# mds — A micro-display server # Copyright © 2014 Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Based on the Unicode Character Database 7.0 # If we are compile this file as a stand-alone file we will pretend # that the keyboard already have basic latin latters so can create a # complete compose table from those symbols without getting a lot of # warnings about those symbols not being available. We will also # assume that we have the basic modifiers. assumption have_range "a" "z" have_range "A" "Z" have_range "0" "9" have_chars " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~" have have have have have end assumption macro dead_ascii/1 [" " ] : "\1" "\1" : end macro macro dead_ascii/2 [" " "\2" ] : "\1" ["\1" "\2"] : end macro macro composite/3 "\1" : "\3" "\1" ["\2" ] : "\3" end macro macro composite/4 "\1" : "\4" "\1" ["\2" "\3"] : "\4" end macro "-" : "." : dead_ascii("˙") macro macron/2 composite("¯" "\1" "\2") end macro macro breve/2 composite("˘" "\1" "\2") end macro macro ogonek/2 composite("˛" "\1" "\2") end macro macro tilde/2 composite("~" "\1" "\2") composite("˜" "\1" "\2") end macro macro grave/2 composite("`" "\1" "\2") end macro macro acute/2 composite("´" "'" "\1" "\2") end macro macro circumflex/2 composite("^" "\1" "\2") end macro macro dot_above/2 composite("˙" "." "\1" "\2") end macro macro caron/2 composite("ˇ" "\1" "\2") end macro macro stroke/2 composite("-" "\1" "\2") end macro macro cedilla/2 composite("¸" "," "\1" "\2") end macro macro middle_dot/2 dot_above("\1" "\2") end macro macro slash/2 composite("/" "\1" "\2") end macro macro double_acute/2 composite("˝" "\1" "\2") end macro macro ring_above/2 composite("°" "\1" "\2") composite("˚" "\1" "\2") end macro macro diaeresis/2 composite("¨" "\"" "\1" "\2") end macro "u" "+" : "U" "+" : # TODO C0 Controls # Basic Latin: dead_ascii("^") dead_ascii("`") dead_ascii("~") # TODO C1 Controls # Latin-1 Supplement: "!" "!" : "¡" ("/" "c") : "¢" ("|" ["c" "L"]) : "¢" ("-" ["l" "L"]) : "£" (["o" "O"] ["x" "X"]) : "¤" (["-" "="] ["y" "Y"]) : "¥" ("!" "|") : "¦" (["o" "O"] ["s" "S"]) : "§" dead_ascii("¨" "\"") (["o" "O"] ["c" "C"]) : "©" ( ) "_" "a" : "ª" "<" "<" : "«" ("-" ",") : "¬" "-" "-" : "­" (["o" "O"] ["r" "R"]) : "®" "-" : "o" : dead_ascii("°") "+" "-" : "±" "2" : "²" "3" : "³" dead_ascii("´" "'") "m" "u" : "µ" ["p" "P"] ["p" "P" "!"] : "¶" "!" ["p" "P"] : "¶" "." "-" : "·" dead_ascii("," ",") "1" : "¹" ( ) "_" "o" : "º" ">" ">" : "»" "1" "4" : "¼" "1" "2" : "½" "3" "4" : "¾" "?" "?" : "¿" grave("A" "À") acute("A" "Á") tilde("A" "Ã") diaeresis("A" "Ä") ring_above("A" "Å") "A" "E" : "Æ" cedilla("C" "Ç") grave("E" "È") acute("E" "É") circumflex("E" "Ê") diaeresis("E" "Ë") grave("I" "Ì") acute("I" "Í") circumflex("I" "Î") diaeresis("I" "Ï") "/" : slash("D" "Đ") tilde("N" "Ñ") grave("O" "Ò") acute("O" "Ó") circumflex("O" "Ô") tilde("O" "Õ") diaeresis("O" "Ö") "x" "x" : "×" slash("O" "Ø") grave("U" "Ù") acute("U" "Ú") circumflex("U" "Û") diaeresis("U" "Ü") acute("Y" "Ý") "T" "H" : "Þ" "s" "s" : "ß" "ſ" "s" : "ß" grave("a" "à") acute("a" "á") tilde("a" "ã") diaeresis("a" "ä") ring_above("a" "å") "a" "e" : "æ" cedilla("c" "ç") grave("e" "è") acute("e" "é") circumflex("e" "ê") diaeresis("e" "ë") grave("i" "ì") acute("i" "í") circumflex("i" "î") diaeresis("i" "ï") slash("d" "ð") tilde("n" "ñ") grave("o" "ò") acute("o" "ó") circumflex("o" "ô") tilde("o" "õ") diaeresis("o" "ö") ":" "-" : "÷" slash("o" "ø") grave("u" "ù") acute("u" "ú") circumflex("u" "û") diaeresis("u" "ü") acute("y" "ý") "t" "h" : "þ" diaeresis("y" "ÿ") # Latin Extended-A macron("A" "Ā") macron("a" "ā") breve("A" "Ă") breve("a" "ă") ogonek("A" "Ą") ogonek("a" "ą") acute("C" "Ć") acute("c" "ć") circumflex("C" "Ĉ") circumflex("c" "ĉ") dot_above("C" "Ċ") dot_above("c" "ċ") dot_above("D" "Ď") dot_above("d" "ď") stroke("D" "Đ") stroke("d" "đ") macron("E" "Ē") macron("e" "ē") breve("E" "Ĕ") breve("e" "ĕ") dot_above("E" "Ė") dot_above("e" "ė") ogonek("E" "Ę") ogonek("e" "ę") caron("E" "Ě") caron("e" "ě") circumflex("G" "Ĝ") circumflex("g" "ĝ") breve("G" "Ğ") breve("g" "ğ") dot_above("G" "Ġ") dot_above("g" "ġ") cedilla("G" "Ģ") cedilla("g" "ģ") circumflex("H" "Ĥ") circumflex("h" "ĥ") stroke("H" "Ħ") stroke("h" "ħ") tilde("I" "Ĩ") tilde("i" "ĩ") macron("I" "Ī") macron("i" "ī") breve("I" "Ĭ") breve("i" "ĭ") ogonek("I" "Į") ogonek("i" "į") dot_above("I" "İ") dot_above("i" "ı") "I" "J" : "IJ" "i" "j" : "ij" circumflex("J" "Ĵ") circumflex("j" "ĵ") cedilla("K" "Ķ") cedilla("k" "ķ") "k" "k" : "ĸ" acute("L" "Ĺ") acute("l" "ĺ") cedilla("L" "Ļ") cedilla("l" "ļ") caron("L" "Ľ") caron("l" "ľ") middle_dot("L" "Ŀ") middle_dot("l" "ŀ") slash("L" "Ł") slash("l" "ł") acute("N" "Ń") acute("n" "ń") cedilla("N" "Ņ") cedilla("n" "ņ") caron("N" "Ň") caron("n" "ň") # ʼn has been deprecated "N" ["G" "g"] : "Ŋ" "n" "g" : "ŋ" macron("O" "Ō") macron("o" "ō") breve("O" "Ŏ") breve("o" "ŏ") double_acute("O" "Ő") double_acute("o" "ő") "O" "E" : "Œ" "o" "e" : "œ" acute("R" "Ŕ") acute("r" "ŕ") cedilla("R" "Ŗ") cedilla("r" "ŗ") caron("R" "Ř") caron("r" "ř") acute("S" "Ś") acute("s" "ś") circumflex("S" "Ŝ") circumflex("s" "ŝ") cedilla("S" "Ş") cedilla("s" "ş") caron("S" "Š") caron("s" "š") cedilla("T" "Ţ") cedilla("t" "ţ") caron("T" "Ť") caron("t" "ť") stroke("T" "Ŧ") stroke("t" "ŧ") tilde("U" "Ũ") tilde("u" "ũ") macron("U" "Ū") macron("u" "ū") breve("U" "Ŭ") breve("u" "ŭ") ring_above("U" "Ů") ring_above("u" "ů") double_acute("U" "Ű") double_acute("u" "ű") ogonek("U" "Ų") ogonek("u" "ų") circumflex("W" "Ŵ") circumflex("w" "ŵ") circumflex("Y" "Ŷ") circumflex("y" "ŷ") diaeresis("Y" "Ÿ") acute("Z" "Ź") acute("z" "ź") dot_above("Z" "Ż") dot_above("z" "ż") caron("Z" "Ž") caron("z" "ž") "s" "f" : "ſ" # TODO