes and self.in_bytes: f = lambda dev, dir : self.KBps(network, dev, dir, net_tdiff) + 'KB/s' elif show_bytes: f = lambda dev, dir : self.kbps(network, dev, dir, net_tdiff) + 'kbps' else: f = lambda dev, dir : '%i' % network[dev][dir + '_' + label] suffix = ' ' + label def create(lbl, dev): ret = '' if lbl is not None: ret += lbl + ': ' have_down = ('rx_' + xlabel) in network[dev] have_up = ('tx_' + xlabel) in network[dev] if have_down: ret += f(dev, 'rx') + '↓' if have_up: ret += ' ' if have_up: ret += f(dev, 'tx') + '↑' ret += suffix if show_bytes or show_total: if dev == '*': for dev in self.pings.keys(): for ping in self.pings[dev]: ret += self.ping(ping) elif dev in self.pings: for ping in self.pings[dev]: ret += self.ping(ping) return ret if self.show_all: if self.show_name: net = [create(dev, dev) for dev in network] else: net = [create(None, dev) for dev in network] net = (SEPARATOR if self.show_name else ' ').join(net) else: devsum = {} for dev in network.keys(): table = network[dev] for key in table.keys(): if key not in devsum: devsum[key] = 0 devsum[key] += table[key] network['*'] = devsum if self.show_name: net = create('Net', '*') else: net = create(None, '*') self.net_last = network return net class MyIO(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, fs_name_map = None, fs_ignore = None, fs_type_ignore = None, **kwargs): self.fs_name_map = [] if fs_name_map is None else fs_name_map self.fs_ignore = set([] if fs_ignore is None else fs_ignore) self.fs_type_ignore = set(MyIO.nodev_fs() if fs_type_ignore is None else fs_type_ignore) self.show_value = 0 self.show_disc_value = 0 self.show_overall = True self.show_disc = 0 self.disc_map = None Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def nodev_fs(): ret = [] with open('/proc/filesystems', 'rb') as file: data = file.read() data = data.decode('utf-8', 'strict')[:-1].replace('\t', ' ').split('\n') for line in data: cols = line.split(' ') if 'nodev' in cols[:-1]: ret.append(cols[-1]) ret += ['fuse.gvfsd-fuse'] return ret def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: overall = self.show_overall disc_map = self.disc_map if overall and disc_map is not None: x = 0 for text, disc in disc_map: if col < x: break w = Bar.coloured_length(text) if col < x + w: if disc is not None: self.show_disc = disc break x += w + 1 self.show_overall = not overall elif button == MIDDLE_BUTTON and not self.show_overall: self.show_disc_value = max(self.show_disc_value - 1, 0) elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON and not self.show_overall: self.show_disc_value = min(self.show_disc_value + 1, 4) elif button == SCROLL_UP: if self.show_overall: self.show_value = min(self.show_value + 1, 13) else: show_disc = self.show_disc if isinstance(show_disc, str): try: show_disc = [d.filesystem for d in self.get_discs()].index(show_disc) except: show_disc = -1 self.show_disc = show_disc + 1 elif button == SCROLL_DOWN: if self.show_overall: self.show_value = max(self.show_value - 1, 0) else: show_disc = self.show_disc if isinstance(show_disc, str): try: show_disc = [d.filesystem for d in self.get_discs()].index(show_disc) except: show_disc = -1 self.show_disc = max(show_disc - 1, 0) else: return self.invalidate() def colour(self, percent): colour = '39' if percent < 25: colour = '32' if percent > 50: colour = '33' if percent > 90: colour = '31' if percent > 95: colour = '39;41' return colour def unit(self, value): units = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'] unit = 0 while unit + 1 < len(units) and value >= 1024: unit += 1 value /= 1024 return (value, units[unit]) def si(self, value, baseunit = 0): unit = baseunit + 3 units = ['n', 'µ', 'm', '', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'] while