.TH SATD 1 SAT .SH NAME satd \- Start the daemon that runs jobs queued for later execution. .SH SYNOPSIS .B satd .RB [ \-f ] .SH DESCRIPTION .BR satd (1) shall start the .B sat daemon, which is used for automatically executing jobs queued for later execution. .PP Before a job is executed, .BR satd (1) will run the hook script if available, the hook action will either be .TP .B expired if the job run when scheduled to run, or .TP .B forced if .BR satr (1) was used to run the job early. .PP After the job has run, the hook script is run again, and is made sure that the hook script is not run any time between these two runs. This time, the action is either .TP .B failure if the job was not executed successfully, including if the job exited with any status other than zero, or .B success if the job was executed successfully and exited with status zero. .PP When a job is removed using .BR satrm (1), the hook script is run with the action .BR removed . .PP When the hook script runs, the first argument (not counting the zeroth argument: the pathname of hook script) is the action, the follow arguments is the command line of the job. The environment will be set to be identical to that of the job. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-f Run the daemon in the foreground. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B XDG_RUNTIME_DIR This environment variable names the directory in which interprocess communication related files are stored. If unset or empty, /run is used. .TP .B SAT_HOOK_PATH The pathname of the hook script to use. Does not have to already exist. If not defined, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sat/hook (if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is defined), $HOME/.config/sat/hook (if HOME is defined), ~/.config/sat/hook (if the user has a home and is not root), or /etc/sat/hook (otherwise) is used. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR sat (1), .BR satq (1), .BR satrm (1), .BR satd (1) .SH AUTHORS Principal author, Mattias Andrée. See the COPYING file for the full list of authors. .SH LICENSE MIT/Expat License. .SH BUGS Please report bugs to https://github.com/maandree/sat/issues or to maandree@member.fsf.org