path: root/libgamma_native_facade.pyx
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+# -*- python -*-
+# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
+cimport cython
+from libc.stddef cimport size_t
+from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
+from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t
+from libc.errno cimport errno
+ctypedef int libgamma_subpixel_order_t
+ctypedef int libgamma_connector_type_t
+cdef extern from "include-libgamma.h":
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_method_capabilities_t:
+ # Capabilities of adjustment methods
+ int32_t crtc_information
+ # OR of the CRTC information fields in `libgamma_crtc_information_t`
+ # that may (but can fail) be read successfully
+ unsigned default_site_known # : 1
+ # Whether the default site is known, if true the site is integrated
+ # to the system or can be determined using environment variables
+ unsigned multiple_sites # : 1
+ # Whether the adjustment method supports multiple sites rather
+ # than just the default site
+ unsigned multiple_partitions # : 1
+ # Whether the adjustment method supports multiple partitions
+ # per site
+ unsigned multiple_crtcs # : 1
+ # Whether the adjustment method supports multiple CRTC:s
+ # per partition per site
+ unsigned partitions_are_graphics_cards # : 1
+ # Whether the partition to graphics card is a bijection
+ unsigned site_restore # : 1
+ # Whether the adjustment method supports `libgamma_site_restore`
+ unsigned partition_restore # : 1
+ # Whether the adjustment method supports `libgamma_partition_restore`
+ unsigned crtc_restore # : 1
+ # Whether the adjustment method supports `libgamma_crtc_restore`
+ unsigned identical_gamma_sizes # : 1
+ # Whether the `red_gamma_size`, `green_gamma_size` and `blue_gamma_size`
+ # fields in `libgamma_crtc_information_t` will always have the same
+ # values as each other for the adjustment method
+ unsigned fixed_gamma_size # : 1
+ # Whether the `red_gamma_size`, `green_gamma_size` and `blue_gamma_size`
+ # fields in `libgamma_crtc_information_t` will always be filled with the
+ # same value for the adjustment method
+ unsigned fixed_gamma_depth # : 1
+ # Whether the `gamma_depth` field in `libgamma_crtc_information_t`
+ # will always be filled with the same value for the adjustment method
+ unsigned real # : 1
+ # Whether the adjustment method will actually perform adjustments
+ unsigned fake # : 1
+ # Whether the adjustment method is implement using a translation layer
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_site_state_t:
+ # Site state
+ #
+ # On operating systems that integrate a graphical environment
+ # there is usually just one site. However, one systems with
+ # pluggable graphics, like Unix-like systems such as GNU/Linux
+ # and the BSD:s, there can usually be any (feasible) number of
+ # sites. In X.org parlance they are called displays.
+ void *data
+ # Adjustment method implementation specific data.
+ # You as a user of this library should not touch this.
+ int method
+ # This field specifies, for the methods if this library,
+ # which adjustment method (display server and protocol)
+ # is used to adjust the gamma ramps
+ char *site
+ # The site identifier. It can either be `NULL` or a string.
+ # `NULL` indicates the default site. On systems like the
+ # Unix-like systems, where the graphics are pluggable, this
+ # is usually resolved by an environment variable, such as
+ # "DISPLAY" for X.org.
+ size_t partitions_available
+ # The number of partitions that is available on this site.
+ # Probably the majority of display server only one partition
+ # per site. However, X.org can, and traditional used to have
+ # on multi-headed environments, multiple partitions per site.
+ # In X.org partitions are called 'screens'. It is not to be
+ # confused with monitor. A screen is a collection of monitors,
+ # and the mapping from monitors to screens is a surjection.
+ # On hardware-level adjustment methods, such as Direct
+ # Rendering Manager, a partition is a graphics card.
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_partition_state_t:
+ # Partition state
+ #
+ # Probably the majority of display server only one partition
+ # per site. However, X.org can, and traditional used to have
+ # on multi-headed environments, multiple partitions per site.
+ # In X.org partitions are called 'screens'. It is not to be
+ # confused with monitor. A screen is a collection of monitors,
+ # and the mapping from monitors to screens is a surjection.
+ # On hardware-level adjustment methods, such as Direct
+ # Rendering Manager, a partition is a graphics card.
+ void *data
+ # Adjustment method implementation specific data.
+ # You as a user of this library should not touch this.