unit + 1 < len(units) and value >= 1000: unit += 1 value /= 1000 return (value, units[unit]) def get_discs(self): discs = Discs() fs = [discs.filesystems[f] for f in sorted(discs.filesystems.keys()) if f not in self.fs_ignore and discs.filesystems[f].fstype not in self.fs_type_ignore and f[0] == '/'] return fs def function_overall(self): df = [] if self.show_value == 0: label = 'Df' self.disc_map = [(label + ':', None)] used = 0 available = 0 for disc in self.get_discs(): percent = disc.used * 100 / (disc.used + disc.available) text = '\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%' % (self.colour(percent), percent) df.append(text) self.disc_map.append((text, disc.filesystem)) used += disc.used available += disc.available df.append(':') percent = used * 100 / (used + available) df.append('\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%' % (self.colour(percent), percent)) elif self.show_value == 1: label = 'Df' self.disc_map = [(label + ':', None)] used = 0 available = 0 for disc in self.get_discs(): percent = disc.used * 100 / (disc.used + disc.available) text = '\033[%sm%.1f\033[0m%s' % (self.colour(percent), *self.unit(disc.available)) df.append(text) self.disc_map.append((text, disc.filesystem)) used += disc.used available += disc.available df.append(':') percent = used * 100 / (used + available) df.append('\033[%sm%.1f\033[0m%s' % (self.colour(percent), *self.unit(available))) elif self.show_value == 2: label = 'Df(inodes)' self.disc_map = [(label + ':', None)] used = 0 available = 0 for disc in self.get_discs(): percent = disc.iused * 100 / (disc.iused + disc.ifree) text = '\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%' % (self.colour(percent), percent) df.append(text) self.disc_map.append((text, disc.filesystem)) used += disc.iused available += disc.ifree df.append(':') percent = used * 100 / (used + available) df.append('\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%' % (self.colour(percent), percent)) elif self.show_value == 3: label = 'Dent' dentry = DentryState() percent = (dentry.nr_dentry - dentry.nr_unused) * 100 / dentry.nr_dentry df.append('\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%' % (self.colour(percent), percent)) df.append('%is' % dentry.age_limit) df.append('%ipages' % dentry.want_pages) elif self.show_value == 4: label = 'Inode' inode = InodeState() percent = (inode.nr_inodes - inode.nr_free_inodes) * 100 / inode.nr_inodes df.append('\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%%s' % (self.colour(percent), percent, '' if inode.preshrink == 0 else ' preshrink')) elif self.show_value == 5: label = 'File' files = Files() percent = (files.nr_files - files.nr_free_files) * 100 / files.file_max df.append('\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%' % (self.colour(percent), percent)) df.append('%i/%i/%i' % (files.nr_files - files.nr_free_files, files.nr_files, files.file_max)) elif self.show_value == 6: label = 'Lock' locks = Locks().locks ar, aw, mr, mw = 0, 0, 0, 0 for lock in locks: if lock.mandatory: if lock.shared: mr += 1 else: mw += 1 else: if lock.shared: ar += 1 else: aw += 1 df.append('%iar' % ar) df.append('%iaw' % aw) df.append('%imr' % mr) df.append('%imw' % mw) df.append(':') df.append('%ia' % (ar + aw)) df.append('%im' % (mr + mw)) df.append('%ir' % (ar + mr)) df.append('%iw' % (aw + mw)) df.append(':') df.append('%i' % (ar + aw + mr + mw)) elif self.show_value == 7: label = 'Rand' random = Random() df.append(str(random.poolsize)) elif self.show_value in (8, 11): label = 'Disc(r %s)' % ('sum' if self.show_value == 8 else 'avg') stats = DiscStats().devices.values() r_complete, r_merge, r_sectors, r_time = 0, 0, 0, 0 for stat in stats: r_complete += stat.r_complete