/** * sha3sum – SHA-3 (Keccak) checksum calculator * * Copyright © 2013 Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /** * SHA-3/Keccak checksum calculator * * @author Mattias Andrée <a href="mailto:maandree@member.fsf.org">maandree@member.fsf.org</a> */ public class sha3sum { /** * This is the main entry point of the program * * @param args Command line arguments * @throws IOException On I/O error (such as broken pipes) */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { run("sha3sum", args); } /** * Run the program * * @param cmd The command * @param argv Command line arguments * @throws IOException On I/O error (such as broken pipes) */ public static void run(String cmd, String[] argv) throws IOException { if (cmd.indexOf('/') >= 0) cmd = cmd.substring(cmd.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (cmd.endsWith(".jar")) cmd = cmd.substring(0, cmd.length() - 4); cmd = cmd.intern(); Integer O = null; int _o = 512; /* --outputsize */ if (cmd == "sha3-224sum") _o = 224; else if (cmd == "sha3-256sum") _o = 256; else if (cmd == "sha3-384sum") _o = 384; else if (cmd == "sha3-512sum") _o = 512; Integer S = null; int _s = 1600; /* --statesize */ Integer R = null; int _r = _s - (_o << 1); /* --bitrate */ Integer C = null; int _c = _s - _r; /* --capacity */ Integer W = null; int _w = _s / 25; /* --wordsize */ Integer I = null; int _i = 1; /* --iterations */ Integer J = null; int _j = 1; /* --squeezes */ int o = 0, s = 0, r = 0, c = 0, w = 0, i = 0, j = 0; boolean binary = false, hex = false; int multi = 0; String[] files = new String[argv.length + 1]; int fptr = 0; boolean dashed = false; String[] linger = null; String[] args = new String[argv.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(argv, 0, args, 0, argv.length); for (int a = 0, an = args.length; a < an; a++) { String arg = args[a]; arg = arg == null ? null : arg.intern(); if (linger != null) { linger[0] = linger[0].intern(); if ((linger[0] == "-h") || (linger[0] == "--help")) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println("SHA-3/Keccak checksum calculator"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("USAGE: sha3sum [option...] < file"); System.out.println(" sha3sum [option...] file..."); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("OPTIONS:"); System.out.println(" -r BITRATE"); System.out.println(" --bitrate The bitrate to use for SHA-3. (default: " + _r + ")"); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" -c CAPACITY"); System.out.println(" --capacity The capacity to use for SHA-3. (default: " + _c + ")"); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" -w WORDSIZE"); System.out.println(" --wordsize The word size to use for SHA-3. (default: " + _w + ")"); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" -o OUTPUTSIZE"); System.out.println(" --outputsize The output size to use for SHA-3. (default: " + _o + ")"); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" -s STATESIZE"); System.out.println(" --statesize The state size to use for SHA-3. (default: " + _s + ")"); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" -i ITERATIONS"); System.out.println(" --iterations The number of hash iterations to run. (default: " + _i + ")"); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" -j SQUEEZES"); System.out.println(" --squeezes The number of hash squeezes to run. (default: " + _j + ")"); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" -h"); System.out.println(" --hex Read the input in hexadecimal, rather than binary."); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" -b"); System.out.println(" --binary Print the checksum in binary, rather than hexadecimal."); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" -m"); System.out.println(" --multi Print the chechsum at all iterations."); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("COPYRIGHT:"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Copyright © 2013 Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org)"); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify"); System.out.println("it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by"); System.out.println("the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or"); System.out.println("(at