* mds — A micro-display server
* Copyright © 2014 Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "mds-server.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "interception_condition.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "queued_interception.h"
#include "multicast.h"
#include "signals.h"
#include "interceptors.h"
#include "sending.h"
#include "slavery.h"
#include "reexec.h"
* Entry point of the server
* @param argc_ Number of elements in `argv_`
* @param argv_ Command line arguments
* @return Non-zero on error
int main(int argc_, char** argv_)
int is_respawn = -1;
int socket_fd = -1;
int reexec = 0;
int unparsed_args_ptr = 1;
char* unparsed_args[ARGC_LIMIT + LIBEXEC_ARGC_EXTRA_LIMIT + 1];
int i;
pthread_t slave_thread;
# error LIBEXEC_ARGC_EXTRA_LIMIT is too small, need at least 3.
argc = argc_;
argv = argv_;
/* Drop privileges like it's hot. */
fail_if (drop_privileges());
/* Sanity check the number of command line arguments. */
eprint("that number of arguments is ridiculous, I will not allow it."););
/* Parse command line arguments. */
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
char* arg = argv[i];
int v;
if ((v = strequals(arg, "--initial-spawn")) || /* Initial spawn? */
strequals(arg, "--respawn")) /* Respawning after crash? */
exit_if (is_respawn == v,
eprintf("conflicting arguments %s and %s cannot be combined.",
"--initial-spawn", "--respawn"););
is_respawn = !v;
else if (startswith(arg, "--socket-fd=")) /* Socket file descriptor. */
exit_if (socket_fd != -1,
eprintf("duplicate declaration of %s.", "--socket-fd"););
exit_if (strict_atoi(arg += strlen("--socket-fd="), &socket_fd, 0, INT_MAX) < 0,
eprintf("invalid value for %s: %s.", "--socket-fd", arg););
else if (strequals(arg, "--re-exec")) /* Re-exec state-marshal. */
reexec = 1;
/* Not recognised, it is probably for another server. */
unparsed_args[unparsed_args_ptr++] = arg;
unparsed_args[unparsed_args_ptr] = NULL;
if (reexec)
is_respawn = 1;
eprint("re-exec performed.");
/* Check that manditory arguments have been specified. */
exit_if (is_respawn < 0,
eprintf("missing state argument, require either %s or %s.",
"--initial-spawn", "--respawn"););
exit_if (socket_fd < 0,
eprint("missing socket file descriptor argument."););
/* Run mdsinitrc. */
if (is_respawn == 0)
pid_t pid = fork();
fail_if (pid == (pid_t)-1);
if (pid == 0) /* Child process exec:s, the parent continues without waiting for it. */
/* Close all files except stdin, stdout and stderr. */
close_files((fd > 2) || (fd == socket_fd));
/* Run mdsinitrc. */
return 1;
#define __free(I) \
if (I >= 0) fd_table_destroy(&client_map, NULL, NULL); \
if (I >= 1) linked_list_destroy(&client_list); \
if (I >= 2) pthread_mutex_destroy(&slave_mutex); \
if (I >= 3) pthread_cond_destroy(&slave_cond); \
if (I >= 4) pthread_mutex_destroy(&modify_mutex); \
if (I >= 5) pthread_cond_destroy(&modify_cond); \
if (I >= 6) hash_table_destroy(&modify_map, NULL, NULL)
#define error_if(I, CONDITION) if (CONDITION) { perror(*argv); __free(I); return 1; }
/* Create list and table of clients. */
if (reexec == 0)
error_if (0, fd_table_create(&client_map));
error_if (1, linked_list_create(&client_list, 32));
/* Store the current thread so it can be killed from elsewhere. */
master_thread = pthread_self();
/* Set up traps for especially handled signals. */
error_if (1, trap_signals() < 0);
/* Create mutex and condition for slave counter. */
error_if (1, (errno = pthread_mutex_init(&slave_mutex, NULL)));
error_if (2, (errno = pthread_cond_init(&slave_cond, NULL)));
/* Create mutex, condition and map for message modification. */
error_if (3, (errno = pthread_mutex_init(&modify_mutex, NULL)));
error_if (4, (errno = pthread_cond_init(&modify_cond, NULL)));
error_if (5, hash_table_create(&modify_map));
#undef error_if
/* Unmarshal the state of the server. */
if (reexec)
/* Accepting incoming connections. */
while (running && (terminating == 0))
/* Accept connection. */
