NAME rq - read quickly SYNOPSIS rq [FILE] DESCRIPTION Displays a plain-text file word-by-word in the middle of the terminal. Words are automatically paged in a specifiable rate, by default 2 words per second. Repeated words will be indicated by alternating reverse video highlighting. Escape sequences are printed as-is. If no file is specified, or if '-' i specified, stdin will be paged. OPTIONS None. ENVIRONMENT RQ_RATE The rate at which the words will be printed. Defaults to 120 words per minute. This should a positive integer, optionally followed by a unit. If no unit is specified, words per minute will be used. Valid units are (case-insensitive): wpm w/m /m wpmin w/min /min Words per minute. wpsec w/sec /sec wps w/s /s Hz Words per second. COMMANDS + Increase word rate. - Decrease word rate. p Pause/resume. q Exit. left Go to the previous word. up Go to the previous word. right Go to next previous word. down Go to next previous word. RATIONALE This should be obvious. SEE ALSO No similar or otherwise related work known. Please inform me if you know any.