# -*- python -*- # See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. class Bus: ''' Message broadcasting interprocess communication ''' RDONLY = 1 ''' Open the bus for reading only ''' WRONLY = 0 ''' Open the bus for writing only ''' RDWR = 0 ''' Open the bus for both reading and writing only ''' EXCL = 2 ''' Fail to create bus if its file already exists ''' INTR = 4 ''' Fail if interrupted ''' NOWAIT = 1 ''' Function shall fail with `os.errno.EAGAIN` if the it would block and this flag is used ''' def __init__(self, pathname : str = None): ''' Constructor @param pathname:str The pathname of the bus, `None` if `create` should select a random pathname ''' self.pathname = pathname self.bus = None def __del__(self): ''' Destructor ''' self.close() def create(self, flags : int = 0) -> str: ''' Create the bus @param flags:or_flag `Bus.EXCL` (if the pathname is not `None`) to fail if the file already exists, otherwise if the file exists, nothing will happen; `Bus.INTR` to fail if interrupted @return :str The pathname of the bus ''' from native_bus import bus_create_wrapped (self.pathname, e) = bus_create_wrapped(self.pathname, flags) if self.pathname is None: raise self.__oserror(e) return self.pathname def unlink(self): ''' Remove the bus ''' from native_bus import bus_unlink_wrapped (r, e) = bus_unlink_wrapped(self.pathname) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def open(self, flags : int = 0): ''' Open an existing bus @param flags:int `Bus.RDONLY`, `Bus.WRONLY` or `Bus.RDWR`, the value must not be negative ''' from native_bus import bus_close_wrapped, bus_allocate, bus_open_wrapped if self.bus is not None: (r, e) = bus_close_wrapped(self.bus) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) else: (self.bus, e) = bus_allocate() if self.bus == 0: raise self.__oserror(e) (r, e) = bus_open_wrapped(self.bus, self.pathname, flags) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def close(self): ''' Close the bus ''' try: from native_bus import bus_close_wrapped, bus_deallocate except: return if self.bus is not None: (r, e) = bus_close_wrapped(self.bus) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) bus_deallocate(self.bus) self.bus = None def write(self, message : str, flags : int = 0): ''' Broadcast a message a bus @param message:str The message to write, may not be longer than 2047 bytes after UTF-8 encoding @param flags:int `Bus.NOWAIT` if the function shall fail with `os.errno.EAGAIN` if there is another process attempting to broadcast on the bus ''' from native_bus import bus_write_wrapped (r, e) = bus_write_wrapped(self.bus, message, flags) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def write_timed(self, message : str, timeout : float, clock_id : int = None): ''' Broadcast a message a bus @param message:str The message to write, may not be longer than 2047 bytes after UTF-8 encoding @param timeout:float The time the function shall fail with `os.errno.EAGAIN`, if it has not already completed @param clock_id:int? The clock `timeout` is measured in, it must be a predictable clock, if `None`, `timeout` is measured in relative time instead of absolute time ''' from native_bus import bus_write_timed_wrapped if clock_id is None: import time clock_id = time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW timeout += time.clock_gettime(clock_id) (r, e) = bus_write_timed_wrapped(self.bus, message, timeout, clock_id) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def read(self, callback : callable, user_data = None): ''' Listen (in a loop, forever) for new message on a bus @param callback:(message:str?, user_data:¿U?=user_data)→int Function to call when a message is received, the input parameters will be the read message and `user_data` from the function's [`Bus.read`] parameter with the same name. The message must have been parsed or copied when `callback` returns as it may be over overridden after that time. `callback` should return either of the the values: 0: stop listening 1: continue listening -1: an error has occurred However, the function [`Bus.read`] will invoke `callback` with `message` set to `None` one time directly after it has started listening on the bus. This is to the the program now it can safely continue with any action that requires that the programs is listening on the bus. NB! The received message will not be decoded from UTF-8 @param user_data:¿U? See description of `callback` ''' from native_bus import bus_read_wrapped (r, e) = bus_read_wrapped(self.bus, callback, user_data) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def read_timed(self, callback : callable, timeout : float, clock_id : int = None, user_data = None): ''' Listen (in a loop, forever) for new message on a bus @param callback:(message:str?, user_data:¿U?