NAME true - return true value false - return false value SYNOPSIS true [ignored arguments] false [ignored arguments] DESCRIPTION Optimised implementations of true(1p) and false(1p). true and false shall do nothing, successfully and unsuccessfully, respectively. If your microarchitecture is especially supported, true and false are implemented in assembler, without a C runtime and only requires one page of memory. If your microarchitecture is not especially supported, true and false are implemented in C using only a return statement in the main function. In this case, a C runtime is used which slows down the program significantly and it is usually required that somewhere around 400 KB to 800 KB of memory is used (that is about 150 pages.) OPTIONS None. EXIT STATUS true shall exit with the status 0. false shall exit with any value other than 0. In this implement false exits with the status 1. RATIONALE None. NOTES Your shell may have its own verions of true(1p) and false(1p). BUGS None. These programs are about as simple as it gets. SEE ALSO true(1p), false(1p)