RUNTIME DEPENDENCIES: python3 python3-xlib xrandr argparser-python OPTIONAL RUNTIME DEPENDENCIES: linux: most of the monitors require Linux's procfs or sysfs curl: for Internet services python-pyalsaaudio: for ALSA volume control hdparm: for hdparm support python-pytz: for timezone support python-sysv-ipc: for ropty example iputils: for ping support inotify-tools: for ii and inotify support ii: for ii support alarm: for limiting the time of a file search in locks findutils: for file search in locks graphicsmagick: for image support imagemagick: for image support file: for image support librsvg: for image support solar-python>=2.5: for solar data pdeath: for automatic killing of child processes on exit BUILD DEPENDENCIES: zip make coreutils sed auto-auto-complete (optional)