Latin Extended-B # TODO IPA Extensions # TODO Spacing Modifier Letter # TODO Combining Diacritical Marks # TODO Greek and Coptic # TODO Cyrillic # TODO Cyrillic Supplement # TODO Armenian # TODO Hebrew # TODO Arabic # TODO Syriac # TODO Arabic Supplement # TODO Thaana # TODO NKo # TODO Samaritan # TODO Mandaic # TODO Arabic Extended-A # TODO Devanagari # TODO Bengali # TODO Gurmukhi # TODO Gujarati # TODO Oriya # TODO Tamil # TODO Telugu # TODO Kannada # TODO Malayalam # TODO Sinhala # TODO Thai # TODO Lao # TODO Tibetan # TODO Myanmar # TODO Georgian # TODO Hangul Jamo # TODO Ethiopic # TODO Ethiopic Supplement # TODO Cherokee # TODO Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics # TODO Ogham # TODO Runic # TODO Tagalog # TODO Hanunoo # TODO Buhid # TODO Tagbanwa # TODO Khmer # TODO Mongolian # TODO Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended # TODO Limbu # TODO Tai Le # TODO New Tai Lue # TODO Khmer Symbols # TODO Buginese # TODO Tai Tham # TODO Combining Diacritical Marks Extended # TODO Balinese # TODO Sundanese # TODO Batak # TODO Lepcha # TODO Ol Chiki # TODO Sundanese Supplement # TODO Vedic Extensions # TODO Phonetic Extensions # TODO Phonetic Extensions Supplement # TODO Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement # TODO Latin Extended Additional # TODO Greek Extended # General Punctuation: "_" "." : "\u2000" # en quad "_" "_" : "\u2001" # em quad "-" "." : "\u2002" # en space "-" "-" : "\u2003" # em space "3" : "\u2004" # three-per-em space "4" : "\u2005" # four-per-em space "6" : "\u2006" # six-per-em space "f" : "\u2007" # figure space "." : "\u2008" # punctuation space "t" : "\u2009" # thin space "h" : "\u200A" # hairspace "0" : "\u200B" # zero width space "J" : "\u200C" # zero width non-joiner "j" : "\u200D" # zero width joiner "l" : "\u200E" # left-to-right mark "r" : "\u200F" # right-to-left mark "-" : "\u2010" # hyphen "-" " " : "\u2011" # non-breaking hyphen "-" "-" "f" : "\u2012" # figure dash "-" "-" "." : "\u2013" # en dash "-" "-" "-" : "\u2014" # em dash "-" "-" "_" : "\u2015" # horizontal bar "|" "|" : "\u2016" # double verical line "-" "_" : "\u2017" # double low line ("(" "'") : "‘" (")" "'") : "’" ("(" ",") : "‚" (")" ",") : "‛" ("(" "\"") : "“" (")" "\"") : "”" ("(" ";") : "„" (")" ";") : "‟" "+" "T" : "†" "+" "+" "T" : "‡" "." "." : "•" "|" ">" : "‣" "." "," : "\u2024" # one dot leader "." ";" : "\u2025" # two dot leader "." "." : "…" "-" "." : "\u2027" # hyphenation point "l" : "\u2028" # line separator "p" : "\u2029" # paragraph separator "e" "l" : "\u202A" # left-to-right embedding "e" "r" : "\u202B" # right-to-left embedding "e" "p" : "\u202C" # pop directional formatting "o" "l" : "\u202D" # left-to-right override "o" "r" : "\u202E" # right-to-left override "m" " " : "\u202F" # narrow no-break space "%" ["o" "."] : "‰" "%" ["O" ":"] : "‱" ("1" ["'" "´"]) : "′" ("2" ["'" "´"]) : "″" ("3" ["'" "´"]) : "‴" ("1" "`") : "‵" ("2" "`") : "‶" ("3" "`") : "‷" ("." "^") : "‸" ("." "<") : "‹" ("." ">") : "›" ("x" "+") : "※" "!" "!" : "‼" "!" "?" : "‽" "^" "_" : "‾" ("_" "u") : "‿" ("^" "u") : "⁀" "/" "/" "." : "⁁" "*" "*" : "⁂" "-" "-" : "⁃" "/" "/" : "⁄" ("[" "-") : "⁅" ("]" "-") : "⁆" "?" "?" : "⁇" "?" "!" : "⁈" "!" "?" : "⁉" ("/" "7"): "⁊" "¶" "¶" : "⁋" ("?" ["p" "P"]) : "⁋" "(" "|" : "⁌" "|" ")" : "⁍" ("*" ".") : "⁎" "|" ";" : "⁏" "(" ")": "⁐" ("*" ":") : "⁑" "%" "%" : "⁒" "~" ["-" "~"] : "⁓" "-" "~" : "⁓" ("_" "U") : "⁔" ("x" "*") : "⁕" "." ":" : "⁖" ("4" ["'" "´"]) : "⁗" "." ":" "." : "⁘" ":" "." ":" : "⁙" "|" "." "." : "⁚" "." ":" "." : "⁛" ("x" ":") : "⁜" "|" ":" "." : "⁝" "|" ":" ":" : "⁞" "m" : "\u205F" # medium mathematical space "w" : "\u2060" # word joiner ("f" " ") : "\u2061" # function application (["x" "×" "*"] " ") : "\u2062" # invisible times (["," "."] " ") : "\u2063" # invisible separator ("+" " ") : "\u2064" # invisible plus "i" "l" : "\u2066" # left-to-right isolate "i" "r" : "\u2067" # right-to-left isolate "i" "s" : "\u2068" # first strong isolate "i" "p" : "\u2069" # pop directional isolate # U+206A through U+206C are deprecated # Superscripts and Subscripts: "0" : "⁰" ["^" ] "i" : "ⁱ" "4" : "⁴" "5" : "⁵" "6" : "⁶" "7" : "⁷" "8" : "⁸" "9" : "⁹" "+" : "⁺" "-" : "⁻" "=" : "⁼" "(" : "⁽" ")" : "⁾" ["^" ] "n" : "ⁿ" dead_ascii("ˇ") "0" : "₀" "1" : "₁" "2" : "₂" "3" : "₃" "4" : "₄" "5" : "₅" "6" : "₆" "7" : "₇" "8" : "₈" "9" : "₉" "+" : "₊" "-" : "₋" "=" : "₌" "(" : "₍" ")" : "₎" ["ˇ" ] "a" : "ₐ" ["ˇ" ] "e" : "ₑ" ["ˇ" ] "o" : "ₒ" ["ˇ" ] "x" : "ₓ" ["ˇ" ] "ə" : "ₔ" ["ˇ" ] "h" : "ₕ" ["ˇ" ] "k" : "ₖ" ["ˇ" ] "l" : "ₗ" ["ˇ" ] "m" : "ₘ" ["ˇ" ] "n" : "ₙ" ["ˇ" ] "p" : "ₚ" ["ˇ" ] "s" : "ₛ" ["ˇ" ] "t" : "ₜ" # TODO Currency Symbols # TODO Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols # TODO Letterlike Symbols # Number Forms: "1" "7" : "⅐" "1" "9" : "⅑" "1" "0" : "⅒" "1" "3" : "⅓" "2" "3" : "⅔" "1" "5" : "⅕" "2" "5" : "⅖" "3" "5" : "⅗" "4" "5" : "⅘" "1" "6" : "⅙" "5" "6" : "⅚" "1" "8" : "⅛" "3" "8" : "⅜" "5" "8" : "⅝" "7" "8" : "⅞" "1" : "⅟" "r" "i" : "Ⅰ" "r" "i" "i" : "Ⅱ" "r" "i" "i" "i" : "Ⅲ" "r" "i" "i" "i" "i" : "Ⅳ" "r" "i" "v" : "Ⅳ" "r" "v" : "Ⅴ" "r" "v" "i" : "Ⅵ" "r" "v" "i" "i" : "Ⅶ" "r" "v" "i" "i" "i" : "Ⅷ" "r" "i" "x" : "Ⅸ" "r" "x" : "Ⅹ" "r" "x" "i" : "Ⅺ" "r" "x" "i" "i" : "Ⅻ" "r" "l" : "Ⅼ" "r" "c" : "Ⅽ" "r" "(" : "Ⅽ" "r" "d" : "Ⅾ" "r" "|" [")" "Ↄ"] : "Ⅾ" "r" "m" : "Ⅿ" "R" "i" : "ⅰ" "R" "i" "i" : "ⅱ" "R" "i" "i" "i" : "ⅲ" "R" "i" "i" "i" "i" : "ⅳ" "R" "i" "v" : "ⅳ" "R" "v" : "ⅴ" "R" "v" "i" : "ⅵ" "R" "v" "i" "i" : "ⅶ" "R" "v" "i" "i" "i" : "ⅷ" "R" "i" "x" : "ⅸ" "R" "x" : "ⅹ" "R" "x" "i" : "ⅺ" "R" "x" "i" "i" : "ⅻ" "R" "l" : "ⅼ" "R" "c" : "ⅽ" "R" "d" : "ⅾ" "R" "m" : "ⅿ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] "Ⅾ" : "ↀ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] "|" [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↀ" "r" "Ⅾ" [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↁ" "r" "|" [")" "Ↄ"] [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↁ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] "|" [")" "Ↄ"] [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↂ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] "D" [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↂ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] "ↁ" : "ↂ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] "ↀ" [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↂ" "r" ")" : "Ↄ" "Ⅽ" "Ⅽ" : "Ↄ" "." "Ↄ" : "ↄ" "r" "g" : "ↅ" "r" "(" "," : "ↅ" "Ⅽ" "," : "ↅ" "Ⅴ" "Ⅴ" : "ↆ" "r" "↓" : "ↆ" "r" "Ⅾ" [")" "Ↄ"] [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↇ" "r" "ↁ" [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↇ" "r" "|" [")" "Ↄ"] [")" "Ↄ"] [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↇ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] "|" [")" "Ↄ"] [")" "Ↄ"] [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↈ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] "D" [")" "Ↄ"] [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↈ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] "ↁ" [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↈ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] "ↇ" : "ↈ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] ["Ⅽ" "("] "ↀ" [")" "Ↄ"] [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↈ" "r" ["Ⅽ" "("] "ↂ" [")" "Ↄ"] : "ↈ" "r" ")" : "Ↄ" "0" "3" : "↉" # Arrows: "<" "-" "-" : "←" "^" "|" : "↑" "|" ["v" "V"] : "→" "-" "-" ">" : "↓" ("←" "→") : "↔" ("↑" "↓") : "↕" ("←" "↑") : "↖" ("→" "↑") : "↗" ("→" "↓") : "↘" ("←" "↓") : "↙" ("/" "←") : "↚" ("/" "→") : "↛" composite("←" "~" "↜") composite("→" "~" "↝") "←" "←" : "↞" "↑" "↑" : "↟" "→" "→" : "↠" "↓" "↓" : "↡" "←" "<" : "↢" ">" "→" : "↣" "←" "|" : "↤" ("-" "↑") : "↥" "|" "→" : "↦" ("-" "↓") : "↧" "_" "↕" : "↨" "←" ")" : "↩" "(" "→" : "↪" "↩" "↩" : "↫" "↪" "↪" : "↬" ("↜" "↝") : "↭" ("/" "↔") : "↮" ("↚" "↛") : "↮" (["z" "Z"] "↓") : "↯" "\u2B4D" "\u2B4D" : "↯" "←" "|" : "↰" "↲" "↲" : "↰" "|" "→" : "↱" "↳" "↳" : "↱" "←" "_" "|" : "↲" "↰" "↰" : "↲" "|" "_" "→" : "↳" "↱" "↱" : "↳" "-" "↘" : "↴" "." 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"⋽") : "⋾" "⋷" "⋷" : "⋾" [ ] ("_" "⋼") : "⋾" "∃" "∃" : "⋿" # TODO Miscellaneous Technical # TODO Control Pictures # TODO Optical Character Recognition # Enclosed Alphanumerics: for "1" to "9" as \1 "(" "\1" ")" : "\add(\u2460 \sub(\1 "1"))" "(" "\1" [" " .] ")" : "\add(\u2474 \sub(\1 "1"))" "(" "\1" ")" : "\add(\u2474 \sub(\1 "1"))" "\1" "." : "\add(\u2488 \sub(\1 "1"))" end for for "0" to "9" as \1 "(" "1" "\1" ")" : "\add(\u2469 \sub(\1 "0"))" "(" "1" "\1" [" " .] ")" : "\add(\u247D \sub(\1 "0"))" "(" "1" "\1" ")" : "\add(\u247D \sub(\1 "0"))" "1" "\1" "." : "\add(\u2491 \sub(\1 "0"))" end for "(" "2" "0" ")" : "\u2473" "(" "2" "0" [" " .] ")" : "\u2487" "(" "2" "0" ")" : "\u2473" "2" "0" "." : "\u2498" for "a" to "z" as \1 "(" "\1" [" " .] ")" : "\add(\u249C \sub(\1 "a"))" "(" "\1" ")" : "\add(\u249C \sub(\1 "a"))" end for for "A" to "Z" as \1 "(" "\1" ")" : "\add(\u24B6 \sub(\1 "A"))" end for for "a" to "z" as \1 "(" "\1" ")" : "\add(\u24D0 \sub(\1 "a"))" end for "(" "0" ")" : "\u24EA" for "1" to "9" as \1 "(" "(" "(" "1" "\1" ")" ")" ")" : "\add(\u24EB \sub(\1 "1"))" end for "(" "(" "(" "2" "0" ")" ")" ")" : "\u24F4" for "1" to "9" as \1 "(" "(" "\1" ")" ")" : "\add(\u24F5 \sub(\1 "1"))" end for "(" "(" "1" "0" ")" ")" : "\u24FE" "(" "(" "(" "0" ")" ")" ")" : "\u24FF" # Box Drawing: ("╴" "╶") : "─" ("╸" "╺") : "━" "b" "-" : "─" "B" "-" : "━" "b" "|" : "│" "B" "|" : "┃" "b" "." 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"|" : "┇" "┆" "┆" : "┇" "b" ":" "-" : "┈" "B" ":" "-" : "┉" "┈" "┈" : "┉" "b" ":" "|" : "┊" "B" ":" "|" : "┋" "┊" "┊" : "┋" macro boxes/2 let \3 : { 3 48 12 192 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 10 40 130 160 9 24 129 144 6 36 66 96 5 20 65 80 14 44 74 132 194 104 164 224 13 28 73 133 193 88 146 208 11 26 41 56 131 146 161 176 7 22 37 52 67 82 97 112 15 30 45 60 75 135 195 90 105 150 165 120 180 210 225 240 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 1 4 2 8 16 64 32 128 33 132 18 40 } let \4 : \get(\3 \1) let \5 : \get(\3 \2) if \or(\equals(\4 999) \equals(\5 999)) return end if let \6 : { \and(\4 16) \and(\4 32) \and(\4 64) \and(\4 128) } let \7 : { \and(\5 16) \and(\5 32) \and(\5 64) \and(\5 128) } let \4 : { \and(\4 1) \and(\4 2) \and(\4 4) \and(\4 8) } let \5 : { \and(\5 1) \and(\5 2) \and(\5 4) \and(\5 8) } for 0 to 3 as \8 \set(\4 \8 \add(\rsh(\get(\4 \8) \8) \mul(2 \rsh(\get(\6 \8))))) \set(\5 \8 \add(\rsh(\get(\5 \8) \8) \mul(2 \rsh(\get(\7 \8))))) \set(\4 \8 \add(\get(\4 \8) \get(\4 \8))) if \greater(\get(\4 \8) 2) \set(\4 \8 2) end if end for for 0 to 127 as \5 let \6 : \get(\3 \5) if \equals(\4 999) continue end if let \7 : { \and(\6 16) \and(\6 32) \and(\6 64) \and(\6 128) } let \6 : { \and(\6 1) \and(\6 2) \and(\6 4) \and(\6 8) } for 0 to 3 as \8 \set(\6 \8 \add(\rsh(\get(\6 \8) \8) \mul(2 \rsh(\get(\7 \8))))) end for if \equals(\get(\6 0) \get(\4 0)) if \equals(\get(\6 1) \get(\4 1)) if \equals(\get(\6 2) \get(\4 2)) if \equals(\get(\6 3) \get(\4 3)) ("\add(\u2500 \1)" "\add(\u2500 \2)") : "\add(\u2500 \5)" end if end if end if end