NAME vtchs - Listen for VT switches ETYMOLOGY (v)irtual (t)erminal (ch)ange(s) SYNOPSIS vtchs DESCRIPTION vtchs ignores all arguments. You must have set stdin to be a /dev/tty device. When vtchs starts, it prints the number of the currently active console. Then, in an infinite loop, it waits for the user to change console, and prints the number of the newly active console when this happens. RATIONALE Sometimes you need to be able to know which console is in the foreground, and stay up to date on this. In particular, I want to be able to record the output on the mintors, and have it detect VT switches, so it can select the appropriate method and display; and I want to be able to have VT dependent colour adjustments. SEE ALSO fgconsole(1), chvt(1)