+ libgamma_site_state_t* site
+ # The site this partition belongs to
+ size_t partition
+ # The index of the partition
+ size_t crtcs_available
+ # The number of CRTC:s that are available under this
+ # partition. Note that the CRTC:s are not necessarily
+ # online.
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_crtc_state_t:
+ # Cathode ray tube controller state
+ #
+ # The CRTC controls the gamma ramps for the
+ # monitor that is plugged in to the connector
+ # that the CRTC belongs to
+ void* data
+ # Adjustment method implementation specific data.
+ # You as a user of this library should not touch this.
+ libgamma_partition_state_t* partition
+ # The partition this CRTC belongs to
+ size_t crtc
+ # The index of the CRTC within its partition
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_crtc_information_t:
+ # Cathode ray tube controller information data structure
+ unsigned char *edid
+ # The Extended Display Identification Data associated with
+ # the attached monitor. This is raw byte array that is usually
+ # 128 bytes long. It is not NUL-terminate, rather its length
+ # is stored in `edid_length`.
+ size_t edid_length
+ # The length of `edid`
+ int edid_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library.
+ size_t width_mm
+ # The phyical width, in millimetres, of the viewport of the
+ # attached monitor, as reported by the adjustment method. This
+ # value may be incorrect, which is a known issue with the X
+ # server where it is the result of the X server attempting
+ # the estimate the size on its own.
+ # Zero means that its is not applicable, which is the case
+ # for projectors.
+ int width_mm_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ size_t height_mm
+ # The phyical height, in millimetres, of the viewport of the
+ # attached monitor, as reported by the adjustment method. This
+ # value may be incorrect, which is a known issue with the X
+ # server where it is the result of the X server attempting
+ # the estimate the size on its own.
+ # Zero means that its is not applicable, which is the case
+ # for projectors.
+ int height_mm_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ size_t width_mm_edid
+ # The phyical width, in millimetres, of the viewport of the
+ # attached monitor, as reported by it the monitor's Extended
+ # Display Information Data. This value can only contain whole
+ # centimetres, which means that the result is always zero
+ # modulus ten. However, this could change with revisions of
+ # the EDID structure.
+ # Zero means that its is not applicable, which is the case
+ # for projectors.
+ int width_mm_edid_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ size_t height_mm_edid
+ # The phyical height, in millimetres, of the viewport of the
+ # attached monitor, as reported by it the monitor's Extended
+ # Display Information Data. This value can only contain whole
+ # centimetres, which means that the result is always zero
+ # modulus ten. However, this could change with revisions of
+ # the EDID structure.
+ # Zero means that its is not applicable, which is the case
+ # for projectors.
+ int height_mm_edid_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ size_t red_gamma_size
+ # The size of the encoding axis of the red gamma ramp
+ size_t green_gamma_size
+ # The size of the encoding axis of the green gamma ramp
+ size_t blue_gamma_size
+ # The size of the encoding axis of the blue gamma ramp
+ int gamma_size_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ signed gamma_depth
+ # The bit-depth of the value axes of gamma ramps,
+ # -1 for single precision floating point, and -2 for
+ # double precision floating point
+ int gamma_depth_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ int gamma_support
+ # Non-zero gamma ramp adjustments are supported
+ int gamma_support_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ libgamma_subpixel_order_t subpixel_order
+ # The layout of the subpixels.
+ # You cannot count on this value --- especially for CRT:s ---
+ # but it is provided anyway as a means of distinguishing monitors.
+ int subpixel_order_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library.
+ int active
+ # Whether there is a monitors connected to the CRTC
+ int active_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ char *connector_name
+ # The name of the connector as designated by the display
+ # server or as give by this library in case the display
+ # server lacks this feature
+ int connector_name_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ libgamma_connector_type_t connector_type
+ # The type of the connector that is associated with the CRTC
+ int connector_type_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ float gamma_red
+ # The gamma characteristics of the monitor as reported
+ # in its Extended Display Information Data. The value
+ # holds the value for the red channel. If you do not have
+ # and more accurate measurement of the gamma for the
+ # monitor this could be used to give a rought gamma
+ # correction; simply divide the value with 2.2 and use
+ # the result for the red channel in the gamma correction.
