diff options
authorMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2014-03-03 22:05:15 +0100
committerMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2014-03-03 22:05:15 +0100
commit76e4be8b1474f1eadeabef8947dd7d26a29668db (patch)
parentSometimes returns the last return (diff)
add moderate example and multiple column printing functions
Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>
2 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/moderate b/examples/moderate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d7fc23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/moderate
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+# A moderate xpybar configuration example that has a few monitors that are updates continuously
+import time
+from plugins.clock import Clock
+from plugins.cpu import CPU
+from plugins.mem import Memory
+from plugins.network import Network
+from plugins.users import Users
+from plugins.pacman import Pacman
+from plugins.uname import Uname
+OUTPUT, YPOS, TOP = 0, 24, True
+clock_ = Clock(format = '%Y-(%m)%b-%d %T, %a w%V, %Z', sync_to = 0.5)
+def memory():
+ memory_ = Memory()
+ def colourise(value, format = '%.0f'):
+ colour = '39'
+ if value > 30: colour = '32'
+ if value > 50: colour = '33'
+ if value > 80: colour = '31'
+ return '\033[%sm%s\033[0m%%' % (colour, format % value)
+ mem = 'Mem: ' + colourise(memory_.mem_used * 100 / memory_.mem_total)
+ swp = 'Swp: ' + colourise(memory_.swap_used * 100 / memory_.swap_total)
+ shm = 'Shm: ' + colourise(memory_.shmem * 100 / memory_.mem_total)
+ return '%s │ %s │ %s' % (mem, swp, shm)
+def users():
+ users_ = Users().users
+ you = os.environ['USER']
+ def colour_user(user):
+ if user == 'root': return '\033[31m%s\033[39m'
+ elif not user == you: return '\033[33m%s\033[39m'
+ else: return '%s'
+ users = ['%s{%i}' % (colour_user(u) % u, len(users_[u])) for u in users_.keys()]
+ users = 'Users: %s' % (' '.join(users))
+ return users
+have_linux_libre, have_pacman = True, None
+linux_installed, linux_latest = None, None
+def uname():
+ global have_linux_libre, have_pacman, linux_installed, linux_latest
+ if have_pacman is None:
+ try:
+ linux_installed = Pacman('linux-libre', True)
+ except:
+ have_linux_libre = False
+ try:
+ linux_installed = Pacman('linux', True)
+ except:
+ have_pacman = False
+ if have_pacman:
+ try:
+ linux_latest = Pacman('linux-libre' if have_linux_libre else 'linux', False)
+ except:
+ have_pacman = None
+ elif have_pacman:
+ try:
+ linux_installed = Pacman('linux-libre' if have_linux_libre else 'linux', True)
+ linux_latest = Pacman('linux-libre' if have_linux_libre else 'linux', False)
+ except:
+ have_pacman = None
+ uname_ = Uname()
+ nodename = uname_.nodename
+ kernel_release = uname_.kernel_release
+ operating_system = uname_.operating_system
+ if (have_pacman is not None) and have_pacman:
+ linux_running = kernel_release.split('-')
+ linux_running, kernel_release = linux_running[:2], linux_running[2:]
+ linux_running = '-'.join(linux_running)
+ kernel_release = '-' + '-'.join(kernel_release)
+ linux_installed = linux_installed.version
+ linux_latest = linux_latest.version
+ if linux_installed == linux_latest:
+ if linux_running == linux_installed:
+ linux_running = '\033[32m%s\033[39m' % linux_running
+ else:
+ if linux_running == linux_installed:
+ linux_running = '\033[33m%s\033[39m' % linux_running
+ else:
+ linux_running = '\033[31m%s\033[39m' % linux_running
+ kernel_release = linux_running + kernel_release
+ uname_ = '%s %s %s'
+ uname_ %= (nodename, kernel_release, operating_system)
+ return uname_
+net_time = time.monotonic()
+net_last = {}
+def network():
+ global net_time, net_last
+ net_now = time.monotonic()
+ net_tdiff, net_time = net_now - net_time, net_now
+ net_ = Network('lo').devices
+ def colourise(value):
+ colour = '39'
+ if value > 40: colour = '32'
+ if value > 8000: colour = '33'
+ if value > 60000: colour = '31'
+ return '\033[%sm%3.0f\033[0m' % (colour, value)
+ def kbps(device, direction):
+ direction += '_bytes'
+ value = net_[device][direction]