your option) any later version."); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"); System.out.println("but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"); System.out.println("MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the"); System.out.println("GNU General Public License for more details."); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License"); System.out.println("along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."); System.out.println(""); System.exit(0); } else { if (linger[1] == null) { linger[1] = arg; arg = null; } if ((linger[0] == "-r") || (linger[0] == "--bitrate")) R = Integer.valueOf(linger[1]); else if ((linger[0] == "-c") || (linger[0] == "--capacity")) C = Integer.valueOf(linger[1]); else if ((linger[0] == "-w") || (linger[0] == "--wordsize")) W = Integer.valueOf(linger[1]); else if ((linger[0] == "-o") || (linger[0] == "--outputsize")) O = Integer.valueOf(linger[1]); else if ((linger[0] == "-s") || (linger[0] == "--statesize")) S = Integer.valueOf(linger[1]); else if ((linger[0] == "-i") || (linger[0] == "--iterations")) I = Integer.valueOf(linger[1]); else if ((linger[0] == "-j") || (linger[0] == "--squeezes")) J = Integer.valueOf(linger[1]); else { System.err.println(cmd + ": unrecognised option: " + linger[0]); System.exit(1); } } linger = null; if (arg == null) continue; } if (arg == null) continue; if (dashed) files[fptr++] = arg == "-" ? null : arg; else if (arg == "--") dashed = true; else if (arg == "-") files[fptr++] = null; else if (arg.startsWith("--")) if (arg.indexOf('=') >= 0) linger = new String[] { arg.substring(0, arg.indexOf('=')), arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1) }; else if (arg == "--binary") binary = true; else if (arg == "--multi") multi++; else if (arg == "--hex") hex = true; else linger = new String[] { arg, null }; else if (arg.startsWith("-")) { arg = arg.substring(1); if (arg.charAt(0) == 'b') { binary = true; arg = arg.substring(1); } else if (arg.charAt(0) == 'm') { multi++; arg = arg.substring(1); } else if (arg.charAt(0) == 'h') { hex = true; arg = arg.substring(1); } else if (arg.length() == 1) linger = new String[] { "-" + arg, null }; else linger = new String[] { "-" + arg.charAt(0), arg.substring(1) }; } else files[fptr++] = arg; } i = I == null ? _i : I.intValue(); j = J == null ? _j : J.intValue(); if (S != null) { s = S.intValue(); if ((s <= 0) || (s > 1600) || (s % 25 != 0)) { System.err.println(cmd + ": the state size must be a positive multiple of 25 and is limited to 1600."); System.exit(6); } } if (W != null) { w = W.intValue(); if ((w <= 0) || (w > 64)) { System.err.println(cmd + ": the word size must be positive and is limited to 64."); System.exit(6); } if ((S != null) && (s != w * 25)) { System.err.println(cmd + ": the state size must be 25 times of the word size."); System.exit(6); } else if (S == null) S = new Integer(w * 25); } if (C != null) { c = C.intValue(); if ((c <= 0) || ((c & 7) != 0)) { System.err.println(cmd + ": the capacity must be a positive multiple of 8."); System.exit(6); } } if (R != null) { r = R.intValue(); if ((r <= 0) || ((r & 7) != 0)) { System.err.println(cmd + ": the bitrate must be a positive multiple of 8."); System.exit(6); } } if (O != null) { o = O.intValue(); if (o <= 0) { System.err.println(cmd + ": the output size must be positive."); System.exit(6); } } if ((R == null) && (C == null) && (O == null)) // s? { r = -((c = (o = ((((s = S == null ? _s : s) << 5) / 100 + 7) >> 3) << 3) << 1) - s); o = o < 8 ? 8 : o; } else if ((R == null) && (C == null)) // !o s? { r = _r; c = _c; s = S == null ? (r + c) : s; } else if (R == null) // !c o? s? { r = (s = S == null ? _s : s) - c; o = O == null ? (c == 8 ? 8 : (c << 1)) : o; } else if (C == null) // !r o? s? { c = (s = S == null ? _s : s) - r; o = O == null ? (c == 8 ? 8 : (c << 1)) : o; } else // !r !c o? s? { s = S == null ? (r + c) : s; o = O == null ? (c == 8 ? 