/** * mds — A micro-display server * Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016 Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "linked-list.h" #include "macros.h" #include #include /** * The default initial capacity */ #ifndef LINKED_LIST_DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY # define LINKED_LIST_DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY 128 #endif /** * Computes the nearest, but higher, power of two, * but only if the current value is not a power of two * * @param value The value to be rounded up to a power of two * @return The nearest, but not smaller, power of two */ __attribute__((const)) static size_t to_power_of_two(size_t value) { value -= 1; value |= value >> 1; value |= value >> 2; value |= value >> 4; value |= value >> 8; value |= value >> 16; #if __WORDSIZE == 64 value |= value >> 32; #endif return value + 1; } /** * Create a linked list * * @param this Memory slot in which to store the new linked list * @param capacity The minimum initial capacity of the linked list, 0 for default * @return Non-zero on error, `errno` will have been set accordingly */ int linked_list_create(linked_list_t* restrict this, size_t capacity) { /* Use default capacity of zero is specified. */ if (capacity == 0) capacity = LINKED_LIST_DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY; /* Initialise the linked list. */ this->capacity = capacity = to_power_of_two(capacity); this->edge = 0; this->end = 1; this->reuse_head = 0; this->reusable = NULL; this->values = NULL; this->next = NULL; this->previous = NULL; fail_if (xmalloc(this->reusable, capacity, ssize_t)); fail_if (xmalloc(this->values, capacity, size_t)); fail_if (xmalloc(this->next, capacity, ssize_t)); fail_if (xmalloc(this->previous, capacity, ssize_t)); this->values[this->edge] = 0; this->next[this->edge] = this->edge; this->previous[this->edge] = this->edge; return 0; fail: return -1; } /** * Release all resources in a linked list, should * be done even if `linked_list_create` fails * * @param this The linked list */ void linked_list_destroy(linked_list_t* restrict this) { free(this->reusable), this->reusable = NULL; free(this->values), this->values = NULL; free(this->next), this->next = NULL; free(this->previous), this->previous = NULL; } /** * Clone a linked list * * @param this The linked list to clone * @param out Memory slot in which to store the new linked list * @return Non-zero on error, `errno` will have been set accordingly */ int linked_list_clone(const linked_list_t* restrict this, linked_list_t* restrict out) { fail_if (xmemdup(out->values, this->values, this->capacity, size_t)); fail_if (xmemdup(out->next, this->next, this->capacity, ssize_t)); fail_if (xmemdup(out->previous, this->previous, this->capacity, ssize_t)); fail_if (xmemdup(out->reusable, this->reusable, this->capacity, ssize_t)); out->capacity = this->capacity; out->end = this->end; out->reuse_head = this->reuse_head; out->edge = this->edge; return 0; fail: return -1; } /** * Pack the list so that there are no reusable * positions, and reduce the capacity to the * smallest capacity that can be used. Note that * values (nodes) returned by the list's methods * will become invalid. Additionally (to reduce * the complexity) the list will be defragment * so that the nodes' indices are continuous. * This method has linear time complexity and * linear memory complexity. * * @param this The list * @return Non-zero on error, `errno` will have been set accordingly */ int linked_list_pack(linked_list_t* restrict this) { ssize_t* restrict new_next = NULL; ssize_t* restrict new_previous = NULL; ssize_t* restrict new_reusable = NULL; size_t size = this->end - this->reuse_head; size_t cap = to_power_of_two(size); ssize_t head = 0; size_t i = 0; ssize_t node; size_t* restrict vals; int saved_errno; fail_if (xmalloc(vals, cap, size_t)); while (((size_t)head != this->end) && (this->next[head] == LINKED_LIST_UNUSED)) head++; if ((size_t)head != this->end) for (node = head; (node != head) || (i == 0); i++) { vals[i] = this->values[node]; node = this->next[node]; } if (cap != this->capacity) { fail_if (xmalloc(new_next, cap, ssize_t)); fail_if (xmalloc(new_previous, cap, ssize_t)); fail_if (xmalloc(new_reusable, cap, ssize_t)); free(this->next); free(this->previous); free(this->reusable); this->next = new_next; this->previous = new_previous; this->reusable = new_reusable; } for (i = 0; i < size; i++) this->next[i] = (ssize_t)(i + 1); this->next[size - 1] = 0; for (i = 1; i < size; i++) this->previous[i] = (ssize_t)(i - 1); this->previous[0] = (ssize_t)(size - 1); this->values = vals; this->end = size; this->reuse_head = 0; return 0; fail: saved_errno = errno; free(vals); free(new_next); free(new_previous); return errno = saved_errno, -1; } /** * Gets the next free position, and grow the * arrays if necessary. This methods has constant * amortised time complexity. * * @param this The list * @return The next free position, * `LINKED_LIST_UNUSED` on error, `errno` will be set accordingly */ __attribute__((nonnull)) static ssize_t linked_list_get_next(linked_list_t* restrict this) { size_t* tmp_values; ssize_t* tmp; if (this->reuse_head > 0) return this->reusable[--(this->reuse_head)]; if (this->end == this->capacity) { if ((ssize_t)(this->end) < 0) fail_if ((errno = ENOMEM)); this->capacity <<= 1; fail_if (yrealloc(tmp_values, this->values, this->capacity, size_t)); fail_if (yrealloc(tmp, this->next, this->capacity, ssize_t)); fail_if (yrealloc(tmp, this->previous, this->capacity, ssize_t)); fail_if (yrealloc(tmp, this->reusable, this->capacity, ssize_t)); } return (ssize_t)(this->end++); fail: return LINKED_LIST_UNUSED; } /** * Mark a position as unused * * @param this The list * @param node The position * @return The position */ __attribute__((nonnull)) static ssize_t linked_list_unuse(linked_list_t* restrict this, ssize_t node) { if (node < 0) return node; this->reusable[this->reuse_head++] = node; this->next[node] = LINKED_LIST_UNUSED; this->previous[node] = LINKED_LIST_UNUSED; return node; } /** * Insert a value after a specified, reference, node * * @param this The list * @param value The value to insert * @param predecessor The reference node * @return The node that has been created and inserted, * `LINKED_LIST_UNUSED` on error, `errno` will be set accordingly */ ssize_t linked_list_insert_after(linked_list_t* this, size_t value, ssize_t predecessor) { ssize_t node = linked_list_get_next(this); fail_if (node == LINKED_LIST_UNUSED); this->values[node] = value; this->next[node] = this->next[predecessor]; this->next[predecessor] = node; this->previous[node] = predecessor; this->previous[this->next[node]] = node; return node; fail: return LINKED_LIST_UNUSED; } /** * Remove the node after a specified, reference, node * * @param this The list * @param predecessor The reference node * @return The node that has been removed */ ssize_t linked_list_remove_after(linked_list_t* restrict this, ssize_t predecessor) { ssize_t node = this->next[predecessor]; this->next[predecessor] = this->next[node]; this->previous[this->next[node]] = predecessor; return linked_list_unuse(this, node); } /** * Insert a value before a specified, reference, node * * @param this The list * @param value The value to insert * @param successor The reference node * @return The node that has been created and inserted, * `LINKED_LIST_UNUSED` on error, `errno` will be set accordingly */ ssize_t linked_list_insert_before(linked_list_t* restrict this, size_t value, ssize_t successor) { ssize_t node = linked_list_get_next(this); fail_if (node == LINKED_LIST_UNUSED); this->values[node] = value; this->previous[node] = this->previous[successor]; this->previous[successor] = node; this->next[node] = successor; this->next[this->previous[node]] = node; return node; fail: return LINKED_LIST_UNUSED; } /** * Remove the node before a specified, reference, node * * @param this The list * @param successor The reference node * @return The node that has been removed */ ssize_t linked_list_remove_before(linked_list_t* restrict this, ssize_t successor) { ssize_t node = this->previous[successor]; this->previous[successor] = this->previous[node]; this->next[this->previous[node]] = successor; return