+ float gamma_green
+ # The gamma characteristics of the monitor as reported
+ # in its Extended Display Information Data. The value
+ # holds the value for the green channel. If you do not have
+ # and more accurate measurement of the gamma for the
+ # monitor this could be used to give a rought gamma
+ # correction; simply divide the value with 2.2 and use
+ # the result for the green channel in the gamma correction.
+ float gamma_blue
+ # The gamma characteristics of the monitor as reported
+ # in its Extended Display Information Data. The value
+ # holds the value for the blue channel. If you do not have
+ # and more accurate measurement of the gamma for the
+ # monitor this could be used to give a rought gamma
+ # correction; simply divide the value with 2.2 and use
+ # the result for the blue channel in the gamma correction.
+ int gamma_error
+ # Zero on success, positive it holds the value `errno` had
+ # when the reading failed, otherwise (negative) the value
+ # of an error identifier provided by this library
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_gamma_ramps8_t:
+ # Gamma ramp structure for 8-bit gamma ramps
+ size_t red_size # The size of `red`
+ size_t green_size # The size of `green`
+ size_t blue_size # The size of `blue`
+ uint8_t *red # The gamma ramp for the red channel
+ uint8_t *green # The gamma ramp for the green channel
+ uint8_t *blue # The gamma ramp for the blue channel
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_gamma_ramps16_t:
+ # Gamma ramp structure for 16-bit gamma ramps
+ size_t red_size # The size of `red`
+ size_t green_size # The size of `green`
+ size_t blue_size # The size of `blue`
+ uint16_t *red # The gamma ramp for the red channel
+ uint16_t *green # The gamma ramp for the green channel
+ uint16_t *blue # The gamma ramp for the blue channel
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_gamma_ramps32_t:
+ # Gamma ramp structure for 32-bit gamma ramps
+ size_t red_size # The size of `red`
+ size_t green_size # The size of `green`
+ size_t blue_size # The size of `blue`
+ uint32_t *red # The gamma ramp for the red channel
+ uint32_t *green # The gamma ramp for the green channel
+ uint32_t *blue # The gamma ramp for the blue channel
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_gamma_ramps64_t:
+ # Gamma ramp structure for 64-bit gamma ramps
+ size_t red_size # The size of `red`
+ size_t green_size # The size of `green`
+ size_t blue_size # The size of `blue`
+ uint64_t *red # The gamma ramp for the red channel
+ uint64_t *green # The gamma ramp for the green channel
+ uint64_t *blue # The gamma ramp for the blue channel
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_gamma_rampsf_t:
+ # Gamma ramp structure for `float` gamma ramps
+ size_t red_size # The size of `red`
+ size_t green_size # The size of `green`
+ size_t blue_size # The size of `blue`
+ float *red # The gamma ramp for the red channel
+ float *green # The gamma ramp for the green channel
+ float *blue # The gamma ramp for the blue channel
+ ctypedef struct libgamma_gamma_rampsd_t:
+ # Gamma ramp structure for `double` gamma ramps
+ size_t red_size # The size of `red`
+ size_t green_size # The size of `green`
+ size_t blue_size # The size of `blue`
+ double *red # The gamma ramp for the red channel
+ double *green # The gamma ramp for the green channel
+ double *blue # The gamma ramp for the blue channel
+cdef extern size_t libgamma_list_methods(int *methods, size_t buf_size, int operation) nogil
+List available adjustment methods by their order of preference based on the environment
+@param methods Output array of methods, should be able to hold `LIBGAMMA_METHOD_COUNT` elements
+@param buf_size The number of elements that fits in `methods`, it should be `LIBGAMMA_METHOD_COUNT`,
+ This is used to avoid writing outside the output buffer if this library adds new
+ adjustment methods without the users of the library recompiling
+@param operation Allowed values:
+ 0: Methods that the environment suggests will work, excluding fake
+ 1: Methods that the environment suggests will work, including fake
+ 2: All real non-fake methods
+ 3: All real methods
+ 4: All methods
+ Other values invoke undefined behaviour
+@return The number of element that have been stored in `methods`, or should
+ have been stored if the buffer was large enough
+cdef extern int libgamma_is_method_available(int method) nogil
+Check whether an adjustment method is available, non-existing (invalid) methods will be
+identified as not available under the rationale that the library may be out of date
+@param method The adjustment method
+@return Whether the adjustment method is available
+cdef extern void libgamma_method_capabilities(libgamma_method_capabilities_t *this, int method) nogil
+Return the capabilities of an adjustment method
+@param this The data structure to fill with the method's capabilities
+@param method The adjustment method (display server and protocol)
+cdef extern char *libgamma_method_default_site(int method) nogil
+Return the default site for an adjustment method
+@param method The adjustment method (display server and protocol)
+@return The default site, `NULL` if it cannot be determined or
+ if multiple sites are not supported by the adjustment
+ method. This value should not be `free`:d
+cdef extern const char *libgamma_method_default_site_variable(int method) nogil
+Return the default variable that determines
+the default site for an adjustment method
+@param method The adjustment method (display server and protocol)
+@return The environ variables that is used to determine the
+ default site. `NULL` if there is none, that is, if
+ the method does not support multiple sites.