=user_data)→int Function to call when a message is received, the input parameters will be the read message and `user_data` from the function's [`Bus.read`] parameter with the same name. The message must have been parsed or copied when `callback` returns as it may be over overridden after that time. `callback` should return either of the the values: 0: stop listening 1: continue listening -1: an error has occurred However, the function [`Bus.read`] will invoke `callback` with `message` set to `None` one time directly after it has started listening on the bus. This is to the the program now it can safely continue with any action that requires that the programs is listening on the bus. NB! The received message will not be decoded from UTF-8 @param timeout:float The time the function shall fail with `os.errno.EAGAIN`, if it has not already completed, note that the callback function may or may not have been called @param clock_id:int? The clock `timeout` is measured in, it must be a predictable clock, if `None`, `timeout` is measured in relative time instead of absolute time @param user_data:¿U? See description of `callback` ''' from native_bus import bus_read_timed_wrapped if clock_id is None: import time clock_id = time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW timeout += time.clock_gettime(clock_id) (r, e) = bus_read_timed_wrapped(self.bus, callback, user_data, timeout, clock_id) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def poll_start(self): ''' Announce that the thread is listening on the bus. This is required so the will does not miss any messages due to race conditions. Additionally, not calling this function will cause the bus the misbehave, is `Bus.poll` is written to expect this function to have been called. ''' from native_bus import bus_poll_start_wrapped (r, e) = bus_poll_start_wrapped(self.bus) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def poll_stop(self): ''' Announce that the thread has stopped listening on the bus. This is required so that the thread does not cause others to wait indefinitely. ''' from native_bus import bus_poll_stop_wrapped (r, e) = bus_poll_stop_wrapped(self.bus) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def poll(self, flags : int = 0) -> bytes: ''' Wait for a message to be broadcasted on the bus. The caller should make a copy of the received message, without freeing the original copy, and parse it in a separate thread. When the new thread has started be started, the caller of this function should then either call `Bus.poll` again or `Bus.poll_stop`. @param flags:int `Bus.NOWAIT` if the bus should fail with `os.errno.EAGAIN` if there isn't already a message available on the bus @return :bytes The received message NB! The received message will not be decoded from UTF-8 ''' from native_bus import bus_poll_wrapped (message, e) = bus_poll_wrapped(self.bus, flags) if message is None: raise self.__oserror(e) return message def poll_timed(self, timeout : float, clock_id : int = None) -> bytes: ''' Wait for a message to be broadcasted on the bus. The caller should make a copy of the received message, without freeing the original copy, and parse it in a separate thread. When the new thread has started be started, the caller of this function should then either call `Bus.poll_timed` again or `Bus.poll_stop`. @param timeout:float The time the function shall fail with `os.errno.EAGAIN`, if it has not already completed @param clock_id:int? The clock `timeout` is measured in, it must be a predictable clock, if `None`, `timeout` is measured in relative time instead of absolute time @return :bytes The received message NB! The received message will not be decoded from UTF-8 ''' from native_bus import bus_poll_timed_wrapped if clock_id is None: import time clock_id = time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW timeout += time.clock_gettime(clock_id) (message, e) = bus_poll_timed_wrapped(self.bus, timeout, clock_id) if message is None: raise self.__oserror(e) return message def chown(self, owner = None, group = None): ''' Change the ownership of a bus `os.stat` can be used of the bus's associated file to get the bus's ownership @param owner:int|str? The user ID or username of the bus's new owner, if `None`, keep current @param group:int|str|...? The group ID or groupname of the bus's new group, if `None`, keep current, `...` to use the owner's group ''' from native_bus import bus_chown_wrapped if (owner is None) or (group is None): from os import stat attr = stat(self.pathname) if owner is None: owner = attr.st_uid if group is None: group = attr.st_gid if isinstance(owner, str): import pwd owner = pwd.getpwnam(owner).pw_uid if isinstance(group, str): import grp group = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid elif group is ...: import pwd group = pwd.getpwuid(owner).pw_gid (r, e) = bus_chown_wrapped(self.pathname, owner, group) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def chmod(self, mode : int, mask : int = None): ''' Change the permissions for a bus `os.stat` can be used of the bus's associated file to get the bus's permissions @param mode:int The permissions of the bus, any permission for a user implies full permissions for that user, except only the owner may edit the bus's associated file @param mask:int? Bits to clear before setting the bits in `mode`, if `None`, all bits are cleared ''' from native_bus import bus_chmod_wrapped if mask is not None: from os import stat current = stat(self.pathname).st_mode if current & 0o700: current |= 0o700 if current & 0o70: current |= 0o70 if current & 0o7: current |= 0o7 if mask & 0o700: mask |= 0o700 if mask & 0o70: mask |= 0o70 if mask & 0o7: mask |= 0o7 current &= ~mask mode |= current (r, e) = bus_chmod_wrapped(self.pathname, mode) if r == -1: raise self.__oserror(e) def __oserror(self, err : int): ''' Create an OSError @param err:int The value of errno @return :OSError The OS error ''' import os err = OSError(err, os.strerror(err)) if err.errno == os.errno.ENOENT: err.filename = self.pathname return err