path: root/examples/tricks/anytzclock
blob: 9ae2b054a1db9a72f7ba6b54f734ba1bd9442d6e (plain) (tree)

# -*- python -*-

# A xpybar configuration example that demonstrates how you can
# write a configuration that lets you change the clock between
# any timezone you want using the keyboard or terminal.

# This example requires the package python-posix_ipc, and the
# example command requires the package cmdipc.

# Caveat: This example is only written to support local displays.
# If the host part of $DISPLAY contains a dot, this example will
# not work as expected.

# Caveat: The IPC objects are not cleaned up on exit.
# After exiting you may want to run
#     cmdipc -PQrk "/~${USER}.xpybar.$(echo "${DISPLAY}" | cut -d . -f 1)"

# To switch between UTC and localtime run the command
#     cmdipc -PQk "/~${USER}.xpybar.$(echo "${DISPLAY}" | cut -d . -f 1)" send -- tz ${THE_TIMEZONE_YOU_WANT}
# You may want to add an executable file in your ~/.local/bin
# (which should you include in your $PATH) containing the code
#     #!/bin/sh
#     exec cmdipc -PQk "/~${USER}.xpybar.$(echo "${DISPLAY}" | cut -d . -f 1)" send -- tz "$@"
# You can then add a hotkey to xbindkeys running that command
# with a timezone as a argument, or run it in the terminal.
# If the timezone is omitted, local time is used.

import time
import threading

from plugins.clock import Clock
from plugins.tzclock import TZClock

OUTPUT, HEIGHT, YPOS, TOP = 0, 12, 24, True

time_format = '%Y-(%m)%b-%d %T, %a w%V, %Z'

local_clock = Clock(format = time_format, sync_to = Clock.SECONDS)
my_clock = local_clock

def mqueue_wait():
    import posix_ipc
    global my_clock
    qkey = '/~%s.xpybar.%s' % (os.environ['USER'], os.environ['DISPLAY'].split('.')[0])
    q = posix_ipc.MessageQueue(qkey, posix_ipc.O_CREAT, 0o600, 8, 128)
    while True:
        message = q.receive(None)[0].decode('utf-8', 'replace').split(' ')
        if message[0] == 'tz':
            old_clock = my_clock
            tz = '/'.join(message[1:])
                my_clock = local_clock if tz == '' else TZClock(timezone = tz, format = time_format)
                    my_clock = local_clock if tz == '' else TZClock(timezone = tz.upper(), format = time_format)
                    print('%s: unknown typezone: %s' % (sys.argv[0], tz), file = sys.stderr)
            if old_clock is not local_clock:
                del old_clock
            bar.invalidate() # Optional, just to force redrawing before the next second

start_ = start
def start():
    async(lambda : local_clock.continuous_sync(lambda : bar.invalidate()))

def redraw():
    text = '%s' % my_clock.read()
    bar.draw_coloured_text(0, 10, 0, 2, text)