+ This value should not be `free`:d.
+cdef extern int libgamma_site_initialise(libgamma_site_state_t *this, int method, char *site) nogil
+Initialise an allocated site state
+@param this The site state to initialise
+@param method The adjustment method (display server and protocol)
+@param site The site identifier, unless it is `NULL` it must a
+ `free`:able. One the state is destroyed the library
+ will attempt to free it. There you should not free
+ it yourself, and it must not be a string constant
+ or allocate on the stack. Note however that it will
+ not be `free`:d if this function fails.
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern void libgamma_site_free(libgamma_site_state_t *this) nogil
+Release all resources held by a site state
+and free the site state pointer
+@param this The site state
+cdef extern int libgamma_site_restore(libgamma_site_state_t *this) nogil
+Restore the gamma ramps all CRTC:s with a site to the system settings
+@param this The site state
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_partition_initialise(libgamma_partition_state_t *this, libgamma_site_state_t* site, size_t partition) nogil
+Initialise an allocated partition state
+@param this The partition state to initialise
+@param site The site state for the site that the partition belongs to.
+@param partition The index of the partition within the site
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern void libgamma_partition_free(libgamma_partition_state_t *this) nogil
+Release all resources held by a partition state
+and free the partition state pointer
+@param this The partition state
+cdef extern int libgamma_partition_restore(libgamma_partition_state_t *this) nogil
+Restore the gamma ramps all CRTC:s with a partition to the system settings
+@param this The partition state
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_initialise(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_partition_state_t *partition, size_t crtc) nogil
+Initialise an allocated CRTC state
+@param this The CRTC state to initialise
+@param partition The partition state for the partition that the CRTC belongs to
+@param crtc The index of the CRTC within the partition
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern void libgamma_crtc_free(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this) nogil
+Release all resources held by a CRTC state
+and free the CRTC state pointer
+@param this The CRTC state
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_restore(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this) nogil
+Restore the gamma ramps for a CRTC to the system settings for that CRTC
+@param this The CRTC state
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_get_crtc_information(libgamma_crtc_information_t *this, libgamma_crtc_state_t *crtc, int32_t fields) nogil
+Read information about a CRTC
+@param this Instance of a data structure to fill with the information about the CRTC
+@param crtc The state of the CRTC whose information should be read
+@param fields OR:ed identifiers for the information about the CRTC that should be read
+@return Zero on success, -1 on error; on error refer to the error reports in `this`
+cdef extern void libgamma_crtc_information_destroy(libgamma_crtc_information_t *this) nogil
+Release all resources in an information data structure for a CRTC
+@param this The CRTC information
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_ramps8(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_ramps8_t *ramps) nogil
+Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, 8-bit gamma-depth version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_ramps8(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_ramps8_t ramps) nogil
+Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, 8-bit gamma-depth version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_ramps16(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_ramps16_t *ramps) nogil
+Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, 16-bit gamma-depth version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_ramps16(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_ramps16_t ramps) nogil
+Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, 16-bit gamma-depth version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_ramps32(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_ramps32_t *ramps) nogil
+Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, 32-bit gamma-depth version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_ramps32(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_ramps32_t ramps) nogil
+Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, 32-bit gamma-depth version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_ramps64(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_ramps64_t *ramps) nogil
+Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, 64-bit gamma-depth version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_ramps64(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_ramps64_t ramps) nogil
+Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, 64-bit gamma-depth version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_rampsf(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_rampsf_t *ramps) nogil
+Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, `float` version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_rampsf(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_rampsf_t ramps) nogil
+Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, `float` version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_rampsd(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_rampsd_t *ramps) nogil
+Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, `double` version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+cdef extern int libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_rampsd(libgamma_crtc_state_t *this, libgamma_gamma_rampsd_t ramps) nogil
+Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, `double` version
+@param this The CRTC state
+@param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+@return Zero on success, otherwise (negative) the value of an
+ error identifier provided by this library
+def libgamma_native_list_methods(operation : int) -> list:
+ '''
+ List available adjustment methods by their order of preference based on the environment
+ @param operation Allowed values:
+ 0: Methods that the environment suggests will work, excluding fake
+ 1: Methods that the environment suggests will work, including fake
+ 2: All real non-fake methods
+ 3: All real methods
+ 4: All methods
+ Other values invoke undefined behaviour
+ @return :list<int> A list of available adjustment methods
+ '''
+ cdef int *methods
+ cdef size_t buf_size
+ cdef size_t r
+ buf_size = 6
+ methods = <int *>malloc(buf_size * sizeof(size_t))
+ if methods == NULL:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ r = libgamma_list_methods(methods, buf_size, operation)
+ if r > buf_size:
+ buf_size = r
+ free(methods)
+ methods = <int *>malloc(buf_size * sizeof(size_t))
+ if methods == NULL:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ libgamma_list_methods(methods, buf_size, operation)
+ rc = []
+ for i in range(r):
+ rc.append(methods[i])
+ free(methods)
+ return rc
+def libgamma_native_is_method_available(method : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Check whether an adjustment method is available, non-existing (invalid) methods will be
+ identified as not available under the rationale that the library may be out of date
+ @param method The adjustment method
+ @return Whether the adjustment method is available
+ '''
+ return int(libgamma_is_method_available(<int>method))
+def libgamma_native_method_capabilities(method : int) -> tuple:
+ '''
+ Return the capabilities of an adjustment method
+ @param method The adjustment method (display server and protocol)
+ @return :(int, int) Input parameters for `MethodCapabilities.__init__`
+ '''
+ cdef libgamma_method_capabilities_t caps
+ libgamma_method_capabilities(&caps, <int>method)
+ booleans = 0
+ crtc_information = int(caps.crtc_information)
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.default_site_known == 0 else 1) << 0
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.multiple_sites == 0 else 1) << 1
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.multiple_partitions == 0 else 1) << 2
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.multiple_crtcs == 0 else 1) << 3
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.partitions_are_graphics_cards == 0 else 1) << 4
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.site_restore == 0 else 1) << 5
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.partition_restore == 0 else 1) << 6
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.crtc_restore == 0 else 1) << 7
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.identical_gamma_sizes == 0 else 1) << 8
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.fixed_gamma_size == 0 else 1) << 9
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.fixed_gamma_depth == 0 else 1) << 10
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.real == 0 else 1) << 11
+ booleans |= (0 if caps.fake == 0 else 1) << 12
+ return (crtc_information, booleans)
+def libgamma_native_method_default_site(method : int) -> str:
+ '''
+ Return the default site for an adjustment method
+ @param method The adjustment method (display server and protocol)
+ @return The default site, `None` if it cannot be determined or
+ if multiple sites are not supported by the adjustment
+ method
+ '''
+ cdef char *var
+ cdef bytes bs
+ var = libgamma_method_default_site(<int>method)
+ if var is NULL:
+ return None
+ bs = var
+ return bs.decode('utf-8', 'strict')
+def libgamma_native_method_default_site_variable(method : int) -> str:
+ '''
+ Return the default variable that determines
+ the default site for an adjustment method
+ @param method The adjustment method (display server and protocol)
+ @return The environ variables that is used to determine the
+ default site. `None` if there is none, that is, if
+ the method does not support multiple sites.
+ '''
+ cdef const char *var
+ cdef bytes bs
+ var = libgamma_method_default_site_variable(<int>method)
+ if var is NULL:
+ return None
+ bs = var
+ return bs.decode('utf-8', 'strict')
+def libgamma_native_site_create(method : int, site : str) -> tuple:
+ '''
+ Create an allocated site state
+ @param method The adjustment method (display server and protocol)
+ @param site The site identifier, unless it is `NULL` it must a
+ `free`:able. One the state is destroyed the library
+ will attempt to free it. There you should not free
+ it yourself, and it must not be a string constant
+ or allocate on the stack. Note however that it will
+ not be `free`:d if this function fails.