r_merge += stat.r_merge r_sectors += stat.r_sectors r_time += stat.r_time n = 1 if self.show_value == 8 else len(stats) r_complete /= n r_merge /= n r_sectors /= n r_time /= n df.append('%.1f%scompleted' % self.si(r_complete)) df.append('%.1f%smerge' % self.si(r_merge)) df.append('%.1f%ssectors' % self.si(r_sectors)) df.append('%.1f%ss' % self.si(r_time, -1)) elif self.show_value in (9, 12): label = 'Disc(w %s)' % ('sum' if self.show_value == 9 else 'avg') stats = DiscStats().devices.values() w_complete, w_merge, w_sectors, w_time = 0, 0, 0, 0 for stat in stats: w_complete += stat.w_complete w_merge += stat.w_merge w_sectors += stat.w_sectors w_time += stat.w_time n = 1 if self.show_value == 9 else len(stats) w_complete /= n w_merge /= n w_sectors /= n w_time /= n df.append('%.1f%scomplete' % self.si(w_complete)) df.append('%.1f%smerge' % self.si(w_merge)) df.append('%.1f%ssectors' % self.si(w_sectors)) df.append('%.1f%ss' % self.si(w_time, -1)) elif self.show_value in (10, 13): label = 'Disc(io %s)' % ('sum' if self.show_value == 10 else 'avg') stats = DiscStats().devices.values() io_current, io_time, io_weighted_time = 0, 0, 0 for stat in stats: io_current += stat.io_current io_time += stat.io_time io_weighted_time += stat.io_weighted_time n = 1 if self.show_value == 10 else len(stats) io_current /= n io_time /= n io_weighted_time /= n df.append('%.1f%s' % self.si(io_current)) df.append('%.1f%ss' % self.si(io_time, -1)) df.append('%.1f%ss(weighted)' % self.si(io_weighted_time, -1)) return '%s: %s' % (label, ' '.join(df)) def function_disc(self): discs = self.get_discs() disc = self.show_disc if isinstance(disc, str): for i, d in enumerate(discs): if d.filesystem == disc: disc = i break if isinstance(disc, str): disc = 0 elif disc >= len(discs): disc = len(discs) - 1 disc = discs[disc] name = disc.filesystem name = self.fs_name_map[name] if name in self.fs_name_map else name.split('/')[-1] df = [] if self.show_disc_value > 1: try: devices = DiscStats().devices device = None fs = os.path.realpath(disc.filesystem) stat = None for dev in devices.keys(): if '/dev/' + dev == fs: stat = devices[dev] break if stat is None: self.show_disc_value = 0 except: self.show_disc_value = 0 if self.show_disc_value == 0: percent = disc.used * 100 / (disc.used + disc.available) text = '\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%(%.1f%sB/%.f%sB)' % (self.colour(percent), percent, *self.unit(disc.available), *self.unit(disc.used + disc.available)) df.append(text) percent = disc.iused * 100 / (disc.iused + disc.ifree) text = '\033[%sm%.0f\033[0m%%(%.1f%s/%.1f%s)inodes' % (self.colour(percent), percent, *self.si(disc.iused), *self.si(disc.inodes)) df.append(text) elif self.show_disc_value == 1: df.append(disc.fstype) df.append(disc.mountpoint) elif self.show_disc_value == 2: name += '(r)' df.append('%.1f%scompleted' % self.si(stat.r_complete)) df.append('%.1f%smerge' % self.si(stat.r_merge)) df.append('%.1f%ssectors' % self.si(stat.r_sectors)) df.append('%.1f%ss' % self.si(stat.r_time, -1)) elif self.show_disc_value == 3: name += '(w)' df.append('%.1f%scomplete' % self.si(stat.w_complete)) df.append('%.1f%smerge' % self.si(stat.w_merge)) df.append('%.1f%ssectors' % self.si(stat.w_sectors)) df.append('%.1f%ss' % self.si(stat.w_time, -1)) elif self.show_disc_value == 4: name += '(io)' df.append('%.1f%s' % self.si(stat.io_current)) df.append('%.1f%ss' % self.si(stat.io_time, -1)) df.append('%.1f%ss(weighted)' % self.si(stat.io_weighted_time, -1)) return '%s: %s' % (name, ' '.join(df)) def function(self): try: self.disc_map = None if self.show_overall: return self.function_overall() else: return self.function_disc() except Exception as e: return str(e) class