/** * mds — A micro-display server * Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016 Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "mds-libinput.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define reconnect_to_display() -1 #define MDS_LIBINPUT_VARS_VERSION 0 /** * This variable should declared by the actual server implementation. * It must be configured before `main` is invoked. * * This tells the server-base how to behave */ server_characteristics_t server_characteristics = { .require_privileges = 1, .require_display = 1, .require_respawn_info = 0, .sanity_check_argc = 1, .fork_for_safety = 0, .danger_is_deadly = 0 }; /** * Value of the ‘Message ID’ header for the next message */ static uint32_t message_id = 1; /** * Buffer for received messages */ static mds_message_t received; /** * Whether the server is connected to the display */ static int connected = 1; /** * The seat for libinput */ static const char* seat = "seat0"; /** * libinput context */ static struct libinput* li = NULL; /** * udev context */ static struct udev* udev = NULL; /** * List of all opened devices */ static struct libinput_device **devices = NULL; /** * The number of element slots allocated for `devices` */ static size_t devices_size = 0; /** * The last element slot used in `devices` */ static size_t devices_used = 0; /** * The index of the first free slot in `devices` */ static size_t devices_ptr = 0; /** * The input event listener thread */ static pthread_t ev_thread; /** * Whether `ev_thread` has started */ static volatile sig_atomic_t ev_thread_started = 0; /** * Message buffer for the main thread */ static char* resp_send_buffer = NULL; /** * The size of `resp_send_buffer` */ static size_t resp_send_buffer_size = 0; /** * Message buffer for the event thread */ static char* anno_send_buffer = NULL; /** * The size of `anno_send_buffer` */ static size_t anno_send_buffer_size = 0; /** * File descriptor for the libinput events */ static int event_fd = -1; /** * File descriptor set for select(3):ing * the libinput events */ static fd_set event_fd_set; /** * Whether the server has been signaled to * free unneeded memory * * For event thread */ static volatile sig_atomic_t ev_danger = 0; /** * Whether the server has been signaled to * output runtime information * * For event thread */ static volatile sig_atomic_t info = 0; /** * Mutex that should be used when accessing * the device list */ static pthread_mutex_t dev_mutex; /** * Send a full message even if interrupted * * @param message:const char* The message to send * @param length:size_t The length of the message * @return :int Zero on success, -1 on error */ #define full_send(message, length) \ ((full_send)(socket_fd, message, length)) /** * Parse command line arguments * * @return Non-zero on error */ int parse_cmdline(void) { int i; /* Parse command line arguments. */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char* arg = argv[i]; int v; if ((v = strequals(arg, "--initial-spawn")) || /* Initial spawn? */ strequals(arg, "--respawn")) /* Respawning after crash? */ { exit_if (is_respawn == v, eprintf("conflicting arguments %s and %s cannot be combined.", "--initial-spawn", "--respawn");); is_respawn = !v; } else if (strequals(arg, "--re-exec")) /* Re-exec state-marshal. */ is_reexec = 1; else if (startswith(arg, "--alarm=")) /* Schedule an alarm signal for forced abort. */ alarm(min(atou(arg + strlen("--alarm=")), 60)); /* At most 1 minute. */ else if (strequals(arg, "--on-init-fork")) /* Fork process when initialised. */ on_init_fork = 1; else if (startswith(arg, "--on-init-sh=")) /* Run a command when initialised. */ on_init_sh = arg + strlen("--on-init-sh="); else if (strequals(arg, "--immortal")) /* I return to serve. */ is_immortal = 1; else if (startswith(arg, "--seat=")) /* Seat to pass to libinput. */ seat = arg + strlen("--seat="); } if (is_reexec) { is_respawn = 1; eprint("re-exec performed."); } /* Check that mandatory arguments have been specified. */ if (server_characteristics.require_respawn_info) exit_if (is_respawn < 0, eprintf("missing state argument, require either %s or %s.", "--initial-spawn", "--respawn");); return 0; } /** * This function will be invoked before `initialise_server` (if not re-exec:ing) * or before `unmarshal_server` (if re-exec:ing) * * @return Non-zero on error */ int __attribute__((const)) preinitialise_server(void) { return 0; } /** * This function should initialise the server, * and it not invoked after a re-exec. * * @return Non-zero on error */ int initialise_server(void) { int stage = 0; fail_if (server_initialised()); fail_if (mds_message_initialise(&received)); stage++; return 0; fail: xperror(*argv); if (stage >= 1) mds_message_destroy(&received); return 1; } /** * This function will be invoked after `initialise_server` (if not re-exec:ing) * or after `unmarshal_server` (if re-exec:ing) * * @return Non-zero on error */ int postinitialise_server(void) { int stage = 0; fail_if (initialise_libinput()); fail_if (pthread_mutex_init(&dev_mutex, NULL)); stage++; if (connected) return 0; fail_if (reconnect_to_display()); connected = 1; return 0; fail: terminate_libinput(); mds_message_destroy(&received); if (stage >= 1) pthread_mutex_destroy(&dev_mutex); return 1; } /** * Calculate the number of bytes that will be stored by `marshal_server` * * On failure the program should `abort()` or exit by other means. * However it should not be possible for this function to fail. * * @return The number of bytes that will be stored by `marshal_server` */ size_t marshal_server_size(void) { size_t rc = 2 * sizeof(int) + sizeof(uint32_t); rc += mds_message_marshal_size(&received); return rc; } /** * Marshal server implementation specific data into a buffer * * @param state_buf The buffer for the marshalled data * @return Non-zero on error */ int marshal_server(char* state_buf) { buf_set_next(state_buf, int, MDS_LIBINPUT_VARS_VERSION); buf_set_next(state_buf, int, connected); buf_set_next(state_buf, uint32_t, message_id); mds_message_marshal(&received, state_buf); mds_message_destroy(&received); return 0; } /** * Unmarshal server implementation specific data and update the servers state accordingly * * On critical failure the program should `abort()` or exit by other means. * That is, do not let `reexec_failure_recover` run successfully, if it unrecoverable * error has occurred or one severe enough that it is better to simply respawn. * * @param state_buf The marshalled data that as not been read already * @return Non-zero on error */ int unmarshal_server(char* state_buf) { /* buf_get_next(state_buf, int, MDS_LIBINPUT_VARS_VERSION); */ buf_next(state_buf, int, 1); buf_get_next(state_buf, int, connected); buf_get_next(state_buf, uint32_t, message_id); fail_if (mds_message_unmarshal(&received, state_buf)); return 0; fail: xperror(*argv); mds_message_destroy(&received); return -1; } /** * Attempt to recover from a re-exec failure that has been * detected after the server successfully updated it execution image * * @return Non-zero on error */ int __attribute__((const)) reexec_failure_recover(void) { return -1; } /** * Send a singal to all threads except the current thread * * @param signo The signal */ void signal_all(int signo) { pthread_t current_thread = pthread_self(); if (pthread_equal(current_thread, master_thread) == 0) pthread_kill(master_thread, signo); if (ev_thread_started) if (pthread_equal(current_thread, ev_thread) == 0) pthread_kill(ev_thread, signo); } /** * This function is called when a signal that * signals that the system is running out of memory * has been received * * @param signo The signal that has been received */ void received_danger(int signo) { SIGHANDLER_START; (void) signo; if ((danger == 0) || (ev_danger == 0)) { danger = 1; ev_danger = 1; eprint("danger signal received."); } SIGHANDLER_END; } /** * Perform the server's mission * * @return Non-zero on error */ int master_loop(void) { int rc = 1, joined = 0, r; void* ev_ret; /* Start thread that reads input events. */ fail_if ((errno = pthread_create(&ev_thread, NULL, event_loop, NULL))); /* Listen for messages. */ while (!reexecing && !terminating) { if (info) dump_info(); if (danger) { danger = 0; free(resp_send_buffer), resp_send_buffer = NULL; resp_send_buffer_size = 0; pack_devices(); } if (r = mds_message_read(&received, socket_fd), r == 0) if (r = handle_message(), r == 0) continue; if (r == -2) { eprint("corrupt message received, aborting."); goto done; } else if (errno == EINTR) continue; else fail_if (errno != ECONNRESET); eprint("lost connection to server."); mds_message_destroy(&received); mds_message_initialise(&received); connected = 0; fail_if (reconnect_to_display()); connected = 1; } joined = 1; fail_if ((errno = pthread_join(ev_thread, &ev_ret))); rc = ev_ret == NULL ? 