information language "Swedish" country "Sweden" variant "WERTY, pure" end information # This variant is intended to increase the # type speed when writing purely Swedish text. include "../common/qwerty" include "../common/base" function comma/0 "," end function function altcomma/0 "." end function macro mod_letter/2 <letter \1> : "\1" <shift letter \1> : "\2" <caps letter \1> : "\2" <shift caps letter \1> : "\1" end macro mod_letter("å" "Å") mod_letter("ä" "Ä") mod_letter("ö" "Ö") <keycode 41> : <letter §> <keycode 12> : <letter +> <keycode 13> : <letter ´> <keycode 26> : <letter å> <keycode 27> : <letter ¨> <keycode 39> : <letter ö> <keycode 40> : <letter ä> <keycode 43> : <letter '> <keycode 86> : <letter <> <keycode 51> : <letter ,> <keycode 52> : <letter .> <keycode 53> : <letter -> macro key/2 <letter \1> : "\1" <shift letter \1> : "\2" <altgr letter \1> : <void> <altgr shift letter \1> : <void> end macro macro key/3 <letter \1> : "\1" <shift letter \1> : "\2" <altgr letter \1> : "\3" <altgr shift letter \1> : <void> end macro macro key/4 <letter \1> : "\1" <shift letter \1> : "\2" <altgr letter \1> : "\3" <altgr shift letter \1> : "\4" end macro key("§" "½" "¶") key("1" "!" "‽") key("2" "\"" "@" "”") key("3" "#" "¾") key("4" "¤" "¼") key("5" "%" "‰") key("6" "&") key("7" "/" "{" "÷") key("8" "(" "[" "»") key("9" ")" "]" "»") key("0" "=" "}" "°") key("+" "?" "\\" "⸮") <letter ´> : "´" <shift letter ´> : "`" <altgr letter ´> : "±" <altgr shift letter ´> : "¬" <letter ¨> : "¨" <shift letter ¨> : "^" <altgr letter ¨> : "~" key("'" "*" "’" "×") key("<" ">" "|" "¦") <letter ,> : "," <shift letter ,> : ";" <letter .> : "." <shift letter .> : ":" <altgr letter .> : "»" <letter -> : "-" <shift letter -> : "_" <altgr letter -> : "–" <altgr shift letter -> : "—" <letter q> : "©" <caps letter q> : "©" <shift letter q> : "®" <caps shift letter q> : "®" <altgr letter q> : "℗" <altgr caps letter q> : "℗" <altgr shift letter q> : "™" <altgr caps shift letter q> : "™" <altgr "e"> : "é" <altgr "E"> : "É" <altgr "y"> : "ü" <altgr "Y"> : "Ü" <altgr letter u> : "↓" <altgr shift letter u> : "↑" <altgr letter i> : "→" <altgr shift letter i> : "←" <altgr "p"> : "π" <altgr "P"> : "Π" <altgr "a"> : "à" <altgr "A"> : "À" <altgr "s"> : "z" <altgr "S"> : "Z" <altgr "g"> : "ng" <altgr "G"> : "gn" <altgr letter j> : <dead letter ˀ> <altgr shift letter j> : <dead letter \u031B> # horn <altgr "k"> : "q" <altgr "K"> : "Q" <letter z> : "’" <caps letter z> : "’" <shift letter z> : "»" <caps shift letter z> : "»" <altgr letter z> : "”" <altgr shift letter z> : <void> <altgr "v"> : "w" <altgr "V"> : "W" <altgr letter m> : "µ" <shift altgr letter m> : "Ω" <hyper ":"> : "ː" <hyper altgr ":"> : "ˑ" <hyper altgr "."> : "˘" <hyper "."> : "." <hyper "'"> : "ˈ" <hyper ","> : "ˌ" <hyper "A"> : "ɑː" <hyper "a"> : "a" <hyper "E"> : "eː" <hyper "e"> : "e" <hyper "I"> : "iː" <hyper "i"> : "ɪ" <hyper "O"> : "uː" <hyper "o"> : "ʊ" <hyper "Y"> : "yː" <hyper "y"> : "ʏ" <hyper "U"> : "ʉ̟ː" <hyper "u"> : "ɵ" <hyper "Å"> : "oː" <hyper "å"> : "ɔ" <hyper "Ä"> : "æː" <hyper "ä"> : "æ" <hyper "Ä"> : "ɛː" <hyper "ä"> : "ɛ" <hyper "Ö"> : "œ̞ː" <hyper "ö"> : "œ̞" <hyper "Ö"> : "øː" <hyper "ö"> : "œ" <hyper "E"> : <void> <hyper "e"> : "ə" <hyper "g"> : "ŋ" <hyper "n"> : "ŋ" <hyper "h"> : "ɧ" <hyper "j"> : "ʝ" <hyper "c"> : "ɕ" <hyper "r"> : "ʀ" <hyper "s"> : "ʃ" <hyper "S"> : "ʂ" <hyper "D"> : "ɖ" <hyper "T"> : "ʈ" <hyper "N"> : "ɳ" <hyper "L"> : "ɭ" <hyper altgr "o"> : "̥"