if end for end macro for 0 to 127 as \1 for \1 to 127 as \2 boxes(\1 \2) end for end for "b" "+" : "┼" "B" "+" : "╋" (["-" "─"] ["|" "│"]) : "┼" "b" "." "." : "╌" "B" "." "." : "╍" "╌" "╌" : "╍" "b" "¦" : "╎" "b" "." ":" : "╎" "B" "¦" : "╏" "B" "." ":" : "╏" "╎" "╎" : "╏" "b" "=" "-" : "═" ("=" "─") : "═" "b" "=" "|" : "║" ("=" "│") : "║" ("+" "┍") : "╒" ("+" "┎") : "╓" ("+" ["┌" "┏"]) : "╔" ("+" "┑") : "╕" ("+" "┒") : "╖" ("+" ["┐" "┓"]) : "╗" ("+" "┕") : "╘" ("+" "┖") : "╙" ("+" ["└" "┗"]) : "╚" ("+" "┙") : "╛" ("+" "┚") : "╜" ("+" ["┘" "┛"]) : "╝" ("+" "┝") : "╞" ("+" "┠") : "╟" ("+" ["├" "┣"]) : "╠" ("+" "┥") : "╡" ("+" "┨") : "╢" ("+" ["┤" "┫"]) : "╣" ("+" "┯") : "╤" ("+" "┰") : "╥" ("+" ["┬" "┳"]) : "╦" ("+" "┷") : "╧" ("+" "┸") : "╨" ("+" ["┴" "┻"]) : "╩" ("+" "┿") : "╪" ("+" "╂") : "╫" ("+" ["┼" "╋"]) : "╬" "b" "=" "+" : "╬" ("=" "┼") : "╬" (["o" "O"] "┌") : "╭" (["o" "O"] "┐") : "╮" (["o" "O"] "┘") : "╯" (["o" "O"] "└") : "╰" "b" "/" : "╱" "b" "\\" : "╲" ("╱" "╲") : "╳" "b" "X" : "╳" "b" ["<" "←"] : "╴" "b" [ "^" "↑"] : "╵" "b" [">" "→"] : "╶" "b" ["v" "," "↓"] : "╷" "B" ["<" "←"] : "╸" "B" [ "^" "↑"] : "╹" "B" [">" "→"] : "╺" "B" ["v" "," "↓"] : "╻" # Block Elements: "B" : dead_ascii("█") "|" : dead_ascii("▀") "0" : "▀" "1" : "▁" "2" : "▂" "3" : "▃" "4" : "▄" "5" : "▅" "6" : "▆" "7" : "▇" "-" : dead_ascii("▐") "7" : "▉" "6" : "▊" "5" : "▋" "4" : "▌" "3" : "▍" "2" : "▎" "1" : "▏" "0" : "▐" "1" : "░" "2" : "▒" "3" : "▓" "-" : "▔" "|" : "▕" "," : "▖" "." : "▗" ";" : "▘" "▝" : "▙" "▗" "▘" : "▚" "▗" : "▛" "▖" : "▜" ":" : "▝" "▖" "▝" : "▞" "▘" : "▟" # Geometric Shapes: "□" "□" : "■" "s" "[" "]" :"□" "(" "□" ")" : "▢" ("■" "□") : "▣" ("-" "□") : "▤" ("|" "□") : "▥" ("+" "□") : "▦" ("\\" "□") : "▧" ("/" "□") : "▨" (["x" "X"] "") : "▩" "." "◾" : "▪" "." "◽" : "▫" "▭" "▭" : "▬" "-" "■" : "▬" "-" "□" : "▭" "-" "[" "]" : "▭" "▯" "▯" : "▮" "|" "■" : "▮" "|" "□" : "▯" "|" "[" "]" : "▯" "▱" "▱" : "▰" "/" "■" : "▰" "/" "□" : "▱" "/" "[" "]" : "▱" "△" "△" : "▲" "s" "⇑" : "▲" "s" "↑" : "△" "▵" "▵" : "▴" "." "▲" : "▴" "." "△" : "▵" "▷" "▷" : "▶" "s" "⇒" : "▶" "s" "→" : "▷" "▹" "▹" : "▸" "." "▶" : "▸" "." "▷" : "▹" "▻" "▻" : "►" "-" "▶" : "►" "-" "▷" : "▻" "▽" "▽" : "▼" "s" "⇓" : "▼" "s" "↓" : "▽" "▿" "▿" : "▾" "." "▼" : "▾" "." "▽" : "▿" "◁" "◁" : "◀" "s" "⇐" : "◀" "s" "←" : "◁" "◃" "◃" : "◂" "." "◀" : "◂" "." "◁" : "◃" "◅" "◅" : "◄" "-" "◀" : "◄" "-" "◁" : "◅" "◇" "◇" : "◆" "◀" "▶" : "◆" "◁" "▷" : "◇" ("◆" "◇") : "◈" ("●" "○") : "◉" "s" "<" ">" : "◊" "s" "(" ")" : "○" "." "◯" : "○" "○" "." : "◌" "○" "|" : "◍" ("○" "o") : "◎" "○" "○" : "●" ("◖" "○") : "◐" ("◗" "○") : "◑" "◑" "◑" : "◒" "◓" "◓" : "◒" "◐" "◐" : "◓" "◒" "◒" : "◓" "◷" "◷" : "◔" "◴" "◴" : "◕" "s" "(" "|" : "◖" "s" "|" ")" : "◗" ("■" "◦") : "◘" ("■" ["◯" "○"]) : "◙" ("◚" "◛") : "◙" ("■" ["◠" "◜" "◝"]) : "◚" ("■" ["◡" "◟" "◞"]) : "◛" (["◯" "○"] "↖") : "◜" (["◯" "○"] "↗") : "◝" (["◯" "○"] "↘") : "◞" (["◯" "○"] "↙") : "◟" (["◯" "○"] "↑") : "◠" ("◜" "◝") : "◠" (["◯" "○"] "↓") : "◡" ("◟" "◞") : "◡" "s" "⇘" : "◢" "◿" "◿" : "◢" "s" "⇙" : "◣" "◺" "◺" : "◣" "s" "⇖" : "◤" "◸" "◸" : "◤" "s" "⇗" : "◥" "◹" "◹" : "◥" "." "○" : "◦" (["□" "◻" "◽"] ["←" "⇐"]) : "◧" (["□" "◻" "◽"] ["→" "⇒"]) : "◨" ("◿" "◤") : "◩" (["□" "◻" "◽"] "◤") : "◩" ("◸" "◢") : "◪" (["□" "◻" "◽"] "◢") : "◪" "[" "|" "]" : "◫" "◿" ["." .] "◺" : "◬" "" "◺" : "◭" "⧨" "⧨" : "◭" "◿" "" : "◮" "⧩" "⧩" : "◮" "+" "○" : "◯" ("◜" "◟") : "◯" ("◝" "◞") : "◯" ("◠" "◡") : "◯" ("◴" ["□" "◻"]) : "◰" ("◵" ["□" "◻"]) : "◱" ("◶" ["□" "◻"]) : "◲" ("◷" ["□" "◻"]) : "◳" ("○" "◜") : "◴" ("○" "◟") : "◵" ("○" "◞") : "◶" ("○" "◝") : "◷" "s" "↖" : "◸" "s" "↗" : "◹" "s" "↙" : "◺" "." "□" : "◻" "." "■" : "◼" "◻" "◻" : "◼" "." "◻" : "◽" "◽" "◽" : "◾" "." "◼" : "◾" "s" "↘" : "◿" # TODO Miscellaneous Symbols # TODO Dingbats # Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A: "L" "/" : "⟀" ["Δ" "∆"] ["Δ" "∆"] : "⟁" "!" "|" : "⟂" ("⊂" "o") : "⟃" ("⊃" "o") : "⟄" "⟆" "⟆" : "⟅" (["~" ] ["L" "l"]) : "⟅" (["~" ] ["J" "j"]) : "⟆" "⟅" "⟅" : "⟆" ("∨" ".") : "⟇" "⟑" "⟑" : "⟇" "\\" "⊂" : "⟈" "⊃" "/" : "⟉" ("⸠" "⸡") : "⟊" "/" "/" : "⟋" (")" "7") : "⟌" "\\" "\\" : "⟍" "[" "∧" "]" : "⟎" "[" "∨" "]" : "⟏" "<" "." ">" : "⟐" ("∧" ".") : "⟑" "⟇" "⟇" : "⟑" "⫙" "⫙" : "⟒" ("∪" "|") : "⟒" "⟔" "⟔" : "⟓" "_" "." "|" : "⟓" "|" "." "_" : "⟔" "⟓" "⟓" : "⟔" "=" "⨝" : "⟕" "=" "⊳" : "⟕" "⟖" "⟖" : "⟕" "⊲" "=" : "⟖" "⨝" "=" : "⟖" "⟕" "⟕" : "⟖" "⨝" "⨝" : "⟗" "⟕" "⟖" : "⟗" "=" "⨝" "=" : "⟗" "⟘" : "⟘" "⟙" "⟙" : "⟘" "⟙" : "⟙" "⟘" "⟘" : "⟙" "⫤" "⊨" : "⟚" "⊣" "⊢" : "⟛" "o" "-" : "⟜" "⊸" "⊸" : "⟜" "|" "-" "-" "-" : "⟝" "⊢" "-" : "⟝" "-" "-" "-" "|" : "⟞" "-" "⊣" : "⟞" "⫱" "⫱" : "⟟" "o" "|" "-" : "⟟" ("-" "⫯") : "⟟" "<" "-" ">" : "⟠" "." "<" ">" : "⟡" "-" "<" ">" : "⟢" "-" "⟡" : "⟢" "⟣" "⟣" : "⟢" "<" ">" "-" : "⟣" "⟡" "-" : "⟣" "⟢" "⟢" : "⟣" "-" "[" "]" : "⟤" "⟥" "⟥" : "⟤" "[" "]" "-" : "⟥" "⟤" "⟤" : "⟥" "[" "[" : "⟦" "]" "]" : "⟧" "<" "⟨" : "⟨" ")" ">" : "⟩" "⟨" "⟨" : "⟪" "⟩" "⟩" : "⟫" "(" "|" : "⟬" "|" ")" : "⟭" "|" "(" : "⟮" ")" "|" : "⟯" # Supplemental Arrows-A: "⤊" "⤊" : "⟰" "⤋" "⤋" : "⟱" ("↶" ["O" "o"]) : "⟲" "↺" "↺" : "⟲" ("↷" ["O" "o"]) : "⟳" "↻" "↻" : "⟳" ("O" "→") : "⟴" "⇴" "⇴" : "⟴" ("|" "⇴") : "⟴" "←" "-" : "⟵" "-" "→" : "⟶" "⟵" "⟶" : "⟷" "⇐" "=" : "⟸" "=" "⇒" : "⟹" "⟸" "⟹" : "⟺" "↤" "↤" : "⟻" "⟵" "|" : "⟻" "↦" "↦" : "⟼" "|" "⟶" : "⟼" "⟸" "|" : "⟽" "|" "⟹" : "⟾" "⇝" "⇝" : "⟿" "←" "|" : "↤" ("-" "↑") : "↥" "|" "→" : "↦" # Braille Patterns: function braille/1 \or(\lsh(1 \sub("\1" "0")) "\u2800") end function macro braille_double/1 let \2 : "\u2800" if \and(\1 1) let \2 : \or(\2 8) end if if \and(\1 2) let \2 : \or(\2 16) end if if \and(\1 4) let \2 : \or(\2 32) end if if \and(\1 8) let \2 : \or(\2 1) end if if \and(\1 16) let \2 : \or(\2 2) end if if \and(\1 32) let \2 : \or(\2 4) end if if \and(\1 64) let \2 : \or(\2 128) end if if \and(\1 128) let \2 : \or(\2 64) end if "\1" "\1" : "\or(\1 \2)" end macro "b" : "\u2800" for "1" to "8" as \1 "b" "\1" : "\braille(\1)" for \add(\1 1) to "8" as \2 "B" ("\1" "\2") : "\or(\braille(\1) \braille(\2))" end for end for for "\u2800" to "\u28FF" as \1 braille_double(\1) for \add(\1 1) to "\u28FF" as \2 ("\1" "\2") : "\or(\1 \2)" end for end for # Supplemental Arrows-B: "|" "↠" : "⤀" "|" "⤀" : "⤁" "|" "⇐" : "⤂" "|" "⇒" : "⤃" "|" "⇔" : "⤄" "⤂" "⤃" : "⤄" "|" "↠" : "⤅" "⇐" "|" : "⤆" "|" "⇒" : "⤇" "-" "↓" : "⤈" "-" "↑" : "⤉" "⇑" "⇑" : "⤊" "⇓" "⇓" : "⤋" ("¦" "←") : "⤌" ("¦" "→") : "⤍" ("." 