NAME slibc - the Stockholm C Standard Library DESCRIPTION slibc is a POSIX C standard library. It aims to support ISO C99, and newer versions of ISO C, other versions of C are ignored except for proper feature-test macros. Ignores all languages other than C, this means that slibc cannot be used in C++ by merely including the header files. In addition to POSIX, slibc aims to support common extensions, especially those in the GNU C Library because of its predominance on GNU systems. slibc also aims to fill the lacunæ in the C standard library specification, and make programming in C even easier by adding functions that would be generally useful are impossible to implement efficiently in other libraries. FEATURE-TEST MACROS slibc defines a few slibc-specified feature-test macros: _SLIBC_SOURCE Enable slibc extensions. These extensions are often extensions introduced in other C libraries, but are considered good extensions. slibc provides some slibc-specific extensions that do not require _SLIBC_SOURCE. (They are however disabled if _PORTABLE_SOURCE or _LIBRARY_HEADER are defined.) These extensions are defined in header files whose name starts with 'slibc-'. Headers starting with 'slibc/' are not extensions, those are internals that may change at any time. _SLIBC_SUPPRESS_WARNINGS Suppress all #warning and other warnings, this is primarily intended to be used when compiling slibc. _PORTABLE_SOURCE Unconditionally disable all non-POSIX extensions, and otherwise help ensure that the source is portable. _LIBRARY_HEADER Alternative to _PORTABLE_SOURCE that should be used in header files for libraries. This allows you to be sure that your library is portable between libc:s, and that sources using your library does not been to be compiled with the same libc. It is important to use this instead of _PORTABLE_SOURCE in library header files, otherwise the user of the library cannot fully utilise _PORTABLE_SOURCE. COMMENTS Writing a C standard library is a massive task. As I only have x86_64 hardware, I will require help write the assembly code for other hardware. I also need help writing the texinfo manual and example code for functions, help figuring out the correct feature-test macros for all functions, their etymology, and in which libc implementions they appear. Help optimising all functions would also be appreciated. RATIONALE slibc is written as a learning exercise, and for fun. SEE ALSO Full documentation available locally via: info '(slibc)'