* slibc — Yet another C library
* Copyright © 2015, 2016 Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#define SPRINTF(...) do if (m = sprintf(__VA_ARGS__), m < 0) goto fail; while (0)
#define SNPRINTF(...) do if (m = snprintf(__VA_ARGS__), m < 0) goto fail; while (0)
#define ADD_PREFIX(prefix, buffer, n) \
do \
if (prefix == 0) \
buffer[n++] = 'B'; \
else \
{ \
buffer[n++] = prefixes[prefix]; \
if (mode & HUMANSIZE_IEC_EXPLICIT) buffer[n++] = 'i'; \
if (!(mode & HUMANSIZE_PREFIX_ONLY)) buffer[n++] = 'B'; \
} \
while (0)
* Convert a file size of file offset from machine representation to human representation.
* The representation is exact.
* @param buffer A buffer than shall be used if it is sufficiently large.
* @param bufsize The allocation size of `buffer`.
* Must be 0 if and only if `buffer` is `NULL`.
* @param mode Representation style, 0 for default.
* @param detail See documentation for the select value on `mode`.
* @param intraspacing Spacing between values and units. `NULL` or empty for none.
* This value should depend on language and context. For English
* this value should be "" or "-", but in for example Swedish it
* should always be " ". Hence this value is a string rather than
* a booleanic integer.
* @param interspacing Spacing between value–unit-pairs. `NULL` for default (" ").
* This value should depend on language and context.
* @param prefixes Prefix characters (including prefixless.)
* @param values Values for prefixes.
* @param buf Create intermediate write buffer.
* @return Human representation of the file size/offset, `NULL` on error.
* On success, the caller is responsible for deallocating the
* returned pointer, if and only if it is not `buffer`.
* @throws ENOMEM The process cannot allocate more memory.
static char* humansize_exact(char* buffer, size_t bufsize, enum humansize_mode mode, int detail,
const char* restrict intraspacing, const char* restrict interspacing, size_t words,
const char* restrict prefixes, const size_t* restrict values, char* restrict buf)
size_t i, n = 0;
void* new = NULL;
int m, saved_errno;
if (detail == 0)
detail = 999;
for (i = words; (i-- > 0) && detail--;)
/* Check non-zero only word. */
if (!(values[i] || (!i && !n)))
/* Add interspacing. */
if (i != words)
memcpy(buffer + n, interspacing, strlen(interspacing) * sizeof(char));
n += strlen(interspacing);
/* Construct word (and intraspacing). */
SPRINTF(buf, "%zu%s", values[i], intraspacing);
ADD_PREFIX(i, buf, m);
/* Ensure the buffer is large enougth. */
if (n + (size_t)m > bufsize / sizeof(char))
bufsize = 7 * (size_t)detail + strlen(interspacing) * ((size_t)detail - 1) + 1;
new = malloc(bufsize *= sizeof(char));
if (new == NULL)
goto fail;
memcpy(new, buffer, n * sizeof(char));
buffer = new;
/* Append word. */
memcpy(buffer + n, buf, (size_t)m * sizeof(char));
n += (size_t)m;
return buffer[n] = 0, buffer;
saved_errno = errno;
return errno = saved_errno, NULL;
* Convert a file size of file offset from machine representation to human representation.
* The representation is rounded.
* @param buffer A buffer than shall be used if it is sufficiently large.
* @param bufsize The allocation size of `buffer`.
* Must be 0 if and only if `buffer` is `NULL`.
* @param mode Representation style, 0 for default.
* @param detail See documentation for the select value on `mode`.
* @param point The symbol to use for decimal points. `NULL` or empty for default.
* @param intraspacing Spacing between values and units. `NULL` or empty for none.
* This value should depend on language and context. For English
* this value should be "" or "-", but in for example Swedish it
* should always be " ". Hence this value is a string rather than
* a booleanic integer.
* @param interspacing Spacing between value–unit-pairs. `NULL` for default (" ").
* This value should depend on language and context.
* @param prefixes Prefix characters (including prefixless.)
* @param values Values for prefixes.
* @param buf Create intermediate write buffer.
* @param div K-multiple (1000 for SI, 1024 for IEC.)
* @return Human representation of the file size/offset, `NULL` on error.
* On success, the caller is responsible for deallocating the
* returned pointer, if and only if it is not `buffer`.
