Acer/Packard Bell is not willing to repair all defects on my computer, but at least I can run this for several hours and try to revive dead pixels. Dead (always black) pixels are hard to revive, stuck pixels on the other hand are more probable to get fixed. This program should be run under the Linux VT. It works by cycling the colour on the screen between sRGB(100 %, 0, 0), sRGB(0, 100 %, 0) and sRGB(0, 0, 100 %), as fast as possible. If you want to slow down the cycling you can add, as the only argument, the millisecond time sleep between the colours. If you are using a graphical environment and do not know how to access the Linux VT, here is how you do it: press Ctrl+Alt+F1, if this does not open non-graphical login screen, press Alt+Right until you get one. To get back to graphical environment, hold down Alt+Right until it appears.