MyTop(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.show_pid = False self.show_cpu = True self.show_label = True self.show_nic = None self.top_cmd = pdeath('HUP', 'top', '-b', '-n', '1', '-o', '%CPU', '-w', '10000') self.refresh() Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) xasync(lambda : watch(5, t(self.refresh)), name = 'top') def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_pid = not self.show_pid elif button == MIDDLE_BUTTON: self.show_label = not self.show_label elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: self.show_cpu = not self.show_cpu else: return self.refresh() self.invalidate() def refresh(self): top = spawn_read(*self.top_cmd).split('\n') top = [line for line in top if not line.startswith('%')][6] top = [col for col in top.replace('\t', ' ').split(' ') if not col == ''] text = 'Top: ' if self.show_label else '' if self.show_pid: text += top[0] + ' ' if self.show_cpu: text += top[6] + ' ' text += ' '.join(top[10:]) self.text = text def function(self): return self.text class MyMOC(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, ignore = None, **kwargs): self.show_state = False self.display = 0 self.function_display = Sometimes(self.function_display_, 4) Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def invalidate(self): self.function_display.counter = 0 Entry.invalidate(self) def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == RIGHT_BUTTON: self.show_state = not self.show_state self.invalidate() elif self.show_state: if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_UP: n = self.display + 1 if n >= 6: return self.display = n self.invalidate() elif button == SCROLL_DOWN: n = self.display - 1 if n < 0: return self.display = n self.invalidate() else: moc = MOC() if moc.state == MOC.NOT_RUNNING: return elif button == LEFT_BUTTON: if col < 5: return col -= 5 if col % 3 == 2: return col //= 3 if col == 0: xasync(lambda : moc.play().wait()) elif col == 1: xasync(lambda : moc.toggle_pause().wait()) elif col == 2: xasync(lambda : moc.stop().wait()) elif col == 3: xasync(lambda : moc.previous().wait()) elif col == 4: xasync(lambda : moc.next().wait()) elif button == SCROLL_UP: xasync(lambda : moc.seek(+5).wait()) elif button == SCROLL_DOWN: xasync(lambda : moc.seek(-5).wait()) def function_display_(self): moc = MOC() display = self.display if display == 0 or moc.state in (MOC.NOT_RUNNING, MOC.STOPPED): return 'Moc: %s' % { MOC.NOT_RUNNING : 'not running' , MOC.STOPPED : 'stopped' , MOC.PAUSED : 'paused' , MOC.PLAYING : 'playing'}[moc.state] key = ['SongTitle', 'Album', 'Artist', 'Title', 'File'][display - 1] label = key.lower() if display != 1 else 'song' return 'Moc(%s): %s' % (label, moc[key]) def function(self): if not self.show_state: return 'Moc: |> || [] |< >|' return self.function_display() class MyIPAddress(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, ignore = None, **kwargs): self.ignore = ['lo'] if ignore is None else ignore self.text = None self.show_public = True self.show_nic = None Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def init(): self.refresh() xasync(lambda : Clock(sync_to = 10 * Clock.MINUTES).continuous_sync(t(self.refresh)), name = 'ipaddress') xasync(init, name = 'ipaddress') def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.show_public = not self.show_public self.invalidate() elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: xasync(self.refresh, name = 'ipaddress') elif button in (SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN): nic = self.show_nic if nic is None: return nics = list(sorted(self.text[0].keys())) try: nic = nics.index(nic) except: if len(nics) == 0: self.show_nic = None self.invalidate() else: self.show_nic = nics[0] self.invalidate() nic += +1 if button == SCROLL_UP