/** * Copyright © 2015, 2016 Mattias Andrée * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "daemon.h" #include COMMAND("satq") USAGE(NULL) /** * Quote a string, in shell (Bash-only if necessary) compatible * format, if necessary. Here, just adding quotes around all not * do. The string must be single line, and there must not be * any invisible characters; it should be possible to copy * a string from the terminal by marking it, hence all of this * ugliness. * * @param str The string. * @return Return a safe representation of the string, * `NULL` on error. */ static char * quote(const char *str) { #define UNSAFE(c) strchr(" \"$()[]{};|&^#!?*~`<>", c) #define N(I, S, B, Q) (I*in + S*sn + B*bn + Q*qn + rn) size_t in = 0; /* < ' ' or 127 */ size_t sn = 0; /* in UNSAFE */ size_t bn = 0; /* = '\\' */ size_t qn = 0; /* = '\'' */ size_t rn = 0; /* other */ size_t n, i = 0; const unsigned char *s; char *rc = NULL; for (s = (const unsigned char *)str; *s; s++) { if (*s < ' ') in++; else if (*s == 127) in++; else if (UNSAFE(*s)) sn++; else if (*s == '\\') bn++; else if (*s == '\'') qn++; else rn++; } if (N(1, 1, 1, 1) == rn) return strdup(rn ? str : "''"); n = in ? (N(4, 1, 2, 2) + 3) : (N(0, 1, 1, 4) + 2); t (!(rc = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char)))); rc[i += !!in] = '$'; rc[i += 1] = '\''; if (in == 0) { for (s = (const unsigned char *)str; *s; s++) { rc[i++] = (char)*s; if (*s == '\'') rc[i++] = '\\', rc[i++] = '\'', rc[i++] = '\''; } } else { for (s = (const unsigned char *)str; *s; s++) { if ((*s < ' ') || (*s == 127)) { rc[i++] = '\\'; rc[i++] = 'x'; rc[i++] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[(*s >> 4) & 15]; rc[i++] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[(*s >> 0) & 15]; } else if (strchr("\\'", *s)) rc[i++] = '\\', rc[i++] = (char)*s; else rc[i++] = (char)*s; } } rc[i++] = '\''; rc[i] = '\0'; fail: return rc; } /** * Create a textual representation of the a duration. * * @param buffer Output buffer, with a size of at least * 10 `char`:s plus enough to encode a `time_t`. * @param s The duration in seconds. */ static void strduration(char *buffer, time_t s) { char *buf = buffer; int secs, mins, hours, sd = 0, md = 0, hd = 0; secs = (int)(s % 60), s /= 60; mins = (int)(s % 60), s /= 60; hours = (int)(s % 24), s /= 24; if (s) hd++, buf += sprintf(buf, "%llid", (long long int)s); if (hd | hours) md++, buf += sprintf(buf, "%0*i:", ++hd, hours); if (md | mins) sd++, buf += sprintf(buf, "%0*i:", ++md, mins); /*just for alignment*/ buf += sprintf(buf, "%0*i", ++sd, secs); } /** * Prints a series of strings without any restrict * (in constrast to the `printf` function) of the * length of the strings. * * @param s... The strings to print. `NULL`-terminated. * @return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int print(const char *s, ...) { va_list args; size_t i, n = 0; ssize_t r = 1; va_start(args, s); do for (i = 0, n = strlen(s); (r > 0) && (i < n); i += (size_t)r) r = write(STDOUT_FILENO, s + i, n - i); while ((r > 0) && ((s = va_arg(args, const char *)))); va_end(args); return r > 0 ? 0 : -1; } /** * Dump a job to the socket. * * @param job The job. * @return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int print_job(struct job *job) { #define FIX_NSEC(T) (((T)->tv_nsec < 0L) ? ((T)->tv_sec -= 1, (T)->tv_nsec += 1000000000L) : 0L) #define ARRAY(LIST) \ for (arg = LIST; *arg; arg++) { \ free(qstr); \ t (!(qstr = quote(*arg))); \ t (print(" ", qstr, NULL)); \ } struct tm *tm; struct timespec rem; const char *clk; char rem_s[3 * sizeof(time_t) + sizeof("d00:00:00")]; char *qstr = NULL; char *wdir = NULL; char line[sizeof("job: %zu clock: unrecognised argc: %i remaining: argv[0]: ") + 3 * sizeof(size_t) + 3 * sizeof(int) + sizeof(rem_s) + 9]; char timestr_a[sizeof("-00-00 00:00:00") + 3 * sizeof(time_t)]; char timestr_b[10]; char **args = NULL; char **arg; char **argv = NULL; char **envp = NULL; size_t argsn; int rc = 0, saved_errno; /* Get remaining time. */ if (clock_gettime(job->clk, &rem)) return errno == EINVAL ? 0 : -1; rem.tv_sec = job->ts.tv_sec - rem.tv_sec; rem.tv_nsec = job->ts.tv_nsec - rem.tv_nsec; FIX_NSEC(&rem); if (rem.tv_sec < 0) /* This job will be removed momentarily, do not list it. (To simply things.) */ return 0; /* Get clock name. */ switch (job->clk) { case CLOCK_REALTIME: clk = "walltime"; break; case CLOCK_BOOTTIME: clk = "boottime"; break; default: clk = "unrecognised"; break; } /* Get textual representation of the remaining time. (Seconds only.) */ strduration(rem_s, rem.tv_sec); /* Get textual representation of the expiration time. */ if (job->clk == CLOCK_REALTIME) { t (!(tm = localtime(&(job->ts.tv_sec)))); strftime(timestr_a, sizeof(timestr_a), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm); } else { strduration(timestr_a, job->ts.tv_sec); } sprintf(timestr_b, "%09li", job->ts.tv_nsec); /* Get arguments. */ t (!(args = restore_array(job->payload, job->n, &argsn))); t (!(argv = sublist(args, (size_t)(job->argc)))); t (!(envp = sublist(args + job->argc, argsn - (size_t)(job->argc)))); /* Includes wdir. */ /* Send message. */ t (!(qstr = quote(args[0]))); t (!(wdir = quote(envp[0]))); sprintf(line, "job: %zu clock: %s argc: %i remaining: %s.%09li argv[0]: ", job->no, clk, job->argc, rem_s, rem.tv_nsec); t (print(line, qstr, "\n time: ", timestr_a, ".", timestr_b, "\n wdir: ", wdir, "\n argv:", NULL)); ARRAY(argv); t (print("\n envp:", NULL)); ARRAY(envp + 1); t (print("\n\n", NULL)); done: saved_errno = errno; free(qstr), free(args), free(argv), free(wdir), free(envp); errno = saved_errno; return rc; fail: rc = -1; goto done; } /** * Print all queued jobs. * * @param argc Should be 1 or 0. * @param argv The command line, should only include the name of the process. * @return 0 The process was successful. * @return 1 The process failed queuing the job. * @return 2 User error, you do not know what you are doing. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct job **jobs = NULL; struct job **job; int state = -1; if (argc > 0) argv0 = argv[0]; if (argc > 1) usage(); GET_FD(state, STATE_FILENO, open_state(O_RDONLY, NULL)); t (!(jobs = get_jobs())); for (job = jobs; *job; job++) t (print_job(*job)); errno = 0; fail: if (errno) perror(argv[0]); for (job = jobs; jobs && *job; job++) free(*job); free(jobs); if (state >= 0) close(state); return !!errno; }