int client_fd = accept(socket_fd, NULL, NULL);
if (client_fd >= 0)
/* Increase number of running slaves. */
with_mutex (slave_mutex, running_slaves++;);
/* Start slave thread. */
create_slave(&slave_thread, client_fd);
/* Handle errors and shutdown. */
if ((errno == EINTR) && terminating) /* Interrupted for termination. */
goto terminate;
else if ((errno == ECONNABORTED) || (errno == EINVAL)) /* Closing. */
running = 0;
else if (errno != EINTR) /* Error. */
if (reexecing)
goto reexec;
/* Join with all slaves threads. */
with_mutex (slave_mutex,
while (running_slaves > 0)
pthread_cond_wait(&slave_cond, &slave_mutex););
/* Release resources. */
return 0;
#undef __free
/* Returning non-zero is important, otherwise the server cannot
be respawn if the re-exec fails. */
return 1;
* Master function for slave threads
* @param data Input data
* @return Outout data
void* slave_loop(void* data)
int socket_fd = (int)(intptr_t)data;
size_t information_address = fd_table_get(&client_map, (size_t)socket_fd);
client_t* information = (client_t*)(void*)information_address;
char* msgbuf = NULL;
size_t n;
int r;
/* Intiailsie the client. */
if (information == NULL)
fail_if ((information = initialise_client(socket_fd)) == NULL);
/* Store slave thread and create mutexes and conditions. */
fail_if (client_initialise_threading(information));
/* Set up traps for especially handled signals. */
fail_if (trap_signals() < 0);
/* Fetch messages from the slave. */
while ((terminating == 0) && information->open)
/* Send queued multicast messages. */
/* Send queued messages. */
/* Fetch message. */
r = fetch_message(information);
if ((r == 0) && message_received(information))
goto terminate;
else if (r == -2)
goto fail;
else if (r && (errno == EINTR) && terminating)
goto terminate; /* Stop the thread if we are re-exec:ing or terminating the server. */
/* Stop the thread if we are re-exec:ing or terminating the server. */
if (terminating)
goto terminate;
/* Multicast information about the client closing. */
n = 2 * 10 + 1 + strlen("Client closed: :\n\n");
fail_if (xmalloc(msgbuf, n, char));
snprintf(msgbuf, n,
"Client closed: %" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 "\n"
(uint32_t)(information->id >> 32),
(uint32_t)(information->id >> 0));
n = strlen(msgbuf);
queue_message_multicast(msgbuf, n, information);
msgbuf = NULL;
terminate: /* This done on success as well. */
if (reexecing)
goto reexec;
fail: /* This done on success as well. */
/* Close socket and free resources. */
if (information != NULL)
/* Unlist and free client. */
with_mutex (slave_mutex, linked_list_remove(&client_list, information->list_entry););
/* Unmap client and decrease the slave count. */
with_mutex (slave_mutex,
fd_table_remove(&client_map, socket_fd);
return NULL;
goto fail;
/* Tell the master thread that the slave has closed,
this is done because re-exec causes a race-condition
between the acception of a slave and the execution
of the the slave thread. */
with_mutex (slave_mutex,
return NULL;
* Perform actions that should be taken when
* a message has been received from a client
* @param client The client has sent a message
* @return Normally zero, but 1 if exited because of re-exec or termination
int message_received(client_t* client)
mds_message_t message = client->message;
int assign_id = 0;
int modifying = 0;
int intercept = 0;
int64_t priority = 0;
int stop = 0;
const char* message_id = NULL;
uint64_t modify_id = 0;
size_t i, n;
char* msgbuf;
/* Parser headers. */
for (i = 0; i < message.header_count; i++)
const char* h = message.headers[i];
if (strequals(h, "Command: assign-id")) assign_id = 1;
else if (strequals(h, "Command: intercept")) intercept = 1;
else if (strequals(h, "Modifying: yes")) modifying = 1;
else if (strequals(h, "Stop: yes")) stop = 1;
else if (startswith(h, "Message ID: ")) message_id = strstr(h, ": ") + 2;
else if (startswith(h, "Priority: ")) priority = atoll(strstr(h, ": ") + 2);