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"⫿" : "⫾" "[" "]" "|" : "⫿" # Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows: ("⇧" "⇨") : "⬀" ("↗" "⇗") : "⬀" ("⇦" "⇧") : "⬁" ("↖" "⇖") : "⬁" ("⇨" "⇩") : "⬂" ("↘" "⇘") : "⬂" ("⇩" "⇦") : "⬃" ("↙" "⇙") : "⬃" ("⇦" "⇨") : "⬄" ("↔" "⇔") : "⬄" "⇦" "⇦" : "⬅" "⇧" "⇧" : "⬆" "⇩" "⇩" : "⬇" "⬀" "⬀" : "⬈" ("⬆" "\u2B95") : "⬉" "⬁" "⬁" : "⬉" ("⬅" "⬆") : "⬉" "⬂" "⬂" : "⬊" ("\u2B95" "⬇") : "⬊" "⬃" "⬃" : "⬋" ("⬇" "⬅") : "⬋" "⬄" "⬄" : "⬌" ("⬅" "\u2B95") : "⬌" "⇳" "⇳" : "⬍" ("⬆" "⬇") : "⬍" "→" "," : "⬎" "→" "'" : "⬏" "," "←" : "⬐" "'" "←" : "⬑" (["□" "◻" "◽"] ["↑" "⇑"]) : "⬒" "◧" "◧" : "⬒" (["□" "◻" "◽"] ["↓" "⇓"]) : "⬓" "◨" "◨" : "⬓" ("◺" "◥") : "⬔" ("◣" "◹") : "⬕" "s" "<" "<" "|" ">" : "⬖" "◀" "▷" : "⬖" "s" "<" "|" ">" ">" : "⬗" "◁" "▶" : "⬗" "▲" "▽" : "⬘" "⬖" "⬖" : "⬘" "△" "▼" : "⬙" "⬗" "⬗" : "⬙" "⬜" "." : "⬚" "⬜" "⬜" : "⬛" "+" "□" : "⬜" "⬞" "⬞" : "⬝" "." "⬜" : "⬞" "⬠" "⬠" : "⬟" ("5" "⬛") : "⬟" ("5" "⬜") : "⬠" ("6" "⬜") : "⬡" ("6" "⬛") : "⬢" "⬡" "⬡" : "⬢" "⬢" "⬢" : "⬣" "◯" "◯" : "⬤" "⬦" "⬦" : "" "." "◆" : "⬥" "." 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"⸉") : "⸈" ("S" "⸀") : "⸉" ("Z" "⸀") : "⸊" ["|" "⸉"] "⸉" : "⸊" "[" "]" : "⸋" "'" "\\" : "⸌" "'" "/" : "⸍" "<" "$" ">" : "⸎" "_" "_" : "⸏" ">" "⸏" : "⸐" "⸏" "<" : "⸑" "," "," : "⸒" "/" "%" : "⸓" "(" "%" : "⸔" "%" ")" : "⸕" (">" ":") : "⸖" "/" "=" : "⸗" "‽" "‽" : "⸘" "?" "!" : "⸘" ("¡" "¿") : "⸘" "/" "$" : "⸙" "-" : "⸚" "o" ["~" ] ["~" ] : "⸛" "," "\\" : "⸜" "," "/" : "⸝" "." ["~" ] ["~" ] : "⸞" # some fonts misplaces the dot "⸞" "⸞" : "⸟" "|" "-" : "⸠" "-" "|" : "⸡" "'" "[" : "⸢" "'" "]" : "⸣" "," "[" : "⸤" "," "]" : "⸥" "." "(" : "⸦" "." ")" : "⸧" "(" "(" : "⸨" ")" ")" : "⸩" "∵" "∵" : "⸪" "∴" "∴" : "⸫" "∷" "∷" : "⸬" (["∵" "⸪"] ":") : "⸭" (["∴" "⸫"] ":") : "⸭" "|" "?" : "⸮" ("'" ["~" ]) : "ⸯ" "o" "o" : "⸰" "·" "·" : "⸱" "," "," : "⸲" ["^" ] "." : "⸳" ["^" ] "," : "⸴" ";" ";" : "⸵" # the font fixed misses the dot in this turned semicolon "-" "†" : "⸶" "†" "-" : "⸷" "†" "†" : "⸸" "'" "§" : "⸹" "2" "-" : "⸺" "3" "-" : "⸻" "." "x" : "\u2E3C" ":" ":" ":" : "\u2E3D" "≀" "≀" : "\u2E3E" (["c" "C"] "¶") : "\u2E3F" "¶" "¶" : "\u2E3F" "⁃" "⁃" : "\u2E40" "|" "," : "\u2E41" "|" "„" : "\u2E42" # TODO CJK Radicals Supplement # TODO Kangxi Radicals # TODO Ideographic Description Characters # TODO CJK Symbols and Punctuation # TODO Hiragana # TODO Katakana # TODO Bopomofo # TODO Hangul Compatibility Jamo # TODO Kanbun # TODO Bopomofo Extended # TODO CJK Strokes # TODO Katakana Phonetic Extensions # TODO Enclosed CJK Letters and Months # TODO CJK Compatibility # TODO CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A # TODO Yijing Hexagram Symbols # TODO CJK Unified Ideographs # TODO Yi Syllables # TODO Yi Radicals # TODO Lisu # TODO Vai # TODO Cyrillic Extended-B # TODO Bamum # TODO Modifier Tone Letters # TODO Latin Extended-D # TODO Syloti Nagri # TODO Common Indic Number Forms # TODO Phags-pa # TODO Saurashtra # TODO Devanagari Extended # TODO Kayah Li # TODO Rejang # TODO Hangul Jamo Extended-A # TODO Javanese # TODO Myanmar Extended-B # TODO Cham # TODO Myanmar Extended-A # TODO Tai Viet # TODO Meetei Mayek Extensions # TODO Ethiopic Extended-A # TODO Latin Extended-E # TODO Meetei Mayek # TODO Hangul Syllables # TODO Hangul Jamo Extended-B # TODO CJK Compatibility Ideographs # TODO Alphabetic Presentation Forms # TODO Arabic Presentation Forms-A # TODO Variation Selectors # TODO Vertical Forms # TODO Combining Half Marks # TODO CJK Compatibility Forms # TODO Small Form Variants # TODO Arabic Presentation Forms-B # TODO Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms # TODO Specials # TODO Linear B Syllabary # TODO Linear B Ideograms # TODO Aegean Numbers # TODO Ancient Greek Numbers # TODO Ancient Symbols # TODO Phaistos Disc # TODO Lycian # TODO Carian # TODO Coptic Epact Numbers # TODO Old Italic # TODO Gothic # TODO Old Permic # TODO Ugaritic # TODO Old Persian # TODO Deseret # TODO Shavian # TODO Osmanya # TODO Elbasan # TODO Caucasian Albanian # TODO Linear A # TODO Cypriot Syllabary # TODO Imperial Aramaic # TODO Palmyrene # TODO Nabataean # TODO Phoenician # TODO Lydian # TODO Meroitic Hieroglyphs # TODO Meroitic Cursive # TODO Kharoshthi # TODO Old South Arabian # TODO Old North Arabian # TODO Manichaean # TODO Avestan # TODO Inscriptional Parthian # TODO Psalter Pahlavi # TODO Old Turkic # TODO Rumi Numeral Symbols # TODO Brahmi # TODO Kaithi # TODO Sora Sompeng # TODO Chakma # TODO Mahajani # TODO Sharada # TODO Sinhala Archaic Numbers # TODO Khojki # TODO Khudawadi # TODO Grantha # TODO Tirhuta # TODO Siddham # TODO Modi # TODO Takri # TODO Warang Citi # TODO Pau Cin Hau # TODO Cuneiform # TODO Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation # TODO Egyptian Hieroglyphs # TODO Bamum Supplement # TODO Mro # TODO Bassa Vah # TODO Pahawh Hmong # TODO