COMPLETE STATUS: python :: optimised java :: not optimised c :: planned (after java) nasm :: planned (maybe, after c) haskell :: planned (maybe) SHA-3/Keccak checksum calculator USAGE: sha3sum [option...] < FILE sha3sum [option...] file... OPTIONS: -r BITRATE --bitrate The bitrate to use for SHA-3. (default: 576) -c CAPACITY --capacity The capacity to use for SHA-3. (default: 1024) -w WORDSIZE --wordsize The word size to use for SHA-3. (default: 64) -o OUTPUTSIZE --outputsize The output size to use for SHA-3. (default: 512) -s STATESIZE --statesize The state size to use for SHA-3. (default: 1600) -i ITERATIONS --iterations The number of hash iterations to run. (default: 1) -b --binary Print the checksum in binary, rather than hexadecimal.