path: root/examples/plugins/cpuinfo
blob: 9bb7d79ae144341bde61426792abba206fe31118 (plain) (tree)

# -*- python -*-

# A xpybar configuration example testing the features of plugins.cpuinfo

import time
import threading

from plugins.cpuinfo import CPUInfo
from plugins.clock import Clock

OUTPUT, HEIGHT, YPOS, TOP = 0, 12, 24, True

clock = Clock(sync_to = 2.5 * Clock.SECONDS)

start_ = start
def start():
    async(lambda : clock.continuous_sync(lambda : bar.invalidate()))

def redraw():
    cpuinfo_ = CPUInfo()
    count = len(cpuinfo_.cpus)
    def read(cpu):
        cur = float(cpuinfo_.get(cpu, CPUInfo.CURRENT_FREQUENCY))
        min = 0
        max = float(cpuinfo_.get(cpu, CPUInfo.MAXIMUM_FREQUENCY))
        p = (cur - min) / (max - min)
        if p < 0.50:
            c = '32'
        elif p < 0.85:
            c = '39'
        elif p < 0.95:
            c = '33'
            c = '31'
        return '\033[%sm%2i\033[39m%%' % (c, int(p * 100))
    text = 'Freq: %s' % ', '.join(read(cpu) for cpu in range(count))
    bar.draw_coloured_text(0, 10, 0, 2, text)