* @throws ENOMEM The process cannot allocate more memory.
static char* humansize_round(char* buffer, size_t bufsize, enum humansize_mode mode, int detail,
const char* restrict point, const char* restrict intraspacing,
const char* restrict interspacing, size_t words, const char* restrict prefixes,
const size_t* restrict values, char* restrict buf, size_t div)
double total = 0, dividend = 1;
size_t prefix = words - 1, i, n, det;
char* p;
void* new = NULL;
char c;
int m, saved_errno;
/* Get single-unit value. */
while (words--)
total += ((double)values[words]) / dividend, dividend *= (double)div;
/* Ensure the buffer is large enougth. */
SNPRINTF(NULL, 0, "%.*lf%zn", (detail < 0 ? 0 : detail), (double)total, (ssize_t*)&n);
if (n + strlen(point) + 3 - (detail < 0 ? 0 : 1) > bufsize / sizeof(char))
bufsize = n + strlen(point) + 3 - (detail < 0 ? 0 : 1);
new = malloc(bufsize *= sizeof(char));
if (new == NULL)
goto fail;
buffer = new;
/* Construct string. */
SPRINTF(buffer, "%.*lf", (detail < 0 ? 0 : detail), (double)total);
/* Replace decimal point sign. */
if ((p = strchr(buffer, '.')))
if (detail <= 0)
n = (size_t)(p - buffer);
memmove(p + strlen(point), p + 1, (n - 1 - (size_t)(p - buffer)) * sizeof(char));
memcpy(p, point, strlen(point) * sizeof(char));
/* Round value if detail < 0. */
if ((detail < 0) && (n > 1))
det = (size_t)-detail;
if (det >= n)
det = n - 1;
c = buffer[n + (size_t)-detail];
for (i = n + (size_t)-detail; i < n; i++)
buffer[i] = '0';
if (c >= '5')
buffer[n] = 0;
i = (size_t)atoll(buffer);
div = 10;
while (det--)
div *= 10;
i += div;
SPRINTF(buffer, "%zu%zn", i, (ssize_t*)&n);
/* Add prefix (and intraspacing). */
if (*intraspacing)
memcpy(buffer + n, intraspacing, strlen(intraspacing) * sizeof(char));
n += strlen(intraspacing);
ADD_PREFIX(prefix, buffer, n);
return buffer[n] = 0, buffer;
saved_errno = errno;
return errno = saved_errno, NULL;
* Convert a file size of file offset from machine representation to human representation.
* @param buffer A buffer than shall be used if it is sufficiently large.
* @param bufsize The allocation size of `buffer`.
* Must be 0 if and only if `buffer` is `NULL`.
* @param size The value to convert.
* @param mode Representation style, 0 for default.
* @param detail See documentation for the select value on `mode`.
* @param point The symbol to use for decimal points. `NULL` or empty for default.
* @param intraspacing Spacing between values and units. `NULL` or empty for none.
* This value should depend on language and context. For English
* this value should be "" or "-", but in for example Swedish it
* should always be " ". Hence this value is a string rather than
* a booleanic integer.
* @param interspacing Spacing between value–unit-pairs. `NULL` for default (" ").
* This value should depend on language and context.
* @return Human representation of the file size/offset, `NULL` on error.
* On success, the caller is responsible for deallocating the
* returned pointer, if and only if it is not `buffer`.
* @throws EINVAL If `mode` is invalid.
* @throws ENOMEM The process cannot allocate more memory.
* @since Always.
char* humansize(char* buffer, size_t bufsize, size_t size, enum humansize_mode mode, int detail,
const char* restrict point, const char* restrict intraspacing, const char* restrict interspacing)
#if (__LONG_LONG_BIT > 90) && (((__LONG_LONG_BIT - 90) * 3 + 7) / 8 + 3 > 7)
# define BUFFER_SIZE (((__LONG_LONG_BIT - 90) * 3 + 7) / 8 + 3)
# define BUFFER_SIZE 7
char prefixes[] = { '\0', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y' };
size_t values[sizeof(prefixes) / sizeof(*prefixes)] = { 0 };
size_t div, i, words = 0;
char* buf;
/* Default parameters. */
if (intraspacing == NULL) intraspacing = "";
if (interspacing == NULL) interspacing = " ";
if (!point || !*point) point = ".";
/* Create intermediate write buffer. */
buf = alloca((BUFFER_SIZE + strlen(intraspacing)) * sizeof(char));
/* Get K-multiple and case of the kilo-prefix. */
switch (mode & 7)
case 0:
div = 1000;
prefixes[1] = 'k';
div = 1024;
goto invalid;
/* Get value on prefixes. */
for (i = 0; size && (i < sizeof(values) / sizeof(*values)); i++)
values[i] = size % div, size /= div, words++;
words = words ? words : 1;
/* Construct string. */
switch (mode & 48)
if (detail < 0)
goto invalid;
return humansize_exact(buffer, bufsize, mode, detail, intraspacing,
interspacing, words, prefixes, values, buf);
case 0:
return humansize_round(buffer, bufsize, mode, detail, point, intraspacing,
interspacing, words, prefixes, values, buf, div);
goto invalid;
return errno = EINVAL, NULL;