.TH SAT 1 SAT .SH NAME sat \- Queue a job for later execution. .SH SYNOPSIS .B sat .I TIME .IR COMMAND ... .SH DESCRIPTION .BR sat (1) is a simple implementation of .BR at (1). But is not compatible with .BR at (1). It is used to queue jobs to be executed later, outside the current controlling terminal. .PP .BR sat (1) shall launch .BR satd (1), unless it is already running, and queue a specified .I COMMAND to be executed at a selected .IR TIME . The job shall be executed with the same environment variables as .BR sat (1) had when the job was queued. .PP The .I TIME argument must be specified in one of four formats: .TP .IB HH : MM The job shall be executed the next time the clock is .IR HH : MM :00. .I HH may by any positive value. The time is specified in UTC. .TP .IB HH : MM : SS The job shall be executed the next time the clock is .IR HH : MM : SS . .I HH and .I SS may by any positive values. The time is specified in UTC. .TP .I S The job shall be executed the next time the POSIX time clock shows .IR S . That is, .I S seconds passed Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC), ignoring leap seconds (hence "the next time".) .TP .BI + S The job shall be executed in .I S seconds. .PP Nanosecond resultion in .I TIME is supported. .B Z or .B UTC can be added at the end if .IB HH : MM or .IB HH : MM : SS is used. This suppresses a warning telling you that the time was interpreted as UTC. It is not possible to select any other timezone, not even the local timezone. If the specified time is in the passed, but not more than 24 hours ago, 24 hours will be added to it, and a warning is printed. This is so that you can use an external time string parser without having to worry about its behaviour too much. .PP If the .BI + S format is used, .B sat will use the .B CLOCK_BOOTTIME clock, for the other formats .B CLOCK_REALTIME is used. Note that this is .B CLOCK_BOOTTIME and .BR CLOCK_REALTIME , not .B CLOCK_BOOTTIME_ALARM and .BR CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM . If you want to the the latter clocks, you may want to look in the direction of .BR sleep-until (1). .PP The .B sat utilities can also print and edit the list of queued jobs. .PP If you are using .BR autohaltd (8), you should set up hooks for .BR sat that pauses .BR autohaltd (8) using .B SIGSTOP (and resume with .BR SIGCONT ) when there are queued jobs. This would prevent .BR autohaltd (8) from shutting down the machine while there are queued jobs but no logins. .B sat cannot stop .BR autohaltd (8) by adding login entries, because .BR autohaltd (8) will only recognise them if they are in fact true logins. .SH OPTIONS None. .SH RATIONALE .BR at (1) is far too complex. .PP .B sat does not do natural language time parsing, it is far too complex, and locale dependent, for all programs to implement and should be done in a separate program. Not even GNU .BR date (1) gets this right. .B sat does however do some trivial parsing. .PP .B sat does not sanitise the environment. You have .BR env (1) for that. Relaying on .B sat to sanitise the environment appropriately could prove to be a misfortune. .PP .B sat does not do mailing because that is very restrictive, hooks are used instead. .PP .B sat does not do system load analysis, this should be done in a separate program. .PP .B sat only has one queue, queue can easily be emulated using dummy commands, for example instead of \(aqmy command\(aq, you can run \(aqsh -c ": QUEUE-a ; my command"\(aq. .PP .BR at (1) should not be merged into .BR cron (8). .BR cron (8) does recurring scheduled jobs, .BR at (1) does one-time unscheduled jobs. .BR atq (1) does not translate to .BR cron (8). .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B XDG_RUNTIME_DIR This environment variable names the directory in which interprocess communication related files are stored. If unset or empty, /run is used. .TP .B SAT_HOOK_PATH The pathname of the hook script to use. Does not have to already exist. If not defined, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sat/hook (if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is defined), $HOME/.config/sat/hook (if HOME is defined), ~/.config/sat/hook (if the user has a home and is not root), or /etc/sat/hook (otherwise) is used. .SH "FUTURE DIRECTIONS" .B sat-atcompat will be written to bring compatibility with old school .BR at (1). .SH NOTES .BR nohup (1) combined with .BR sh (1) and, .BR sleep (1) or .BR sleep-until (1) should be sufficient for most users. .PP .B sat stores the job queue in a file. However, this file does not persist between reboot. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR at (1), .BR cron (1), .BR sleep-until (1), .BR date (1), .BR satq (1), .BR satrm (1), .BR satr (1), .BR satd (1) .SH AUTHORS Principal author, Mattias Andrée. See the COPYING file for the full list of authors. .SH LICENSE MIT/Expat License. .SH BUGS Please report bugs to https://github.com/maandree/sat/issues or to maandree@member.fsf.org