# -*- python -*-
# A moderate xpybar configuration example that has a few monitors that are updates continuously
import time
from plugins.clock import Clock
from plugins.cpu import CPU
from plugins.mem import Memory
from plugins.network import Network
from plugins.users import Users
from plugins.pacman import Pacman
from plugins.uname import Uname
OUTPUT, YPOS, TOP = 0, 24, True
clock_ = Clock(format = '%Y-(%m)%b-%d %T, %a w%V, %Z', sync_to = 0.5)
def memory():
memory_ = Memory()
def colourise(value, format = '%.0f'):
colour = '39'
if value > 30: colour = '32'
if value > 50: colour = '33'
if value > 80: colour = '31'
return '\033[%sm%s\033[0m%%' % (colour, format % value)
mem = 'Mem: ' + colourise(memory_.mem_used * 100 / memory_.mem_total)
swp = 'Swp: ' + colourise(memory_.swap_used * 100 / memory_.swap_total)
shm = 'Shm: ' + colourise(memory_.shmem * 100 / memory_.mem_total)
return '%s │ %s │ %s' % (mem, swp, shm)
def users():
users_ = Users().users
you = os.environ['USER']
def colour_user(user):
if user == 'root': return '\033[31m%s\033[39m'
elif not user == you: return '\033[33m%s\033[39m'
else: return '%s'
users = ['%s{%i}' % (colour_user(u) % u, len(users_[u])) for u in users_.keys()]
users = 'Users: %s' % (' '.join(users))
return users
have_linux_libre, have_pacman = True, None
linux_installed, linux_latest = None, None
def uname():
global have_linux_libre, have_pacman, linux_installed, linux_latest
if have_pacman is None:
linux_installed = Pacman('linux-libre', True)
have_linux_libre = False
linux_installed = Pacman('linux', True)
have_pacman = False
if have_pacman:
linux_latest = Pacman('linux-libre' if have_linux_libre else 'linux', False)
have_pacman = None
elif have_pacman:
linux_installed = Pacman('linux-libre' if have_linux_libre else 'linux', True)
linux_latest = Pacman('linux-libre' if have_linux_libre else 'linux', False)
have_pacman = None
uname_ = Uname()
nodename = uname_.nodename
kernel_release = uname_.kernel_release
operating_system = uname_.operating_system
if (have_pacman is not None) and have_pacman:
linux_running = kernel_release.split('-')
linux_running, kernel_release = linux_running[:2], linux_running[2:]
linux_running = '-'.join(linux_running)
kernel_release = '-' + '-'.join(kernel_release)
linux_installed = linux_installed.version
linux_latest = linux_latest.version
if linux_installed == linux_latest:
if linux_running == linux_installed:
linux_running = '\033[32m%s\033[39m' % linux_running
if linux_running == linux_installed:
linux_running = '\033[33m%s\033[39m' % linux_running
linux_running = '\033[31m%s\033[39m' % linux_running
kernel_release = linux_running + kernel_release
uname_ = '%s %s %s'
uname_ %= (nodename, kernel_release, operating_system)
return uname_
net_time = time.monotonic()
net_last = {}
def network():
global net_time, net_last
net_now = time.monotonic()
net_tdiff, net_time = net_now - net_time, net_now
net_ = Network('lo').devices
def colourise(value):
colour = '39'
if value > 40: colour = '32'
if value > 8000: colour = '33'
if value > 60000: colour = '31'
return '\033[%sm%3.0f\033[0m' % (colour, value)
def kbps(device, direction):
direction += '_bytes'
value = net_[device][direction]
if device in net_last:
value -= net_last[device][direction]
value = 0
value /= 128 * net_tdiff
return colourise(value)
net = [(dev, kbps(dev, 'rx'), kbps(dev, 'tx')) for dev in net_]
net = ['%s: %skbps↓ %skbps↑' % (dev, down, up) for dev, down, up in net]
net = '%s' % ' '.join(net)
net_last = net_
return net
last_cpu_idle, last_cpu_total = 0, 0
last_cpus_idle, last_cpus_total = [], []
def cpu():
global last_cpus_idle, last_cpus_total, last_cpu_idle, last_cpu_total
cpu_ = CPU()
now_cpu_idle, now_cpus_idle = cpu_.cpu[CPU.idle], [cpu[CPU.idle] for cpu in cpu_.cpus]
now_cpu_total, now_cpus_total = sum(cpu_.cpu), [sum(cpu) for cpu in cpu_.cpus]
def cpu_usage(now_idle, now_total, last_idle, last_total):
total = now_total - last_total
idle = now_idle - last_idle
return None if total == 0 else (total - idle) * 100 / total
def colourise(value):
if value is None:
return '--%'
colour = '39'
if value >= 5: colour = '32'
if value >= 50: colour = '33'
if value >= 90: colour = '31'
return '\033[%sm%2.0f\033[0m%%' % (colour, value)
if len(now_cpus_idle) > len(last_cpus_idle):
last_cpus_idle += now_cpus_idle[len(last_cpus_idle):]
last_cpus_total += now_cpus_total[len(last_cpus_total):]
cpus = zip(now_cpus_idle, now_cpus_total, last_cpus_idle, last_cpus_total)
cpus = ' '.join([colourise(cpu_usage(*c)) for c in cpus])
cpu = colourise(cpu_usage(now_cpu_idle, now_cpu_total, last_cpu_idle, last_cpu_total))
cpu = 'Cpu: %s : %s' % (cpus, cpu)
last_cpus_idle, last_cpus_total = now_cpus_idle, now_cpus_total
last_cpu_idle, last_cpu_total = now_cpu_idle, now_cpu_total
return cpu
functions = [ Sometimes(lambda : clock_.read(), 1 * 2),
lambda : time.time() % 1,
Sometimes(users, 1 * 2),
Sometimes(uname, 30 * 60 * 2),
pattern = [ '%s │ %.2f │ %s }{ %s │ %s │ %s │ %s'
start_ = start
def start():
def refresh():
if redraw():
async(lambda : clock_.continuous_sync(refresh))
HEIGHT = len(pattern) * 12
pattern = '\n'.join([p.replace('}{', '\0') for p in pattern])
semaphore = threading.Semaphore()
def redraw():
if semaphore.acquire(blocking = False):
values = pattern % tuple([f() for f in functions])
print(values.replace('\0', ' ' * 8))
bar.draw_coloured_splitted_text(0, bar.width, 10, 0, 2, values)
return True
return False