else if (startswith(h, "Modify ID: ")) modify_id = (uint64_t)atoll(strstr(h, ": ") + 2);
/* Notify waiting client about a received message modification. */
if (modifying)
/* pthread_cond_timedwait is required to handle re-exec and termination because
pthread_cond_timedwait and pthread_cond_wait ignore interruptions via signals. */
struct timespec timeout =
.tv_sec = 1,
.tv_nsec = 0
size_t address;
client_t* recipient;
mds_message_t* multicast;
while (hash_table_contains_key(&modify_map, (size_t)modify_id) == 0)
if (terminating)
return 1;
pthread_cond_timedwait(&slave_cond, &slave_mutex, &timeout);
address = hash_table_get(&modify_map, (size_t)modify_id);
recipient = (client_t*)(void*)address;
fail_if (xmalloc(multicast = recipient->modify_message, 1, mds_message_t));
fail_if (xmalloc(multicast->payload, message.payload_size, char));
memcpy(multicast->payload, message.payload, message.payload_size * sizeof(char));
fail_if (xmalloc(multicast->headers, message.header_count, char*));
for (i = 0; i < message.header_count; i++, multicast->header_count++)
multicast->headers[i] = strdup(message.headers[i]);
fail_if (multicast->headers[i] == NULL);
with_mutex (client->modify_mutex, pthread_cond_signal(&(client->modify_cond)););
/* Do nothing more, not not even multicast this message. */
return 0;
if (multicast != NULL)
recipient->modify_message = NULL;
goto done;
if (message_id == NULL)
eprint("received message with a message ID, ignoring.");
return 0;
/* Assign ID if not already assigned. */
if (assign_id && (client->id == 0))
intercept |= 2;
with_mutex_if (slave_mutex, (client->id = ++next_client_id) == 0,
eprint("this is impossible, ID counter has overflowed.");
/* If the program ran for a millennium it would
take c:a 585 assignments per nanosecond. This
cannot possibly happen. (It would require serious
dedication by generations of ponies (or just an alicorn)
to maintain the process and transfer it new hardware.) */
/* Make the client listen for messages addressed to it. */
if (intercept)
size_t size = 64; /* Atleast 25, otherwise we get into problems at ((intercept & 2)) */
char* buf;
if (xmalloc(buf, size + 1, char))
return 0;
if ((intercept & 1)) /* from payload */
char* payload = client->message.payload;
size_t payload_size = client->message.payload_size;
if (client->message.payload_size == 0) /* All messages */
*buf = '\0';
add_intercept_condition(client, buf, priority, modifying, stop);
else /* Filtered messages */
for (;;)
char* end = memchr(payload, '\n', payload_size);
size_t len = end == NULL ? payload_size : (size_t)(end - payload);
if (len == 0)
if (len > size)
char* old_buf = buf;
if (xrealloc(buf, (size <<= 1) + 1, char))
return 0;
memcpy(buf, payload, len);
buf[len] = '\0';
add_intercept_condition(client, buf, priority, modifying, stop);
if (end == NULL)
payload = end + 1;
payload_size -= len + 1;
if ((intercept & 2)) /* "To: $(client->id)" */
snprintf(buf, size, "To: %" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32,
(uint32_t)(client->id >> 32),
(uint32_t)(client->id >> 0));
add_intercept_condition(client, buf, priority, modifying, 0);
/* Multicast the message. */
n = mds_message_compose_size(&message);
if ((msgbuf = malloc(n)) == NULL)
return 0;
mds_message_compose(&message, msgbuf);
queue_message_multicast(msgbuf, n / sizeof(char), client);
/* Send asigned ID. */
if (assign_id)
char* msgbuf_;
/* Construct response. */
n = 2 * 10 + strlen(message_id) + 1;
n += strlen("ID assignment: :\nIn response to: \n\n");
if (xmalloc(msgbuf, n, char))
return 0;
snprintf(msgbuf, n,
"ID assignment: %" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 "\n"
"In response to: %s\n"
(uint32_t)(client->id >> 32),
(uint32_t)(client->id >> 0),
message_id == NULL ? "" : message_id);
n = strlen(msgbuf);
/* Multicast the reply. */
msgbuf_ = strdup(msgbuf);
if (msgbuf_ == NULL)
return 0;
queue_message_multicast(msgbuf_, n, client);
/* Queue message to be sent when this function returns.
