# Copyright (C) 2015 Mattias Andrée <maandree@member.fsf.org> # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, # without any warranty. #=== These rules are used for man pages. ===# # Enables the rules: # install-man Install all man page # install-man-untranslated Install untranslated man page # install-man-locale Install translated man page # # This file is ignored unless _MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS # is defined. _MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS should list all # used man page sections. For all used sections # there should also be a variable named # _MAN_$(SECTION) that lists the suffixless # basename of all man pages in that section. # # The pathname of a man page should look # like this: doc/man/$(DOCUMENT).$(SECTION) # Translations looks like this: # doc/man/$(DOCUMENT).$(LANGUAGE).$(SECTION) # # For each language and section, there should # be a variable _MAN_$(LANGUAGE)_$(SECTION) # that lists all translated documents in that # section and for that lanuage. These should # be suffixless basenames. The lanuage counts # as a suffix. # # The translations of the man pages to # install should be specified, by language, # in the variable MAN_LOCALES. ifdef _MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS # WHEN TO BUILD, INSTALL, AND UNINSTALL: install: install-man install-everything: install-man install-doc: install-man uninstall: uninstall-man # HELP VARIABLES # Customisable man page filename. ifdef COMMAND ifeq ($(shell $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(COMMAND) | $(WC) -l),1) ifeq ($(shell $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS) | $(WC) -l),1) ifeq ($(shell $(PRINTF) '%s\n' $(_MAN_$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS)) | $(WC) -l),1) __MAN_COMMAND = $(COMMAND)$(MAN$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS)EXT) endif endif endif endif # INSTALL RULES: .PHONY: install-man install-man: install-man-untranslated install-man-locale .PHONY: install-man-untranslated install-man-untranslated: @$(PRINTF_INFO) '\e[00;01;31mINSTALL\e[34m %s\e[00m\n' "$@" $(Q)$(INSTALL_DIR) -- $(foreach S,$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS),"$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(MAN$(S))") ifndef __MAN_COMMAND $(Q)$(foreach S,$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS),$(foreach P,$(_MAN_$(S)),$(INSTALL_DATA) $(v)doc/man/$(P).$(S) -- "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(MAN$(S))/$(P)$(MAN$(S)EXT)" &&)) $(TRUE) endif ifdef __MAN_COMMAND $(Q)$(foreach S,$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS),$(foreach P,$(_MAN_$(S)),$(INSTALL_DATA) $(v)doc/man/$(P).$(S) -- "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(MAN$(S))/$(__MAN_COMMAND)" &&)) $(TRUE) endif @$(ECHO_EMPTY) .PHONY: install-man-locale install-man-locale: @$(PRINTF_INFO) '\e[00;01;31mINSTALL\e[34m %s\e[00m\n' "$@" $(Q)$(foreach L,$(MAN_LOCALES),$(INSTALL_DIR) -- $(foreach S,$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS),"$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(L)/$(MAN$(S))") &&) $(TRUE) ifndef __MAN_COMMAND $(Q)$(foreach L,$(MAN_LOCALES),$(foreach S,$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS),$(foreach P,$(_MAN_$(L)_$(S)),$(INSTALL_DATA) $(v)doc/man/$(P).$(L).$(S) -- "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(L)/$(MAN$(S))/$(P)$(MAN$(S)EXT)" &&))) $(TRUE) endif ifdef __MAN_COMMAND $(Q)$(foreach L,$(MAN_LOCALES),$(foreach S,$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS),$(foreach P,$(_MAN_$(L)_$(S)),$(INSTALL_DATA) $(v)doc/man/$(P).$(L).$(S) -- "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(L)/$(MAN$(S))/$(__MAN_COMMAND)" &&))) $(TRUE) endif @$(ECHO_EMPTY) # UNINSTALL RULES: .PHONY: uninstall-man uninstall-man: ifndef __MAN_COMMAND -$(Q)$(RM) -- $(foreach S,$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS),$(foreach P,$(_MAN_$(S)),"$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(MAN$(S))/$(P).$(MAN$(S)EXT)")) -$(Q)$(RM) -- $(foreach L,$(MAN_LOCALES),$(foreach S,$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS),$(foreach P,$(_MAN_$(L)_$(S)),"$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(L)/$(MAN$(S))/$(P)$(MAN$(S)EXT)"))) endif ifdef __MAN_COMMAND -$(Q)$(RM) -- "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(MAN$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS))/$(__MAN_COMMAND)" -$(Q)$(RM) -- $(foreach L,$(MAN_LOCALES),$(foreach S,$(_MAN_PAGE_SECTIONS),$(foreach P,$(_MAN_$(L)_$(S)),"$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/$(L)/$(MAN$(S))/$(__MAN_COMMAND)"))) endif endif