+ @return :(site:int, partitions:int) First value: The created site, zero on error
+ Second value: The number of partitions in the site,
+ on error: the value of the error identifier
+ provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef libgamma_site_state_t *this
+ cdef char *site_
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ this = <libgamma_site_state_t *>malloc(sizeof(libgamma_site_state_t))
+ if this is NULL:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ this_address = <size_t><void *>this
+ site_ = NULL
+ if site is not None:
+ site_bs = site.encode('utf-8') + bytes([0])
+ site_ = <char *>malloc(len(site_bs) * sizeof(char))
+ if site_ is None:
+ free(this)
+ raise MemoryError()
+ for i in range(len(site_bs)):
+ site_[i] = <char>(site_bs[i])
+ r = int(libgamma_site_initialise(this, <int>method, site_))
+ if not r == 0:
+ libgamma_site_free(this)
+ return (0, int(errno) if r == -1 else r)
+ return (int(this_address), int(this.partitions_available))
+def libgamma_native_site_free(this : int):
+ '''
+ Release all resources held by a site state
+ and free the CRTC state pointer
+ @param this The site state
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef libgamma_site_state_t *this_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ this_ = <libgamma_site_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ libgamma_site_free(this_)
+def libgamma_native_site_restore(this : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Restore the gamma ramps all CRTC:s with a site to the system settings
+ @param this The site state
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef libgamma_site_state_t *this_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ this_ = <libgamma_site_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ r = int(libgamma_site_restore(this_))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_partition_create(site : int, partition : int) -> tuple:
+ '''
+ Create an allocated partition state
+ @param site The site state for the site that the partition belongs to
+ @param partition The index of the partition within the site
+ @return :(site:int, partitions:int) First value: The created partition, zero on error
+ Second value: The number of CRTC:s in the partition,
+ on error: the value of the error identifier
+ provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef libgamma_partition_state_t *this
+ cdef libgamma_site_state_t *site_
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t site_address
+ site_address = <size_t>site
+ site_ = <libgamma_site_state_t *><void *>site_address
+ this = <libgamma_partition_state_t *>malloc(sizeof(libgamma_partition_state_t))
+ if this is NULL:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ this_address = <size_t><void *>this
+ r = int(libgamma_partition_initialise(this, site_, <size_t>partition))
+ if not r == 0:
+ libgamma_partition_free(this)
+ return (0, int(errno) if r == -1 else r)
+ return (int(this_address), int(this.crtcs_available))
+def libgamma_native_partition_free(this : int):
+ '''
+ Release all resources held by a partition state
+ and free the partition state pointer
+ @param this The partition state
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef libgamma_partition_state_t *this_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ this_ = <libgamma_partition_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ libgamma_partition_free(this_)
+def libgamma_native_partition_restore(this : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Restore the gamma ramps all CRTC:s with a partition to the system settings
+ @param this The partition state
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef libgamma_partition_state_t *this_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ this_ = <libgamma_partition_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ r = int(libgamma_partition_restore(this_))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_create(partition : int, crtc : int) -> tuple:
+ '''
+ Create an allocated CRTC state
+ @param partition The partition state for the partition that the CRTC belongs to.