linked_list_unuse(this, node); } /** * Remove the node from the list * * @param this The list * @param node The node to remove */ void linked_list_remove(linked_list_t* restrict this, ssize_t node) { this->next[this->previous[node]] = this->next[node]; this->previous[this->next[node]] = this->previous[node]; linked_list_unuse(this, node); } /** * Calculate the buffer size need to marshal a linked list * * @param this The list * @return The number of bytes to allocate to the output buffer */ size_t linked_list_marshal_size(const linked_list_t* restrict this) { return sizeof(size_t) * (4 + this->reuse_head + 3 * this->end) + sizeof(int); } /** * Marshals a linked list * * @param this The list * @param data Output buffer for the marshalled data */ void linked_list_marshal(const linked_list_t* restrict this, char* restrict data) { buf_set(data, int, 0, LINKED_LIST_T_VERSION); buf_next(data, int, 1); buf_set(data, size_t, 0, this->capacity); buf_set(data, size_t, 1, this->end); buf_set(data, size_t, 2, this->reuse_head); buf_set(data, ssize_t, 3, this->edge); buf_next(data, size_t, 4); memcpy(data, this->reusable, this->reuse_head * sizeof(ssize_t)); buf_next(data, ssize_t, this->reuse_head); memcpy(data, this->values, this->end * sizeof(size_t)); buf_next(data, size_t, this->end); memcpy(data, this->next, this->end * sizeof(ssize_t)); buf_next(data, ssize_t, this->end); memcpy(data, this->previous, this->end * sizeof(ssize_t)); } /** * Unmarshals a linked list * * @param this Memory slot in which to store the new linked list * @param data In buffer with the marshalled data * @return Non-zero on error, `errno` will be set accordingly. * Destroy the list on error. */ int linked_list_unmarshal(linked_list_t* restrict this, char* restrict data) { /* buf_get(data, int, 0, LINKED_LIST_T_VERSION); */ buf_next(data, int, 1); this->reusable = NULL; this->values = NULL; this->next = NULL; this->previous = NULL; buf_get(data, size_t, 0, this->capacity); buf_get(data, size_t, 1, this->end); buf_get(data, size_t, 2, this->reuse_head); buf_get(data, ssize_t, 3, this->edge); buf_next(data, size_t, 4); fail_if (xmalloc(this->reusable, this->capacity, size_t)); fail_if (xmalloc(this->values, this->capacity, size_t)); fail_if (xmalloc(this->next, this->capacity, size_t)); fail_if (xmalloc(this->previous, this->capacity, size_t)); memcpy(this->reusable, data, this->reuse_head * sizeof(ssize_t)); buf_next(data, ssize_t, this->reuse_head); memcpy(this->values, data, this->end * sizeof(size_t)); buf_next(data, size_t, this->end); memcpy(this->next, data, this->end * sizeof(ssize_t)); buf_next(data, ssize_t, this->end); memcpy(this->previous, data, this->end * sizeof(ssize_t)); return 0; fail: return -1; } /** * Print the content of the list * * @param this The list * @param output Output file */ void linked_list_dump(linked_list_t* restrict this, FILE* restrict output) { ssize_t i; size_t j; fprintf(output, "======= LINKED LIST DUMP =======\n"); fprintf(output, "Capacity: %zu\n", this->capacity); fprintf(output, "End: %zu\n", this->end); fprintf(output, "Reuse head: %zu\n", this->reuse_head); fprintf(output, "Edge: %zi\n", this->edge); fprintf(output, "--------------------------------\n"); fprintf(output, "Node table (Next, Prev, Value):\n"); i = this->edge; fprintf(output, " %zi: %zi, %zi, %zu\n", i, this->next[i], this->previous[i], this->values[i]); foreach_linked_list_node((*this), i) fprintf(output, " %zi: %zi, %zi, %zu\n", i, this->next[i], this->previous[i], this->values[i]); i = this->edge; fprintf(output, " %zi: %zi, %zi, %zu\n", i, this->next[i], this->previous[i], this->values[i]); fprintf(output, "--------------------------------\n"); fprintf(output, "Raw node table:\n"); for (j = 0; j < this->end; j++) fprintf(output, " %zu: %zi, %zi, %zu\n", i, this->next[i], this->previous[i], this->values[i]); fprintf(output, "--------------------------------\n"); fprintf(output, "Reuse stack:\n"); for (j = 0; j < this->reuse_head; j++) fprintf(output, " %zu: %zi\n", j, this->reusable[j]); fprintf(output, "================================\n"); }