.TH MAKEENV 5 MAKEENV .SH NAME makeenv - Environment for make(1) via makeenv(1) .SH SYNPOSIS .RB .makeenv .SH DESCRIPTION The .B makeenv file specifies macros, environment variables and .BR make (1) options that should be used when the .BR make (1) utility is executed via the .BR makeenv (1) utility. It can also be used to specify targets that should also be built. .PP The .B makeenv file is intepreted line by line, discarding any line that is empty or otherwise blank or whose first non-blank character is the hash sign .RB ( # ). .PP Lines starting with a dash .RB ( - ) as its first non-blank character are interpreted as options that shall be used, the line is split at each whitespace, and the empty tokes are discarded and the remaining tokens put in the command line. Note that it is impossible to have whitespace in an argument as it will split the argument into two arguments. .PP The remaining lines are parsed as macros if they contain an equals sign .RB ( = ) and as targets otherwise. Target lines are separated by whitespace and each non-empty token is added into the command line as target. Line that are interpreted as macro lines have leading and trailing white space removed, and any sequence of whitespace around it's first equals sign .RB ( = ) removed. .SH NOTES Targets listed in the .B makeenv are only guaranteed to be run before targets listed in the command line if a POSIX conforming implementation of the .BR make (1) utility is used without parallelism turn on. .SH SEE ALSO .BR makeenv (1), .BR make (1)