+ if device in net_last:
+ value -= net_last[device][direction]
+ else:
+ value = 0
+ value /= 128 * net_tdiff
+ return colourise(value)
+ net = [(dev, kbps(dev, 'rx'), kbps(dev, 'tx')) for dev in net_]
+ net = ['%s: %skbps↓ %skbps↑' % (dev, down, up) for dev, down, up in net]
+ net = '%s' % ' '.join(net)
+ net_last = net_
+ return net
+last_cpu_idle, last_cpu_total = 0, 0
+last_cpus_idle, last_cpus_total = [], []
+def cpu():
+ global last_cpus_idle, last_cpus_total, last_cpu_idle, last_cpu_total
+ cpu_ = CPU()
+ now_cpu_idle, now_cpus_idle = cpu_.cpu[CPU.idle], [cpu[CPU.idle] for cpu in cpu_.cpus]
+ now_cpu_total, now_cpus_total = sum(cpu_.cpu), [sum(cpu) for cpu in cpu_.cpus]
+ def cpu_usage(now_idle, now_total, last_idle, last_total):
+ total = now_total - last_total
+ idle = now_idle - last_idle
+ return None if total == 0 else (total - idle) * 100 / total
+ def colourise(value):
+ if value is None:
+ return '--%'
+ colour = '39'
+ if value >= 5: colour = '32'
+ if value >= 50: colour = '33'
+ if value >= 90: colour = '31'
+ return '\033[%sm%2.0f\033[0m%%' % (colour, value)
+ if len(now_cpus_idle) > len(last_cpus_idle):
+ last_cpus_idle += now_cpus_idle[len(last_cpus_idle):]
+ last_cpus_total += now_cpus_total[len(last_cpus_total):]
+ cpus = zip(now_cpus_idle, now_cpus_total, last_cpus_idle, last_cpus_total)
+ cpus = ' '.join([colourise(cpu_usage(*c)) for c in cpus])
+ cpu = colourise(cpu_usage(now_cpu_idle, now_cpu_total, last_cpu_idle, last_cpu_total))
+ cpu = 'Cpu: %s : %s' % (cpus, cpu)
+ last_cpus_idle, last_cpus_total = now_cpus_idle, now_cpus_total
+ last_cpu_idle, last_cpu_total = now_cpu_idle, now_cpu_total
+ return cpu
+functions = [ Sometimes(lambda : clock_.read(), 1 * 2),
+ lambda : time.time() % 1,
+ Sometimes(users, 1 * 2),
+ cpu,
+ memory,
+ network,
+ Sometimes(uname, 30 * 60 * 2),
+ ]
+pattern = [ '%s │ %.2f │ %s }{ %s │ %s │ %s │ %s'
+ ]
+start_ = start
+def start():
+ start_()
+ def refresh():
+ if redraw():
+ get_display().flush()
+ async(lambda : clock_.continuous_sync(refresh))
+HEIGHT = len(pattern) * 12
+pattern = '\n'.join([p.replace('}{', '\0') for p in pattern])
+semaphore = threading.Semaphore()
+def redraw():
+ if semaphore.acquire(blocking = False):
+ values = pattern % tuple([f() for f in functions])
+ bar.clear()
+ print(values.replace('\0', ' ' * 8))
+ bar.draw_coloured_splitted_text(0, bar.width, 10, 0, 2, values)
+ semaphore.release()
+ return True
+ return False
diff --git a/src/__main__.py b/src/__main__.py
index 62dc7d0..ace57f9 100755
--- a/src/__main__.py
+++ b/src/__main__.py
@@ -278,6 +278,30 @@ class Bar:
buf += c
+ def draw_coloured_splitted_text(self, x, width, y, ascent, descent, text):
+ '''
+ Draw a coloured multi-line, multi-column text
+ @param x:int The left position of the text
+ @param width:int The width of the print area
+ @param y:int The Y position of the bottom of the text
+ @param ascent:int Extra height above the text on each line
+ @param descent:int Extra height under the text on each line
+ @param text:str The text to draw, '\0' is column delimiter inside each line
+ '''
+ line_height = ascent + self.font_height + descent
+ for line in text.split('\n'):
+ if '\0' not in line:
+ self.draw_coloured_text(x, y, ascent, descent, line)
+ else:
+ parts = line.split('\0')
+ i, n = 0, len(parts) - 1
+ for part in parts:
+ x = (width - Bar.coloured_length(part) * self.font_width) * i / n
+ self.draw_coloured_text(int(x), y, ascent, descent, part)
+ i += 1
+ y += line_height
def create_colour(self, red, green, blue):
Create a colour instance
@@ -325,6 +349,26 @@ class Bar:
self.window.fill_rectangle(self.gc, 0, 0, self.width, self.panel_height)
+ @staticmethod
+ def coloured_length(text):
+ '''
+ The print length of a coloured text
+ @param text:str The text
+ @return :int The print length of the text
+ '''
+ n = 0
+ esc = False
+ for c in text:
+ if esc:
+ if ('a' <= c <= 'z') or ('A' <= c <= 'Z') or (c == '~'):
+ esc = False
+ elif c == '\033':
+ esc = True
+ else:
+ n += 1
+ return n
## Read command line arguments