This done to simplify `multicast_message` for re-exec and termination. */
with_mutex (client->mutex,
if (client->send_pending_size == 0)
/* Set the pending message. */
client->send_pending = msgbuf;
client->send_pending_size = n;
/* Concatenate message to already pending messages. */
size_t new_len = client->send_pending_size + n;
char* msg_new = client->send_pending;
if (xrealloc(msg_new, new_len, char))
memcpy(msg_new + client->send_pending_size, msgbuf, n * sizeof(char));
client->send_pending = msg_new;
client->send_pending_size = new_len;
return 0;
* Compare two queued interceptors by priority
* @param a:const queued_interception_t* One of the interceptors
* @param b:const queued_interception_t* The other of the two interceptors
* @return Negative if a before b, positive if a after b, otherwise zero
static int cmp_queued_interception(const void* a, const void* b)
const queued_interception_t* p = b; /* Highest first, so swap them. */
const queued_interception_t* q = a;
return p->priority < q->priority ? -1 :
p->priority > q->priority ? 1 : 0;
* Queue a message for multicasting
* @param message The message
* @param length The length of the message
* @param sender The original sender of the message
void queue_message_multicast(char* message, size_t length, client_t* sender)
char* msg = message;
size_t header_count = 0;
size_t n = length - 1;
size_t* hashes = NULL;
char** headers = NULL;
char** header_values = NULL;
queued_interception_t* interceptions = NULL;
size_t interceptions_count = 0;
multicast_t* multicast = NULL;
size_t i;
uint64_t modify_id;
char modify_id_header[13 + 3 * sizeof(uint64_t)];
void* new_buf;
/* Count the number of headers. */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (message[i] == '\n')
if (message[i + 1] == '\n')
if (header_count == 0)
return; /* Invalid message. */
/* Allocate multicast message. */
fail_if (xmalloc(multicast, 1, multicast_t));
/* Allocate header lists. */
fail_if (xmalloc(hashes, header_count, size_t));
fail_if (xmalloc(headers, header_count, char*));
fail_if (xmalloc(header_values, header_count, char*));
/* Populate header lists. */
for (i = 0; i < header_count; i++)
char* end = strchr(msg, '\n');
char* colon = strchr(msg, ':');
*end = '\0';
if ((header_values[i] = strdup(msg)) == NULL)
header_count = i;
goto pfail;
*colon = '\0';
if ((headers[i] = strdup(msg)) == NULL)
header_count = i;
goto pfail;
*colon = ':';
*end = '\n';
hashes[i] = string_hash(headers[i]);
msg = end + 1;
/* Get intercepting clients. */
interceptions = get_interceptors(sender, hashes, headers, header_values, header_count, &interceptions_count);
fail_if (interceptions == NULL);
/* Sort interceptors. */
qsort(interceptions, interceptions_count, sizeof(queued_interception_t), cmp_queued_interception);
/* Add prefix to message with ‘Modify ID’ header. */
with_mutex (slave_mutex,
modify_id = next_modify_id++;
if (next_modify_id == 0)
next_modify_id = 1;
xsnprintf(modify_id_header, "Modify ID: %" PRIu64 "\n", modify_id);
n = strlen(modify_id_header);
new_buf = message;
fail_if (xrealloc(new_buf, n + length, char));
message = new_buf;
memmove(message + n, message, length * sizeof(char));
memcpy(message, modify_id_header, n * sizeof(char));
/* Store information. */
multicast->interceptions = interceptions;
multicast->interceptions_count = interceptions_count;
multicast->message = message;
multicast->message_length = length + n;
multicast->message_prefix = n;
message = NULL;
/* Queue message multicasting. */
with_mutex (sender->mutex,
new_buf = sender->multicasts;
if (xrealloc(new_buf, sender->multicasts_count + 1, multicast_t))
goto fail_queue;
sender->multicasts = new_buf;
sender->multicasts[sender->multicasts_count++] = *multicast;
multicast = NULL;
fail: /* This is done before this function returns even if there was no error. */
/* Release resources. */
xfree(headers, header_count);
xfree(header_values, header_count);
if (multicast != NULL)
goto fail;
* Exec into the mdsinitrc script
* @param args The arguments to the child process
void run_initrc(char** args)
char pathname[PATH_MAX];
struct passwd* pwd;
char* env;
char* home;
args[0] = pathname;
#define __exec(FORMAT, ...) \
xsnprintf(pathname, FORMAT, __VA_ARGS__); execv(args[0], args)
/* Test $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. */
if ((env = getenv_nonempty("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) != NULL)
__exec("%s/%s", env, INITRC_FILE);
/* Test $HOME. */
if ((env = getenv_nonempty("HOME")) != NULL)
__exec("%s/.config/%s", env, INITRC_FILE);
__exec("%s/.%s", env, INITRC_FILE);
/* Test ~. */
pwd = getpwuid(getuid()); /* Ignore error. */
if (pwd != NULL)
home = pwd->pw_dir;
if ((home != NULL) && (*home != '\0'))
__exec("%s/.config/%s", home, INITRC_FILE);
__exec("%s/.%s", home, INITRC_FILE);
/* Test $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. */
if ((env = getenv_nonempty("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")) != NULL)
char* begin = env;
char* end;
int len;
for (;;)
end = strchrnul(begin, ':');
len = (int)(end - begin);
if (len > 0)
__exec("%.*s/%s", len, begin, INITRC_FILE);
if (*end == '\0')
begin = end + 1;
/* Test /etc. */
__exec("%s/%s", SYSCONFDIR, INITRC_FILE);
#undef __exec
/* Everything failed. */
eprintf("unable to run %s file, you might as well kill me.", INITRC_FILE);