.TH LIBTERMINPUT_IS_READY 3 LIBTERMINPUT .SH NAME libterminput_is_ready \- Check if there is read data buffered .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include inline int libterminput_is_ready(union libterminput_input *input, struct libterminput_state *ctx); .fi .PP Link with .IR \-lterminput . .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR libterminput_is_ready () function check if a call to the .BR libterminput_read (3) function will skip reading from the file descriptor passed to it because it already has read data buffered. .SH RETURN VALUE The .BR libterminput_is_ready () function return 1 if the next call to the .BR libterminput_read (3) function will not from file descriptor passed to it, and 0 otherwise. .SH ERRORS The .BR libterminput_is_ready () function cannot fail. .SH EXAMPLES None. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS None. .SH NOTES None. .SH BUGS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libterminput_read (3)