#!/usr/bin/env python3
xpybar – xmobar replacement written in python
Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Mattias Andrée (maandree@kth.se)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import time
import threading
import subprocess
def setproctitle(title):
Set process title
@param title:str The title of the process
import ctypes
# Remove path, keep only the file,
# otherwise we get really bad effects, namely
# the name title is truncates by the number
# of slashes in the title. At least that is
# the observed behaviour when using procps-ng.
title = title.split('/')[-1]
# Create string buffer with title
title = title.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'replace')
title = ctypes.create_string_buffer(title)
if 'linux' in sys.platform:
# Set process title on Linux
libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.6')
libc.prctl(15, ctypes.byref(title), 0, 0, 0)
elif 'bsd' in sys.platform:
# Set process title on at least FreeBSD
libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.7')
libc.setproctitle(ctypes.create_string_buffer(b'-%s'), title)
def xasync(target, name = None, group = None):
Start a function asynchronously
@param target:()→void The function
@param name:str? The name of the thread
@return :Thread A running deamon-thread running `target`, with the name `name`
def target_wrapper():
if 'linux' in sys.platform: ## XXX I only know that will happen on Linux
t = threading.Thread(target = target_wrapper if name is not None else target, name = name)
return t
globals()['async'] = xasync ## xasync was named async until the release of Python 3.7 when it became a reserved keyword
def watch(interval, target, delay = 0):
Run a function periodically forever
@param interval:float The number of seconds to sleep between invocatons
@param target:()→void The function
@param delay:float Number of extra seconds to wait the first time
if not delay == 0:
while True:
def forever(target, delay = 0):
Run a function continuously forever
@param target:()→void The function
@param delay:float Number of extra seconds to wait the first time
if not delay == 0:
while True:
def spawn(*command):
Spawn an external process
@param command:*str The command line
@return :istream The process's stdout
proc = subprocess.Popen(list(command), stderr = sys.stderr, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.stdout
def spawn_read(*command):
Spawn an external process and returns its output
@param command:*str The command line
@return :str The process's output to stdout, without the final LF
proc = subprocess.Popen(list(command), stderr = sys.stderr, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
out = proc.stdout.read().decode('utf-8', 'replace')
if out.endswith('\n'):
out = out[:-1]
return out
def reduce(f, items):
@param f:(¿E?, ¿E?)→¿E? The function
@param item:itr<¿E?> The input
@return ¿E?? The output, `None` if `item` is empty
if len(items) == 0:
return None
rc = items[0]
for i in range(1, len(items)):
rc = f(rc, items[i])
return rc
def colour_aware_len(string, original_len = len):
Colour-aware object length measurement function
It is suggested to redefine `len` with this
function in the following way.
len_ = len
len = lambda string : colour_aware_len(string, len_)
@param string:object The object to measure
@param original_len:(object)→int The original implementation of `len`
@return :int The length of `string`
if not isinstance(string, str):
return original_len(string)
rc, esc = 0, False
for c in string:
if esc:
if c == 'm':
esc = False
elif c == '\033':
esc = True
rc += 1
return rc
def sprintf(format, *args):
Alternative to the %-operator for strings, with support for '%n'
@param format:str The format string
@param args:*object The arguments to include in place of
the placeholders in the format string
@return :(text:str, stops:list<int>) The text after formatting, and locations of all '%n':s.
Locations of '%n':s are measured using `len`, meaning that
this function is aware of redefinitions of `len`.
rc, measurements, curlen, esc, buf, args, argc = '', [], 0, False, '', tuple(args), 0
for c in format:
if esc:
esc = False
if c == 'n':
buf %= args[:argc]
curlen += len(buf)
rc += buf
buf = ''
args = args[argc:]
argc = 0
buf += '%'
buf += c
argc += 1
elif c == '%':
esc = True
buf += c
rc += buf % args
return (rc, measurements)
class Sometimes:
Function wrapper for only actually invoking
the function every n:th time, where n is a
customisable parameter
def __init__(self, function, interval, initial = 0):
@param function:(*?)→¿R? The function
@param interval:int Invoke the function every `interval`:th time
@param initial:int The of times needed to invoke before actual invocation
self.function = function
self.interval = interval
self.counter = initial
self.last_return = None
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Invoke the function, every `interval`:th time
@param args:*? The parameters of the function
@param kwargs:**? The named parameters of the function
@return :¿R? The return value of the function, the last return if not invoked
rc = self.last_return
if self.counter == 0:
rc = self.function(*args, **kwargs)
self.last_return = rc
self.counter = self.interval
self.counter -= 1
return rc
class DelayedSometimes:
Function wrapper for only actually invoking
the function every n:th time, where n is a
customisable parameter, with an added
functionallity: the actual invocation will
take place at the first invocation and then
a number of invocations is required before
the second actual invocation after which
the normal interval will be used
def __init__(self, function, delay, interval):
@param function:(*?)→¿R? The functiony
@param delay:int The of times needed to invoke between the first and second actual invocation
@param interval:int Invoke the function every `interval`:th time
def f(*args, **kwargs):
self.function = Sometimes(function, interval, initial = delay)
self.function.last_return = function(*args, **kwargs)
return self.function.last_return
self.function = f
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Invoke the function when scheduled
@param args:*? The parameters of the function
@param kwargs:**? The named parameters of the function
@return :¿R? The return value of the function, the last return if not invoked
return self.function(*args, **kwargs)
class Clocked:
`Sometimes` wrapper that needs explicit re-evaluation before
its `Sometimes` functionallity is invoked. That is, it needs
a selected number of explicit re-evaluation before the value
is actually re-evaluted.
The rationale for this class is that you may want to update
somethings more often than other things, periodically, but
you may also want to update other things when certain events
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@param args:* Positional arguments for the `Sometimes` constructor
@param kwargs:** Keyworkd arguments for the `Sometimes` constructor
self.sometimes = Sometimes(*args, **kwargs)
self.text = self.sometimes()
def __call__(self, update = False):
Return the most recently evaluated value
@param update:bool Whether to re-evalute the value and return the new value
@return :¿T? The most recently evaluated value
if update:
self.text = self.sometimes()
return self.text
def update_all(functions):
Update all elements in an iteratable that is of the type `Clocked`
@param functions:itr<¿T?> The iteratable
for f in functions:
if isinstance(f, Clocked):