.TH LIBTRACEBITMAP.H 0 LIBTRACEBITMAP .SH NAME libtracebitmap.h \- Bitmap vectorisation library header .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include .fi .PP Link with .IR -ltracebitmap . .SH DESCRIPTION The .B header file defines structures, macros, and functions for vectorising bitmaps into horizontal and vertical vectors. .PP This header defines the following function: .TP .BR libtracebitmap_trace (3) Vectorise a bitmap. .PP This header defines the following structures: .TP .B struct libtracebitmap_bitmap Bitmap image with size information. .PP This header defines the following value macros: .TP .B LIBTRACEBITMAP_INK_OFF Ink-off value (display background) for bitmap pixels. .TP .B LIBTRACEBITMAP_INK_ON Ink-on value (display foreground) for bitmap pixels. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libtracebitmap (7), .BR libtracebitmap_trace (3)