information language "Swedish" country "Sweden" variant "QWERTY, programmer" end information # This variant is intended to reduce the risk # repetitive strain injury for programmers. # Do not forget the caps_is_ctrl mod. function before_one/0 "|" end function function comma/0 "," end function function altcomma/0 "." end function include "../common/qwerty" include "../common/base" macro mod_letter/2 : "\1" : "\2" : "\2" : "\1" end macro mod_letter("å" "Å") mod_letter("ä" "Ä") mod_letter("ö" "Ö") : : : : : : : : : : : : macro key/5 : "\2" : "\3" : "\4" : "\5" end macro macro key/4 key("\1" "\1" "\2" "\3" "\3") end macro macro nocaps/2 : "\2" : end macro macro nocaps/3 : "\2" : "\3" end macro macro caps/3 : "\2" : "\3" : "\3" : "\2" end macro key("|" "|" "\\" "/" "`") key("1" "!" "1" "" "¡") key("2" "\"" "2" "@" "“") key("3" "#" "3" "£" "”") key("4" "$" "4" "¢" "‘") key("5" "%" "5" "€" "’") key("6" "&" "6" "¥" "¬") key("7" "/" "7" "{" "÷") key("8" "(" "8" "[" "«") key("9" ")" "9" "]" "»") key("0" "=" "0" "}" "°") key("+" "+" "?" "\\" "¿") : : "±" : : "^" : : "~" key("'" "*" "`" "×") key("<" ">" "|" "\\") : "," : ";" : : : "." : ":" : "·" : : "-" : "_" : : nocaps("q" "[" "<") nocaps("w" "]" ">") nocaps("e" "“" "‘") nocaps("r" "”" "’") nocaps("t" "/" "*") : "switch ()" : "default:" : "unsigned " : "signed " : "else if ()" : "else" : "while ()" : "for ()" : "continue;" : "break;" # - (see earlier) # ^ (see earlier) nocaps("a" "(" "{") nocaps("s" ")" "}") nocaps("d" "'" "\"") nocaps("f" "`" "\\") nocaps("g" "↑") # h : "goto fail;" : "goto " : "const " : "restrict " : "static " : "static inline " : "return " : "volatile " # . (see earlier) # ' (see earlier) # < (see earlier) : "size_t" : "sizeof()" # x nocaps("c" "©" "®") nocaps("v" "←") nocaps("b" "↓") nocaps("n" "→" "–") nocaps("m" "µ" "—") # å # , (see earlier) # ä