.TH SATQ 1 SAT .SH NAME satq \- List all jobs queued for later execution. .SH SYNOPSIS .B satq .SH DESCRIPTION .BR satq (1) shall list all jobs in .BR sat 's list of jobs queued for later execution. Each job in the queue is separated by one empty line (LF LF), there is a empty line at the end of the output too. Each job is printed on multiple lines, where all but the first line is indented with two blank spaces. The first line is not indented. The output for each job is formatted .PP .nf job: \fIJOB-ID\fP clock: \fICLOCK\fP argc: \fIARGC\fP remaining: \fIREM\fP argv[0]: \fIARGV0\fP time: \fITIME\fP argv: \fIARGV\fP envp: \fIENVP\fP .fi .PP where .TP .I JOB-ID is a the ID of the job. This is a non-negative integer. .TP .I CLOCK is either .B walltime or .BR boottime . .TP .I ARGC is the number of arguments in the job's command line, including the command itself. This is a positive integer. .TP .I REM is the remaining time until the job is executed. This is formatted .RI [ DAYS \fBd\fP[ HOURS \fB:\fP[ MINUTES \fB:\fP]]] SECONDS \fB.\fP NANOSECONDS where .IR DAYS , .IR HOURS , and .IR MINUTES are only included if non-zero or a higher-valued variable is included. The first included uses as few digits as possible, the others uses two digits, this true for .I SECONDS too. .I NANOSECONDS is always in nine digits. .TP .I ARGV0 is the first argument in the job's command line, that is, the command that will be executed. This field, in contrast to the eailer, may contain spaces. However it will be quoted, if necessary, in manner so that it can be pasted to the shell and run. .TP .I TIME is the time the job will be executed. If the .I CLOCK is .BR boottime , this is formatted as .IR REM . If .I CLOCK is .BR walltime , it is formatted .IB YEAR - MM - DD \ HH : MM : SS in 24-hour clock, local time. .TP .I ARGV is all arguments in the job's command line, including .IR ARGV0 . Each argument is quoted if necssary. .TP .I ENVP is all environment variables. Each entry is quoted if necessary so it can be pasted to the shell and used with .BR env (1). .SH OPTIONS None. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B XDG_RUNTIME_DIR This environment variable names the directory in which interprocess communication related files are stored. If unset or empty, /run is used. .TP .B SAT_HOOK_PATH The pathname of the hook script to use. Does not have to already exist. If not defined, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sat/hook (if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is defined), $HOME/.config/sat/hook (if HOME is defined), ~/.config/sat/hook (if the user has a home and is not root), or /etc/sat/hook (otherwise) is used. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR sat (1), .BR satrm (1), .BR satr (1), .BR satd (1) .SH AUTHORS Principal author, Mattias Andrée. See the COPYING file for the full list of authors. .SH LICENSE MIT/Expat License. .SH BUGS Please report bugs to https://github.com/maandree/sat/issues or to maandree@member.fsf.org