else -1 if 0 <= nic < len(nics): self.show_nic = nics[nic] self.invalidate() def refresh(self): text_private, text_public = {}, {} ipa = IPAddress(*(self.ignore)) for nic in ipa.nics.keys(): (state, a4, a6, a) = ipa.nics[nic] if state == IPAddress.DOWN: label = '31' elif state == IPAddress.UP: label = '32' elif state == IPAddress.UNKNOWN: label = '33' else: label = '39' label = '\033[%sm%s\033[0m' % (label, nic) pub = label + ':' prv = pub if a4 is not None: prv += ' ' + a4 if a6 is not None: prv += ' ' + a6 elif a4 is None: prv += ' no address' pub += ' ' + a if a is not None else ' no address' text_private[nic] = prv text_public[nic] = pub self.text = (text_private, text_public) self.invalidate() def function(self): text = self.text if text is None: return '...' text = text[1 if self.show_public else 0] nic = self.show_nic if nic is None or nic not in text: if len(text.keys()) == 0: self.show_nic = None return 'No NIC available' nic = sorted(text.keys())[0] self.show_nic = nic return text[nic] class MyLeapsec(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.announcement = None Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def init(): self.refresh() xasync(lambda : Clock(sync_to = Clock.MINUTES).continuous_sync(Sometimes(t(self.refresh), 12 * 60)), name = 'leapsec') xasync(init, name = 'leapsec') def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == RIGHT_BUTTON: self.refresh() def refresh(self): leapanon = LeapSeconds() found = -1 now = time.time() for index in range(len(leapanon)): if leapanon[index][3] >= now: found = index break announcement = leapanon[found] text = ('+%i' if announcement[4] > 0 else '%i') % announcement[4] text += 's ' + ('\033[%sm%s\033[00m ago' if found < 0 else 'in \033[%sm%s\033[00m') text += ' end of UTC %i-%02i-%0i' % announcement[:3] if announcement[5] == LeapSeconds.SECONDARY: text += ' (secondary)' elif announcement[5] == LeapSeconds.OUT_OF_BAND: text += ' (out of band)' self.announcement = (text, announcement[3]) self.invalidate() def dur(self, t): s, t = t % 60, t // 60 m, t = t % 60, t // 60 h, d = t % 24, t // 24 if d > 0: return '%id%ih%i\'%02i"' % (d, h, m, s) elif h > 0: return '%ih%i\'%02i"' % (h, m, s) elif m > 0: return '%i\'%02i"' % (m, s) else: return '%02is' % s def colour(self, time_until): c = '00' if time_until >= 0: if time_until < 10: c = '41' elif time_until < 60: c = '31' elif time_until < 60 * 60: c = '33' elif time_until < 24 * 60 * 60: c = '32' return c def function(self): if self.announcement is None: return '...' (text, when) = self.announcement time_until = when - int(time.time()) return text % (self.colour(time_until), self.dur(abs(time_until))) class MyTimer(Entry): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.start = None self.length = None self.notified = False self.pause_text = None mqueue_map['timer'] = self.mqueue Entry.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def mqueue(self, args): if args[1] == 'stop': self.stop() elif args[1] in ('pause', 'resume'): self.pause() else: duration = args[1].split(':') duration.reverse() seconds = 0 if len(duration) > 0: seconds += int(duration[0]) if len(duration) > 1: seconds += int(duration[1]) * 60 if len(duration) > 2: seconds += int(duration[2]) * 60 * 60 if len(duration) > 3: seconds += int(duration[3]) * 60 * 60 * 24 self.start = time.time() self.length = seconds self.notified = False self.pause_text = None self.invalidate() def action(self, col, button, x, y): if button == LEFT_BUTTON: self.pause() elif button == RIGHT_BUTTON: self.stop() def pause(self): if self.pause_text is not None: self.start = time.time() self.pause_text = None elif self.length - int(time.time() - self.start) < 0: self.start, self.length, self.notified, self.pause_text = None, None, False, None else: self.pause_text = '' self.length -= int(time.time() - self.start) self.pause_text = self.dur(self.length) self.invalidate() def stop(self): self.start = None self.length = None self.notified = False self.pause_text = None self.invalidate() def dur(self, t): s, t = t % 60, t // 60 m, t = t % 60, t // 60 h, d = t % 24, t // 24 if d > 0: return '%id %i:%02i:%02i' % (d, h, m, s) elif h > 0: return '%i:%02i:%02i' % (h, m, s) else: return '%i:%02i' % (m, s) def notify(self): subprocess.Popen(['notify-send', '-u', 'critical', 'You are done with your task']).wait() def wall(self): subprocess.Popen(['wall', 'You are done with your task']).wait() def function(self): if self.pause_text is not None: return '%s (paused)' % self.pause_text if self.start is None: return 'Timer inactive' countdown = self.length - int(time.time() - self.start) if countdown > 0: return self.dur(countdown) if not self.notified: self.notified = True xasync(self.notify, name = 'timer notify') xasync(self.wall, name = 'timer wall') countdown %= 2 if countdown == 0: return '\033[37;41mYou are done\033[00m' else: return '\033[31mYou are done\033[00m' def mqueue_wait(): import posix_ipc qkey = '/.xpybar.' + os.environ['DISPLAY'].split('.')[0] q = posix_ipc.MessageQueue(qkey, posix_ipc.O_CREAT, 0o600, 8, 128) while True: try: message = q.receive(None)[0].decode('utf-8', 'replace').split(' ') if message[0] in mqueue_map: try: mqueue_map[message[0]](message) except Exception as err: print('%s: %s' % (sys.argv[0], str(err)), file = sys.stderr, flush = True) else: print('%s: unrecognised message: %s' % (sys.argv[0], ' '.join(message)), file = sys.stderr, flush = True) except: time.sleep(1) mqueue_map = {} myxmonad = MyXMonad(None) myscroll = MyScroll(None) functions = [ [ myscroll , myxmonad , None , MyTimer (None) , MyNetwork (lambda f : Clocked(f, 2)) , MyMemory (lambda f : Clocked(f, 2)) , MyCPU (lambda f : Clocked(f, 2)) , MyBattery (lambda f : Clocked(f, 10)) , MyALSA (None) , MyClock (lambda f : Clocked(f, 1)) ] , [ myscroll , myxmonad , None , MyTop (None) , MyIO (lambda f : Clocked(f, 10)) , MyStat (lambda f : Clocked(f, 10)) , MyNews (None) , MyWeather (None) , MyComputer (lambda f : Clocked(f, 20)) ] , [ myscroll , myxmonad , None , MyIPAddress(lambda f : Clocked(f, 20)) , MyLeapsec (None) , MyMOC (None) ] ] HEIGHT = 0 groups = [Group(f) for f in functions] groupi = 0 group = groups[groupi] semaphore = threading.Semaphore() def update_per_clock(): if semaphore.acquire(blocking = False): try: for g in groups: for f in g.functions: if isinstance(f.wrapped, Clocked): f(True) finally: semaphore.release() invalidate() start_ = start def start(): start_() bar.clear() get_display().flush() xasync(lambda : clock.continuous_sync(t(update_per_clock)), name = 'clock') xasync(mqueue_wait, name = 'mqueue') def redraw(): if semaphore.acquire(blocking = False): try: gr = groups[groupi] for g in groups: if g is not gr: for f in g.functions: f() values = gr.pattern % tuple(f() for f in gr.functions) bar.partial_clear(0, bar.width, 10, 0, 2, values) bar.draw_coloured_splitted_text(0, bar.width, 10, 0, 2, values) finally: semaphore.release() return True return False def unhandled_event(e): global groups, groupi, group if isinstance(e, Xlib.protocol.event.ButtonPress): y = e.event_y x = e.event_x row = y // HEIGHT_PER_LINE lcol = x // bar.font_width rcol = (bar.width - x) // bar.font_width button = e.detail if button in (FORWARD_BUTTON, BACKWARD_BUTTON): groupi = (groupi + (+1 if button == BACKWARD_BUTTON else -1)) % len(groups) group = groups[groupi] invalidate() else: for f in group.posupdate: f.update_position() for f in group.functions: if f.click(row, lcol, rcol, button, x, y): break