NAME slack - Spawn processes with customised timer slack SYNOPSIS slack [-f] ('get' | 'GET' | ('reset' | interval) command [argument] ...) DESCRIPTION Get the current timer slack value or spawn a new process with a new timer slack value. If the verb get or GET is used, the current timer slack value and exit. If get is used, the program shall use as high prefix as possible. If GET is used the value shall be printed in nanoseconds but not unit shall be printed. If the verb reset is used, the process shall set the timer slack value for the process to the default timer slack value, and exec(3) to command. If an interval is given, the process shall set the timer slack value for the process to interval, and exec(3) to command. interval must be a positive number, optionally with a prefix. Recognised prefixes (and units) are: ns, n nanoseconds (default) µs, µ, us, u microseconds ms, m milliseconds s seconds The default timer slack value is the timer slack value on PID 1. OPTIONS -f Fail if the timer slack value cannot be set. NOTES Real-time threads do not slack around. RATIONALE Could be useful increase the performance of your computer. SEE ALSO nice(1), ionice(1), prctl(2)