0 : 1; goto done; fail: xperror(*argv); done: free(resp_send_buffer); if (!joined && (errno = pthread_join(ev_thread, NULL))) xperror(*argv); if (!rc && reexecing) return 0; mds_message_destroy(&received); terminate_libinput(); return rc; } /** * The event listener thread's main function * * @param data Input data * @return Output data */ void* event_loop(void* data) { (void) data; ev_thread_started = 1; if (handle_event() < 0) fail_if (errno != EINTR); while (!reexecing && !terminating) { if (ev_danger) { ev_danger = 0; free(anno_send_buffer), anno_send_buffer = NULL; anno_send_buffer_size = 0; } FD_SET(event_fd, &event_fd_set); if (select(event_fd + 1, &event_fd_set, &event_fd_set, &event_fd_set, NULL) < 0) { fail_if (errno != EINTR); continue; } if (handle_event() < 0) fail_if (errno != EINTR); } return NULL; fail: xperror(*argv); raise(SIGTERM); return (void*)1024; } /** * Handle an event from libinput * * @return Zero on success, -1 on error */ int handle_event(void) { struct libinput_event *ev; if ((errno = -libinput_dispatch(li))) return -1; while ((ev = libinput_get_event(li))) { switch (libinput_event_get_type(ev)) { /* TODO */ default: break; } libinput_event_destroy(ev); if ((errno = -libinput_dispatch(li))) return -1; } return 0; } /** * Handle the received message * * @return Zero on success, -1 on error */ int handle_message(void) { /* TODO */ return 0; } /** * Used by libinput to open a device * * @param path The filename of the device * @param flags The flags to open(3) * @param userdata Not used * @return The file descriptor, or `-errno` on error */ int open_restricted(const char *path, int flags, void *userdata) { int fd = open(path, flags); if (fd < 0) return perror(*argv), -errno; return fd; (void) userdata; } /** * Used by libinput to close device * * @param fd The file descriptor of the device * @param userdata Not used */ void close_restricted(int fd, void *userdata) { close(fd); (void) userdata; } /** * Acquire access of input devices * * @return Zero on success, -1 on error */ int initialise_libinput(void) { const struct libinput_interface interface = { .open_restricted = open_restricted, .close_restricted = close_restricted }; if (!(udev = udev_new())) return eprint("failed to initialize udev."), errno = 0, -1; if (!(li = libinput_udev_create_context(&interface, NULL, udev))) return eprint("failed to initialize context from udev."), errno = 0, -1; if (libinput_udev_assign_seat(li, seat)) return eprintf("failed to set seat: %s", seat), errno = 0, -1; event_fd = libinput_get_fd(li); FD_ZERO(&event_fd_set); return 0; } /** * Release access of input devices */ void terminate_libinput(void) { while (devices_used--) if (devices[devices_used]) libinput_device_unref(devices[devices_used]); if (li) libinput_unref(li); if (udev) udev_unref(udev); } /** * Add a device to the device list * * @param dev The device * @return Zero on success, -1 on error */ int add_device(struct libinput_device* dev) { if (devices_ptr == devices_size) { struct libinput_device** tmp; if (yrealloc(tmp, devices, devices_size + 10, struct libinput_device*)) return -1; devices_size += 10; } devices[devices_ptr++] = libinput_device_ref(dev); while ((devices_ptr < devices_used) && devices[devices_ptr]) devices_ptr++; return 0; } /** * Remove a device from the device list * * @param dev The device */ void remove_device(struct libinput_device* dev) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < devices_used; i++) if (devices[i] == dev) { libinput_device_unref(dev); devices[i] = NULL; if (i < devices_ptr) devices_ptr = i; if (i + 1 == devices_used) devices_used -= 1; break; } } /** * Pack the device list */ void pack_devices(void) { size_t i; for (i = devices_ptr = 0; i < devices_used; i++) if (devices[i]) devices[devices_ptr++] = devices[i]; devices_used = devices_ptr; if (devices_used) { struct libinput_device** tmp; if (yrealloc(tmp, devices, devices_used, struct libinput_device*)) return; devices_size = devices_used; } else { free(devices), devices = NULL; devices_size = 0; } } /** * This function is called when a signal that * signals that the system to dump state information * and statistics has been received * * @param signo The signal that has been received */ void received_info(int signo) { SIGHANDLER_START; (void) signo; info = 1; SIGHANDLER_END; } /** * The the state of the server */ void dump_info(void) { info = 1; iprintf("next message ID: %" PRIu32, message_id); iprintf("connected: %s", connected ? "yes" : "no"); iprintf("libinput seat: %s", seat); iprintf("sigdanger pending (main): %s", danger ? "yes" : "no"); iprintf("sigdanger pending (event): %s", ev_danger ? "yes" : "no"); iprintf("response send buffer size: %zu bytes", resp_send_buffer_size); iprintf("announce send buffer size: %zu bytes", anno_send_buffer_size); iprintf("event file descriptor: %i", event_fd); iprintf("event thread started: %s", ev_thread_started ? "yes" : "no"); /* TODO list devices -- with_mutex(dev_mutex, ); */ }