Miao # TODO Kana Supplement # TODO Duployan # TODO Shorthand Format Controls # TODO Byzantine Musical Symbols # TODO Musical Symbols # TODO Ancient Greek Musical Notation # TODO Tai Xuan Jing Symbols # TODO Counting Rod Numerals # TODO Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols # TODO Mende Kikakui # TODO Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols # Mahjong Tiles: "m" "t" ">" : "\u1F000" "m" "t" "v" : "\u1F001" "m" "t" "<" : "\u1F002" "m" "t" [ "^"] : "\u1F003" "m" "t" "r" : "\u1F004" "m" "t" "g" : "\u1F005" "m" "t" "w" : "\u1F006" for "1" to "9" as \1 "m" "t" "w" "\1" : "\add(\u1F007 \sub(\1 "1"))" "m" "t" "t" "\1" : "\add(\u1F010 \sub(\1 "1"))" "m" "t" "b" "\1" : "\add(\u1F019 \sub(\1 "1"))" end for "m" "t" "m" : "\u1F022" "m" "t" "l" : "\u1F023" "m" "t" "z" : "\u1F024" "m" "t" "j" : "\u1F025" "m" "t" "1" : "\u1F026" "m" "t" "2" : "\u1F027" "m" "t" "3" : "\u1F028" "m" "t" "4" : "\u1F029" "m" "t" "*" : "\u1F02A" "m" "t" "/" : "\u1F02B" # Domino Tiles: "d" "t" "-" ["-" ] : "\u1F030" "d" "t" "|" ["|" ] : "\u1F062" for "0" to "6" as \1 for "0" to "6" as \2 "d" "t" "-" "\1" "\2" : "\add(\u1F031 \add(\mul(\sub(\1 "0") 7) \sub(\2 "0")))" "d" "t" "|" "\1" "\2" : "\add(\u1F063 \add(\mul(\sub(\1 "0") 7) \sub(\2 "0")))" end for end for # Playing Cards: "p" "c" : "🂠" dead_ascii(🂠) macro playing_card/2 (["♠" "♤"] "\1") : "\add(\u1F0A0 \2)" (["♥" "♡"] "\1") : "\add(\u1F0B0 \2)" (["♦" "♢"] "\1") : "\add(\u1F0C0 \2)" (["♣" "♧"] "\1") : "\add(\u1F0D0 \2)" end macro for "1" to "9" as \1 playing_card("\1" \sub(\1 "0") 1) end for playing_card(["a" "A"] 1) playing_card("0" 10) playing_card(["j" "J"] 11) playing_card(["c" "C"] 12) playing_card(["q" "Q"] 13) playing_card(["k" "K"] 14) "🂠" "j" "r" : "\u1F0BF" "🂠" "j" "b" : "\u1F0CF" "🂠" "j" "w" : "\u1F0DF" "🂠" "0" : "\u1F0E0" "🂠" "1" : "\u1F0E1" "🂠" "2" : "\u1F0E2" "🂠" "3" : "\u1F0E3" "🂠" "4" : "\u1F0E4" "🂠" "5" : "\u1F0E5" "🂠" "6" : "\u1F0E6" "🂠" "7" : "\u1F0E7" "🂠" "8" : "\u1F0E8" "🂠" "9" : "\u1F0E9" "🂠" "1" "0" : "\u1F0EA" "🂠" "1" "1" : "\u1F0EB" "🂠" "1" "2" : "\u1F0EC" "🂠" "1" "3" : "\u1F0ED" "🂠" "1" "4" : "\u1F0EE" "🂠" "1" "5" : "\u1F0EF" "🂠" "1" "6" : "\u1F0F0" "🂠" "1" "7" : "\u1F0F1" "🂠" "1" "8" : "\u1F0F2" "🂠" "1" "9" : "\u1F0F3" "🂠" "2" "0" : "\u1F0F4" "🂠" "2" "1" : "\u1F0F5" # Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement: "0" "." : "\u1F100" for "0" to "9" as \1 "\1" "," : "\add(\u1F101 \sub(\1 "0")" end for "(" "0" "." ")" : "\u1F10B" "(" "(" "(" "0" "." ")" ")" ")" : "\u1F10C" for "A" to "Z" as \1 "(" "\1" [" " .] ")" : "\add(\u1F110 \sub(\1 "A"))" "(" "\1" ")" : "\add(\u1F110 \sub(\1 "A"))" end for "[" "S" [" " .] "]" : "\u1F12A" "[" "S" "]" : "\u1F12A" "(" "/" "C" ["/" .] ")" : "\u1F12B" "(" "C" "/" ")" : "\u1F12B" "(" "/" "R" ["/" .] ")" : "\u1F12C" "(" "R" "/" ")" : "\u1F12C" "(" "C" "D" ")" : "\u1F12D" "(" "W" "z" ")" : "\u1F12E" for "A" to "Z" as \1 "[" "\1" "]" : "\add(\u1F130 \sub(\1 "A"))" "(" "(" "(" "\1" ")" ")" ")" : "\add(\u1F160 \sub(\1 "A"))" "[" "[" "[" "\1" "]" "]" "]" : "\add(\u1F170 \sub(\1 "A"))" end for "[" "H" "V" "]" : "\u1F14A" "[" "M" "V" "]" : "\u1F14B" "[" "S" "D" "]" : "\u1F14C" "[" "S" "S" "]" : "\u1F14D" "[" "P" "P" "V" "]" : "\u1F14E" "[" "W" "C" "]" : "\u1F14F" "(" "M" "C" ")" : "\u1F16A" "(" "M" "D" ")" : "\u1F16B" "[" "[" "[" "X" "P" "]" "]" "]" : "\u1F18A" "[" "[" "[" "I" "C" "]" "]" "]" : "\u1F18B" "[" "[" "[" "P" "A" "]" "]" "]" : "\u1F18C" "[" "[" "[" "S" "A" "]" "]" "]" : "\u1F18D" "[" "[" "[" "A" "B" "]" "]" "]" : "\u1F18E" "[" "[" "[" "W" "C" "]" "]" "]" : "\u1F18F" "[" "D" "J" "]" : "\u1F190" "[" "C" "L" "]" : "\u1F191" "[" "C" "O" "O" "L" "]" : "\u1F192" "[" "F" "R" "E" "E" "]" : "\u1F193" "[" "I" "D" "]" : "\u1F194" "[" "N" "E" "W" "]" : "\u1F195" "[" "N" "G" "]" : "\u1F196" "[" "O" "K" "]" : "\u1F197" "[" "S" "O" "S" "]" : "\u1F198" "[" "U" "P" "]" : "\u1F199" "[" "U" "P" "!" "]" : "\u1F199" "[" "V" "S" "]" : "\u1F19A" for "a" to "z" as \1 "[" "r" "\1" "]" : "\add(\u1F1E6 \sub(\1 "a"))" end for # TODO Enclosed Ideographic Supplement # TODO Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs # TODO Emoticons # TODO Ornamental Dingbats # TODO Transport and Map Symbols # TODO Alchemical Symbols # Geometric Shapes Extended: "s" "<" "|" : "\u1F780" "s" ["^" ] "-" : "\u1F781" "\u1F780" "\u1F780" : "\u1F781" "s" "|" ">" : "\u1F782" "s" ["v" "V"] "-" :"\u1F783" "\u1F782" "\u1F782" : "\u1F783" "s" "." "(" ")" : "\1F784" "s" "1" "(" ")" : "\u1F785" "s" "2" "(" ")" : "\u1F786" "s" "3" "(" ")" : "\u1F787" "s" "4" "(" ")" : "\u1F788" "s" "5" "(" ")" : "\u1F789" "s" "0" "(" ")" : "\u1F78A" "s" "(" "(" "(" ")" ")" ")" : "\u1F78B" "s" "." "[" "]" : "\u1F78C" "s" "." "." "[" "]" : "\u1F78D" "s" "1" "[" "]" : "\u1F78E" "s" "2" "[" "]" : "\u1F78F" "s" "3" "[" "]" : "\u1F790" "s" "4" "[" "]" : "\u1F791" "s" "5" "[" "]" : "\u1F792" "s" "6" "[" "]" : "\u1F793" "s" "0" "[" "]" : "\u1F794" "s" "[" "[" "]" "]" : "\u1F795" "s" "[" "[" "[" "]" "]" "]" : "\u1F796" "s" "1" "<" ">" : "\u1F797" "s" "2" "<" ">" : "\u1F798" "s" "3" "<" ">" : "\u1F799" "s" "0" "<" ">" : "\u1F79A" "s" "<" "<" "<" ">" ">" ">" : "\u1F79B" "s" "<" "<" ">" ">" : "\u1F79C" "s" "1" "|" "<" ">" : "\u1F79D" "s" "2" "|" "<" ">" : "\u1F79E" "s" "3" "|" "<" ">" : "\u1F79F" "s" "0" "|" "<" ">" : "\u1F7A0" "s" "1" "+" : "\u1F7A1" "s" "2" "+" : "\u1F7A2" "s" "3" "+" : "\u1F7A3" "s" "4" "+" : "\u1F7A4" "s" "5" "+" : "\u1F7A5" "s" "6" "+" : "\u1F7A6" "s" "7" "+" : "\u1F7A7" "s" "1" ["x" "X" "×"] : "\u1F7A8" "s" "2" ["x" "X" "×"] : "\u1F7A9" "s" "3" ["x" "X" "×"] : "\u1F7AA" "s" "4" ["x" "X" "×"] : "\u1F7AB" "s" "5" ["x" "X" "×"] : "\u1F7AC" "s" "6" ["x" "X" "×"] : "\u1F7AD" "s" "7" ["x" "X" "×"] : "\u1F7AE" "s" "1" "5" "*" : "\u1F7AF" "s" "2" "5" "*" : "\u1F7B0" "s" "3" "5" "*" : "\u1F7B1" "s" "4" "5" "*" : "\u1F7B2" "s" "5" "5" "*" : "\u1F7B3" "s" "6" "5" "*" : "\u1F7B4" "s" "1" "6" "*" : "\u1F7B5" "s" "2" "6" "*" : "\u1F7B6" "s" "3" "6" "*" : "\u1F7B7" "s" "4" "6" "*" : "\u1F7B8" "s" "5" "6" "*" : "\u1F7B9" "s" "6" "6" "*" : "\u1F7BA" "s" "1" "8" "*" : "\u1F7BB" "s" "2" "8" "*" : "\u1F7BC" "s" "3" "8" "*" : "\u1F7BD" "s" "4" "8" "*" : "\u1F7BE" "s" "5" "8" "*" : "\u1F7BF" "s" "1" "*" "3" : "\u1F7C0" "s" "2" "*" "3" : "\u1F7C1" "s" "3" "*" "3" : "\u1F7C2" "s" "0" "*" "3" : "\u1F7C3" "s" "1" "*" "4" : "\u1F7C4" "s" "2" "*" "4" : "\u1F7C5" "s" "3" "*" "4" : "\u1F7C6" "s" "0" "*" "4" : "\u1F7C7" "\u1F7C7" "\u1F7C7" : "\u1F7C8" "s" "1" "*" "5" : "\u1F7C9" "s" "2" "*" "5" : "\u1F7CA" "s" "1" "*" "6" : "\u1F7CB" "s" "2" "*" "6" : "\u1F7CC" "s" "0" "*" "6" : "\u1F7CD" "s" "1" "*" "8" : "\u1F7CE" "s" "2" "*" "8" : "\u1F7CF" "s" "3" "*" "8" : "\u1F7D0" "s" "0" "*" "8" : "\u1F7D1" "s" "1" "*" "*" : "\u1F7D2" "s" "2" "*" "*" : "\u1F7D3" "s" "0" "*" "*" : "\u1F7D4" # Supplemental Arrows-C: "1" "←" : "\u1F800" # leftwards arrow with small triangle arrowhead "1" "↑" : "\u1F801" # upwards arrow with small triangle arrowhead "1" "→" : "\u1F802" # rightwards arrow with small triangle arrowhead "1" "↓" : "\u1F803" # downwards arrow with small triangle arrowhead "2" "←" : "\u1F804" # leftwards arrow with medium triangle arrowhead "2" "↑" : "\u1F805" # upwards arrow with medium triangle arrowhead "2" "→" : "\u1F806" # rightwards arrow with medium triangle arrowhead "2" "↓" : "\u1F807" # downwards arrow with medium triangle arrowhead "3" "←" : "\u1F808" # leftwards arrow with large triangle arrowhead "3" "↑" : "\u1F809" # upwards arrow with large triangle arrowhead "3" "→" : "\u1F80A" # rightwards arrow with large triangle arrowhead "3" "↓" : "\u1F80B" # downwards arrow with large triangle arrowhead "1" "=" "←" : "\u1F810" # leftwards arrow with small equilateral arrowhead "1" "=" "↑" : "\u1F811" # upwards arrow with small equilateral arrowhead "1" "=" "→" : "\u1F812" # rightwards arrow with small equilateral arrowhead "1" "=" "↓" : "\u1F813" # downwards arrow with small equilateral arrowhead "2" "=" "←" : "\u1F814" # leftwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead "2" "=" "↑" : "\u1F815" # upwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead "2" "=" "→" : "\u1F816" # rightwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead "2" "=" "↓" : "\u1F817" # downwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead "4" "=" "←" : "\u1F818" # heavy leftwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead "4" "=" "↑" : "\u1F819" # heavy upwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead "4" "=" "→" : "\u1F81A" # heavy rightwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead "4" "=" "↓" : "\u1F81B" # heavy downwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead "5" "=" "←" : "\u1F81C" # heavy leftwards arrow with large equilateral arrowhead "5" "=" "↑" : "\u1F81D" # heavy upwards arrow with large equilateral arrowhead "5" "=" "→" : "\u1F81E" # heavy rightwards arrow with large equilateral arrowhead "5" "=" "↓" : "\u1F81F" # heavy downwards arrow with large equilateral arrowhead "1" "-" "←" : "\u1F820" # leftwards triangle-headed arrow with narrow shaft "1" "-" "↑" : "\u1F821" # upwards triangle-headed arrow with narrow shaft "1" "-" "→" : "\u1F822" # rightwards triangle-headed arrow with narrow shaft "1" "-" "↓" : "\u1F823" # downwards triangle-headed arrow with narrow shaft "2" "-" "←" : "\u1F824" # leftwards triangle-headed arrow with medium shaft "2" "-" "↑" : "\u1F825" # upwards triangle-headed arrow with medium shaft "2" "-" "→" : "\u1F826" # rightwards triangle-headed arrow with medium shaft "2" "-" "↓" : "\u1F827" # downwards triangle-headed arrow with medium shaft "3" "-" "←" : "\u1F828" # leftwards triangle-headed arrow with bold shaft "3" "-" "↑" : "\u1F829" # upwards triangle-headed arrow with bold shaft "3" "-" "→" : "\u1F82A" # rightwards triangle-headed arrow with bold shaft "3" "-" "↓" : "\u1F82B" # downwards triangle-headed arrow with bold shaft "4" "-" "←" : "\u1F82C" # leftwards triangle-headed arrow with heavy shaft "4" "-" "↑" : "\u1F82D" # upwards triangle-headed arrow with heavy shaft "4" "-" "→" : "\u1F82E" # rightwards triangle-headed arrow with heavy shaft "4" "-" "↓" : "\u1F82F" # downwards triangle-headed arrow with heavy shaft "5" "-" "←" : "\u1F830" # leftwards triangle-headed arrow with very heavy shaft "5" "-" "↑" : "\u1F831" # upwards triangle-headed arrow with very heavy shaft "5" "-" "→" : "\u1F832" # rightwards triangle-headed arrow with very heavy shaft "5" "-" "↓" : "\u1F833" # downwards triangle-headed arrow with very heavy shaft "←" "f" : "\u1F834" # leftwards finger-post arrow "↑" "f" : "\u1F835" # upwards finger-post arrow "→" "f" : "\u1F836" # rightwards finger-post arrow "↓" "f" : "\u1F837" # downwards finger-post arrow "←" "s" : "\u1F838" # leftwards squared arrow "↑" "s" : "\u1F839" # upwards squared arrow "→" "s" : "\u1F83A" # rightwards squared arrow "↓" "s" : "\u1F83B" # downwards squared arrow "2" "|" "←" : "\u1F83C" # leftwards compressed arrow "2" "|" "↑" : "\u1F83D" # upwards compressed arrow "2" "|" "→" : "\u1F83E" # rightwards compressed arrow "2" "|" "↓" : "\u1F83F" # downwards compressed arrow "4" "|" "←" : "\u1F840" # leftwards heavy compressed arrow "4" "|" "↑" : "\u1F841" # upwards heavy compressed arrow "4" "|" "→" : "\u1F842" # rightwards heavy compressed arrow "4" "|" "↓" : "\u1F843" # downwards