In lack of good git documentation and manuals, I started by own. It seems to be lack of well written manuals, and Git's online documention itself is atrocious. While I do not except the writers to have taking any course in pedagogy or didactics, or even any practical experience, I at least exept the writters to try to keep those aspects in mind, but that does not seem to be the case. Documentation should first introduct the concept, then the implementation; that is, first how to get started, than what they are doing. In other words, first how to create a Git repository and the absolute essantials, than introduce Git itself. Not first taking about what Git is, readers want to read the chapters in their order, if they do not have anything specific in mind. Documentation should then give you breif documentation of everthing you need to know in the order of imporantance, then, iterator be more advanced. But one of the most important part is not to start with dangerous commands just because it is easier to be lazy them. Try to do it right from the beginning, otherwise the wrong way will stick in the reader's memory.