8 : (c << 1)) : o; } System.err.println("Bitrate: " + r); System.err.println("Capacity: " + c); System.err.println("Word size: " + w); System.err.println("State size: " + s); System.err.println("Output size: " + o); System.err.println("Iterations: " + i); System.err.println("Squeezes: " + j); if (r > s) { System.err.println(cmd + ": the bitrate must not be higher than the state size."); System.exit(6); } if (c > s) { System.err.println(cmd + ": the capacity must not be higher than the state size."); System.exit(6); } if (r + c != s) { System.err.println(cmd + ": the sum of the bitrate and the capacity must equal the state size."); System.exit(6); } if (fptr == 0) files[fptr++] = null; if (i < 1) { System.err.println(cmd + ": sorry, I will only do at least one hash iteration!"); System.exit(3); } if (j < 1) { System.err.println(cmd + ": sorry, I will only do at least one squeeze iteration!"); System.exit(3); } byte[] stdin = null; boolean fail = false; String filename; for (int f = 0; f < fptr; f++) { if (((filename = files[f]) == null) && (stdin != null)) { System.out.write(stdin); continue; } String rc = ""; String fn = filename == null ? "/dev/stdin" : filename; InputStream file = null; try { byte[] bs; if ((filename != null) || (stdin == null)) { file = new FileInputStream(fn); SHA3.initialise(r, c, o); int blksize = 4096; /** XXX os.stat(os.path.realpath(fn)).st_size; **/ byte[] chunk = new byte[blksize]; for (;;) { int read = file.read(chunk, 0, blksize); if (read <= 0) break; if (hex == false) SHA3.update(chunk, read); else { int n = read >> 1; for (int _ = 0; _ < n; _++) { byte a = chunk[_ << 1], b = chunk[(_ << 1) | 1]; chunk[_] = (byte)((((a & 15) + (a <= '9' ? 0 : 9)) << 4) | ((b & 15) + (b <= '9' ? 0 : 9))); } SHA3.update(chunk, n); } } bs = SHA3.digest(j == 1); if (j > 2) SHA3.fastSqueeze(j - 2); if (j > 1) bs = SHA3.squeeze(); if (filename == null) stdin = bs; } else bs = stdin; if (multi == 0) { for (int _ = 1; _ < i; _++) { SHA3.initialise(r, c, o); bs = SHA3.digest(bs, j == 1); if (j > 2) SHA3.fastSqueeze(j - 2); if (j > 1) bs = SHA3.squeeze(); } if (binary) System.out.write(bs); else { for (int b = 0, bn = bs.length; b < bn; b++) { rc += "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt((bs[b] >> 4) & 15); rc += "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(bs[b] & 15); } rc += " " + (filename == null ? "-" : filename) + "\n"; System.out.print(rc); } } else if (multi == 1) { byte[] out = null; if (binary) System.out.write(bs); else { out = new byte[(bs.length << 1) + 1]; for (int b = 0, bn = bs.length; b < bn; b++) { out[ b << 1 ] = (byte)("0123456789ABCDEF".charAt((bs[b] >> 4) & 15)); out[(b << 1) | 1] = (byte)("0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(bs[b] & 15)); } out[out.length - 1] = '\n'; System.out.write(out); } for (int _ = 1; _ < i; _++) { SHA3.initialise(r, c, o); bs = SHA3.digest(bs, j == 1); if (j > 2) SHA3.fastSqueeze(j - 2); if (j > 1) bs = SHA3.squeeze(); if (binary) System.out.write(bs); else { for (int b = 0, bn = bs.length; b < bn; b++) { out[ b << 1 ] = (byte)("0123456789ABCDEF".charAt((bs[b] >> 4) & 15)); out[(b << 1) | 1] = (byte)("0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(bs[b] & 15)); } System.out.write(out); } } } else { HashSet<String> got = new HashSet<String>(); String loop = null; byte[] out = new byte[(bs.length << 1)]; for (int _ = 0; _ < i; _++) { if (_ > 0) { SHA3.initialise(r, c, o); bs = SHA3.digest(bs, j == 1); if (j > 2) SHA3.fastSqueeze(j - 2); if (j > 1) bs = SHA3.squeeze(); } for (int b = 0, bn = bs.length; b < bn; b++) { out[ b << 1 ] = (byte)("0123456789ABCDEF".charAt((bs[b] >> 4) & 15)); out[(b << 1) | 1] = (byte)("0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(bs[b] & 15)); } String now = new String(out, "UTF-8"); if (loop == null) if (got.contains(now)) loop = now; else got.add(now); if ((loop != null) && (loop.equals(now))) now = "\033[31m" + now + "\033[00m"; System.out.println(now); } if (loop != null) System.err.println("\033[01;31mLoop found\033[00m"); } System.out.flush(); } catch (final IOException err) { System.err.println(cmd + ": cannot read file: " + filename + ": " + err); fail = true; } finally { if (file != null) try { file.close(); } catch (final Throwable ignore) { //ignore } } } System.out.flush(); if (fail) System.exit(5); } }