heavy compressed arrow "4" "←" : "\u1F844" # leftwards heavy arrow "4" "↑" : "\u1F845" # upwards heavy arrow "4" "→" : "\u1F846" # rightwards heavy arrow "4" "↓" : "\u1F847" # downwards heavy arrow "s" "s" "←" : "\u1F850" # leftwards sans-serif arrow "s" "s" "↑" : "\u1F851" # upwards sans-serif arrow "s" "s" "→" : "\u1F852" # rightwards sans-serif arrow "s" "s" "↓" : "\u1F853" # downwards sans-serif arrow "s" "s" "↗" : "\u1F854" # north west sans-serif arrow "s" "s" "↖" : "\u1F855" # north east sans-serif arrow "s" "s" "↙" : "\u1F856" # south east sans-serif arrow "s" "s" "↘" : "\u1F857" # south west sans-serif arrow "s" "s" "↔" : "\u1F858" # left right sans-serif arrow "s" "s" "↕" : "\u1F859" # up down sans-serif arrow "1" "b" "←" : "\u1F860" # wide-headed leftwards light barb arrow "1" "b" "↑" : "\u1F861" # wide-headed upwards light barb arrow "1" "b" "→" : "\u1F862" # wide-headed rightwards light barb arrow "1" "b" "↓" : "\u1F863" # wide-headed downwards light barb arrow "1" "b" "↗" : "\u1F864" # wide-headed north west light barb arrow "1" "b" "↖" : "\u1F865" # wide-headed north east light barb arrow "1" "b" "↙" : "\u1F866" # wide-headed south east light barb arrow "1" "b" "↘" : "\u1F867" # wide-headed south west light barb arrow "2" "b" "←" : "\u1F868" # wide-headed leftwards barb arrow "2" "b" "↑" : "\u1F869" # wide-headed upwards barb arrow "2" "b" "→" : "\u1F86A" # wide-headed rightwards barb arrow "2" "b" "↓" : "\u1F86B" # wide-headed downwards barb arrow "2" "b" "↗" : "\u1F86C" # wide-headed north west barb arrow "2" "b" "↖" : "\u1F86D" # wide-headed north east barb arrow "2" "b" "↙" : "\u1F86E" # wide-headed south east barb arrow "2" "b" "↘" : "\u1F86F" # wide-headed south west barb arrow "3" "b" "←" : "\u1F870" # wide-headed leftwards medium barb arrow "3" "b" "↑" : "\u1F871" # wide-headed upwards medium barb arrow "3" "b" "→" : "\u1F872" # wide-headed rightwards medium barb arrow "3" "b" "↓" : "\u1F873" # wide-headed downwards medium barb arrow "3" "b" "↗" : "\u1F874" # wide-headed north west medium barb arrow "3" "b" "↖" : "\u1F875" # wide-headed north east medium barb arrow "3" "b" "↙" : "\u1F876" # wide-headed south east medium barb arrow "3" "b" "↘" : "\u1F877" # wide-headed south west medium barb arrow "4" "b" "←" : "\u1F878" # wide-headed leftwards heavy barb arrow "4" "b" "↑" : "\u1F879" # wide-headed upwards heavy barb arrow "4" "b" "→" : "\u1F87A" # wide-headed rightwards heavy barb arrow "4" "b" "↓" : "\u1F87B" # wide-headed downwards heavy barb arrow "4" "b" "↗" : "\u1F87C" # wide-headed north west heavy barb arrow "4" "b" "↖" : "\u1F87D" # wide-headed north east heavy barb arrow "4" "b" "↙" : "\u1F87E" # wide-headed south east heavy barb arrow "4" "b" "↘" : "\u1F87F" # wide-headed south west heavy barb arrow "5" "b" "←" : "\u1F880" # wide-headed leftwards very heavy barb arrow "5" "b" "↑" : "\u1F881" # wide-headed upwards very heavy barb arrow "5" "b" "→" : "\u1F882" # wide-headed rightwards very heavy barb arrow "5" "b" "↓" : "\u1F883" # wide-headed downwards very heavy barb arrow "5" "b" "↗" : "\u1F884" # wide-headed north west very heavy barb arrow "5" "b" "↖" : "\u1F885" # wide-headed north east very heavy barb arrow "5" "b" "↙" : "\u1F886" # wide-headed south east very heavy barb arrow "5" "b" "↘" : "\u1F887" # wide-headed south west very heavy barb arrow "←" "h" : "\u1F890" # leftwards triangle arrowhead "↑" "h" : "\u1F891" # upwards triangle arrowhead "→" "h" : "\u1F892" # rightwards triangle arrowhead "↓" "h" : "\u1F893" # downwards triangle arrowhead "←" "H" : "\u1F894" # leftwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead "↑" "H" : "\u1F895" # upwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead "→" "H" : "\u1F896" # rightwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead "↓" "H" : "\u1F897" # downwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead "←" "N" : "\u1F898" # leftwards arrow with notched tail "↑" "N" : "\u1F899" # upwards arrow with notched tail "→" "N" : "\u1F89A" # rightwards arrow with notched tail "↓" "N" : "\u1F89B" # downwards arrow with notched tail ["←" "↔" "→"] "-" "4" : "\u1F89C" # heavy arrow shaft width one ["←" "↔" "→"] "-" "3" : "\u1F89D" # heavy arrow shaft width two thirds ["←" "↔" "→"] "-" "2" : "\u1F89E" # heavy arrow shaft width one half ["←" "↔" "→"] "-" "1" : "\u1F89F" # heavy arrow shaft width one third "←" "s" "↓" : "\u1F8A0" # leftwards bottom-shaded white arrow "→" "s" "↓" : "\u1F8A1" # rightwards bottom-shaded white arrow "←" "s" "↑" : "\u1F8A2" # leftwards top-shaded white arrow "→" "s" "↑" : "\u1F8A3" # rightwards top-shaded white arrow "←" "s" "←" : "\u1F8A4" # leftwards left-shaded white arrow "→" "s" "→" : "\u1F8A5" # rightwards right-shaded white arrow "←" "s" "→" : "\u1F8A6" # leftwards right-shaded white arrow "→" "s" "←" : "\u1F8A7" # rightwards left-shaded white arrow "←" "s" ["↙" "↘"] : "\u1F8A8" # leftwards back-tilted shadowed white arrow "→" "s" ["↙" "↘"] : "\u1F8A9" # rightwards back-tilted shadowed white arrow "←" "s" ["↖" "↗"] : "\u1F8AA" # leftwards front-tilted shadowed white arrow "→" "s" ["↖" "↗"] : "\u1F8AB" # rightwards front-tilted shadowed white arrow ["←" "↔" "→"] "=" "4" : "\u1F8AC" # white arrow shaft width one ["←" "↔" "→"] "=" "3" : "\u1F8AD" # white arrow shaft width two thirds # TODO CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B # TODO CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C # TODO CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D # TODO CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement # Tags: These are deprecated # TODO Variation Selectors Supplement