+ @param crtc The index of the CRTC within the partition
+ @return :(int, int) First value: The created CRTC, zero on error
+ Second value: Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this
+ cdef libgamma_partition_state_t *partition_
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t partition_address
+ partition_address = <size_t>partition
+ partition_ = <libgamma_partition_state_t *><void *>partition_address
+ this = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *>malloc(sizeof(libgamma_crtc_state_t))
+ if this is NULL:
+ raise MemoryError()
+ this_address = <size_t><void *>this
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_initialise(this, partition_, <size_t>crtc))
+ if not r == 0:
+ libgamma_crtc_free(this)
+ return (0, int(errno) if r == -1 else r)
+ return (int(this_address), 0)
+def libgamma_native_crtc_free(this : int):
+ '''
+ Release all resources held by a CRTC state
+ and free the CRTC state pointer
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ libgamma_crtc_free(this_)
+def libgamma_native_crtc_restore(this : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Restore the gamma ramps for a CRTC to the system settings for that CRTC
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_restore(this_))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_get_crtc_information(crtc : int, fields : int) -> tuple:
+ '''
+ Read information about a CRTC
+ @param crtc The state of the CRTC whose information should be read
+ @param field OR:ed identifiers for the information about the CRTC that should be read
+ @return :(list, :int) First value: Input parametrs for `CRTCInformation.__init__`
+ Second value: Zero on success, -1 on error; on error refer to
+ the error reports in the return
+ '''
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_information_t info
+ cdef size_t crtc_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *crtc_
+ cdef bytes bs
+ crtc_address = <size_t>crtc
+ crtc_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>crtc_address
+ r = int(libgamma_get_crtc_information(&info, crtc_, <int32_t>fields))
+ rc = []
+ connector_name = None
+ if info.connector_name is not NULL:
+ bs = info.connector_name
+ connector_name = bs.decode('utf-8', 'strict')
+ edid = None
+ if info.edid is not NULL:
+ bs = info.edid[:info.edid_length]
+ edid = bs
+ rc.append(edid)
+ rc.append(int(info.edid_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.width_mm))
+ rc.append(int(info.width_mm_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.height_mm))
+ rc.append(int(info.height_mm_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.width_mm_edid))
+ rc.append(int(info.width_mm_edid_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.height_mm_edid))
+ rc.append(int(info.height_mm_edid_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.red_gamma_size))
+ rc.append(int(info.green_gamma_size))
+ rc.append(int(info.blue_gamma_size))
+ rc.append(int(info.gamma_size_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.gamma_depth))
+ rc.append(int(info.gamma_depth_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.gamma_support))
+ rc.append(int(info.gamma_support_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.subpixel_order))
+ rc.append(int(info.subpixel_order_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.active))
+ rc.append(int(info.active_error))
+ rc.append(connector_name)
+ rc.append(int(info.connector_name_error))
+ rc.append(int(info.connector_type))
+ rc.append(int(info.connector_type_error))
+ rc.append(float(info.gamma_red))
+ rc.append(float(info.gamma_green))
+ rc.append(float(info.gamma_blue))
+ rc.append(int(info.gamma_error))
+ libgamma_crtc_information_destroy(&info)
+ return (rc, r)
+def libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps8(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, 8-bit gamma-depth version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_ramps8_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_ramps8_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_ramps8(this_, ramps_))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps8(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, 8-bit gamma-depth version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_ramps8_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_ramps8_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_ramps8(this_, ramps_[0]))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps16(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, 16-bit gamma-depth version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_ramps16_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_ramps16_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_ramps16(this_, ramps_))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps16(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, 16-bit gamma-depth version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_ramps16_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_ramps16_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_ramps16(this_, ramps_[0]))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps32(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, 32-bit gamma-depth version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_ramps32_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_ramps32_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_ramps32(this_, ramps_))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps32(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, 32-bit gamma-depth version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_ramps32_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_ramps32_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_ramps32(this_, ramps_[0]))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_ramps64(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, 64-bit gamma-depth version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_ramps64_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_ramps64_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_ramps64(this_, ramps_))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_ramps64(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, 64-bit gamma-depth version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t * this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_ramps64_t * ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_ramps64_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_ramps64(this_, ramps_[0]))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_rampsf(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, `float` version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_rampsf_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_rampsf_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_rampsf(this_, ramps_))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_rampsf(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, `float` version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_rampsf_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_rampsf_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_rampsf(this_, ramps_[0]))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_get_gamma_rampsd(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Get the current gamma ramps for a CRTC, `double` version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to fill with the current values
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_rampsd_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_rampsd_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_get_gamma_rampsd(this_, ramps_))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r
+def libgamma_native_crtc_set_gamma_rampsd(this : int, ramps : int) -> int:
+ '''
+ Set the gamma ramps for a CRTC, `double` version
+ @param this The CRTC state
+ @param ramps The gamma ramps to apply
+ @return Zero on success, otherwise the value of an error
+ identifier provided by this library or `errno`
+ '''
+ cdef size_t this_address
+ cdef size_t ramps_address
+ cdef libgamma_crtc_state_t *this_
+ cdef libgamma_gamma_rampsd_t *ramps_
+ this_address = <size_t>this
+ ramps_address = <size_t>ramps
+ this_ = <libgamma_crtc_state_t *><void *>this_address
+ ramps_ = <libgamma_gamma_rampsd_t *><void *>ramps_address
+ r = int(libgamma_crtc_set_gamma_rampsd(this_, ramps_[0]))
+ return int(errno) if r == -1 else r